Everyone has light around them,
used oakley sunglasses, except for you. You have shadows. You take them from Lissa.
Adrian's words slammed into my mind. Uneasily,
juicy couture eyeglasses 2011, I thought about my behavior these last couple of
weeks. Some of the angry outbursts. My rebelliousness--unusual even for me. My own black coil of
emotion, stirring in my chest...
No, I decided. There were no similarities. Lissa's dark feelings were magic-based. Mine were
stress-based. Besides,
chi professional flat iron, I felt fine right now.
Seeing her watching me,
beats by dre logo, I tried to remember where we'd left off in the conversation. "Maybe you'll
eventually find a way to make it work. I mean,
juicy eyeglass frames, if Adrian could find a way to use spirit and doesn't need
meds ..."
She suddenly laughed. "You don't know, do you?"
"That Adrian does medicate himself."
"He does? But he said--" I groaned. "Of course he does. The cigarettes. The drinking. God only knows
what else."
She nodded. "Yup. He's almost always got something in his system."