Beijing period aboard March 8, compel of 108-105 of calf guest field overcomes silvan wolf, latter experience 3 be defeated again. After this battle passes, calf guest field is right silvan wolf 9 Lian Sheng. Calf 4 human notch on twice. Nuoweisiji 12 hurl 7 in behead obtains 25 minutes 6 embark, kyd 13 minutes of 9 second secondary bombard, appreciate businessman 9 minutes, haywood 8 minutes 10 board, terry 11 minutes. 51 matches chop Le Fulian add beneath two pairs, broke by Mosaic - Ma Long is retentive Chan Jilian add two pairs of records. This battle he 14 cast 7 in, enter Zhang 23 minutes 17 embark 5 secondary attack, fall 20 minutes than Si Likan 9 board, flynn cuts the keep below 11 minutes, ai Ling pauses 12 minutes. Bisili hits 3 minutes procurable, go up then basket is procurable, milixiji jumps cast hit the target,
Coach New Arrivals, family team 7-2 leaves bureau. Cloth rich covers with tiles He Peigu notchs early alternatively late, nuoweisiji jumps cast chop afterward dichotomy, calf immediate exceeds score instead. Restrain declining tendency of stanch of the basket on prose abdicate, merely Nuoweisiji jumps cast repeatedly middle, haywood two penalize completely middling, calf 14-11 is banner. Bisili connects 4 minutes subsequently, silvan wolf makes 8-0 attack wave, in the maniacal wind later the basket on Le Fu is procurable 3 minutes, nuoweisiji two penalize completely middling, yet silvan wolf still precedes with 30-22. Nuoweisiji jumps cast kick the target, brewer is marble buckle procurable, silvan wolf reserve retaliates 7-0 attack wave, home team still reserves banner. Wu Denu of secondary attack sea buckles Kyd procurable, bound subsequently cast procurable, calf morale is rising. Kyd end Duan Lianzhong two 3 minutes, li Denuo retaliates a long shot, kyd quiver of Er of accept of secondary attack Ka Di 3 minutes, the calf enters the second half with the minor location of dichotomy. Nuoweisiji and Kyd are joined in 3 balls, the calf shrieks 6-0 small climax, with an operation exceeds score instead. Milixiji jumps cast pursue afterward smooth score, bubowa receives Kyd secondary attack palpitate 3 minutes, accordingly he long shot of Er of accept of secondary attack Ka Di is procurable, the calf is banner 6 minutes. Le Fusan divides the moment of truth procurable, penalty shot 3 punish completely medium, then in violent wind 3 minutes, silvan wolf lags behind 1 minute. Ma Liang connects 4 minutes, silvan wolf fight behind 3 3 minutes, wolf 80-73 gets the woods to enter last 1st. Admire merchant tremble 3 minutes, terry two punish completely medium, nuoweisiji jumps cast procurable, the calf uses 7-0 apt atttack wave general score to pursue after smooth. Flynn jumps cast stanch declining tendency, yet Baliya connects 5 minutes subsequently, admire merchant jumps cast procurable, the calf is occupied slightly spirited. Happy congratulating and Baliya in each 3 minutes, silvan wolf hits a 7-0 to atttack wave general score to exceed instead, nuoweisiji two punish completely medium, and the quiver in secondary attack spy 3 minutes, calf latch is gotten the better of naturally bureau. Silvan wolf all is connected eventually in two 3 minutes, but the calf still takes next tournaments eventually with 108-105, silvan wolf encounters 3 be vanquished repeatedly. Silvan wolf head cilia battle array: Calf of �� of strange of Li Denuo, Johnson, Bisili, Le Fu,
Coach Designer Handbags, Mi Lixi brain cilia battle array: Kyd, Bubowa, admire merchant, Nuoweisiji, Haywood