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Old 04-22-2011, 03:47 PM   #1
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Posts: 2,399
uestradeqk28 is on a distinguished road
Default 闹东风

五九六九,沿河看柳,气节尽管已是沿河看柳的日子,只管气象仍旧还是那么地冷气袭人,但在人们的心里却是滚 烫烫的一团火!快瞧瞧吧,"咚锵、咚锵、咚不隆咚锵......"正月里,离元宵节还早着呢,农村那欢快、 激动的锣鼓声又响起来了!随同着那动人心魄的锣鼓声,如风摆杨柳的秧歌扭起来了,长长的龙灯舞起来了,小小 旱船跑起来了,高高的高跷踩起来了.......我的心,犹如饮下了一杯香醇的美酒,早已经醉醉的啦!看着 眼前这冲动人心的局面,我的思路一下子又飞回到那长远的童年时期.
那个时候,十字街头不什么让人格外开心的事件,偶然演一场片子,或是过年演一次节目,便是我们这些城市的孩 子最隆重的节日了!有一年的正月里,据说村里要搞一次文艺表演运动,天还没黑,锣鼓声就敲响了.踩着那让人 心痒的不行的鼓点声,我早早就赶了从前,村前的大场院上早就黑压压地挤不动了.当时间顾着看热烈,至于看了 些什么,已经说不出个丫儿幺了.印象最深的,莫过于那让人分外开心的"淋花花"了.只见才十八岁的谷子哥腰 里扎一条红红的绸子布,更显得俊秀、洒脱.他稳稳地站在场地中心,双手紧紧地扶住一根粗粗的槐木杆子,杆子 顶端垂下一根粗粗的绳子,绳索上栓着一个足足有十多少斤重的花子.锣鼓声先是低低地响起,谷子哥便缓缓地滚 动杆子,大花子也随着甩动起来.跟着鼓点声声急,锣声更是镗镗地越敲越急,谷子哥更是转的更急,刺眼醒目的 火花便飞溅出来,飞转成了一个残暴、壮丽的花团.人们前呼后拥,跟着喧闹起来.我觉得周身热血沸腾,也跟着 人们拍着手大声喊叫:"谷子哥,加油,handbag gucci!谷子哥,加油!"我明显看见了,站在我身边的麦子姐,她那张难看的脸蛋,被绚丽的火花映射的更加红晕了, 更加动听了!我清楚看到了,麦子姐的一双眼睛就象被一跟无形的红线栓住似的,总是围着谷子哥转呀转.我就想 ,麦子姐呀,你肯定是看上谷子哥了吧?那俺就等着吃你们的喜糖吧!麦子姐呀,你还在想什么呢?你在想咱们的 日子,何时才干象面前这好美妙美的火花一样绚丽多姿,是不是?确定错不了的!不是说,好兆头,就有好劲头, 好劲头,就有好奔头嘛!
在后来的日子里,不管年成的好还是孬,只有到了正月里,元宵节必定是要闹的!只不过情势产生了很大变更.究 竟"淋花花"过于简陋,单一.每年的元宵佳节,agatha de la prada,大家多以挂灯笼、舞龙灯、品美酒的方法,来闹元宵,以灯文化和酒文明来寄寓生涯的美好,国度旺盛发达.后 来,我看到了这样的诗句:"火树银花触目红,揭天宣传闹春风",一查才晓得,mens armani,这是南宋女诗人朱淑真在她的诗作《元夜》里所写的元宵,最精妙之处,就在"闹春风"的这一个"闹"字上, 真是感到无比无比的美好!
看看到了嫁人的年纪,听说麦子姐那住在城里的二姨,给她找了个瘸子对象,好有个城市户口,好进城里受罪.除 了麦子姐一个人不同意外,全家人都赞成这门亲事.麦子姐火刺刺地说:"谁批准谁去,反正我不去!"还把那瘸 子的八百块彩礼钱扔出了门外,她打定主张要跟谷子哥砸坷拉种地.新婚之夜,麦子姐对谷子哥说:"狗到哪里都 吃屎,老虎到哪里都吃肉,眼下都本人做主种地了,俺就不信这日子好不起来!"后来的实际证实,麦子姐的抉择 是对的!我打心眼里信服我们的麦子姐了!
