If you're a frequent visitor of Your Feet Make You Unique, then you know I love shoes and I proudly wear a size 11. If I could, I'd probably buy a pair of shoes every single day. Making a simple monthly budget that includes shoes and clothing along with your other expenses will make life easier. Of course, it's easy to open your purse, pull out your credit card and charge your life away. Living life on a budget will help you get those $200 designer heels you've been eyeing for the last 2 months. It's rather simple, if you have the cash, then buy the shoes! If you don't, then don't.
I know. It's easier said than done, but I'm actually taking my own advice. There was a time, I'd flip out a credit card at the drop of a hat, but not these days. I've seen the light. So, I thought I'd pass on some tips that I've learned over the years from my own experiences, books, websites, finance gurus and ex-shopaholics.
I hope some of these shoe shopping tips will be helpful. Pick and choose the ones that work for you. Shop Wisely!
1. Plan out a monthly budget.
If you don't sit down and spend your money on paper on purpose with a written budget that includes shoes and clothing expenses, you'll buy those Jimmy Choos and wonder why 2 checks have bounced and your credit cards are maxed out. Need help with budgeting your money? Get Dave Ramsey's Free Budgeting Tools.
2. Don't go shopping when you're bored.
Studies show women who are bored exhibit more risk-taking behaviors. After the euphoria of carrying out 10 pairs of shoes from 10 different stores totaling $2000.00 wears off, then what?
3. Know exactly what you want to spend.
When I go to the store, I know exactly how much I can spend because I have prepared a written budget. If the pair of boots I want are over my limit, then I'll leave them in the store. It doesn't mean I won't shed a tear or two. If they're meant for you, they'll be there when you have the money to buy them.
4. Shoe sales.
This may take a little work on your part, but doing a little comparison shopping can save you time and money. The internet has made this task simple. Now for those of you who wear large size shoes (sizes 10 and up,) you may have to do a little more research. Several websites can make your research a breeze: like.com, pricegrabber.com, bizrate.com, shopping.com, ebay.com and more...
5. Check out online shoe stores.
The one great thing about shopping online is the convenience of leisurely scrolling through sites and finding exactly what you're looking for at the right price. Often times, sites like Zappos.com offer free shipping and other discounts. Shopping online saves on gas and your wallet. If you're like me, I least want a snack after I go shopping.
6. Use them or lose them- gift certificates.
Make sure to use your gift certificates before they expires. Pair your gift certificate with a sale item, the money you've budgeted and you'll save big.
7. Make extra money online.
A little extra money can help keep you out of trouble and fund your shoe obsession.
8. Buy in bulk when it makes sense.
If you're a woman who has large size feet, it may make sense to buy shoes in bulk. I don't mean you have to buy 10 pairs of shoes. I simply mean if you wear a size 14 and the shoes are available in 2 different colors and/or you know this style of shoes will work with just about everything in your wardrobe. Why not buy 2 pairs? If you wait you could risk your favorite pair of shoes being out of stock.
9. Sign up for shoe giveaways.
If you enjoy contests, then sign up for free shoe giveaways. Win Free Shoes atZappos.com
10. Check out consignment stores.
Occasionally, you'll find new or gently used designer shoes at consignment stores. Your budget will thank you.
You have trained consistently for months,
Nike Jordan Fusion 4.5, achieved your season's goals and now your sights are set on winter training and next season. By this point, your running shoes (a loyal training buddy throughout the summer) should be looking fairly well-worn. They are super comfortable, they fit beautifully, but they just don't provide the levels of cushioning and support they did fresh out of the box. It's time for a change!Choosing the best running shoes can be a tricky task though, even for the most experienced of athletes. Most likely, the manufacturers of your current shoes will have brought out a new version of your current model, possibly with vastly different characteristics. So, while it is not quite straight back to square one for the task of choosing a new pair, it is important to be discerning when choosing your winter pair.
In this article we will attempt to set out, in simple terms, the key factors to consider when choosing your new pair of shoes. If you choose the right pair, your shoes will help you to stay injury free over winter and lay the foundations for a successful season next year. However, if you make the wrong choice, you may suffer rubbing, black toenails or, worse still, long-term injury which will allay any hopes of a successful season next year.FACTOR 1: COMFORT
A running shoe should feel comfortable the moment you try it on.....the running shoe should feel 'right'. If the shoes feel uncomfortable, you should reject them. It doesn't matter whether the particular brand/shoe is endorsed by Chrissie Wellington, Paula Radcliffe or Alistair Brownlee, they will not 'wear-in' and feel better.