Phillips from EverythingAccess a short while ago sent us mail announcing a particular for our blog page readers: SimplyVBA World wide Error Handler, provides a revolutionary method of catching VBA problems on a global scale during your task without having to make any improvements for your present code. When initialized, the product routes all errors that arise inside your task for your defined VBA subroutine exactly where you can actually then ascertain how you can handle the error (e.g. carry on on to a regional handler,
office x86, disregard the error,
genuine office Professional 2010, halt execution and so on). Study the VBA contact stack to determine the procedure / module name that generated the error (and all preceding calls in the simply call stack).
Determine the precise line of error from within your global error
Handling subroutine (with automatic line numbering) Iterate through all the variable names and live values in each of the procedures within the simply call stack and easily dump them to a file or table. works for all versions of Access from 2000 upwards and for all file formats (MDB, MDE,
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microsoft windows 7 starter 64bit key, ADP, ADE) and includes a detailed online manual. is during the form of a single DLL and comes in two editions - "Developer edition" and "Distributable edition". The Developer edition is free for evaluation use but not for re-distribution. The Distributable edition requires no end-user installation (apart from just putting the DLL with the same folder as your Access application). further benefits for when your end-users use the runtime edition of Access since you're able to now catch all unhandled problems and deal with them which then prevents the runtime version of Access from automatically closing. a 25% discount for purchases coming from the Access blog. Enter promotional code ACCESSBLOG at checkout.