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Old 05-09-2011, 02:14 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default 迷 木村拓哉

  他的新剧《change》的收视率为23.8%,绝不能说是一个不好的成就,只是对木村拓哉来说,显然 是令人扫兴的。对于他,观众的冀望是,收视率能有多高就多高。尤其是多少礼拜前开播的《极道鲜师3》,收视 率是26.4%。很多年来,木村拓哉的收视率一直颠扑不破,身家也一路看涨---这一次富士电视台出动木村 ,可是花了足足将近1亿日元的天价,创下了日剧历史上的最高片酬记载。
  他,35岁了。以前他始终引领潮流,代言Kanebo的唇膏,敏捷热销到断货;在《Hero》中穿橙黄 色羽绒衣,立刻全日本盛行。《change》中以外参加总统竞选的小学老师,恐怕不具备这样的能量了。他顶 着属于上世纪80年代的自来卷,带黑框眼镜,盛情木讷,像是街头上随时会跟你擦肩而过的中年男人,没了半分 以前的神色。良多人心中的木村,永远撅着相关的嘴唇,眼神飘忽迷离,时时刻刻在放电,索取着所有人的崇敬眼 光。实在他仍然美丽,光洁的肌肤,精巧的轮廓,眼神嘴角无一不精雕细琢,只是到底青春不再。
  他,究竟35岁了。他是该抖落“偶像”这件富丽袍子上的跳蚤,好好教训自己的内心。《Change》的 主题曲是麦当娜的新歌,片尾看到娜姐看该剧时带笑的表情,她也是50岁的女人了。以前广告商请木村拓哉派广 告,用CG记述吧玛丽莲・梦露和他合成在一个画面上,是名国天王和性感女神逾越时空的一次对话。有一种性感 ,是永恒的。就犹如麦当娜身上那件jean paul gaultier惊世骇俗的锥形胸衣,就如同玛丽莲・梦露被风撩起的裙裾;或者,就犹如木村拓哉在《悠长假 期》中缓缓弹奏钢琴,而后抬开端来,一派愁闷寡欢的神情,很多人切实那一霎时才晓得男人也可以“眼如秋水澄 波,眉若东风拂柳”
  可以设想,当这些人看到木村在《武士的一分》中变成肮脏无用的盲武士,软趴趴烂泥个别任人践踏,恐怕会 意存不满,升值抱怨起导演山田洋次来:我们的木村何等英姿飒爽,怎能如斯蹂躏他!可是,这一部电影却让木村 拓哉彻底和过去说了byebye。他被日本片子学院和蓝丝带奖落款为最佳男主角候选人,他的经纪公司却为他 谢绝;一部老土的时代剧票房大卖40亿日元,发明了松竹映画公司有史以来最高的票房记载。这时候,是200 6年年末,他刚满34岁。这样靠实力获得的声誉,来得晚了些。2007年初,他走进《华美的一族》的剧组, 演绎一个悲剧男人的生命之旅,这是一个牵系着全部家族兴衰荣辱的命根子式人物。原作小说作者在评估他时,道 :“木村拓哉杰出地诠释出了现在很多日本人失去的勇气,这令人很愉快。”一语中的。
  这恰是木村拓哉的写照。他能一路长红,毫不仅仅是英俊,更漂亮的柏原崇当初已经成为大龙套;当然更不是 由于实力,事实上到今天木村拓哉的演技如何仍是饱受争议。他真正长盛不衰的起因所在,是他的气质,他传递出 的性命力,集中了日自己心坎最柔软处欧巴桑看见他,会想起顽强地儿子;�女看见他,会感到这样的男人值得依 附;男人看见他,便想成为这样的男人。他美的正好,不过分的嫌疑,轮廓诚然秀气诗意带近乎矫情的,眼角眉梢 的涣散却逢迎了越来越寻求自在解放的人们的内心。他在日剧中的角角色,往往固执地趾高气昂着,却又无限的率 性,在如许艰巨的环境下,都会奋勇长进,找到本人的人生价值。他演来演去,演红了十多年,角色不外是这个模 式一次又一次的猖狂复制,asics nimbus 12。《恋爱世纪》《悠久假期》《美美人生》《Hero》《Good Luck》……一个又一个日剧迷耳熟能详的角色,始终是阳光残暴的励志题材,只是给木村换个名字,换个环境 ,换个身份罢了,差别只在咫尺之间。
