忓0璇磋瘽锛屽ス鎶婅兂鑶婃惌鍦ㄦ垜鑳屼笂锛屼几杩涙垜琛~搴曚笅锛岀敤鎸囩敳鍦ㄦ垜鐨偆涓婂垝鍦嗗湀 銆?
銆�銆�“浣犱滑鍦ㄨ皥浠�涔? 鏈夎叮鐨勪簨鎯? ”
銆�銆�“鎴戜滑鍦ㄨ皥浣犮�?rdquo;甯冪憺鎬濊銆傚ゥ鏂崱浣庡ご鐪嬬潃浠栭厭鐡剁殑鐡堕锛屽 挄鍝濅簡涓�鍙ャ�?
銆�銆�鎴戝甫鐫�娉版�濊蛋寮�锛屽ス鎶婂ご闈犲湪鎴戣偐鑶�涓婏紝鍐嶆病鏈夊洖澶寸湅涓�鐪笺�傚ス甯 ︽垜璧拌繘鏍戞灄锛屾潵鍒颁竴澶勮繙绂诲ぇ瀹剁殑鍦版柟锛岃汉鍊掑湪鑼傚瘑鐨勯潚鑽夊拰钑ㄥ彾涓娿�傝交鏌 旇�屽張娌夐噸鐨勭┖姘斾腑浼犳潵璇濊锛屼絾杩欏彧浼氳杩欎竴鍒绘洿鍔犲叴濂嬨�?
銆�銆�濂硅劚涓嬬煭瑁わ紝瑙d笅鎴戠殑鑵板甫銆傛垜鍚埌涓�浼欎汉鍦ㄦ渤閭h竟澶х瑧銆傚ス鍚荤潃鎴戠 殑鑲氬瓙锛岀矖椴佸湴鑴变笅鎴戠殑鐭¥銆傝繙澶勶紝鏈変汉瀵瑰ス鐨勫績涓婁汉鍞辩潃姝岋紝鎮﹁�崇殑闊宠 皟椋樺湪椋庨噷銆傜獊鐒堕棿锛屾垜鏈夊井閱轰箣鎰忥紝鍛ㄨ韩鍙戠儹锛屾湁閭d箞涓�鍒伙紝鎴戜互涓哄惉鍒版 湁浜轰粠鏍戞灄涓蛋鏉ャ�傛嘲鎬濈埇鍒版垜韬笂锛屽紩瀵肩潃鎴戜滑锛屽ス鐨勯暱鍙戝瀭涓嬫潵琛潃鑴稿 簽锛屽ス鍓嶅悗鎽囨憜锛岀湅鐫�鎴戠殑鐪肩潧銆傜瑧澹板拰璇濊娓愭笎娑堝け锛屾苯杞﹀彂鍔ㄤ簡锛屼汉浠 簰閬撳啀瑙併�佹櫄瀹夈�傛垜浼告墜鎺㈠叆濂圭殑琛~锛屽ス娌℃湁杞紑瑙嗙嚎銆?
銆�銆�“浣犵煡閬撲綘鍦ㄥ摢閲屽悧锛屼酣鍒?middot;鎴? ”
銆�銆�“浣犵煡閬撲綘鏄皝鍚楋紝浜ㄥ埄·鎴? ”
銆�銆�濂圭殑澶村彂鎵繃鎴戠殑鑴搞�傛湁浜烘寜浜嗘苯杞﹀枃鍙紝寮�璧颁簡銆傚ス缈樿捣鑷�閮紝璁 ╂垜鏇村姞娣卞叆銆?
銆�銆�鎴戝張蹇典簡涓�閬嶅ス鐨勫悕瀛椼�傛湁浜哄線娌抽噷鎵斾簡涓�涓摱瀛愶紝姘撮潰鎵撶牬浜嗐�傚 ス浼忎笅韬紝鏀句笅鑳宠唺锛屾垜浠汉鍦ㄤ竴璧凤紝鑲岃偆鐏儷銆傛垜鍚讳簡濂圭殑鍚庨銆傚悏绫?mi ddot;鍗℃槑鏂粠閲庨澶勫ぇ鍙竴澹帮細“鍐嶈锛屼酣鍒┿�?rdquo;娉版�濆挴鍜洿绗戯 紝浠庢垜韬笂婊氫笅鏉ワ紝绌胯捣琛f湇銆傛垜鐪嬬潃濂圭┛琛o紝鍗存病鏈夋兂鍒帮紝杩欎箞澶氬勾鎴戠涓 �娆℃病鏈夊鎬曟.鏋椼�?
Chapter 22
銆�銆�We were afraid of what might happen next. Under Béka's direction, we roamed the woods, never camping in the same place for more than three nights in a row. Waiting for some decision from Béka brewed a disease among us. We fought over food, water, the best resting places. Ragno and Zanzara neglected the most basic grooming; their hair tangled in vinelike riots,
coach cheap, and their skin darkened beneath a film of dirt. Chavisory, Blomma, and Kivi suffered an angry silence, sometimes not speaking for days on end. Desperate without his smokes and distractions, Luchóg snapped over the tiniest provocation and would have come to blows with Smaolach if not for his friends gentle disposition. I would often find Smaolach after their arguments,
cheap coach purses, staring at the ground, pulling handfuls of grass from the earth. Speck grew more distant, withdrawn into her own imagination, and when she suggested a moment alone together, I gladly joined her away from the others.
銆�銆�In that Indian summer, the days stayed w