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09-06-2011, 11:53 AM
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09-06-2011, 12:23 PM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 588
Wan Xiaoli
Wan Xiaoli, the world's most pristine fox, persistent and sensitive, simple yet rich. Gave me the impression that a wooden piano and the ever-changing human voice. Later, when he was a motivation, actually took out a bowl with a spoon to draw in Wanbian voice of Ding Dong, is a very pious expression, the effect was unexpected. Wan Xiaoli audience because of its unique style of singing was as subversive folk singer. Chinese Name: Wan Xiaoli Guo Ji: Chinese Nationality: Chinese Hometown: Hebei Cixian Date of birth: 1971 Profession: folk singer Faith: fox, the world's most pristine major achievements: the best folk artists nominated
Ten independent music labels signed on March 2 album released
be evaluated as the most representative works of music worthy of collection: Music album introduces evaluation of social evaluation, 20) born in 1971 in Hebei Cixian, is a human color is rich in folk singer, the Chinese representative of one of modern folk songs. Vanity Fair in a strong singer. 1990 self-classical guitar songs. 199
Wan Xiaoli
0 to 1994 at the winery (county alcohol plant) to work, during which some arts organizations to join. July 2002 signed Badhead label Modern Sky. December 2002 live recording of her debut album May 2004 Fourth Chinese Music Media Awards Best Folk Artist nomination. September 10, 2004 Badhead 3. Included December 10, 2004 Cui Jian, the new Lucky Session, any warm up guests. February 25, 2005 Renjia Bin, Zhang Chu in the December 2005 signed the network show, 2006, release their second album, April 2007 received the 7th Music Billboard nomination for Best Rock Artist obtained in June 2007 the 7th Chinese Music Media Awards Best Folk Artist Award to participate in activities according to Wan Xiaoli (20) January 2010 Issue three albums, Music independent label in December 2006 issue of the first two albums, received on April 7th Music Billboard Best Rock Artist Nomination in June 2007 received the 7th Chinese Music Media Awards Best Folk Music Artist Award Evaluation Xiaoli is not only not good words, but also always declare that he had not too many ideas. He told me that the relationship between him and the music is playing little to like, especially like. Garak from home to find a harmonica, horns, do not know how it will blow out. Junior high school age to listen to pop music, singing Cheng Lin Zhu Mingying. Later bought a guitar, practice hard every day. 20-year-old college graduate, into the factory, get married, have children, like Chin. 97 years in Beijing, began singing in bars, earn money to feed his wife and daughter home, Hebei, hear Western music. 99 began writing songs, until now. Not because there are too many people around, including my own great ideas always stressed that he is only people who think that a valuable comparison Xiaoli. Not the case. Xiaoli valuable is that he said was true. He did not have much idea of his music is like. Then, to join together in this emotional time in their lives. How many people can do, things like single-mindedness on, no complaints and no requirements, no gain, no explanation, no proud aspiring full, no chagrin and regret. Idea is that in addition to the art of things. Wan Xiaoli is the kind of person destined to sing. Although Wan Xiaoli under the standard of living in the secular worthless, but he that has it all: He sings, he has a dear wife and children. Although he said he could have had it all, his smile showing the total plain sad. This is his life. Reminds me of the erhu artist A handle. Eventually, they will be playing and singing of life's vast. Such as the Reflection of the Moon. Wan Xiaoli social assessment of the scene: I can not change the world, I sometimes can not change my own fantasy of ancient people around who are not necessarily pre-existence, just like the clothes they wore the ancient, ancient things to do They do things that in ancient times. The mountains around us still water is not empty, we have a grudge shuttle embrace today's high-rise buildings of reinforced concrete debauchery. There is a certain loss of identity, but no time to think about smart people. Life is short, secular enjoyment had a chance. Only for the life achievements of the Warring States Period concerning the feelings gone. The girls refused and then wrapped themselves Yingyingchaochao and choose the bottom line on all exposed skin, including additional plastic silica gel. Is not nostalgia, but especially those of contemporary Italian style of demons and monsters of ancient. They are not elite, not the outstanding young people, not the model workers, not politicians, not intellectuals, not the intellectuals, artists are not frequently went to Venice. They are folk artists, they are the abstinence of the warrior, or killer, they are respecting the thieves, they are infatuated with a prostitute. They have to do certain things. Album Description