  他原来可以走得更远,paul smith jackets。1996年,享誉国际的大岛渚,邀请木村拓哉出演他的新片《御法式》,怎奈大导演忽然中风拍摄而日程被耽 误下来,从新开拍时木村已经没有档期了。这部电影于1999年实现,首映式上,大岛渚表现,错失木村是他最 为遗憾的事件。该片取得了2000年嘎纳电影节金棕榈大奖的多项提名,景色回到海内拿了不少奖。可以想象, 假如出演片中那位妩媚到超脱性别,引发所有凌乱的美男子的人是木村拓哉,将会掀起多么大的暴风巨浪。木村拓 哉后来还是站到了嘎纳的红地毯上,他在王家卫《2046》中表演王菲的日本男友。这部电影的拍摄同样一拖再 拖,王家卫拍片以没有剧本,为所欲为著称,从1997年邀约木村拓哉,到1999年开机,知道2004年才 完成。木村在接收记者采访时,谈到该片不满道:片名叫《2046》,那么只有在2046年前完成绩可以了。 向来谨严的日本人无奈懂得王家卫,他们的工作往往是分秒必争的。他的档期有限,他必须在无数的综艺节目中一 名国天王组合SMAP的一员呈现,他必需履行拍摄广告合约的内容,还有开不完的演唱会缺席不完的公然运动。 他没有时光耗在大导演们天马行空的艺术家性格上,他只能做个大明星,而非一个好演员��作为好演员,最少要 是导演的良好配合者。
  谁让他在杰尼斯,红在SMAP?这是无可奈何的,一个人到底不能丢了自己的基本,polarizedsunglasses。他红得很早,二十出头便已深刻人心,青春似乎可以漫长得能够随便耗费,媒体和观众称颂他是“咱们这个时期 的大明星”。于是他效忠职守,勤勤奋恳地实行着偶像的任务。20岁时,他演技灵光四溢,远超同龄人,十多年 从前,也不见得提高多少,当年被他甩在身后的人,许多已经成为影帝级别实力演员了。而他,新剧演出的时候观 众关怀的只是这一次和他在镜头前面贪恋的是谁,他怎么谈恋爱,角色做什么样的造型。时至本日,他为拓宽戏路 作出了无数的尽力,还是无能为力。他最被在乎的,是皮囊罢了。
  作为杰尼斯事务所有史以来缔造的最巨大最成功的偶像,木村拓哉应当既心存感谢偶改心存不满。如果没有杰 尼斯的慧眼识珠,也去他不过是一个忙于养家的上班族,而后如果没有杰尼斯的干预与强迫性包装,也许他可以过 快活放荡的明星式生涯。杰尼斯让他做了一个装潢性的偶像,他不干如此,几回简直翻脸。木村被称为“KIMU TAKU”确当红时候,也不过领取一个月15万日元的工资,这在日本是一般小人员的待遇,恼怒之下的木村为 此向事务所发出挑战,交涉后薪水变成了可观的200万。他甚至犯了事务所的大忌,断然决绝地结了婚。要知道 ,杰尼斯的偶像素来是不准结婚的。木村的四位SMAP队友也同样位置斐然,却时至今日不能结婚,因为事务所 以为男偶想结婚之后便会失去女性爱戴。2000年12月5日,木村拓哉迎娶大他2岁的女明星工藤静香奉子成 婚,举国震撼。NHK电视台以“国名偶像木村拓哉闪电结婚”为国是消息播放,prada leather,他后来受到了事务所一连串的打击,然而观众的大力支撑却让别人气不坠。杰尼斯也看开了,不再以刻薄的流水 线偶像出产线的尺度请求他。那么多的电视台,广告商,上演单位找上门来,他是整个事务所的门面;国名溺爱他 ,事务所当然宠爱他。木村1993年凭借《恋爱白皮书》正式登上天王宝座之后,这十几年间,杰尼斯在源源一 直地推出新偶像,同样的年青,同样的漂亮,jordan shoes official website。然而,他们没有像木村那样荣幸的掐中了一个名族的审美命脉,在上位的路上付出大批血汗,却很快被淘汰。杰 尼斯偶像的fans总担忧自家偶像人气不再会被事务所摈弃,而木村是个例外,他已经红到了一个不可能会不红 的境界。
  或者。某作家的话足以阐明所有:木村兴许就是日本新男性的典型。他没有在荧幕上建立起可以代表一个时代 的男性形象,确切真正意思上划时代的top star。在日本,一个明星能偶像到什么田地?他就是那个标杆。
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Old 05-09-2011, 02:43 AM   #2
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 987
g6jyu6ef is on a distinguished road

