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Succesful Acknowledge closing event
Written by admin on 26/11/2008
On November 25th,
Office Pro Plus 2010 Key, 2008 the IBBT research project Acknowledge closed off with a successful closing event. We can rightly speak of a successful project for all partners, given all the objectives were achieved. Principal aim was to build up an e-learning architecture with an open repository,
Office Standard 2007, which means that the content is not limited to its own content, and this based on LOM and SCORM standards. This was demonstrated with great success by a number of cases. For each of these cases the contribution of companies such as Synergetics,
Office Pro 2010, iKnow, Custodix,
Office Professional Plus 2007, PMTC, and EPYC ICMS is of great importance. The research project also showed that their existing products can be adapted for this concept. Hence, the project gives room for commercial growth.
During the closing event discussions, we mainly brainstormed about further steps that could be taken to initiate this concept in Flanders and about the start-up of living labs in particular.
All presentations from the Acknowledge closing event can be found on
This article is about Closing Event, eLearning in the category News.