20 statement you can write an operating system
20 second statement will be able to write an operating system
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; org 07c00h; tell the compiler is loaded into 7c00 Department
; mov ax, cs
; mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
call diaspstr ;; calling the display routine
jmp $ string ;; infinite loop
mov ax, BootMessage
mov bp, ax ; es: bp = string address
mov cx, 16 ;; cx = string length
mov ax, 01301h ; ah = 13,
mbt black, al = 01h
mov bx, 000ch ; page number is 0 (bh = 0) black red (bl = 0ch), highlight)
mov dl, 0
int 10h; 10h interrupt
No. ; ret
BootMessage: db 510 -($-$$) db 0; fill the remaining space, so that the binary code generated is just equal to 512 bytes
dw 0xaa55; end marker
---------------- ------------------
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