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Reprinted from 103154474 at 22:06 on December 16, 2009 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Miscellaneous 7 Miscellaneous 8 story: Yang Xiaoyun and south, similar to a divorce. With offices in the divorce, the following dialogue:
Yang Xiaoyun: Bah! I do not love you!
south: you give me back my night to cook instant noodles, add two eggs, called the do not love me? I Pooh,Do not be evil man, there one day, if you want to!
Yang Xiaoyun: I boiled eggs dog! I Pooh!
south: the dog cook instant noodles, you add two eggs? I Pooh!
Yang Xiaoyun: I boiled eggs dog! Bah!
south: You just admitted to me how good it?
Yang Xiaoyun: Bah! I do not admit it!
south: I tell you I'm your first love is your love I am I just can not live without marriage!
Yang Xiaoyun: you are a rogue!
south: Thank you for reminding me that a rogue I really rely on you to tell you I married you can not do that Yang Xiaoyun because I changed my mind I do not agree to a divorce if you talk to me that the divorce I told Do not tell me you are joking Pooh!
Yang Xiaoyun: Bah! Divorce! Divorce immediately! Leave me now trample you!
south: Bah! No way!
Yang Xiaoyun: Bah!
south: Bah! Go play! I play to you! You give me the child to play with a spoon!
Yang Xiaoyun: you. . . .
south: Bah!
staff: Ai Ai. . Can not smoke here
Mr. Yang Xiaoyun: Who told you to smoke?
south: Guan Dezhao it?

go south: at? To see what it! Gave me to play! Why do not the TV series has one!
masses: how to speak it is!
south: What how to speak. .
Yang Xiaoyun: Why not let other people know anything about respect for other people looked and ah I tell you this is my FANS
south: I Pooh!
Yang Xiaoyun: Pooh What is it you are my super FANS
south: Bah!
Yang Xiaoyun: south, where I ask you in the end Well I let you appreciate my hard all day to let them go?
south: So how do I love you Pooh!
Yang Xiaoyun: San Leba are all right next to the Son!

Miss Mom: Son, your biological father came back from the United States ... ... He made a lot of money in the United States that he wants to meet you ... ... ... ...
Lu Tao: even met, let him the legacy card it hit me ~

south washing, splashing water, out of an aunt, said: how, throwing my body?
south: I'm sorry, I did not see.
Mother: You did not see such a huge living?
south: I see.
Aunt: see also throwing?
south: I do not pour. .

Xuzhi Sen and his son alone for the first time talk show for a meet let Lu Tao stood head plate, sitting head plate, and stood on the sofa head plate.
over Xuzhi Sen said: business trip to Shandong.
to: You gave us the pot of tea to
Waiter: Sir, our cup of tea is sold on
to: Mr.
it to three cups, I ask What kind of tea
to: whatever our
have chrysanthemum tea, Longjing, Oolong tea, black tea
to: Mr.
black tea, black tea is our pot of
to a person: either you just are not selling pot Mr.
you, I mean our pot of black tea are packed in
sold to: Then you got a pot of tea you

have to ask: that of
is to you, Mr.
to three pots of: wait, you get me a bit chaotic, how they turned into three pots
President, three of which can not be a pot of black tea's
to: Then you give me three glasses of ice water, Mr.
Sorry, we temporarily broken refrigerator, no ice
to: I want one cup of Longjing tea cups
to: It would be no pastime, is completely Tian Du

story: Charlene Lu Tao and eat together. Lu Tao said that the words of some very sour.
summer: how so acid that
land: Waiter, a bowl of vinegar
Summer: Do you drink I drank
land: waiter, to two bowls of vinegar

