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Old 05-16-2011, 12:52 PM   #1
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Default nike wind maxs 震惊,看完毛骨悚然:2012预言(最新)

美国25日凌晨报道,华盛顿、纽约、洛杉矶几个大城市突然相继出现一些儿童的奇怪行为,他们突然间都相继不 约而同说起一些人类听不懂的语言,chanel bags 2010,而调查发现,他们无一例外都是深蓝儿童,据称有人第一时间破译了他们的预言,并翻译如下:
(1)2010年3月份到5月份,全球爆发新一轮H1N1变种,当秘密死亡人数较多时候,各国才正式由媒体 确认,为的是之前不造成社会恐慌。到5月份结束,全球将有至少3万人死于H1N1,其中美国及加拿大最严重 ,其次为中国。
(2)2010年3月份―9月份,中国大概四分之一地区将会持续半年干旱,主要集中在西南地区,6月份最严 重将会出现在云南省,半年的旱灾会导致中国1万左右的人死亡。
(3)2010年5月份,全球冰山会有相继消融,结果将导致包括南美洲、亚洲一些地区海平面升高,日本、上 海会首当其冲。
(4)2010年6月,卡特拉火山会继艾雅法拉火山后大规模喷发,以此引发的洪水将会使3万人死亡,10万 人无家可归,扬起的火山灰影响冰岛乃至整个大西洋沿岸城市,1年后,将会有2万人陆续死于呼吸 疾病。
(5)2010年9月至10月,全球多个地区持续高温,其中记录到非洲最高气温点42.6度,nike air maxs,上海41.2度,air force 1 womens,超历史水平。
(6)2010年末,全球爆发新一轮金融危机,社会舆论原因为诺亚方舟的建造。传言真正的建造地并不在中国 ,而是在俄罗斯。但中国除了上海外,也纷纷在各地秘密建立庇护所,其中拉萨将会有大量飞机进出,社会舆论将 方舟的建造地又转向拉萨。
(7)2011年2月,全球二十国峰会举行,商量应对金融危机,全球将有至少200名超级富豪参与,峰会举 行地在美国旧金山。最后达成协议为一方面政府下调银行利率,另一方面将保证诺言方舟的建造,结果将会使得俄 罗斯、美国、中国、等国在今之后逐渐占据金融主导地位,而加拿大、日本等国逐渐沦为发展中国家 。
(8)2011年3月,美国洛杉矶发生大地震,震级为9.2级,死亡人数飙升到18万人,相隔不到半个月, 唐山再次地震,震级为8.7级,死亡人数为11万人,专家称全球将进入地壳活跃时期。
(9)2011年5月后,各国地区相继出现大大小小地震和火山喷发,其中日本富士山将于8月份发生大火山喷 发,熔岩将淹没大阪半个城市,造成至少16万人死亡和失踪。
(10)2011年9月份,地理专家称地球磁场正在迅速减弱,太阳粒子暴更于11月份侵入地球 磁场层,nike air force jordan,其间各国多次发生飞机坠毁事件和水下潜艇对撞事件。
(11)2011年12月,black nike trainers,将出现全球最著名的外星人事件,ß1星的编队到达美国51区,讨论全球灾难应对事件,美国总 统和国防部长等秘密出席会议,事后联合国要求美国公布谈判视频。
(12)2012年2月,国际天文台专家发现一颗离地球3亿光年的小行星正侵入太阳系,体积为地球的三分之 一,预测11月至12月其间将撞击地球,全球专家讨论应对策略。
(13)2012年3月,菲律宾发生超级大地震,震级记录为9.8级,包括中国、中国台湾、日本将受牵连, 连同激起的海啸造成50万人死亡,100万人无家可归。
(14)2012年4月,联合国正式宣布全球进入灾难时期,5月地理专家发现地球磁场发生完全两极交换,多 地区发生时空交错现象,一些未来人出现,告诉现代人2012年12月22日凌晨地球发生大灾难,他自己则为 届时的幸存者,来自2025年后。
