Preparing for Careers in General public and Non-public Accounting
The Accounting Minor Program provides students with a comprehensive background in financial and managerial accounting, taxation and financial statements analysis. The program prepares students for careers in public and non-public accounting,
Microsoft Office 2007 Product Key, or related fields, such as banking and consulting. As well as it provides excellent preparation for graduate programs in accounting,
Windows 7 Product Key, business and law. With the completion of the Minor Program,
Office 2007 Keygen, a student will have the necessary 36 quarter units required to sit for the CPA exam.
Applications are accepted during the first week of Fall, Winter, and Spring Quarters. To apply for the Accounting Minor Program please visit our Apply to Minor page. Please print the PDF, complete the necessary forms and submit it to the Undergraduate Accounting Office located in Anderson D413.
Please keep in mind that you are considered a transfer student if you took Management 1A and/or Management 1B at any institution that is not UCLA. In addition, you can apply your very last quarter of your senior year and graduate with the Accounting Minor (pending your completion of the minor requirements).
- Non-transfer students are eligible to apply after completing 90 units (including AP units). For most non-transfer students,
Microsoft Office Enterprise 2007, this will be the Fall Quarter of their third year.
- Transfer students are eligible to apply after completing Management 120A & Management 122 earning an averaged GPA of a 3.0 and after completing two regular quarters at UCLA. For more information,
Office 2007 Product Key, please see our brochure.
Are you having issues signing up for upper division courses due to MGMT 1B transferability?
Please refer to the Announcements page for more information.
Please subscribe to the Accounting-Alert Listserve at:
Student Organizations
Student Accounting Society
Undergraduate Accounting thanks the following firms for sponsoring Teaching Assistants