Plot: Yang Xiaoyun phone off the toilet, so the south Qulao
south: This pit dirty ~ ~
Yang Xiaoyun: ... ... nonsense! Have you seen a pit pure water ah?
Yang Xiaoyun to Charlene playing can not pass her phone, cell phone echo: not in the service area

Charlene Lu Tao at home with a humorous lines:
Charlene: What are you today the work?
Lu Tao: My cheer up, ready to work
Charlene battle: the battle where you work in?
Lu Tao: My battle cooper's work
Charlene: What is your status now?
Lu Tao: I have the status of an ordinary designer
Charlene: What are your goals now?
Lu Tao: My Xuzhi Sen goals and meet the new battle
Charlene: What is your motto?
Lu Tao: I can, I, I trekking trip
Charlene: Go!
Lu Tao: Yes! (With the Sichuan dialect)

story: south and south
divorce Yang Xiaoyun rushed home to find Yang Xiaoyun bathroom, bathroom shower is Charlene, summer shouted.
yelled out to the south and quickly: how not to wear bathing clothes ah!
Summer: Nonsense! You take a shower wearing clothes ah? !

Ling Shan said: people say that men can not do without women like to fish to water. (Talk Kazakhstan whine!)
Lu Tao wrote: But did not say where the fish can not do without dripping Oh! (learn Lingshan tone)

Mile went to see the road fell and injured Lu Tao Lu
rice drink - I drink Coke
Land - in the fridge expired, you drink do not drink it?
meters - to drink, as your girlfriend, I will do with expired expired cola drink

land: - a good point you
meters - not to the point of view of my ######y legs, back saliva off my wounds, and purulent I'll get you ah

Xiaoyun Q: Who are you?
south answer: I am your husband south, I'm your wallet, I was comfortable tool for your life, for your happiness, I will be ready! as Yang Xiaoyun service!

south and Yang Xiaoyun divorced, said angry words
> Utopia set up the first day of heartbreak at Lulu pulled to celebrate a bunch of kids singing and drinking Feng Wan, Zi said pig with Lulu in the crowd was good, nice songs on the pig
Zi said: thin like to cramp like ~ You almost put people into the women consumed a ~ br> Xiaoyun mother said: anxiety, I am very anxious ~ responsible for the words I want to hear to listen to pick a few

land Asiacom the last episode and Lu Tao to say, really touched me, like the integrity of good land Asiacom
you old before I've said, year-old, I just repeat the words over and over again ~ their own. to receive the three years, so a divorce certificate, marriage certificate, the Government of trouble we cruelly ~ Zi said funeral
wind up: move, can not tell my dad, always concerned about his living conditions, to help him ~ ~ Mom, this is not the contradiction you say you do? disaster did not ill, my parents are still alive and I have a car and house, and I hurt my wife and I earn money to support my family doing well, I'm alive, I'll be better, I can, I, I trekking trip! Lu Tao

passage in
birthday party since we came into this world to not be too kind, where people where we mix.

school teacher taught us that when we came to this world, nor to take away anything, but to strive to add luster to the world. Then I agree, I agree. But how can we do? I believe that they do not know, is not necessarily clear that they do, they tell us only their dreams. Well, we listen to them. Their dreams as us, we, like them, to dream to fight, but the dream is difficult. Because that is what we all dream of life is our love, our cause, our happiness.
But when we put the pieces of the abstract dream into a concrete thing, I find that our dreams are far away from that particular remote. But we will not give up! We will strive to do everything!
in this world, we will encounter a lot of good thing will come across a lot of bad things, and today before they are gone. Tomorrow, they will head-on collision with us. Our attitude is that we who do not fear bad child!
(toast) to, for all of us have met all the bad children, I drank the first one.

