Personal Bags have been around for thousands of years. Bags represent a blend of technological and social changes and they express cultural advancements in fashionable terms. As a concealer as well as a signifier they play a paradoxical role in psychological as well as physical behavior. The development of jewelry, money, cosmetics, transportation, cell phones, and other personal assistants keeps the nature and the function of handbags fresh and tasteful.Cloth and leather bags with a drawstring fastener became personal workhorses in the 16th century. Women used them to travel as well as to carry the simple work tools of the day. Cloth bags were trimmed in jewels and embroidery in the 17th century and by the 18th century there were leather handbags for every occasion since necessities like rouge,
cartier diamond platinum bracelet, a scent bottle, face powder, visiting cards, and smelling salts could not be out of reach.During the 20th century bags were made using different materials. They were designed in unusual shapes that had internal compartments, and intricate closures, and locks. Designer house leather handbags were the rage in the 1950s. Hermes, Louis Vuitton, Dior, Gucci, Chanel, and others designed bags that were built to impress as well as to last. The 1960s was the era when handbags became symbols of peace and messengers of cultural change.Today ######## designer bags are flooding the market so imitation has become an important expression of day which confirms the fact that purses and bags are still signifiers of power, keepers of secrets, and very creative imitators.