Gu Long hair fluttering like most of the novel when the swordsman. Now bald, like a cool assassin. After dusk, a hundred times with his back to his gentle fencing weapons, and prepare to go home after dinner scattered people who finished passing step, to the bright land of the noisiest most flashy, sit those who do not want to go home after dinner the man, and to a glass of wine and began singing. His weapon was the guitar and singing voice. He has been my praise folk artists. Folk artists, cities and villages of the homeless, relying on skill to eat, and to his own as a ordinary people perform. With the artistic trends of their classical, avant-garde nothing to do with the official and underground nothing to do with the packaging, business has nothing to do. They enjoy themselves, eat its own bitter. They do not want to change the world, they also do not want to change the world. Laid-off workers sympathetic to his songs, satire and political news, questions elusive love, expressed nostalgia for the countryside to record the days on the bus back and forth, Mercy of a spinning gyro in the earth ... ... all the ordinary around his concern, but not beautify their concern. His views honestly say, even if those views have become obsolete and outdated and appears as ridiculous. His song has nothing to do with the profound, but profoundly conveys his longing for the good of the faithful. The strange thing is, those who wear fashion all day long for the busy bar regulars garages, who are Xiao Li in the atmosphere of the bar is always exceptionally warm, this shows that some people dream by singing something missing? More importantly, many songs are compiled in this world very well, but indifferent like our lives. And Wan Xiaoli song was full of enthusiasm, as the However, he enthusiastically to singing life's sadness. This is the hypocrisy of those sensational songs of the list can never match. Enthusiasm is a quality of almost lost. (Text / Yin Lichuan) Please support within its capacity favorite artists, buy genuine. Track 01. Fox 02. Old News 03. Ah you silly girl 04. Mom 05. Seven bar 06. Hooligan 07. Laid off 08. Xia 09. The great 10. came and went, December 31, 2006
Region: China Language: Mandarin Description: This is a change to make everyone silent after hearing the album, Scream Silence to forget, forget the applause. As an ordinary folk artists, Wan Xiaoli earth after 35 years after the storm created this new personal poems, the album works created over 6 years time span, including the first album not included in the old work and The first album released after four years of the new articles. The so-called old works, not because of lack of quality songs Xiao Li's debut is difficult to shelter his debut album, but because the songs emotion and the overall style of the first positioning error, because to consider more of a concert of songs better suited to the bar ... ... four years later, including those new songs, all finally have the opportunity to meet with you in the form of CD was. This is a photo of a man's record, although it is more subtle, but in fact the singer with a relatively simple way to convey more information and emotions. At least in the inner feelings, and a good husband, a good father, a good singer in the inner language has become more skilled and diversified. Perspective with more class, a higher perspective to appreciate all of the external environment to individuals. It is a human light, eyes closed a little experience, rich enough to make people cry, in the spirit of absolute abundance. Beautiful farm, and occasionally force you to stop and enjoy the idyllic scenery, the clouds are embedded in the blue of the sky at shaking his bohemian gown with a slightly worn away on a bicycle, a has a simple and honest man with a smile, his wife and daughter, full of wild flowers in the fragrance and the dust particles happily riding country roads with. They walked past you, leaving you a little joy and emotion, and then continue to move forward, some happy laughter deepest saved to memory. Even if the rain to catch up, before falling in the water droplets, freezing the suffocating air of tension, and the distance the laughter of those who are still fresh ... ... if it rains, that men will stop cycling, shyly handed your umbrella, and then said . No one can really through their own way to understand the default value of a musician, a simple folk singer and tough almost a struggle for the ideal soldiers diligently. Present new cities in China, folk category, Wan Xiaoli should be one such person. If the arena to explain his title, then 4 years later, Wan Xiaoli has become detached the enduring practice magic, no weapon can be made with the But Xiaoli no enemies except himself, his throat is so consistent with the heart. Back in Hou De Jian Luo era and shows its strong ability to survive and spread. In China's interior, a direct reflection of marketplace life, reflects the daily life of ordinary people inside the works of Record should be represented by Wan Xiaoli grassroots folk to complete, complete an