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overseas assets (F3)<br />The holdings by a country's government and residents of financial and other assets of other countries. The income from them, less payments overseas of the same nature, constitutes the NET PROPERTY INCOME FROM ABROAD item of the balance of payments. Short-term assets often accumulate through a difference in interest rates; long-term assets by the direct investment of MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS.
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<strong>Encryption</strong> A process by which data is translated into a proprietary code (algorithm) so that it can only be read or altered by an entity that possesses the keys to decipher (decrypt) the code. There are two types of encryption: symmetric (private key) and asymmetric (public key).
dual federalism (H7)<br />A loose form of federalism in which the federal and state levels act separately but in paralleL This traditional view of the US Constitution implies that federal government is mainly concerned with interstate commerce with production being the concern of the states.<br /><em>See also:</em> co-operative federalism; fiscal federalism; new federalism
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<strong>Need cutoff</strong> The need amount that students had to demonstrate to qualify for the Gallagher and College Guarantee Programs through the 2006-07 academic year. The MDHE estimated the need cutoff in the spring of each year before final appropriations and student eligibility was known. The actual need cutoff was then determined prior to setting spending authority in FAMOUS.
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