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Old 05-04-2011, 05:22 AM   #1
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Default air yeezy shoes 马化腾 历经艰难才把QQ企鹅“养肥

  ”来源:不详 作者:佚名 时间:10-09-09 16:05:35 141
  化腾创立的腾讯公司真实演绎了互联网奇迹,1998年至今近12年间,腾讯发展成为目前亚洲第一、世界 第二、中国营业收入最高的互联网企业...
  马化腾创立的腾讯公司真实演绎了互联网奇迹,1998年至今近12年间,腾讯发展成为目前亚洲第一、世 界第二、中国营业收入最高的互联网企业,也是中国所有境外上市互联网企业中市值最高的公司。在国际互联网巨 头垄断全球的局面下,腾讯以树立民族品牌为己任,始终坚持自主创新,现在,除美国外,只有中国人是使用本土 研发、运营的互联网即时通讯软件,这对整个国家的互联网通信和网络安全都有着积极而深远的意义 。
  很多人认为腾讯的诞生和发展是中国互联网的一个传奇。但马化腾知道,“传奇”光环的背后,是许多不为人 知的艰难而困惑的日子。创业之初,为了能让腾讯存活下来,马化腾率领自己的团队做网页、做系统集成、做程序 设计,忆及这段经历,马化腾笑着说:“那时真是什么业务都敢接”。但由于不懂市场和市场运作,腾讯的产品拿 出去向运营商推销,却经常被拒之门外,griffeys shoes,“甚至连见我们都不见。”闭门羹吃多了,一鼻子灰的马化腾感觉挺挫折,但他还是坚信只要锲而不舍,经过不 断的尝试之后,总会获得用户的接纳。
  1999年2月,腾讯自主开发了基于Internet的即时通信网络工具――腾讯即时通信(Tence nt Instant Messenger,简称腾讯QQ)。抱着试试看的心态,马化腾决定把QQ放到互联网上供用户免费使用,结 果就连他本人也没有料到,QQ不到一年就发展了500万用户。在公司还没有盈利模式的情况下,QQ大量的下 载和暴增的用户量使大家在兴奋的同时,也令公司难以支撑。因为人数增加就要不断扩充服务器,而那时一两千元 的服务器托管费让公司也感到面临巨大的财务压力,当时既没有资金更新设备,工作人员也快发不出工资,于是马 化腾带领的创业团队不得不四处寻求融资渠道。
  在国内寻求融资无望的情况下,许多朋友都劝马化腾卖掉QQ,马化腾也开始和一些有意向购买QQ的公司进 行了实质性谈判。但对方都不理解腾讯的技术和无形资产的价值,men air max 2009 轻轻松松赚美元,只愿按照公司有多少台电脑、多少桌椅板凳来购买。 谈判卖QQ的时候,马化腾的心情非常复杂,一连谈了4家都没有达到他预计的底线,在这种情况下,他决定留下 QQ自己“养大”。
  深圳第一届高交会给腾讯带来了好运。在深圳第一届高交会上马化腾取得了第一笔风险投资,公司有了生存发 展下去的基础;另外在这届高交会上,QQ得到网民意想不到的欢迎。马化腾受到启发,nike air yeezys,把QQ企鹅授权做成实实在在的商品,取得了成功,于是腾讯成为当时唯一把互联网虚拟产品成功发展为线下实 际商品的互联网企业。
  经过3年的发展,到2002年,腾讯QQ的用户群成为中国最大的互联网注册用户群,注册用户为1.6亿 ,活跃用户5000万。腾讯QQ成为亚洲最大的即时通信服务网络。2004年6月16日,腾讯在香港联合交 易所主板正式挂牌上市,腾讯成为第一家在香港主板上市的中国互联网企业。2010年3月5日19时52分5 8秒,腾讯QQ同时在线用户数突破1亿,这在中国互联网发展史上是一个里程碑,也是人类进入互联网时代以来 ,全世界首次单一应用同时在线人数突破1亿。
  马化腾和腾讯QQ改变了数以亿计用户的沟通习惯,创造了互联网上新的沟通文化,为中国互联网的发展做出 了卓越的贡献,填补了我国软件行业中的一项空白。腾讯QQ由于立足本土,在用户使用习惯、服务和技术处理上 都采用了最贴近国内用户需求的方案,因此自从诞生之日起就获得用户的青睐,现在,QQ获得了1.094亿最 高同时在线用户的瞩目成绩。
  更值得一提的是,QQ的发展已经深刻影响和改变了数以亿计网民的沟通方式和生活习惯,从而直接影响到现 代社会的行为模式,极大地加快了信息传递速度,提高了工作学习效率,有更多的用户依托于QQ的平台进行着信 息传递、沟通、娱乐和商务的广泛应用。在日常社会生活中,QQ发挥着巨大的作用:相隔千里的家人可以利用Q Q视频音频来沟通亲情,老师可以利用QQ来与学生近距离交心,热心人可以利用QQ来发起公益活动;在商业领 域,大多数企业也开始利用QQ提升企业沟通效率,成为必不可少的现代化网络办公方式和手段之一。马化腾所创 造的QQ通过改变沟通方式,直接影响了互联网时代的进步,它为中国人提供了一个巨大的便捷的沟通平台,它在 人们生活中实践着各种生活功能、社会服务功能、商务应用功能,并正以前所未有的速度改变着人们的生活方式, 也创造着更广阔的互联网应用前景。
  马化腾对中国互联网发展方向有着深刻的认识,他认为在无国界的互联网当中,“谁失去互联网,谁就将失去 未来”,因此中国企业必须拥有自己的话语权,他首先预判了中国互联网未来将是“在线生活”的模式,即在互联 网普及融入生活的环境下,用户在任何时间、任何地点,以任何终端、任何接入方式,都能使用网络服务满足日常 生活中信息获取、信息沟通、休闲娱乐和交易的需求。在博鳌论坛等全球性经济论坛及国内产业界的重量级会议中 ,这个由腾讯倡导的产业方向获得了业界的高度认可。在马化腾的带领下,目前腾讯已经初步完成了面向在线生活 产业模式的业务布局,腾讯因此也成为了中国互联网民族企业中唯一一家门户、即时通信、电子商务、搜索、网络 游戏等全业务渗透的企业,可以独立为用户提供一站式、全价值链的互联网服务。
