15) Introduce something new into your life. This might be a new hobby or joining an evening class to learn a new skill.,
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14) Get into new healthy habits and routines. Decide which days to exercise on or do some other activity and stick to it.
11) Use humour in a positive way. Don't put yourself or others down through humour. Use humour to help and not to be an underhand way to harm.
17) Listen to some uplifting music when you want to feel more energetic and choose some relaxing music when you want to unwind.
write down your successes no matter how minor they might seem to be.
For anything other than mild temporary depression please seek your doctor's advice.
12) Allow yourself to cry. Give yourself permission to have a good cry. It will release much more than you realise.
These tips can help you feel better and more in control.
10) Forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up with negative self talk or put yourself down in front of others. Remember that you are doing the best you can with what you have.
16) When someone praises you or gives you a compliment just say 'thank you'. You will then allow your self esteem to accept a useful boost.
21) Pull the curtains back more and clean your windows to allow as much light as possible into your home.
18) Take a break. Get away from your home even if it is for a few days. You can make an excuse to visit a distant friend if you cannot afford to pay for accommodation.
19) Sing or hum a favourite song of yours. Do it out loud when you are doing some activity.
20) Tidy one part of your home that has been neglected for some time like that draw fill of papers of that cupboard.
13) Draw up a plan of action and cross off each action point as you do it. It will give you a great feeling of getting something and help your motivation.
Steven A. Harold
Clinical Hypnotherapist
Resolve Depression with Hypnosis Cds