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Old 04-03-2011, 04:28 AM   #1
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yicjing4hu is on a distinguished road
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Chapter IX

arrow of time that we saw in previous chapters, has long been the view on the nature of how the time change. Until the
century, people still believe in the absolute time. That is, each event can be called However, for
any observer movement speed of light is always the same discovery, led to the theory of relativity; in the theory of relativity, people
must discard the existence of a unique concept of absolute time. Replaced with each observer recorded the clock to carry his own
time measurement - different observers to carry the same clock readings necessary. Thus, for measurements made by observers and
, time becomes a more subjective concept.
when people try to unify gravity and quantum mechanics, we must introduce the
Imaginary time and space can not be distinguished direction. If a person can go north, he turned his head and be able to go south; Similarly, if a person
in imaginary time to move forward, he should be able to turn around and go backwards. This indicates that in the imaginary time,air jordan 16, forward and backward between the
not have important differences. On the other hand, when people examine This is the difference between past and future come from? Why do we remember the past not the future
scientific law does not distinguish past and future. More accurately, as explained earlier, the laws of science in the known
C, P, and the combined effects of T (or symmetric) under the same. (C refers to the anti-particles instead of particles; P means to take mirror,
way to the left and right exchanged; T is the reverse direction of motion of all particles, that is, the movement back home.)
In all normal circumstances, the scientific laws restricting behavior objects in the combined symmetry CP invariant. In other words, the inhabitants of other planets
, if they are our mirrors and anti-matter rather than by the composition of matter, then life would be exactly the same
If the laws of science and CPT symmetry in CP Joint United symmetry are the same, they must be under a separate T-symmetric
unchanged. However, in real time of daily life, between the forward and backward direction is a big difference.
imagine a glass of water fall off the table to the floor were broken. If you have to video, you can easily identify that it is moving forward or backward to
. If it fell back, you will suddenly see the pieces together to leave the floor, and back to the table
to form a full cup. You may conclude that video was upside down,louboutin wedding, because this behavior in daily life not seen from the
. If this happens, there will be no business to do ceramics.
Why do we never see broken glass together and leaving the ground and jump back on the table, the usual explanation is that illegal
the back of the second law of thermodynamics expressed in any closed system disorder, or entropy always increase over time. In other words,
it is a form of Mufei law: things always tend to be getting worse: a full cup on the desktop is a high degree of ordered state
, while the glass is broken on the floor a disordered state. It is easy from the cup on the table
earlier, becomes the cup was broken on the ground, rather than the reverse.
disorder or entropy increases over time is an example of the so-called arrow of time. The arrow of time past and future areas
distinguished from that time has direction. At least three different arrows of time: the first is the thermodynamic arrow of time,
that direction at this time of increasing disorder or entropy; then the psychological arrow of time which is why we feel the passage of time
direction, in this direction, we can remember the past not the future; Finally, the cosmological arrow of time,
in this direction the universe is expanding, not contracting.
my thesis in this chapter, the universe without boundary conditions and with the weak anthropic principle to explain why all three
arrow pointing the same direction. Furthermore, why should the existence of a well-defined arrow of time. I will argue that psychology is the thermodynamic arrow arrow
determined, and these two arrows must always point to the same direction. If one assumes that the universe
no boundary conditions, we will see there must be a well-defined thermodynamic arrow of time and cosmology. But
the entire history of the universe is, they do not always point the same direction. However, I will point out that only when they refer to the same
when to ask why the degree of disorder for the expansion of the universe of time in the direction of increasing the development of intellectual life,
have the right conditions.
First, I want to discuss the thermodynamic arrow of time. There is always much more than the ordered state disordered state of the
fact that the second law of thermodynamics exist. For example, consider a box of jigsaw puzzle, there is one and only
a spell of these small pieces of paper a complete picture of the arrangement. On the other hand, there is a huge amount of order, then a small
paper is disordered, can not spell a picture.
assume a system from a small number of state of the starting order. Over time, the system will
evolution according to the laws of science, and its status will change. Later, because there are more disordered state, it is
disorder more likely than in the ordered state is more likely. Thus, if a system has
subject to a highly ordered initial conditions, degree of disorder as time increases.
assume jigsaw puzzle pieces of paper from the box can be arranged in an orderly combination of a picture start, if you shake the box, which will be used
other combinations of these pieces of paper, This may be a picture can not form an appropriate combination of the disorder is so because there is much more
as a combination of disorder. There are some pieces of paper may still form part of the group picture, but the more you shake
box, the more of these groups may be separated, the paper will be in a state of total chaos in this state they can not
the formation of any kind of picture. Thus, if the piece of paper from a highly ordered state of the initial conditions, the paper paper
the degree of disorder may increase over time.