在这里,不能不说说麦子姐和谷子哥的相亲的经由,还挺有趣哩!麦子姐听说谷子哥在全村第一个建起了养猪大棚 ,早就想前去见识见识.毕竟还只是在心里想人家,一个人去总分歧适,就邀上了专门给人家保媒的三姑一起前去 .两人刚走进养猪大棚,就闻声从里边传出一阵婉转的音乐声,麦子姐就拍着花掌说:"看来谷子哥这人还挺浪漫 、还挺有趣哩!"谷子哥听见从里边走出来,一看是自己早就想坏了的麦子姐,就说:"我这是给猪们放音乐听呢 !"本来,谷子哥从报纸上看到,常常给猪听听音乐,猪会老诚实实睡觉,肯上膘哩!麦子姐还看到,谷子哥养的 猪,一头头宁静、安闲地在清洁的水泥地上,或眯着眼睡觉,prada sunglasses,或散步,饮水还用上了吸嘴儿,干净、卫生......看到这些,一种幸福、美妙的感到涌上麦子姐的心头, 回来的路上,麦子姐静静扯一把三姑的衣角,压低声音说:"三姑呀,这门亲事,俺乐意!"果然,当谷子哥养的 第一批大肥猪装上肉联厂的大卡车上的时候,麦子姐就象一朵粉红的桃花一样,飘进了谷子哥的家门 ......
这不,谷子哥和麦子姐除了种好十多亩承包地的同时,还真的迷上了养猪哎,从刚开端的几头、十几头,滚雪球个 别,发展到后来的几十头、几百头.特殊是碰上去年百年不遇的好行市,据守旧的估算,一头猪,就能挣上一千多 块,几十头、几百头,又是个什么数字?可发大啦!那还是在春节前,我在尾月集上卖对联的时候,谷子哥开着一 辆黑亮的"上海民众"轿车,找到我,喜眉亮眼地用手拍拍轿车说:"我说大兄弟,你哥我养猪都坐上了这家伙, 是不是给我来一副养猪大发财的对联!"好哩!嗨海,方才碰上了老同窗万福这个"羊司令",要我给他来一副养 羊大发财的对联,当初又来了个"猪司令",你说妙不妙?妙呵,切实是妙呵!
这些年,富饶起来的农夫,自发组织起了一些自娱自乐的锣鼓队、秧歌队,把心里的喜悦敲出来,把丰产的欢快跳 出来、扭出来!就在春节前,村里的主事人找到谷子哥,说又要过年啦,是不是牵个头弄一个娱乐班子,大伙乐和 乐跟.实在,谷子哥早就有这个盘算.是呵,大伙忙了一年,衣食无忧,应当乐一乐呀!消息一传出,很快就拉起 了两支人气很旺的人马,一支由谷子哥当领头的锣鼓队,一支由麦子姐当领头的秧歌队.新闻就象长了翅膀似的, 飞遍了远远近近的村落,大家一起来请出去热闹热闹哩!忙不外来,双方还要定好了日子,耐烦等候呢!快来瞧瞧 吧,欢乐的锣鼓响起来了,醉人的秧歌扭起来了 !谷子哥打起鼓来敲起锣,仍是那么有劲儿,摇头摆尾,手起手落,简直比"淋花花"那年还劲头十足,好像又回 到了当年.麦子姐呢,都四十几岁的人了,丰韵依然不减当年,扭起秧歌来,瞧那迷人的身段,那柔软的腰枝,那 鼓鼓的胸脯,那轻巧的步子,那满眼含春、顾盼生辉的眼神......啧啧,我们的麦子姐几乎就是一只好美好 美的凤凰哩!
想敲你就尽情地敲吧,想扭你就纵情地扭吧,想唱你就尽情地唱吧!敲出个欢欢喜乐的善意情!扭出个红红火火的 好日月!唱出个万事如意的新春里的祝愿!
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Old 04-22-2011, 04:12 PM   #2
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g4qyu6yf is on a distinguished road

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139914 2010 年 03 月 12 日 22:47 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: sentiment

After graduation, some work, some go to school ... ...
as business people, the first 5 years do not say you can give me a little salary, the most important thing is what can be learned in the enterprise, is not favorable for development ... ...
always flat in the lessons learned from the few lessons learned from the ordeal and more; the lessons learned from the flat light, the lessons learned from the ordeal deep. A man in his youth endured, as if the right, out of the darkness, it is a person worthy of admiration. The most important thing is to Lianhaoneigong, 5 years after graduation is the inner strength that the best period Lianhaoneigong be possible to climb even higher in the future.
to Go? Lies in ideas!
