Around two months ago clintc made a post asking if anyone would be interested in a light-weight bug tracking template, and the response was overwhelming. Well, I am happy to announce that we have taken the time to put together just such a template,
Office 2010 License, and better still, that we’re releasing a beta version to get your feedback.Bug tracking means a lot of things to a lot of people,
Office Professional 2007, and part of our previous blog post was to elicit feedback to help us scope the application and it’s features to provide the best bug tracker for the most people. That being said, the responses were pretty varied but proved to be very useful.After working it through we decided to go with a lightweight bug tracking application that should be very easy to use with very little learning curve. One thing that we wanted to avoid was duplicating a complex bug tracking solution such as Bugzilla,
Microsoft Office 2007 Key, as we saw a lot of value in keeping it simple and quick to load up and go.All in all,
Microsoft Office Professional 2007, we are very happy with the results,
Windows 7 Ultimate Key, and look forward to feedback on how it can be even more useful. Here is a quick screenshot of the details form:
Download the template and then be sure to send us your feedback and comments. <div