A commenter on our TV branch nails it: Call me crazy but didn’t Ellison lay out exactly why we are having these radicalized Islam [hearings by Rep. Peter] King right now? ‘To weed out those who misuse the words of the Koran for political reasons…?’ Ellison should be supporting King not crying like a baby to undermine what King is doing. Wish I’d said that, and how nice to once again see Bill Maher stand up for Western Civilization and take the truthful,
Office Home And Business 2010, non-PC stand that radical Islam is in fact a unique and dangerous threat to our country and the world. Maher loathes all religions (and isn’t a fan of King’s hearings),
Office Professional Plus 2007, but unlike most of his liberal counterparts who aren’t as upfront about their loathing of Christianity, Maher’s at least willing to admit that comparing Islamists to militias, the KKK and those who shoot abortion doctor makes little sense. Not all evils are equal, and certainly not equal threats. As far as I know,
Office 2007 Standard Key, Maher is the ONLY guy in the entertainment world willing to speak this truth and he deserves credit for doing so. Furthermore, all week long the liberal media — aided in no small part by their ally Jon Stewart, –have been rightly heaping scorn on Rep. Peter King’s support of the I.R.A., which was and is reprehensible. What’s also reprehensible,
Office 2010 Pro Plus Key, though, is using King’s past to discredit what he’s doing now. The media and Stewart’s intellectually dishonest PC crusade to use King’s past as a weapon to undermine the Congressman’s necessary and long overdue hearings is also deserving of scorn. Supporting terrorists like the I.R.A. is wrong but do you want to know else is wrong? Sticking your head in the sand in the face of a real threat and while doing so,
Office 2010 Discount, using political correctness to dishonestly puff yourself up with moral righteousness. In the early part of the video above when Ellison is talking about how gosh-darned inclusive Islam is, my wife made an excellent point: “I wonder how many Jews and gays attend those meetings?” You can see the comment in context by hitting the "nails it" link.