(15)2012年6月,百慕大三角、麦田怪圈查明,百慕大三角等类似事件乃地球局部零磁场发生时空转移的 结果,麦田怪圈为外星人的杰作,包括屠牛事件也为外星人借此研究人类基因的结果。
(16)2012年7月,联合国宣布诺亚方舟建造成功,俄罗斯有3台,中国有2台,每台可容纳100万人, 可抵挡海啸、地震、火山熔岩的攻击,7月底,美国51区借助外星人力量建成3艘宇宙超级飞船,每艘可容纳6 0万人,据称届时人类可以飞达太阳系任何一个星球生存。
(17)2012年8月,联合国正式宣布末日将于未来5个月内来临,开始选取特定人员搭乘诺亚方舟和超级飞 船,其中国家首脑、国家各方面最优秀专家人才以及深蓝血统人员将在选取范围内,另外公开船票发售,诺亚方舟 门票为20亿欧元,超级飞船门票为30亿欧元。
(18)2012年9月,天文学家预计小行星将于3个月后撞击地球,预测将会撞击大西洋,激起的海啸会波及 半个地球,届时这半个地球无人能幸免。
(19)2012年9月底,美国芝加哥发生10.5级大地震,造成美国100万人死亡,地震波及加拿大等多 个国家,加拿大30万人死亡,墨西哥17万人死亡,加勒比海海啸造成领近国家古巴、阿拉斯加死 伤无数。
(20)2012年10月,太阳风暴再次肆虐,造成亚洲、南美洲等地区大面积电网瘫痪而停电,从此,地球半 数国家进入黑暗时代。专家预测下一次最强太阳风暴将于12月底袭击地球,届时全球电网彻底瘫痪,从10月到 12月,由于太阳辐射死去的人数将暴增到1亿。
(21)2012年11月,世界人口统计数字为37亿,人口从2010年8月开始就已经出现负增长,在过去 三年里,人口减少了30亿。
(22)2012年12月初,方舟和超级飞船的门票销售完毕,各国预计登船人数为:中国100万、俄罗斯9 5万,美国150万,日本20万,超级飞船预计登船人数为美国80万,中国50万,俄罗斯20万,其他国家 相对较少。以此来保证人类和物种可以在末日后继续繁衍。登船时间为12月15日至12月20日 。
(23)12月5日、12月12日,12月13日美国、中国、日本相继发生超级大地震,地震波及邻近国家, 多个城市成为废墟,主震国家几乎瘫痪,整个地球处于临近毁灭状态,墨西哥、冰岛分别在12月7日到20日发 生超级火山,多个城市被淹没在熔岩当中。
(24)12月20日止,5艘方舟各就各位待命,3艘飞船已经飞往火星。12月21日美国时间下午17时1 1分,最强太阳风暴爆发,席卷的太阳风把太阳熔岩喷向地球,霎时间,非洲、南美洲、亚洲、欧洲等地一片火海 ,灾难造成未登船的15亿人死亡,美国时间晚上11时36分,小行星撞击地球,撞击地点在大西洋靠东部地区 ,引发的海啸波及半个地球,灾难再次导致未登船的18亿人死亡。
(25)12月21日至12月22日凌晨,人类一直挣扎在火海、熔岩和海啸中,天空变得黑暗灰蒙,天空到处 时不时闪现火光,大气层受到破坏,空气成分改变,将由二氧化碳和氢气取代。剩下的未登船人类将全部窒息而死 。
(26)12月22日凌晨04时,大量外星飞船突然介入,天空各处都是大大小小的外星飞船,闪耀着五彩的光 芒,据称来自银河总系的几百个星球编队,他们到来目的仅仅为了收拾残局,他们接出方舟所有人类,但在保证人 类继续繁衍后,地球将进入外星人统治时代,12月22日起,人类开始新纪元,但由外星生命支配,进入与之前 毫无关系的文明,太阳也无能为力再为地球照明,光明和能源将由外星人的宇宙空间供给,该宇宙空间能转化其他 星系的光源和能量给地球使用。在这之后的30年内,地球人将慢慢死去,最终,地球沦为银河总系外星人的领土 。

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Old 05-16-2011, 01:22 PM   #2
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Nanba flooded the scene of the temple (Picture)
heavenly left (left), loyalty Menon said: .