echo, the new city of Taiwan folk songs echoed folk predecessors, completed echo inner desire to talk. Of course, songs, and Dolan is a network echo. But the music still need to sing out the final analysis, you need to come out with a musical entity, rather than relying on the memories of culture, or to maintain the fragile little flavor. I think the whole when we heard for. Platform and the public in the dissemination of music and aesthetic quality decent enough to pass, people - we all music lovers should Wan Xiaoli as a standard, rather than the sour smell and so the street. We believe that good music must need a good, larger platform to promote good music as a chance to be accepted by the public. Now Track 01 Gyro Dharma Bums 02 04 03 birdsong winter sky Tomb of bed 06 missing 07 05 lights 08 times under the 09 steps of the castle 10 did not imagine it all as bad as the fifth song, same name as the poem: the tomb of death bed ever come Gu Cheng I know, not sad, I pine desire Angola stood below the sea, a distance like a little pool with my people when the afternoon sun is done, I'm in the middle of a long dead rest of them said should be passed through the lower branches of said tree in the long ============================== ===================1, paul smith shoes, Wan Xiaoli new album starting in the microwave thin salt Track 01 Do not ask the stars have a few New Year's Eve 03 Father 04 02 Mother squirrel girl, then 05 settlement bar 06 running on the water dam 07 08 09 back to the forest bird 10 northern northern proud little donkey on the album, copy the sound of air Wan Xiaoli / text throughout the afternoon, the room was quiet, especially in the five or six o'clock. With or without the sun dipped in and I mostly sitting on the bed, looking down play the piano. Occasionally raised his head, across the balcony of the glass to see the western sky, clouds or sunset. At this time I could clearly hear the room sound of the air flowing. Wife in the kitchen preparing meals issued jingle clatter, the daughter came back from school along with a loud noise outside the door turn the key sound, often will I in a fragile bubble mirage pull back, she is followed by two twitter conversation or argument. Riding on top of these sounds in the air, falling on my music into the familiar I almost can not hear. Is usually the case. Thanks to computers, as well as the passion does not give up that point. Once I recorded it all. I froze during playback: that the great ... ... so I had to indulge in it. I smelled a child his red bed quilts that smell. A sense of home, a thorough safety and warmth, like without ears, to take out directly from the heart. Needless to say, I was melting. Also, do not want children to Huiguo Shen. This is also disappointed, as a place for music lovers it is very easy to get obsessed with a space, a sound, and then forget the reality. Of course, the other way round also, the music let me once again aware of life. Thank music. Must be the other way round. So, after all, still have to go back to the village to the field, to the summit, it is not at home ... ... Everyone knows that you live to lose it. So, had to regret the day that a restless impatience, not only did not feel that the gift of true and detailed, and numerous empty a good degree of time, trouble, and beverages ... ... the only proud of her academic performance has been good, is the class of the top few. To the exam, when she was reviewing English and read it aloud and said: I do not like pop music; learning grammar is very important; we should learn to solve problems through forget ... again ... again Chinese English, over and over again ... ... I hear clear across the living room. More Photos Post Bar album cover picture TOM Entertainment (16) forever young, forever tears ... ... (11) publicity photos (11) News Photos (9) million total million total (5) tour (3) Atlas entries Read more atlas extension: 1
Wan Xiaoli's personal space: http://www.myspace.cn/wanxiaoli
Wan Xiaoli's blog: http://blog.sina .com.cn/13wanxiaoli
Wan Xiaoli on stage to sing: http://www.douban.com/group/wanxiaoli/
Wan Xiaoli Baidu Post Bar : http://tieba.baidu.com/f?ct=&tn=&rn=&pn=&lm=&cm=0&kw =% CD% F2% CF% FE% C0% FB & rs2 = 0 & sc = & un = & rs1 = & rs5 = & sn = & rs6 = & myselectvalue = 0 & word =% CD% F2% CF% FE% C0% FB & submit =% B0% D9% B6% C8% D2% BB% CF% C2 & tb = on
Open Category: Rock, singer, folk, Cixian Wan Xiaoli database: hit singles: 1. fox 2. daughter of love 3. Dharma Bums 4. gyroscope 5. All this is not thought so bad 6. birds 7. Mother 8. All the winter sky Album: 1. the past,
09-06-2011, 12:55 PM
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09-06-2011, 01:10 PM
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09-06-2011, 01:26 PM
Commander In Chief
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09-06-2011, 01:33 PM
Commander In Chief
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09-06-2011, 01:40 PM
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: USA
Posts: 3,776
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