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Prior to getting married it is common for people to make it obvious that they are engaged by wearing a diamond ring as an engagement ring. One of the most important things that you will need as part of your engagement is a diamond ring,
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It is very important to understand the different bits of the ring because when you have enough knowledge it will be easier to bargain with the jeweler and discuss your requirements for a ring. It is very important to remember the essentials when you are shopping for a diamond ring. The important things to remember are what the expert��s class as the 4 C��s and this stands for Clarity,
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When it comes to the color of the diamonds vivienne westwood there is a lot of people that are aware that a diamond is pretty much a crystal clear hue. Some other very important information to know is that they are graded from D to I. ��D�� is for the colorless gems whilst the ��I�� is for the faint yellow colored gems.The cut of the diamond refers to how it is actually shaped and these include marquise,
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