publish on “I love this company” really hit home for me as I think it did with some other folks. It reminded me of my own submit on why I do what I do. I went back and read both and it was great motivation. We have been facing some challenges and frustrations, but what has kept my head above water is the realization that I love this company. To that end I am coming up to my own achievements at Microsoft and while they seem minor to some, they are really a big deal to me :) a couple of things that happen at Microsoft when you reach certain points in your career at this company. You could call them rites of passage, milestones, “coming of age”, or whatever. I am coming up on two of these milestones in the next few weeks and I am tickled pink! my 5 year anniversary with Microsoft is coming up later this month. June 28th to be exact. This is a big deal. Not only to make it to five years at a relatively young company,
microsoft windows 7 professional x64 key, but also because I get recognized for my service in the form of an “award”. You get to choose your “award” and it is either a nifty pen set or this really awesome clock. I chose the clock as about 99% of other people do. This may sound weird, but the clock is something I have been coveting since I started. I would see that clock sitting on other people’s desks and couldn’t wait to have my own. My husband recently received his 5 year award and I was so jealous! I even thought about bringing it to work and sticking it on my desk just to try it out. I am still longing for the clock at this point, but I have a feeling my manager is going to give it to me soon. I can’t wait! with spending 5 years at Microsoft,
microsoft windows 7 home premium keygen, I am getting my first window office since I started working here. I know this really doesn’t sound like a big deal, but again it kinda marks a point in your career that really means something. Offices are generally divvied out based on tenure with the company not seniority, though this isn’t true in all cases. Window offices go to people who have been at Microsoft the longest based on start date. In the last 5 years I have had 7 offices,
discount office 2010 generator, but tomorrow I move into my first window office. So not only have I been here for 5 years, but I have been here longer then the other 5 folks on my team. It makes me want to do a little dance. Some seem to think that having a window office is either a blessing or a curse. Blessing because you have “made it” and you have some seniority/tenure that gets recognized. Curse because you either get to see the great weather you are missing out on in the summer or how much it truly rains in Redmond in the winter. I am planning on sticking around for a little while longer,
office 2010 Home And Business, so we’ll just have to wait and see which one it is for me. care as always,
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