  马化腾说:“我们并不希望腾讯把利润放在账面上,更加希望把很多利润投入到长远的发展里。”他判断,在 中国未来的3年,绝对是中国网民增长非常关键的3年,之后的增长率可能会降低不少。正因为此,腾讯仍不断坚 持自主创新,持续加大研发投入。现在,腾讯50%以上员工为研发人员,其在即时通信、电子商务、在线支付、 搜索引擎、信息安全以及游戏等方面都拥有了相当数量的专利申请。此外,腾讯投资过亿元在北京、上海和深圳三 地设立了中国互联网首家研究院――腾讯研究院,进行互联网核心基础技术的自主研发,正逐步走上自主创新的民 族产业发展之路。
  在取得巨大成功的企业家群体中,women air max 2011,马化腾是一位年轻的后来者,但在慈善事业上,他出发得并不晚,堪称一位年轻的先知先觉者。在成功缔造一个 互联网王国之后,马化腾正着力打造一个慈善的希望工程。
  马化腾始终坚持着当代青年所应有的社会责任感,并引导腾讯公司切实肩负起企业社会责任。长期以来,在马 化腾的带领下,Buy air yeezy,腾讯公司积极投身社会公益事业,2006年9月,腾讯公司发起中国互联网首家公益慈善基金会――腾讯公益 慈善基金会,致力于开展网络公益、教育发展、扶贫救灾和环境保护等公益事业,努力承担企业社会责任,积极推 动网络文明进步。同时,腾讯承诺每年都会将利润的一定比例捐赠给腾讯公益慈善基金会,以持续开展各类公益慈 善活动。在汶川大地震、云贵干旱和玉树地震等一系列紧急赈灾行动中,腾讯公益的表现受到各界好评。今年8月 9日,腾讯公益慈善基金会第一时间启动了公益救灾紧急响应机制,宣布捐赠500万元人民币用于救助发生特大 泥石流灾害的舟曲灾区。
  也许因为自身年轻的关系,也许因为QQ就是年轻人的平台,马化腾的慈善从一开始就有一条明确的线路图: 从小做起,从心做起。腾讯出资2000万元人民币建立的腾讯公益慈善基金会,这是马化腾的第一个大手笔,其 目标就是改善更多青少年的生活条件。随后,马化腾的着力点也一直放在青少年资助与教育,腾讯慈善公益基金会 先后与中国儿童少年基金会、中国青少年发展基金会等建立联系,也正为如此,2007年6月,马化腾荣获“中 国儿童慈善家”荣誉称号。
  与很多企业家做慈善侧重于捐款不同,马化腾利用腾讯的传媒平台优势,立足于培育慈善文化。腾讯不仅自己 成立基金会,直接对外捐赠,而且与中国儿童少年基金会、中国扶贫基金会、李连杰壹基金等多家专业慈善机构合 作,为他们提供资讯传播、在线捐赠、网络义卖等公益服务。
  同时,腾讯还利用QQ巨大的信息群优势,以腾讯公益网,以志愿者参与平台和公益组织运作平台开展公益项 目,通过志愿者服务、资金捐赠、公益活动等方式提供网民全面参与的平台。通过巨大的平台传递爱心,让全社会 都来关心公益、投身公益,共同关注弱势群体,以及未成年人的健康成长。
  马化腾:1971年10月生,广东潮阳人,1993年毕业于深圳大学计算机及应用专业,同年进入深圳润 讯通讯集团工作,历任工程师、工程部主管;1998年11月创立深圳市腾讯计算机系统有限公司。现任腾讯控 股董事会主席兼首席执行官,第十届全国青联委员,air yeezy shoes,深圳市第四届和第五届人大代表。曾荣获“广东省优秀民营企业家”、“广东青年五四奖章”、“中国科协求是 杰出青年奖”、2009年CCTV中国经济年度人物“十年商业领袖”、“第四届深圳市青年科技奖”、“深圳 市文明市民”等荣誉。
  (本文来源于 深圳特区报)
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Old 05-04-2011, 05:32 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 82147245 at 17:43 on October 17th 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary

1,new balance shoes, when customers talk about out what to do about something, ask general offer, should you say?
answer: the cost of home renovation needs in order to determine estimates for the three aspects: (1) about the design; (2) the choice of price, mainly based on material grade, technology standards and the level of the construction team to division, also based on the affordability of the family to conduct a preliminary choice, of course, each level of the price we will give you a high quality price ratio; (3) the amount of renovation works: If you have more than three of uncertainty on the general offer, with a lot of deceptive, is strictly prohibited by our company, please provide floor plans and the room size, we can in a short time to make a basic budget for you. If you do not plan and size, we can arrange for you to-door mapping, and free floor plan design.