Mile and Lu Tao, a conversation, like a super character ~
Mile Mile: This is my seat
Lu Tao: nod
m: Charlene is not the time I'll just take it
Miss: nod
m: better than before you land
: shaking his head
m: Now take me home, before you often do not send me
m: Thank you later in the company to meet you, I will treat you very natural, not nervous, do not run away at any time that you will not feel silly and stupid
land: I can do for you ?
meters: If you can accompany me in our home garden, sit down, I will see you more natural
meters: In the past you always pit rich girl, you and your child together with the South, lie to me with all kinds of jokes for you pay, the result of my bad habits to develop that is at your credit card,new balance running shoes, the more you eat the more I am happy that I bought at the flea market clothes, get back to Charlene easily change the two, let Xiaoyun something sewing things up casually, just like my dad said that a thousand dollars, and my dad never believed me, she thinks I look good in anything, in fact, my clothes are the most expensive three of us girls , you know
Lu: I did not see it, I was too rebellious time, and there hatred of the rich psychology, I think you should pit the
Obama: I tell you one reason, you hear clearly : Let me pay the bill should be, but I should not leave you so bad, I still like you, I like you bad, like before you make it look bad, bad idea all you want to come out first, and then Zi with your desire to purchase the south,+ Ranked cities in Anhui Province (Classic Fun Edi, the three of you look at each other, laugh, take the hint, and then began to make trouble, I feel especially happy, I love to follow you, I like to watch your show of lawlessness, I bought a theater ticket , which would you do martial arts to draw three years, and then we go to play, my face is dirty, you steal my car in the towel facial, I might envy you, because you are male children, where are all caused by onlookers, was caught does not matter.
I like to watch your indifference, I think especially in high spirits especially handsome! In fact, I've always wanted to become a boy, along with you dry, but I was a girl, so I can only give you a lookout in the back, for your credit card, and then try to land fishing you
: Mile, I've got to then you could possibly have been as a child
meters buddy: I was a girl
Lu: I'm sorry you
m: Actually, one thing I'll fool you, once again we escaped after dinner One, you start and took me pull in behind you wait for me half a day, and I catch up with you with you, I also ran, in fact I did not, I was that they got caught, paid the bill
Lu : Mile
m: you silly ah, Lu Tao, you do not understand me, I said everything, everything, that is my happiness.

south Yang Xiaoyun advised the child destroyed
south: br> shopping
south to accompany Yang Xiaoyun Yang: Today we can say well, this shopping mall may have a rule;
to: speaking, listening;
Yang: First, we can only see products, not allowed to see beautiful women, except me;
to: Adult;
Young: Second, all the things you buy south, price not allowed more than one hundred,new balance shoes, those who buy the things I Yang Xiaoyun, price not less than five hundred;
to: Adult;
Yang: Third, not allowed to escape, can only follow me, you can not put me in a big crowd of them lost;
to: Adult;
Young: Finally,new balance 574, the payment should take the initiative and ran quickly you know what to tell you, when my husband got to discerning price of children, I see shining eyes of the goods that you fell to me to have to pay not to waste my precious saliva hurry you;
to: walking, young married woman. LOFT