However, assuming that God determines whether the state where the universe began, it must end in a highly ordered state,chi flat iron reviews,
in the early universe may be in this state of disorder . This means that the disorder will be reduced over time. You will see
broken glass together and jump back on the table. However, any observation of people who live in glass disorder of the universe decreases with time
, I will judge such people have a psychological arrow of time dating back down. This means that they will
remember future events, not past events. When the glass is broken, they will remember the case on the table;
but when it is on the table, they do not remember it the scene on the ground.
work because we do not know the details of the brain, so the discussion of human memory is very difficult. However, we
do know is, how computer memory works. So, I will discuss the psychological arrow of time your computer. I
that, assuming that human beings have the same computer and the arrow is reasonable. If not, people may remember if they have a
Taiwan Stock Exchange next year, leaving the fall of computer prices.
Broadly speaking, the memory device is a computer can exist in two states included in any component of a state
equipment, abacus is a simple example. In its simplest form is composed by a number of iron; each root has a
iron beads, the beads can stay at two locations into one. Memory is stored in the computer before the memory device at the
in the disordered state, beads and other likely to be at the two possible states. (Suanpan Zhu disorganized thinking spread in the iron
bar). In Memory and the memory system to the interaction, the state of the system, it certainly is in that state this or
(each Suanpan Zhu will be located in the left or right side of bars.) Thus, the memory device from the disordered state into a
order. However, in order to ensure that the memory is in the correct state, requires a certain energy (for example, or to move the abacus beads
computer is plugged in). This energy is dissipated as heat, and thereby increasing the amount of disorder the universe.
It can be shown that the degree of disorder than the incremental memory device itself, a large increment of degree of order. Thus, by the computer cooling fan exhaust heat
a project that the computer records in its memory device, the universe, the total amount of disorder is still
natural increase. The direction of computer memory and the last time the increase in disorder in the same direction.
Therefore, the direction of our subjective sense of time or psychological arrow of time, in our minds between the thermodynamic arrow in time
determined. As a computer, we must increase the entropy of the order will be things to remember. It almost turned into the laws of thermodynamics
nonsense. Degree of disorder increases with time but because we are increasing the degree of disorder side
up measurement time. Take this point to bet, for sure you'll win. Why must exist, however
thermodynamic arrow of time? Or in other words, in what we call a
end of the last time, why the universe is highly ordered state? Why it is not all the time in the fully disordered state? After all, it seems more likely
. Why the increase in disorder and the time direction and expansion of the universe in the same direction?
in classical general relativity, because all known laws of science in the failure of the big bang singularity, one can not pre-
words how the universe began. The universe from a very smooth and orderly start condition. This will lead, as I have observed
, well-defined thermodynamic arrow of time and cosmology. However, it can be equally valid from one
a very undulating state of disorder begins. In that case, the universe has been in a state of complete disorder,
so the degree of disorder does not increase over time. Or it remains constant, then there is no well-defined thermodynamic arrow of time
head; or it will decrease, then the thermodynamic arrow of time and cosmology will be the opposite to the arrow of time.
Of any of these may not meet the conditions we have observed. However, as we have seen, classical general relativity predicts its own
body collapse. When the space - time curvature become larger, quantum gravitational effects become important, and the classical theory is no longer a good description of the universe is
, people must use quantum gravity to understand how the universe began.
As we saw in the previous chapter, in the quantum theory of gravity, in order to specify the state of the universe, people still said to be
clear space in the past - the time the boundary of the universe the possibility of history is how the behavior. Only if these historical conditions of full
meet no boundaries, people have described it possible to avoid this we do not know and not know what the difficulties:
they are limited in scale, but no borders, edges, or singularities. In this case, the beginning of time would be the rules
, smooth, space - time point, and the universe in a very smooth and orderly state began its expansion.
it can not be completely uniform, or in violation of the uncertainty principle of quantum theory. And particle density must exist a small degree of speed
ups and downs, but no boundary condition implies that these fluctuations is the uncertainty principle in line with the conditions
as small as possible.
the beginning of the universe has an index or In the expansion, the density fluctuations have been very small beginning, but later began to become larger. Density than the average in large areas
little extra gravitational attraction to the quality of expansion slowed. Ultimately, this expansion of the area to stop and collapse
galaxies, stars and us human. When the universe began in a smooth and orderly condition, with time speech
into undulating state of disorder. This explains the existence of the thermodynamic arrow of time.
if the universe will stop expanding and begin to shrink, what happens? Thermodynamic arrow will not be reversed, without
degree sequence began with time reduced? This expansion phase from the contraction phase of the people survive to leave the wide variety of science fiction
possibilities. They will see the glass pieces together to jump back to the table up off the floor? They will not remember tomorrow
prices and fortune in the stock market? Since the universe have to wait for at least ten billion years after the contraction began
, worries what will happen then, seems a little pedantic. But there is a faster way to find out what will happen
that jump to the black hole to go inside. The process of stellar collapse to form black holes and the later collapse of the entire universe is quite similar;
Thus, if the contraction phase in the disorder of the universe decreases, it can be expected inside a black hole will be reduced. Therefore, a fall into a black hole
astronauts go to the stake before the vote, may be able to rely on wheel gamble on the mind of children to and winning the ball.
(However, unfortunately, can not play long, he will turn into spaghetti. he did not enable us to know the thermodynamic
arrows reversed, or even his winnings in the bank, because he was trapped in the back of a black hole event horizon.)