2, when customers feel that we offer where the company is high than other companies, how to answer?
A: The program is not worth the cost of home decoration, not simply to measure the level of prices, more accurate measure of quality and price should be. The quality mentioned here include three aspects: (1) the level of materials; (2) process standards; (3) quality of the project; in three aspects of the case are not sure about the price level, or three None of the other two aspects of the case of the price comparison of the two companies are not scientific, but also easy to be deceived customers, suffered losses. For example, paint the door to do a tang, a company 40 per day laborers with a brush for a day, then this door frames door painter fee is 40 yuan, company B element with a 70 day laborers to do back grinding process, shared two days, then the Tang painter door fee is 140 yuan, not to mention the number of Company B and more with paint, painter fee alone is a company several times. This tang, and paint the door the price of quality can be imagined. Therefore, in the home improvement industry often happens, the decoration project called the same name, the price is high and low. Overall, the quality of our company is the home improvement market price than the one of the most cost-effective.
3, when a customer mentioned that a renovation project, why the main material prices are not high, and my company's offer is high, how to answer?
A: The price you see is the price of primary materials, you may have overlooked in the project included materials, labor charges, freight, secondary transportation costs, equipment wear and tear charges, management fees, taxes, the company's reasonable profits, and many other factors. Some of the work of the project cost much higher than the price of materials, so the costs add up all the, quote the price of natural seems much higher than the main material. If more than simply the price of materials, because building materials company with many brand-name manufacturers have long-term fixed relationship, into the goods purchased by individuals than you probably even cheaper.
4, when a customer asked if he could install the floor,new balance 574, including the purchase of the whole project, how to answer?
A: We flooring manufacturers with long-term cooperation, can you recommend and enjoy discounted prices on our manufacturers, but the species selection, installation, payment, directly with the floor by your provider agreement.
5, when a customer asked what the price differences between two companies, how to answer?