In fact, no money, no experience, no experience, no social relations, these are not terrible. No money to earn by hard work; no experience, you can practice operation to conclude; no experience, step by step to accumulation ; no social relationship can be a little bit to weave. However, no dreams, no idea is the most terrible, was terrified and would like to avoid!
must have a correct direction. No matter how high-spirited, no matter how resourceful you are, no matter how much effort you spend, without a clear direction, they had a great loss, gradually lose their fighting spirit, forget the original dream will be a detour, or even no return, wasting his talent, missed his youth.
Homer's 5 years of confusion, cause panic in 10 years, 20 years after the struggle, or even a lifetime of mediocrity. If you can not graduate as soon as 5 years out of this confusion out of fog, we really discredited in the face after 10 years, 20 years after their own. Graduated this 5 years, we have both a lot of uncertainty, there are many possibilities.
graduate this 5 years, we have both a lot to be determined, there are a lot of decisions.
who will experience confusion and perplexity, fear, and there have been no one to escape, but not to confusion and confusion as to give up or willing to make an excuse for mediocrity, not to become self-pity, sacrifice frustrated bitter . Need to take their own life and destiny need for yourself. In the 5 years of graduation, the earlier to find the direction, the sooner out of the confusion, the easier road to success in life, and create exciting. Can not find direction without a head, will be thwarted at every turn; a person can not find a way out, only confusion and fear.
life in the face of difficulties, we often have the feeling of desperation. Do not get discouraged, stick to it, to believe that there is no road to ruin a young life, the plight of the front and hope around the corner . As long as we have the right ideas, we will be able to avoid detours, find a way out!
successful people are not winning at the starting point, but won the turning point.
lot of recently graduated young man, always expect the'll be able to find their ideal job. However, a lot of good work is not a long wait, you must select a job as life experiences. Professional journey first job, no doubt into the starting point for the university community. Maybe you find a passable job, then from here, good to precipitate themselves from the job to learn from the valuable nutrients in, paid off. A thousand miles begins with one step, as long as the departure, there is hope to reach the terminal.
starting point would be the same,Get your people do not get your heart - Qzone log, but chose a different inflection point, the end will be much different!
graduates in recent years, our life, love, career and so there are many uncertain factors, the future is full of possibilities. This time, we must learn to choose, know how to give up, give yourself a clear positioning, stabilized themselves. If you are not active location, others and society will be
can say: a 5-year in graduate training up these habits will determine the height of his life. Our success depends in part on their evaluation of their own, this is positioning. What are you positioning yourself, you are nothing. Positioning can determine life, positioning can change destiny. Ugly duckling into a swan, as long as a pair of wings; Cinderella into a Princess, as long as a pair of glass slipper.
people's lives, one-third of the heavens, seven by the work hard, have dreams to They do not confine themselves to the mind of the cage, who is also bound not you go fly.
far from reality as they want. Thus, when the sense of superiority is turning into frustration and even a sense of loss, when the conviction that he is a In fact, it should carefully weigh yourself if you really gold? Is real gold,new balance 574, the hands have unique skills to be superior to others on the Caixing. Word: real gold is to rely on strength to prove, only to put its own ability to practice well, the things horses are eligible to be considered. Originally each pearl is a grain of sand, but not every grain of sand can become a pearl. Want right way, there should stand out in the capital. Can not stand against and setbacks to withstand the neglect and dull, it is difficult to achieve glory. Young people to want their own to be reused, to succeed, it must transform itself from a grain of sand into a priceless pearl.

days of rain and the sunrise, peaks and troughs of life.
Do look for the cloud cover
eyes, always advisable and see.
just flick the haze, Lang Lang will be able to clear sky flashed. If you're unhappy at work some to believe that they will not low life has been in a period of one day to break through the heavy clouds. Tell yourself: I have not failed, but has no success! As long as the inner light a lamp of hope, will be able to disperse the dark clouds, brighter.
Indeed, on the qualifications, their career is an absolute rookie, is involved in is not deep, personal connections was poor, often run into a wall at work. They do not necessarily like the pressure of crushing stone, but before the arrival of the sky like rain, gray low, obviously there is room, he was gray fill every gap, wait for clear skies after heavy rain.
