A survey conducted byÂ*Cathedral Rock PublishingÂ*has found that the majority of eBook readers support additional content, such as music, audio and video, and are willing to pay more for this additional "rich" content. What type of content appeals to e-reader owners? The survey of 105 users, conducted over July and August 2011 in person and online, asked several questions to understand why readers do – or don't – access eBook content. When asked if they had downloaded an eBook, 85% of eBook device owners said yes. Of those who had yet to download an eBook, a third said that they "preferred the feel of a book" and two-thirds said that they had a smartphone or similar smaller device and the screen size was not suitable for reading eBooks. Survey participants were also asked what type of content would appeal to them in an eBook. More than three quarters of respondents (77%) identified music as a desirable addition, while 19% answered "other types of audio." 56% said they would like video in eBooks and 58% were in favor of color graphics. The survey also asked people to consider how they want to use multimedia content embedded in the eBook. More than three quarters (76%) <a href="http://www.cheapinsanity-discount.com/"><strong>insanity discount</strong></a> wanted to be able to import music and video into iTunes. Users would pay a premium for rich content Finally, the survey investigated pricing and how much individuals would be willing to pay for a multimedia eBook. Each person was asked if a book without additional multimedia content or features was four (US) dollars, how much more would he or she pay for the same eBook with enhanced multimedia content such as music, color graphics or videos. All <a href="http://www.louisvuittononline-discount.com/gucci-abbey-d-ring-large-tote-black-p-16272.html"><strong>gucci sukey medium tote</strong></a> respondents said that they would pay more for it, with 10% stating they would pay more than 10. 16% said they would pay 10. 25% people said they would pay 8, and 40% said they would pay 6. The survey was conducted by Cathedral Rock Publishing, a consulting and professional services firm, that specializes inÂ*multimedia eBookÂ*creation, publishing and distribution. The company advises authors, publishers, and businesses on eBook strategies and best practices. This includes how to repurpose existing content and assets for the eBook marketplace, and working with groups on how to plan and execute new content and eBook strategies. John David Balla, co-founder of Cathedral Rock Publishing, explained the rationale behind the survey: "This is an ongoing study to uncover what is driving the evolution of eBooks. We all know that eBook buying has exploded, but what do readers want in terms of rich content – and how different will the reader's experience be in the coming years? Understanding all these elements is important for publishers and authors as they consider how to package and present information readers want. The opportunities for content in the world beyond paper, are limited only by imagination – and what readers are open to." Stephen Smoke, co-founder of Cathedral Rock Publishing, and the author 29 books, including the acclaimed multimedia eBook, Cathedral of the Senses, concluded: "This survey is a snapshot of <a href="http://www.louisvuittononline-discount.com/gucci-wave-monogram-black-p-16364.html"><strong>genuine louis vuitton handbags</strong></a> opportunities for publishers and authors. Readers are open to new ways of buying and exploring content, and now is the time for forward-thinking writers and publishers to consider how additional content can enhance a reader's experience, drive eBook sales, and transform the world of publishing." Don't miss TechMedia's upcoming fall Digital events – where a few thousand senior marketers, web strategists and Internet executives will converge. Digital East: Washington, DC in September and Internet Summit: Raleigh, NC in November.
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www.internetsummit.com © 2011, TechJournal South. All rights reserved. Tags: Cathedral Rock Publishing, e-book multimedia apps, ecommerce in multimedia books, what ebook readers want