A: Our offer is mainly developed based on customer needs, their main difference is that: according to the level of material, technology standards and the level of the construction team of three different areas have different prices, but no matter You choose which level of quotation, we will provide you with the same enthusiasm and quality of services, while its quality price ratio is also higher than other companies.
6, when a customer asked why the offer at different levels, sometimes of a construction project (such as the shop wall and floor tiles) The use of primary materials, auxiliary materials are the same, but the project did not offer the same, how to answer?
A: sometimes offer different levels of a renovation project although all use the same material, but because of the construction workers at a different level or different technology, often in the quoted price will have some differences. We fixed the seven construction team, a rigorous examination is divided into two levels and B, respectively, have different fee of the standard. Such as the mid-range paint technology, the construction fee of 9 per Class A /?, B 6 yuan /?.
7, when the customer asks,
A: Please complete confidence in this regard, my company is taking lower than the proportion of small companies, this is one of the advantages of scale. In addition,心系灾区 贡献爱心 - Qzone日记, in view of the company's home improvement industry reputation and influence, many media reports on our publicity is free or very favorable, so you do not have to worry about commitment to our advertising costs.
8, when a customer asked quotations in the materials, labor and profit ratios, how to answer?
A: direct materials and direct labor costs account for about 80% of the total cost, rent, designers, assistants, and other management salaries, taxes and other costs of financing accounted for about 15% corporate profits in general about 5%.
9, when a customer asked if we could provide more price concessions, should you say?
A: decoration company had followed the The lower and consistency. As the price of our company, the current profit is already quite low. However, increased competition with the home improvement market, a number of non-standard companies have cut prices in order to contract projects, or even the deep discounts, promotions, industry very well, and its essence is not let, but cut corners in the construction process, and accompanied by their poor quality, and our company has considerable brand recognition, two consecutive checks at each level, and resolutely put an end to the standard process by lowering the quality standards of low prices of things happen, so we lower profits in the current difficult situation further concessions.
10, customer inquiries,
A: When you are sure there is no change in the future renovation projects, we offer generally will not change. But sometimes the drawings made by the project budget, there will be some deviation with the actual situation, which according to the actual quantities required for the final accounts, Duotuishaobu. Of course, if your project during the construction or modify the original design changes, we will change the form of price changes reported to your approval notice after the signing of the construction.
11, when a customer of
A: Now that all the home improvement companies use formal contracts are drawn Interior Decoration Association unified model,new balance sneakers, we have no right to change any of a provision. Payment is the same reason for this Interior Decoration Association requirements is through standardized management to ensure that the interests of consumers, home improvement, so in accordance with the payment, you will rely on legal means to protect the best interests of their lawful rights and interests. If you change, we are not recognized by the market QC, you will lose the protection of third impartial party. After the payment, in the Interior Decoration Association charge us 10 million retention money deposit for the quality assurance of your project.
12, when a customer asks,
A: We collected trash company, is transported from your home to the district specified by the property management department of the cost of garbage dump sites, including the cost of labor and garbage bags, and property management charge trash, it means that the district would have been transported to the garbage pile up points and then transported to designated dump sites outside the city's costs.
13, when a customer asked why the property management property management fees and deposit must be borne by the customer, should you say?
A: In our budget for you, and not including property management fees and property management deposit, so even though some property companies stressed the pretext of protecting the interests of customers and property management property management fee deposit to pay the company should be decorative, but I have no obligation to (most of the charges are unreasonable or arbitrary charges) can not afford (our profit is very thin) to pay these two fees. Our company is very formal, home-improvement company, we can not, as other companies do the renovation costs from the customer to squeeze out of this this part of the cost to the property, and as owners, the property company you are dealing with is to prevail, so This is part of the cost paid by you as well.
14, when a customer asked why the payment invoice at the headquarters, but also another 3.3% pay taxes, they should say?
A: As companies enter the home improvement market, we have management authority and to pay a fixed tax, if the invoice, even to repeat paying taxes, so need to charge the 3.3% tax.
15, when a customer asked the rainy season when the construction will affect the quality of construction, how to answer?
