A Thought on 'Island-Living Style' « DOORR
Sometimes I read an article about interior design, and instead of pulling away the finer points of “Island-Living Style,” I’m stuck focusing on which editor thought including the insensitive*tidbits romanticizing post-colonial*Caribbean*life <a href="http://wk.putianb2b.com/"><strong>网赚论坛 </strong></a> was a good idea. * In the latest edition of Lonny Magazine they cover an Englishman’s vacation home on Harbour Island. *I think what tipped me over the edge was the “cinematic nostalgia” oil painting of an old black servant hanging above the homeowner’s <a href="http://wk.putianb2b.com/"><strong>打*网赚 </strong></a> desk (see below). *Whether intentional or not, the author (and the owner of the home) are looking upon a time of privilege, racial tensions, sugar and tobacco plantations, and poverty in a way that is only “nostalgic” to colonists. *Even the relatively harmless <a href="http://wk.putianb2b.com/"><strong>威客任务 </strong></a> line in the beginning that proudly mentions that the original builder’s great-grandsons performed the renovations to the house makes me uncomfortable. *Of course, the line could <a href="http://inbookmark.com/mybookmark.php"><strong>网络兼职 </strong></a> suggest that the builders’ family have an excellent reputation for construction and architecture; but it could just as easily suggest the family was never able to move past the profession of heavy manual labor. *Am I*over-thinking*this? *I hope so. Source: Lonny Mag