to persuade Yang Xiaoyun Yang
divorce south: you do not procrastination, the sticky gooey like a man?
to: you let me pipe and smoke, no, you Gan Mafei hurry? I do not tell you yet? If you find the new people I'm sure with you to leave, we will not keep you.
Yang: crap, I was such a knot of people Shangna Zhao new marriage going?
to: Does not this right? Do not look for it. Besides, I do not have a knot in it? Yang Xiaoyun I tell you child you learn me, do not be so anxious, my tolerance is limited, but if you force me to divorce, back to what I really would have happened, and to whom ... ...
Yang: roll.
to: we do not say such hurtful words right? The two of us will sit with that, I'll make you a cup of coffee, the two of us are petty bourgeoisie, encourage each other to encourage, to comfort, this is not very good it? Are all broken people, you so why bother?
Young: Do not bother me, I come to you this angry, what is broken utopia, ah, passes so full of enthusiasm, I think is the erosion of utopia.
to: Why do not you come over we can move a piece of erosion erosion.
Young: Come on. Save me detain you.
to: Do not ah, so many years wasted anyway.
Yang: Ai Ai, do not sick I right? You think I do not know? Quietly behind my touch to please rich girl, you do not look in the mirror to your child's like �Ų���ֻ�� such people? I also got you tread, step on other people rich girl, would like to Chiruan Fan. Ugly do not want to want to be a movie star plastic surgery, you heard it?
to: I did not.
Young: Do not talk back. Lived LOFT, please rich girl, I think you are jealous of Lu Tao disguised.
to: Lu Tao that is my buddy.
Yang: the success of such a man lingering around children, do not you feel special fail you?
to: Do you mind? You thought I was you ah.
Yang: such a beautiful LOFT, Lu Tao thought no, no Mile, you do not live in, not the heart is not particularly taste ah? Think you're a what kind of person you? Oh, the failure of a particular person, the mixed feelings, ah, ah little bitter, small sad lah, you cheated me do you.
to: No, Yang Xiaoyun, you middle of the night came against me ... ...
Yang: I hit you, I know you too well, I'll hit you.

Charlene return, Xiaoyun and her friends described the situation
Yang: You can not think, since you've gone ah, those people break out of a warehouse, I see that before deposit droppings, and now they are bamboo revolution, huh LOFT, also took a special disgusting name, called broken utopia. It is said that people who live there all of them have broken off, can you guess who it is. Headed by Lu Tao, Mile, Ling Shan, south, Zi, Lulu.
It breaks your heart to Lu Tao, Mile heartbreaking to Lu Tao, Lu Tao Ling Shan is also considered to heartbreak, south heartbreaking for me and Ling Shan, Zi heartbreaking to Lulu, Lulu Centre for Sun Xiaohai broken, Sun Xiaohai to rock a broken heart. Anyway, they're both on the surface one by one heartbreaking, but the real than anyone ever good. The petty bourgeoisie ah, little atmosphere, ah, ah windows, small pool, ah, ah a small basket, small darts, ah, ah small garden, as well as dogs do, what coffee ah,09.04.23 programmers how to survive - Qzone log, oh a bunch of blind people in there all day was Joseph. You look back to know, one ungrateful appearance, the cause of the cause of the mischief of the monkey, one by one every day happy with the son of a bitch like.

south and the Chinese sub Offer
south more than anyone else: our family yard your home have? (Old hutong in old Beijing courtyard)
Zi: Our family has a private full-time hairdresser, shampoo hair care division, do you have at home (just bought the next second-hand hair salon)
south: our family not to marry a good finish there dozens of boxes of Sijiu wife's mother at home, your family has you
Zi: Our family has old-fashioned off-road vehicles, we are open all right to go out for a ride, into your home do so romantic (600 dollars are N-no hand tamping Beijing Jeep)
south: Our family has color TV refrigerator, washing machine, and what is convenient to your home with you for a (common courtyard)
Zi: private companies to our family, we do not go to work, We just like home SOHO, Oh so after feeding your family what modern life years to catch up.
south: We have packages have not been touched home a modern kitchen, with no use to heap on the bed is low, out of eating out every day with the young couple, popular hot drink about having to spend money like water, dare to do such a luxury in your family?
Xiaoyun: I had to give them a really prestigious university students, ah, break the pot broken bowl's also more than anything than do that again,new balance mens, I'm furious, I tell you the south is really down Eight life blood of mold, and quickly fight ah, salted fish and then turn the body blow.
south: Xiao-Yun Yang you all right, satisfactory end to your long that salted fish, salted fish was kind enough to mention me, people salted vegetables to marinate for half of premature death, and can stand up, you turn to me to see you looking through you turn.