A: Strictly speaking, the rainy season, construction on the construction quality is affected, the board absorbs water, prone to deformation, the paint layer of fog easily, but these effects is negligible. Does not depend on the quality of the decoration of the season to decide. The determining factor is the management and technology,new balance mens, our company works in the years accumulated a lot of real wealth of construction and management experience, and a set of effective measures, to ensure the construction quality from climate change. Whether it is the rainy season and non-rainy season construction, we will provide you with the same high-quality home improvement services.
16, when a customer asked how to ensure that the company used in the construction of real materials, it should say?
A: The quality of materials and can assure you. My company as a regular home improvement company, the past few years has been a good brand image, and never will for this little bit of small profits, businesses finally set up and hurt the brand image and long-term interests. Because if these phenomena occur, our company's brand image and economic benefits will be severely damaged,How to love a person - Qzone log, so we pay more attention to the material than the customer quality issues. We are very careful in the construction materials, materials are made responsible for the procurement of the company's project supervision, and materials approach, they still recognized by the client, in the works in progress, members of the Company's inspection of materials and processes to conduct a comprehensive inspections, project director also conduct random checks to ensure the quality of materials.
17, when a customer asked if we could only work package clean it? How to answer
A: Yes. Labor and materials, including clean workers, some labor and materials can be in three ways. Recommend companies with formal way of labor and materials used can be assured. Because our materials purchasing department with the regular material manufacturers, both price and quality assurance have stood the test of time. You can even follow our stock. The work package will give you a clear increase in a lot of trouble, first of all, you buy their own materials, do not necessarily buy the genuine material, but also paid the freight, then yes, a problem can not be pursued is the construction material or construction quality issues.
18, when a customer asks,new balance outlet,
A: Yes. But I have a unified and standardized pricing system, in order to ensure that every customer's interests, must be strictly in accordance with uniform, standardized procedures to offer, so when the pre-offer should also be uniform procedures in accordance with the company's offer, medium-budget and final accounts when the price can be offset by corresponding increases.
19, when a customer asks What is the difference of solid wood and solid core, should you say?
A: The wood is real wood, wood inside and outside are the same material (but not necessarily a single piece of wood); and plywood or solid wood core is based on combination of wood products, inside and outside is not the same material. Plywood home improvement generally present the main advantage is that it can reduce the interaction of solid wood internal stress caused by deformation, and the finished appearance of wood roughly the same.
20, when a customer asks a good shop or solid wood flooring laminate flooring a good shop, should you say?
A: solid wood flooring foot feeling better, texture and natural color, hardness somewhat less, pour paint the wood flooring is imported uv paint, no maintenance; but solid wood flooring because it is natural, texture, color vary greatly, shop equipment required to play wood keel, the price is relatively high; laminate flooring wood flooring foot feeling better learned, the advantages of natural color textures, and high easy to install laminate flooring advantages of the high price of between laminate flooring and solid wood between the floor, but the hardness is among the worst.
22, when a customer is asked to do a good edible vegetable oil or to do good when contaminated, how to answer?
A: edible vegetable oil and mixed oil is the main difference between the two different expression. Good performance of the major edible vegetable oil wood texture, but the texture is mostly beautiful hardwood, so most use of edible vegetable oil on the hardwood; contaminated mainly the color of the paint itself and the wood itself, the shadow of the changes made, do not ask for wood, plywood, cork, MDF can be.
23, when a customer asks to install steel window, or install aluminum windows, wood frame windows better, how to answer?
A: aluminum window air tightness, water tightness, sound insulation, moisture, heat and other properties than steel windows; wood lattice windows advantage lies in its decoration, but should not be used alone.
24, when a customer consultation to buy furniture and decoration of furniture made in the field what the advantages and disadvantages, should you say?
A: The purchase of the furniture main advantages: (1) is the machine processing; (2) is a painting workshop in the dust, the brightness of its high accuracy and surface appearance; (3) because it is industrial production, the price is slightly lower . Main features of the scene made furniture: A, is a strong individual, and with the style of the decoration coordination, harmonization, in particular, designers often use furniture designed to create the decoration style; B, high utilization of space, scale, size appropriate to grasp; C,new balance running shoes, not suitable for changing the placement; D,A Jiaochun city - Qzone log, is not easy in handling adjustments.
25, when a customer asked Heating can be altered, how to answer?
A: The principle can not be altered. Because changes can not be suppressed after the experiment, no way of knowing if there are problems after the change, the property management sector generally does not allow changes, otherwise they will not be responsible for maintenance.
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