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such that the government mbt shoes australia , at least if Social Democrat, can assume control. It is a corporation of corporations. Its board of governors is drawn from the main political parties and corporate organizations. The employers, trade unions and cooperative societies are represented. This means that the Labour movement has a majority, and the government can get its way. Furthermore, certain vital committees are in the gift of the government. Until the 1960s, however, these had been appointed in a non-partisan manner. Mr Palme, however, made them political, and dominated by Social Democrats. A particularly important committee thus reconstituted was that concerned with the mbt shoes sale selection of programmes and staff. Socialist nominees were appointed to most senior administration and production posts. The bias of the staff, indeed, moved somewhat to the left of the official party Social Democratic position, but this was consistent with the views of party strategists. They required a shift of public opinion several points leftwards of their immediate aims, so as to enjoy political leeway. Between 1965 and 1968, the Social Democrats profited from the Vietnam war by supporting the protest movement and thereby engaging the sympathy of youth. At that time, the issue was at its emotional zenith and, correctly handled, politically valuable. Where Western governments fought the trend, the rulers of Sweden made an ally out of it. Cabinet ministers, including Mr Palme, made mbt shoes review demagogic orations against Washington and in praise of Hanoi. Radio and TV gave generous coverage to mbt shoes online every demonstration, often 292 The New Totalitarians out of all proportion to its size. They conferred respectability on the Swedish Viet Cong sympathizers, several tens of thousands strong. Teenagers, and in their early twenties, they became an accepted part of the landscape, with the long hair, the buttons, badges and hippie-like dress, familiar everywhere Cheap mbt shoes . They did, however, display a notable curiosity. The mass media did not, as elsewhere, call them FNL sympathizers, but FNL members, so that news reports gave the impression that a branch of the Vietnam war had opened in Sweden. It was an example of the Swede’s craving for the action and significance denied him by his neutrality. All this was to the government’s advantage. Youth had an outlet for its energy, and the party was on its side. Radio and TV continued to play <a href="http://www.jordanretro23.com"><strong>nike air jordan retro</strong></a> up the demonstrations and protest meetings. By the end of 1969, however, the protest movement had lost glamour and political respectability. It was taken over by Maoists inimical to the government. Radio and TV stopped its coverage, although demonstrations continued as extensively as before. One of the largest meetings of its kind was held on 20 December 1970 before the American embassy in Stockholm in honour of the foundation of the Viet Cong, but it was scarcely mentioned on the air. This change kept pace with mbt discount a shift of government attitudes. While the media were withdrawing their support, Mr Palme was turning on his erstwhile allies. The party is most concerned over maintaining control of TV, and takes care to anticipate future developments. “When the first cassette TV was about to enter Sweden, the government stepped in to acquire what was virtually a monopoly of production and distribution. Private companies, although theoretically free to act as they wished, were forced behind the scenes either to abandon their plans or to accept State partnership and supervision. Few Western governments are as perturbed as that of Sweden over the possibility of direct TV transmissions from The Mass Media as Agents of Conformity 293 satellites to private receivers. Politicians are quite openly concerned at the prospect of foreign programmes reaching their citizens for, when that comes, the State will no longer have a monopoly of its own ether. Consequently, the Swedes are trying to have future satellite broadcasting banned internationally. Under present conditions, however, the Swedish government retains its control on buy <a href="http://www.jordanretro23.com"><strong>Nike Air jordan</strong></a> mbt shoes the air. In many ways, it is only making assurance doubly sure. Without political supervision, mbt chapa the party would still get its way because the communicators are on its side. The Swedish communicators act as a corporate body, collectively following the trend of the moment. They are conformist to a fault, wanting only to promote the consensus. It is tradition reinforced by education. Party ideologists say that the new educational system has conditioned the rising generation to think as they want it to. Indoctrination in the schools has been in progress since the 1950s; the products now dominate the media. Their seniors have absorbed the necessary attitudes through other channels. Anxious only to expound what their colleagues believe, the Swedish communicators need no compulsion to toe the party line. In their mental world, departure from the accepted norm is a kind of treachery. It is part of conditioning to group thinking, which makes personal divergence a sin, and acceptance of the collective opinion a cardinal virtue. They have an urge to mbt shoes sale think as everybody else does. In consequence, they have developed a kind of inhibition, what the Russians call the ‘inner censor’, that tailors the expression of their thoughts to prevailing views. Since they act corporatively, by conditioned reflex as it were, it is relatively easy to harness them to a particular ideology. It suffices to convert a select few at the top of the hierarchy, the rest following obediently. From this it follows that the mbt shoes clearance press also supports the policies of the State, and that the question of ownership is largely academic. In fact, most daily newspapers belong to the 294 The