love kate spade pineapple lemondrop clutch25
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I never use to be a big fan of Kate Spade. Her bags have always been cute but they were never appealing to me. Lately, I've been noticing the designer brand has been releasing some eye catching bags and clutches. One of the bags that is making me drool is the Kate Spade “Lemondrop” Frame Clutch. I absolutely love clutches but this clutch brings adorable up a notch.
Even though I love this clutch in white, I thought I would feature it in green because I felt it was more eye popping. The color really sticks out but so does the pineapple clasp. I can't say I've ever seen a piece of fruit used as a clasp before but it's definitely cute.
The gems are also an added perk to this clutch. I'm so use to being in love with bags that feature crystals that seeing a bag with gems on it is a change of pace. Obviously, it's very hard to match this color of green to just about anything but it would look fabulous with an outfit that's strictly black. The black in the outfit gives a chance for the bright green to be the center of attention.
I personally would not buy this clutch in green, as it's too out there for me, but I would buy it in white! Such a gorgeous clutch to say no to!
You can purchase the Kate Spade New York “Lemondrop” Frame Clutch at Nordstrom for $225.