Many Sellers are making high profits buying and selling designer handbags on eBay. Buyers are always plentiful, and the vast majority of designer handbags receive multiple bids in auction listings. has excellent research tools to help learn more about various labels, especially for Louis Vuitton.2. CONSIGNMENT SHOPS:
You can buy at consignment shops. This again requires a lot of research and you should ask fellow purse lovers which consignment shops they recommend. My favorites are: Fashionphile, Yoogi'sCloset
CA Women T-shirt, Ann's Fabulous Finds
CA Men T-shirts, Let Trade, Castira and Bag, Borrow or Steal. These sites are very well regarded and stand behind their product.Just note one thing: Generally, consignment shops have higher prices. The upside is they do the research, they authenticate the product and you can buy worry free.
Two of these tricks are as follows: Use the Auction format rather than the Buy-it-Now format. By allowing buyers to bid on an item, they become competitive with each other, as each buyer wants to win the auction. Each buyer will want to win the bid, and this psychological aspect to an auction will often make a buyer bid more than the market value for an item.
A handful of name brand handbags are lucky enough to enjoy brisk sales in the United States. Some of the brands in this small group include Coach, Dooney & Bourke, Chanel, and Gucci. There are eBay sellers making a nice profit with buying and selling designer handbags. They purchase the items for less than market price, and sell them for as much as they can get for them. There are some tricks of the trade that sellers use in order to get as much as possible for their handbags.
The second trick is to make sure you are getting an authentic designer handbag. This is often harder than you might think. Manufacturing ######## designer handbags is big business, and there are many people doing this in order to get a share of the designer handbag profits. Many buyers have been duped when purchasing designer handbags on eBay and other web sites. They are led to believe the handbag is an authentic designer bag but find out afterwards that they were duped - that the handbag is actually a ########. When this happens, a buyer should always ask for a refund, as selling ######## handbags is against eBay's rules.
Designer handbags are very profitable both online and offline. It seems that every woman wants a designer purse. Why do they want one? Because carrying a designer purse makes women feel beautiful and stylish. Another reason women flock to purchase designer handbags is that owning a designer handbag can make one feel part of a group, and that is a psychological need - the need to belong to a group.
The first key to buying a new-to-you purse is to do your research! You must learn the name of the style. Then get familiar with the style and brand. What kind of hardware does the manufacturer use? silver
Nike Men Sandals, nickel, brass, leather coated? Is the hardware stamped? If so, where? What colors was the model made in? What leathers were used? What kind of stamps or seals does the manufacturer use?A lot of this research can be done online and there are a ton of resources out there that will help you familiarize yourself with the purse model you're interested in getting. This is why blogs are so awesome! They serve as a catalog of the purses that each manufacturer has made. Some consignment shops have great research kits that will help you familiarize yourself with the brand and how to spot ########s.