New Totalitarians opposition;* almost all are tied to a political party. The independent journal run on commercial lines does exist, but is of so institutional a nature it is scarcely surprising that the Swedish press shows so little vigour. The tendencies of the communicators working for the State-run broadcasting system are no different from those of their colleagues on the privately owned press. This gleichschaltung is further aided by the existence of schools of journalism. It has increasingly become the practice of Swedish newspapers to recruit their journalists from those institutions. But, in the manner of the Swedish educational system, schools of journalism have followed the indoctrination of the party and State. They have moved consistently to the left, and turned out graduates with uniform opinions. These may be broadly described as radical Social Democrats, with possibly a tinge of Maoism. The actual direction is, mbt clearance of course, irrelevant; the point is that there is a direction at all. Like their colleagues in architecture and the social sciences, these journalists regard themselves as social engineers, with the ambition of changing society, and indoctrinating their fellow-men. Yet the government appears not quite content with the communicators’ sanction in its natural form. An influential school of thought within the Social Democratic party wants the press removed from private ownership and brought under public control. One outcome was a law, passed in 1971, ostensibly to subsidize the press and guard its independence, but in practice a threat to its freedom. Struggling newspapers are to receive subsidies financed by a tax on advertisements in the successful ones, to be paid by the papers. discount mbt trainers The effect is to transfer money from opposition to government journals, since in Sweden (as elsewhere) non-Socialist organs are * About seventy per cent of Swedish daily newspapers (covering seventy per cent of the circulation) belong to the opposition parties, or support them. The rest belong to the Labour movement. There is one Communist newspaper. The Mass Media as Agents of Conformity 295 usually more successful than Socialist ones. A State committee decides who pays and who receives. In the long term, many profitable newspapers will become unprofitable and depend on State subsidies for survival. The effect on editorial independence is unlikely to be mbt shoes uk pleasant. In the end, opposition will probably be subdued. But this may be superfluous caution. mbt stockists Today, newspapers are as biased as TV and radio, giving the same peculiar view of the world, designed to bolster the Swede’s self-esteem. In a Swedish newspaper, it is difficult to separate news, facts, the reporters’ views and editorial opinion. The idea of reserving news columns for facts, and putting comment in the leading articles, is alien. Swedish journalists believe, on the whole, that facts are subsidiary, and possibly mutable; that, in the interests of objective truth, their opinions must colour their reporting. Like their colleagues on the air, they see their function as the formation of public opinion. ‘News,’ says Dr Olof Lagercrantz, the editor of the Stockholm Dagens Nyheter, one of the two national daily newspapers in Sweden, ‘must be used to change society and influence people. If it is objective, and designed only to inform, then it is conservative. Now in a small country like Sweden, a newspaper of Dagens Nyheter’s size* has tremendous power. Single-handed, we can change mbt clearance public opinion.’ There is more than a little substance in this claim. The Swedes are particularly susceptible to the influence of the mass media. Their newspapers are designed to tell them what to think. The man in the street hesitates to express a view of his own, but needs an opinion provided by an expert. He wants to be sure that what he says will correspond with what those around him are saying. Again, it is the pursuit of consensus. It is a sardonic joke occasionally heard that a man ‘will not * Its circulation is 600,000, the largest in Sweden. Its sole competitor, Svenska Dagbladet, sells about 200,000. The total Swedish population is slightly under 8,000,000. 296 The New Totalitarians know what to think today until he has read the newspapers’. ‘A small country,’ to quote Dr Lagercrantz again, ‘cannot afford to have individuals getting up and taking a stand on their own. There has to be a group. And, of course, since Swedes react in groups, they are easily influenced.’ He is no Social Democrat, but a somewhat leftish liberal; Dagens Nyheter supports the Liberal party. His view of opinions on his right is that ‘it is impossible to hold a conservative point of view in a society that is continuously changing’. This is a rare articulation mbt uk of a dominant viewpoint. It expresses the tyranny of what Ibsen once called ‘the compact majority cheap mbt shoes ‘. It is an effective method of destroying opposition. The dissident cannot be taken seriously, because the view of the majority excludes by definition the possibility of a conflicting view. ‘In Sweden,’ a Swedish professor once observed, ‘there is room for only one idea at a time.’ The demand for a supply of approved views may be seen in a particular feature of the Swedish press. Most newspapers and magazines run columns by well-known intellectuals in which they do not offer comment so much as provide readymade opinions. There are perhaps fifty or sixty and, at a given moment, they all profess the same views, altering them as women do their hemline to the dictates of the fashion designers. They are not, as explained before, centrally directed; they are simply acting like a herd. <a href="http://www.casualphorum.com/viewtopic.php?p=1833164#1833164"><strong>mbtqis » Tips For Tennis mbt Shoes Maintenance</strong></a> There is a range of tolerated opinions, and a narrow one it is: woe betide him who departs from it. That tolerance is independent of party affiliation: the consensus evolves within the co