Although a bit exaggerated, but many of them have indeed have been shrouded in gray mood - my heart will always be cloudy to overcast. I remember a philosopher once said: Simplicity and quiet high level to gain the freedom of happiness.
A philosopher said:,四十以后的醒悟。早看早醒悟 - Qzone日志, and finally there will be into. You are not ready to promise all of life to others?
the 5 years after graduation, is to change the golden era of their own destiny. In the best position to determine their own fate, if not sure, then you have to wait until when? I am the master of life, fate has not help the people.
do not live in someone else's mouth, do not live in someone else's eyes, but the fate of the grip in his hands.
not say you do not have the background, he is the greatest background. American writer Jack? Kerouac said a word: Each person's potential is unlimited, the key is to find a correct understanding of their potential and their talents, and find a stage full potential, not only inappropriate for the stage unhappy. To be objective and impartial view of their capabilities, combined with their own situation and preferences cool choice, as much as possible to the needs of their own, the most suitable place.
in human resources management sector, in particular a popular saying that good, capable and strong, is the Maxima, we have to ride him; ability of the ordinary, but good character is the old ox, we have to hold him; character and capacity of the ordinary, is the to drive him; poor ability of strong character, that is
I think you just graduated a few years,new balance sneakers, as ambitious, as to become a be appreciated, the Maxima galloping battle, right? Well, good to settle down. Low on the floor does not mean inferior, overlooking the low today is to tomorrow's job. The so-called value of life that we value the presence of others. Can be exploited is a good thing, nobody cares about is the real tragedy!
competent work, do a good job is the basic guarantee of job market.
any person to do the work are a prerequisite for his ability to do the job. Competent qualified staff is the most basic standards, work hard is an attitude. A position that many people can be competent, have to do a good job of basic ability, however, can do a better job number, depends on whether the practical work hard, suffer from studying the work of the attitude.
competent on the basis of the practical work hard.
work, live more than others did, do you think of a disadvantage; money paid too less than others, do you think suffer; often work overtime, do you think suffer ... ... In fact, no need to do so regardless of the expense is not a disaster, not a failure, a disadvantage is also a philosophy of life. Now eat some small loss, for the success of paved road, maybe at some point in the future, your Tai Fook suddenly came .
can suffer is the life of a state,new balance shoes, is an attitude of life wisdom.
not do more at work or someone else's job to do live is to suffer. If you jerk the leadership class, in time to catch the task, do not think they suffered a major loss, but should feel lucky, because the leadership just told you, and did not call the other person that he trusts you, appreciate you. Disadvantage is a contribution, the more you contribute, the more reward. Willing to work overtime, is such a disadvantage.
willing willing, there are homes only have to; learn to eat when appropriate loss of people is definitely not mentally retarded, but wise.
to others is to give yourself Liu Yudi Liu Yudi, giving people easy is to have convenient, kind to others is to treat yourself.
Fools blessing, because stupid people do not scheming. And such people together, physically and mentally relaxed, not too much vigilance can be close to each other. Silly in many cases means that the commitment and loyalty, generosity and honesty also means that, people unknowingly get on his side. Who accidentally get silly than smart people get more than scheming. Graduates in recent years, you floating in the sky only a few flakes of snow, so you satisfied? Success need to adhere to and accumulation, rather than focusing on the collection of snow, it is better to save energy to snowball. Buffett said:. Remember: Scattered snow will soon melt, vanish, only the snowball is more realistic, long-lasting.
the years of graduation, if you can do more than others to pay a sub, it means one point more than others, the accumulation of capital, than people one more chance to succeed.
What is the professional
it? Professional working conditions is the standardization and institutionalization, that is, at the right time and right place with the appropriate way of saying the right words, to do the right thing, the knowledge, skills, ideas , thinking, attitudes and psychological of professional norms and standards. I can now because when you're the boss. A person is not enough merely professional, professional people who can only fly in front of others, hard to surpass!
graduated 5 years for people, we must recognize the top five is going to face challenges.
one, support their parents.
Second, marriage and children.
Third, promotion and pay rise.
Fourth, work pressure.
five quality of life.
Some people survive
excited, eyes always stop behind the net fits and starts, peter.
