have confessed in previous posts about my shameful addiction to voyeuristic pleasures this sort of as “American Idol” or “Hot-or-Not”,
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buy microsoft windows 7 activation key, she probably doesn’t know the difference between an operating system and a web app, but her straight-talking, hard-edged compassion is just the trait we need in our leaders. She is not scared of direct feedback, and even in the face of competition and emotion, she can deliver straight no-nonsense words. Take some of her comments to under-performers in a recent episode: “We have recognized your weaknesses and want to bring them to your attention so you can work on them” or “We believe in you and want to agree on your areas of growth so we can invest together in your progress” — and she then follows up with specifics, examples, and tough-minded compassion. Compare her, if you will, to any manager, and I would argue she is one of the best I've seen and the kind we need more of in great companies like Microsoft. you who are studying for your upcoming interviews might be inclined to read a slew of best selling management books, but I would argue that you should just sit back on the sofa for an hour with Kelly Finglass. I don’t care if you are building software or cheerleaders; people who know how to provide real feedback to help others grow are in short supply. Kelli’s style models true leadership and growing a strong team (and some might argue,
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