Zi: Waiter, bill!
Waiter: A total of 58.
Xiaoyun: wow, really large sum of money, since we do not so extravagant, ah.
south: Yes, ah Zi, next time I come.
Zi: the next time, next time you have to hire Zhibu Ding buy dreams.

pig robbed LOFT Chinese children to ask forgiveness friend Lulu, who saw him
Hua Hua Zijian: No go?
China did not go: keep your wine is finished it
land: called yesterday to finish, and Comin do not know where to get the two cases and from a variety of wine.
China: still a variety of wine?
land: a variety of wine.
China: I reported it.
Lu: They came to this thing really begging you to forgive how the alarm ah. Seven days a. Seven days a.
China: ... ...
Land: a trip to forgive him or you got out.
Walter: No

Yang Xiaoyun the south, decided to take home the yellow car playing Alto Jeff Chang's
(music) do not regret having loved the amount of pain I am willing to back my Airuchaoshui Airuchaoshui closely you push me to follow you around me ...... it Airuchaoshui
car parked in their former home of youth home door.
south: I'm sorry, Yang Xiaoyun, I do not know you're there.
Yang Xiaoyun: Nothing I'm sorry the
south: it goodbye
Yang Xiaoyun: You do not want to go see it? May not go up forever after a
south: I still do not go up. Always want to go up before, so unhappy. Do not want to, really do not want the
Yang Xiaoyun: (can not help crying) you chat with me, I am always a person, apart from my mother to myself. My heart can not stand.
youth homes, south, and Yang Xiaoyun home. Yang Xiaoyun found a tape recorder, open the Record button on the coffee table
Yang Xiaoyun: Well, I would like to record it, so I'm bored, when a person listen to, say anything
south: I do not Yang Xiaoyun
know what to say: just saying a few words what, tell you just wanted to hear you talk, you are not usually quite able to say?
south: There was a little girl, she got a big toy, she likes the toys. She often threw it aside, they often hold up play. One day, this toy is broken, she was not happy. She wanted to fix it, she thought she could fix it ......
south took a deep breath, taken out of the smoke.
Yang Xiaoyun: say, ah, went on to say
south: Yang Xiaoyun, I am not a toy.
Yang Xiaoyun: I've never been a toy to you,new new balance shoes, I just want to treat you.
south: Yang Xiaoyun, before that, I think you are the best for me, but when I met really good people to me, I found you I'm not the best.
Yang Xiaoyun: not that you break the Yaoyao What, you say, she has my lovely it?
south: (immediate answer) did not. I admit, she did not you cute. But she gave me the confidence, she let me have confidence in life. Yang Xiaoyun, I have a crush on you lovely. But later I discovered they are all cheats, not the most important. Remember? Charlene you have because of jealousy, beat me in the market of a slap in the face, then Oh love you, even if you broke my heart, I also think it is right. Lu Tao, but later told me, he said, he and Charlene thing, I found that it was wrong. I put all the best things I gave you, but you are not satisfied, never satisfied. I now have nothing for you anymore.
Yang Xiaoyun: Charlene how it? Charlene is cute than me I admit, but ......
south: Yang Xiaoyun, you know Charlene cute, everyone loves her, so what you are willing to comparisons with her, learn her anything. But you do not know Charlene cute, is not your cute Yang Xiaoyun,new balance sneakers, Charlene because you did not learn who the most important thing - sincere. Charlene always pay for Lu Tao, until he can pay nothing, she had left Lu Tao. But you? You have been performing in front of me you lovely. Yes, I admit, I admit oh confused by your lovely round and round, you've been paying me, I left you, you is not happy because you have not found a better audience to appreciate your lovely. Charlene Lu Tao leave because of her dissatisfaction, but you are happy with Yang Xiaoyun, for I am not satisfied, you are so confused Oh, for themselves are dissatisfied, I lost faith in life, lost their confidence, I often feel humiliated and frustrated, especially in the last two years. I stay with you more and more unhappy, more and more unhappy. I leave you lost, but I do for you everything is done, I admit, I do not good enough, but I tried. I divorce thee, I will have no responsibility to you, and I particularly want to think for themselves, I was lucky and met my true love, I have a new life. I like this new life, you did not have to perform in front of my lovely, and useless. Yang Xiaoyun, these words I wanted to say to you, but I still have one more important word to say to you,
south got up to leave
south: Yang Xiaoyun, I must leave you, I do not Love you. Goodbye
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