Some people strive for the development
, eyes always stare straight ahead, a little progress every day, persistent.
graduates in recent years, can not pursue and explore, not without the vision and goals. Life is like riding a boat behind. Willing to live the status quo is no longer ahead of the ship, could no longer keep up with the pace of the times. Must seize every second of time to learn, to understand that learning is not a student of the patent. Small smart people most proud of: their done? Great wisdom is that most desire: he would also like to do?
tactical cleverness, great wisdom is the strategy; small smart to see is sesame, great wisdom to see the watermelon.
in this world, both big names, but also a small role, somebody has somebody's living law, ordinary people have little clear, everyone has their own way of life, who can not who barely. However, only a small performance of small bright and small field of vision, great wisdom can be accomplished and the big state. Small business owners to see, to see the system in the enterprise, large enterprises look at culture.
small companies and large enterprises are to survive, not good or bad, but a person will be different at different stages of.
small companies certainly want to develop for large enterprises, which is a goal, young people have to their career development goals. You graduated a few years, is often felt no stage fright or the lung power? Adversity is definitely not an alarmist ! This moment will nap, you will have a dream; moment study, you will come true. Life in the competitive battlefield, the nap is the loser!
everyone young seemed lofty, not afraid of anything, but with age, every day would like to the house, work and raise a family these worldly thing, never dare to youth that We changed the life, or changed our lives? Our thinking more and more complex, more and more reluctant because of a growing number of concerns, we are always hovering, always hesitate. Graduate to begin a year or two, the weight of our burden of life would be out of breath, setbacks and obstacles blocking the openings in all directions, we tend to play in the oppression of their potential was only after Deus Ex, find a way out. But two or three years, began to reduce the burden of the body, work began to be plain sailing, we slacked off, and gradually forget the potential dangers. Until one day the crisis came suddenly, we know what to do, was defeated in the past few years ... ... school is still in critical condition, must be vigilant awareness, good hard work, so as to have a real security in life,new balance mens!
Hardships for the worst. If you want to go beyond their current achievements, not a finish line, but to the challenge. Of timid people, the real danger is in not adventure!
under the weight of young people in society, adaptability has become increasingly strong,new balance running shoes, but they do not consciously accustomed to being pushed by the environment. They dare not take risks, afraid to bring their own life-long regret, so comfort yourself : Stick to the existing long-term security, the will be like the frog in warm water, the ultimate loss of jumping instincts.
social life has gone through the past few years, you should understand: The world has the rich have poor There is also a bright cloudy, there is ugliness has the United States, in the end to see what is positive or negative depending on their own. Learn at a young age to work diligently, with a bright thinking about life, then, as long as the **** hand, you will find that there are a colorful life.
the Thanksgiving carved in stone, deeply grateful to others to help you, always Bearing in mind that this is due to a realm of life; to hate to write in the sand, pale forget someone hurts you, learn tolerance, so that all of the hate gone with the tide, which is a realm of life.
Association pour water can hold more water. Graduation day from the start, learn each day as a new starting point, work from scratch every time. If you know how to comprehensive beyond.
career start in the short road, you want to get better, faster, more useful to grow, it must be to zero thinking to face the world. Not to the university of the GAO to flaunt themselves, do not feel particularly good , but to lay down their attitude to their lower body frame so that they are settling down, holding the attitude of learning to adapt, and accept the challenge. Down
young man from the campus or from an environment into a new environment, we must dare to be familiar with the original environment,new new balance shoes, habits, likes things down and start from scratch. We want to be successful in the workplace, we must first cultivate resilience. **** From the natural integration into the workplace as a unit are the basic conditions. Low starting point, a person is not terrible, for fear that the low state. The more care about the self, the more there is no prospect; the contrary, the more initiative to pay, then he will be more rapid development. Many people today made some achievements in the early stages of his career from scratch,If the National Level Test Changde standard answer, sediment, sediment itself, empty and then empty, zero then zero, because of this, their way of life was singing, flying all the way.
the years of graduation, we want the past to zero, the workplace will not be carrying a heavy bird crawling snail shells can be as light as a bird in the sky to fly. Please have a good taste of Jack? Welch said a word: homes to gain, to the water glass full of air, lay down to go beyond.
zero thinking five performance: a mind free from me, eyes no money, no concept of him, no one was toward the life-long learning.
arrogant young man with something inevitable, that their omnipotent, invincible, In actual fact, newcomers entering the workplace was a The years of graduation, we must allow their apprentices to gradually cultivate thinking, sponge thinking, empty glass thinking, thinking this person has a heart always open, ready to accept the revelation and all the things for inspiration, they are all the time can feel the call of the goddess success.
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