because they dwelt in the presence of God. 鈹丼elected
銆屼綘涓鸿嚜宸卞浘璋嬪ぇ浜嬩箞锛熶笉瑕佸浘璋嬨�傛垜蹇呬娇鐏剧ジ涓村埌鍑℃湁琛�姘旂殑銆備絾浣犳棤璁 哄線閭i噷鍘伙紝鎴戝繀浣夸綘浠ヨ嚜宸辩殑鍛戒负鎺犵墿銆傝繖鏄�跺拰鍗庤鐨勩�傘�?
鍦ㄦ瀬澶х殑鐏剧ジ涓紝鑰跺拰鍗庣粰鏉伴噷杩堜簹涓�涓畨鍏ㄧ殑搴旇锛屽氨鏄�屼互鑷繁鐨勫懡涓 烘帬鐗┿�嶃�傚湪杩欐湯涓栨椂浠o紝杩欏簲璁稿湪鎴戜滑韬笂锛屼篃鏄潪甯搁�傜敤鐨勩� ?
銆屼互鑷繁鐨勫懡涓烘帬鐗┿�嶅埌搴曟槸鐢氫箞鎰忔�濆憿锛熸剰鎬濊锛氭垜浠兘浠庢瘉鐏�呯殑鐖 墮涓棿鎶㈠嚭鎴戜滑鑷繁鐨勫懡鏉ワ紝濂藉儚鎴寸淮浠庣嫯瀛愬彛涓姠鍑虹緤缇旀潵涓�鑸�傝繖骞朵笉 鏄尓鍘绘垬浜夈�佹尓鍘讳粐鏁岋紱杩欎箖鏄湪鏁屼汉闈㈠墠鎽嗚绛靛腑锛屽湪椋庨洦涓棿寤虹珛閬块毦 鎵�锛屽湪鐏剧ジ涓棿瀛樼暀鎬у懡銆備繚缃楃殑鍒鸿櫧鐒舵病鏈夌寮�浠栵紝浣嗘槸鍩虹潱鐨勬仼鍏稿浠 栫敤鐨勶紝鍩虹潱鐨勮兘鍔涜搴囦簡浠栥�備富闃匡紝姹傜ア浣挎垜浠ヨ嚜宸辩殑鍛戒负鎺犵墿锛屽湪鏈�鍗遍 櫓闅剧殑鐜涓幏寰楄儨鍒╋紒鈹佽瘧鑷湴涓婄殑灞炲ぉ鐢熸椿
鎴戜滑甯告眰鑴辩鐏剧ジ锛屽嵈涓嶆眰鍦ㄧ伨绁镐腑闂村緱鑳滐紱鎴戜滑搴斿綋娲诲湪鐏剧ジ涓棿锛屾繁淇℃ 垜浠淇濆畧鍦ㄧ鐨勫簢鎶や箣涓嬶紝缁濅笉鑳藉彈鍒颁笣姣激鎹熴�傛垜浠殑涓诲湪鏃烽噹锛屽彈榄旈 鐨勮瘯鎺㈠洓鍗佹樇澶滐紝铏界劧鍙堥タ鍙堝�︼紝榄旈骞朵笉鑳戒激瀹崇銆傜伀绐戣櫧鐒舵瘮瀵婚暱鐑х 儹涓冨�嶏紝涓変釜甯屼集鏉ヤ汉鍗村湪鐏腑娓歌銆備絾浠ョ悊铏界劧琚墧鍦ㄧ嫯瀛愬潙涓紝褰撲粬浠庡 潙閲岃绯讳笂鏉ョ殑鏃跺�欙紝銆岃韩涓婃鏃犱激鎹燂紝鍥犱负淇¢潬浠栫殑绁炪�傘�嶏紙浣嗗叚:23锛 夆攣閫?
December 1
"There remaineth, therefore,
cheap puma shoes, a rest to the people of God" (Heb.4:9)
The rest includes victory, "And the Lord gave them rest round about; . . . the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand" (Joshua 21:44)
"He will beautify the meek with victory鈥?Ps.149:4)(Rotherham,
puma shoes,margin)
An eminent Christian worker tells of his mother who was a very anxious and troubled Christian. He would talk with her by the hour trying to convince her of the sinfulness of fretting, but to no avail. She was like the old lady who once said she had suffered so much, especially from the troubles that never came.
But one morning the mother came down to breakfast wreathed in smiles. He asked her what had happened, and she told him that in the night she had a dream.
She was walking along a highway with a great crowd of people who seemed so tired and burdened. They were nearly all carrying little black bundles, and she noticed that there were numerous repulsive looking beings which she thought were demons dropping these black bundles for the people to pick up and carry.
Like the rest, she too had her needless load, and was weighed down with the devil's bundles. Looking up, after a while, s