They had never met, one is the mouth of flood victims in the city, one is passing stranger. The face of floods,tory burch flats, they think not of themselves running for their lives, but more than 20 people were rescued together.
disaster in the face of life and death, they used their lives to answer: alone in life, or give me death,tory burch handbags!
7 月 29 On this day, raging temperature temple 坝镇 Chengkou County, has the lake level for risk is not fully retreat, turbid water, still from time to time to see the dead animals floating . Lake side is the Temple Nanba, people in the street, at home, cleaning up the stank of mud --- a heavenly addition to the left.
It was a nightmare, is on record, Temple bar who suffered the most severe natural disasters --- more than 70 million cubic meters of mountain collapsed, landslides blocked rivers, the following Law to form a weir Cyprus Lake, 4,000 residents of an emergency transfer.
gradually as the victims of emotional stability, and the names of two people who remember the dam gradually temple. They are the Village --- Stone Temple Nanba Creation of 17 groups of villagers left, Kai County, White Township, Le Village days Menon loyalty.
night, they risk their lives in floods Relay rescued a total of 24 stranded people. Creation of the left lung infection caused also by saving lives, was admitted to hospital.
chief reporter intern Wu Xiaoyu Zhou photo coverage

to 11 pm

the flood came

cries everywhere

Jingjiaba Temple built by Luo river. July 18 11 pm, sleep was a burst of noise in the left heavenly awakened: . He ran out the door, found the market town of power has been interrupted, the water is diffuse on the front of the road, cries everywhere.
water rose very quickly, after the authorities announced that the water was up speed: 1 meter every 10 minutes. At that time, a four time to get anything back the mountain of the temple bar quickly run secondary schools.
school with about 400 meters away from home, the playground, has gathered some of the people.

At the same time, gas station next to a man there is a race with death.
night, Menon Chang Chung driving your own truck, a truck loaded with water-proof coating, drove to the city from the mouth of Kaixian County, temple bar the night gas stations overnight,tory burch shoes, in the car overnight. Here is the lowest market town.
Menon loyalty was awakened, the water is diffuse to the wheel,tory burch uk sale, he drove to the upstream first reaction is to run, but fortunately, the car still started. Just then he heard a faint cry for help coming from the storm sound of an old woman is struggling river.
Menon loyalty flame quickly got off and swam to the old lady, finally seize the hand of a sudden, a wave came, the old lady was swept away.
a few minutes, floods have submerged Chang truck tires finished, can no longer launch. Menon turned to gas station after Chung went to high school.


left to save the Creation of 8

A man did not come home. I need a raft, left the military, help me to get some wires to your house. Before that, he found a neighbor's wood processing plant Tan Zhang timber so all the surface.
soon recruited wire, tie wire and left heavenly wood, made a raft, and got a flashlight in his mouth to thank Fat House plan to go home. Xie in his house next door,tory burch uk, the family of 7 individuals, of which four are children. Until he arrived, these people are all forced to the 3rd floor.
left Creation of first child received a raft and sent to safe areas, and a U-turn and then save the elderly, women and men.
round twice, the left leg Creation of a pair found themselves some refuses to write. He was the bad water, soak in cold water one, worried that she might be cramps. The bar-foam raft of miscellaneous wood in the water began to sink a long time, people stop up, the raft will be running in the water, the water did to the thigh, and also by the mouth, tingling torch into the mouth pain, then to numbness .