At first, I believe that when the degree of disorder in the universe will collapse to decrease. This is because, I believe that the universe and then decreases, it must be returned
smooth and orderly state. This shows that the contraction phase is just the time expansion phase inversion. In a contraction phase of people who will be setback
way of life: they already died before birth, and becomes younger as the universe contracted.
this concept is appealing because it indicates that the phase in the expansion and contraction between the phase there is a beautiful symmetry. However
However, one can not set the expense of other ideas about the universe, and only use this idea. The question is: Does it no boundary conditions by the
implied or whether it is not in harmony with this condition? As I said, I at first thought does not mean pieces of boundary
disorder reduction in the contraction phase. The reason I was misled, in part because the earth's surface than the class
caused. If people open the beginning of the universe corresponds to the North Pole, then the end of the universe should be similar to its beginning,
as similar to the Antarctic and Arctic. However,Like mother, like daughter, the North-South diodes in imaginary time corresponding to the beginning and the end of the universe. Room at the time
between the beginning and end can be a very big difference. I also I made a simple model of the universe
misled by the collapse phase in this model appears to be the time expansion phase inversion. However, one of my colleagues, Pennsylvania State University Tiffany
Asia Page pointed out that when no boundary conditions are not required to be shrinking relative to the time expansion phase inversion. I am a student 雷蒙拉夫勒 Mongolia
further found that, in a slightly more complex model, the universe collapse and expansion of non-
often different. I realize I made a mistake: no boundary conditions mean that in the contraction phase when in fact continue to
increasing degree of disorder. When the universe starts to contract or in the black hole thermodynamics and the arrow of time does not reverse psychology.
When you realize you've made such an error how to do? Some people never admit they were wrong, and continue to
find new and often incompatible with each other's arguments to defend themselves - as opposed to the black hole Eddington at the time of the theory is.
others claim the first, never really supported the incorrect view, if they are supported, it will only be
had shown that it is inconsistent. In my opinion, if you admit fault in the publication, that would be much better and less made
into chaos. Einstein is a good example, his attempt to build a static universe model of the universe
constant introduction, he calls this the biggest mistake in life.
Turning back to the arrow of time, the remaining question is; why we observed thermodynamics and cosmology
arrows point in the same direction? Or in other words, why disorder increases the time the time the direction is the direction of expansion of the universe? If people believe,
no boundaries in accordance with the implicit assumption appears as the first expansion then contraction of the universe, then why should we phase in the expansion rather than contraction
phase, which became a problem.
people can weak anthropic principle based on the answer to this question. Contraction phase, conditions are not suitable for human
wisdom there, and it is why the disorder that they can make the time to increase the time direction and the direction of expansion of the universe the same question asked
. Assuming no boundary universe predicted boom in the early stages means that the universe must be very close to the need to avoid collapse
expansion of the critical rate, so it was a very long period of time not to collapse. By that time all the stars will
burn, and in which the protons and neutrons could decay into light particles and radiation. The universe will be in a state of almost complete disorder
, then there would be no strong thermodynamic arrow of time. Since the universe has been in almost complete state of disorder, no
sequence number does not increase the degree. However, the behavior of intelligent life is a strong thermodynamic arrow is necessary.
order to survive, man must be an ordered form of energy consumption - food, energy and convert it into a
disordered forms - heat, so can not be intelligent life in the universe contraction phase exist. This explains why we
observed thermodynamics and cosmology of the time arrow points to the same. Is not the degree of expansion of the universe led to the increase in disorder, and is no boundary condition
disorder caused by the increase, and only in the expansion phase, only the conditions for intelligent life.
In short, the laws of science can not distinguish between forward and backward time directions. However, there are at least three times
arrow head will separate the past and the future. They are the thermodynamic arrow, this is the direction of time increase in disorder; psychology
arrow, that is, the direction at this time, we can remember the past not the future; there cosmological arrow, that Yu
Universe expansion rather than contraction direction. I pointed out the psychological and thermodynamic arrows arrows should be essentially the same. Suppose the boundary of the universe predicted no
well-defined thermodynamic arrow of time, because the universe must be smooth and orderly start condition.
and we see that the thermodynamic arrow and the arrow the same cosmology, but the only intelligent life exist in the expansion phase
in. Contraction phase is not suitable for its existence, because there is no strong thermodynamic arrow of time.
progress of human understanding of the universe, is the increased degree of disorder in a universe ordered the establishment of a small corner.
this book if you remember every word in your memory to record about 200 million units of information - in your mind
increases the degree of order for about 200 million units. However, when you read this book, at least you will be in the form of food
1 ordered thousands of calories of energy, converted to the convection and sweat released to heat the air around you in the form of the disorder can be
volume. This will increase the degree of disorder of the universe about 20 billion billion billion units, or about the degree of order in your mind increment -
that is if you remember everything in the book, then - - 1 million billion times the dry. I tried to add some more in the next chapter
degree of order in our minds, explain how people described some of my theories combined to form a complete system
a theory, the theory will be applied to any of the universe things.
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