of our dear RedeemerYou straight are on
your knees for pardonpardon; And Iunjustly toomust grant it you.
[DERBY rises] But for my brother not a man would speak; Nor I
ungraciousspeak unto myself For himpoor soul. The proudest of you all
Have been beholding to him in his life; Yet none of you would once beg
for his life. O GodI fear thy justice will take hold On meand youand
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To comfort Edward with our company? BUCKINGHAM. We wait upon
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London. The palace
Enter the old DUCHESS OF YORKwith the SON and DAUGHTER
SON. Good grandamtell usis our father dead? DUCHESS. Noboy.
DAUGHTER. Why do you weep so oftand beat your breastAnd cry 'O
Clarencemy unhappy son!'? SON. Why do you look on usand shake
your headAnd call us orphanswretchescastawaysIf that our noble
father were alive? DUCHESS. My pretty couyilai:
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