left heavenly heart some cold, had to once again drive the raft into the water alone. He suddenly discovered that Gerald's tower next to power lines, a person lying still, the water rose that he would climb it. Left heavenly to see, this man named Wang week, is the town's residents.
At this time, the unexpected happened.
heavenly first heard a muffled the left, then smelled a pungent smell of diesel, and then see a huge emerge from the water tank, a gas station and the tank. Tank Dangqi waves lap the raft tipped, fell into the flood in the left heavenly.
himself floating to the surface.
heavenly finally left Xie 7 and in the Tower, Wang Wen Zhou rescued, sent to the school playground. Which he himself has collapsed.
should close soon left to find my father, / p>

looking for help

stranger stood out

, the left heavenly heard someone call. Zhang village is the temple Nanba Institutes of Health doctors, his family near the river side of the road.
the river still rising.
At this time, was sent for seven or eight large barrels and waste water tube.
heavenly left tied the raft, and then the empty tube and sealed bucket tied around the raft.
19 日 凌晨 3 out past the left Creation of a miner's lamp with a rope firmly fixed in his head, the second asked: OK, I am afraid to go to come back.

heavenly turned left went to the raft, he said,tory burch online, seeing other people do not save the drowning, such a thing, he can not do this.
Suddenly, behind him came a strange sound, not loud, but very firmly: squeezed to a strange man, that person is just arrived here, Menon loyalty.
From that moment on, he is no longer alone.
7 am

two together

14 lives being saved

Zhang Village, a four forced into a neighbor's roof Among them, there is a 1 year old child.
a short distance of 200 meters, two of the board on behalf of the paddle, the wave struck a half hours.

carrying a child and an old man's raft, the three men, driven slowly towards a safe place.
to the shore, the old man suddenly a flash, the raft almost doubled, Zhong Menon raft up his hand to his left index finger was cut wire on the raft. The hole two inches long bones are exposed, and Zhang Band-Aid to his village to find two wraps.
soak in cold water the night, cold winds, very cold. There is life from a fire, let them dry and put on warm clothes.
slightly after the break, heavenly and left off again Menon Zhong, Zhang Village, two men did not rescue the family. And they have to save found, next to the roof, there are ten come in for help.
raft pulled out soon, by the dawn's light, left suddenly discovered heavenly, muddy water mixed with red. He grabbed a handful of the water Menon loyalty is struggling left the water, a look, Band-Aid has gone, the wound, is the leakage of blood.
fact, Menon has just launched loyalty to hand out Band-Aid, did not say he has endured.
Zhong Menon wrapped around the wound. Two continue to move forward. Days have been great light, the rescue is more convenient.
countless number of back and forth, the two men and rescued 12 people.

Menon loyalty of the wound is still bleeding, left heavenly say whatever they refused to let him into the water again. At this time, the left heavenly nephew left stand at attention, nephew and uncle work on the raft.
until 7 am However, the water is no longer a cry for help, it breaks down the left heavenly. At this time, he had a bubble in the water 8 hours, and loyalty Menon, who rescued a total of 24 people.

after the

lung infection

heavenly left hospital to borrow money

floods gradually receded, people started going back home cleaning up the sludge left heavenly became ill. He lost two days in the town hospitals fluid, no improvement, only to find someone to borrow 600 dollars, was admitted to the county hospital.

29 days, military strategists days when reporters came to the left, just that he came back. He said, just wanted to come back.
one's labor. Two years before the couple acquired a number of home appliances, now ruined. See his wife sitting alone in front of the house was full of mud crying and everyone around in the wash house, the man was sad.
It had more than 10 days, most make him feel warm, that is, met a year younger than his brother Menon Zhong; Also, he picked up the hospital to visit him Wang thoughtful.

... ...

25 days, Menon loyalty to the Temple bar, the goods he wanted to see the car can not save points out, left by more than 10,000 yuan. people he had saved the. His car can not start, he did not find a repairman to find a few days.

are recognized.
Menon Zhong much, he repeatedly said the words, Do you have any concerns at that time?
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Old 05-16-2011, 01:30 PM   #3
Join Date: Mar 2011
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Old 05-16-2011, 02:01 PM   #4
General of the Army
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,659
Ue1eg3drc5bh is on a distinguished road

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