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Old 08-24-2011, 12:46 AM   #1
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Default christian louboutin sandals 河南嵩县政府指导意见

  另外,记者了解到,在整个烟叶种植过程中,有一个关键机构——烟站。烟站是烟叶生产服务工作站,是烟草 公司在主要种植烟叶的乡镇设置的站点。从育苗开始直至最后的烟叶收购,烟站为烟民供应包括烟种、烟苗、化肥 、农药等在内的生产资料以及全程的技术指导,并帮助烟民建设烟炕等基础设施。
  记者调查获知,陶庄行政村下辖有上陶、下陶、�3个自然村,共有耕地2100亩,1186人。全村各个 生产小组每人分得的土地数额不尽相同,最多的是�村,每口人分得近1.6亩,最少的是第六生产小组,每口人 分得还不到9分地。
  今天一大早,家住河南省洛阳市嵩县九店乡陶庄村的农民张宜仁(化名)像往常一样,背着双手,顺着弯曲起 伏的小路,去看自己春节后浇了两遍返青水的麦田。但是,那块两亩多的麦田已被黄土覆盖。他蹲下身,望着车辙 下稀稀拉拉的麦苗,慢慢地往烟袋里塞上自己家种的烟叶,深深地吸了一口。
  对于此次陶庄村民的麦田被毁,嵩县政府工作人员刘闯说,县政府并没有强求每个乡必须种烟叶,都是乡里根 据自身情况以及发展潜力上报的。“每个村种植烟叶800亩以上,就是烟叶专业村,会有一定的奖励发展产业经 费,但不强求。这是县里引导,村里自己搞的。”他说。


  “烟站的工作人员给村民的烟叶定了级,装满车后就直接送到市烟草公司仓库或烟厂。然后会再次验级,如果 拿过去被降了级,损失就由烟站承担。所以,烟站在收烟时有时会将村民的烟叶降低等级。”该知情 人士说。
  一名村民告诉记者,种植红薯的方便之处是,每年红薯成熟的季节,都会有很多外地商贩来收购,“种红薯不 用像种烟那样,到烟站卖烟时得等上两三天,还得发愁住的地方”。
  就此,记者赶往当地进行了调查,nike womens

  “连片种植烟叶主要是落实市里制定的土地流转政策,鼓励、引导村民对耕地进行合理、有序流转。”高长伟 解释道,九店乡连片种植烟叶,进行土地流转的方式主要有两种:一种是村民自由协商流转,将连片的土地承包给 某一户村民经营;另一种是协商不成的将连片的土地交由集体统一管理,村委会或生产小组再找另外的承包人对土 地进行经营。
  种烟不如种红薯,这是陶庄很多村民的一致看法。由于烟叶种植程序多、费工时、技术要求高,特别是炕烟这 一环节难度非常大,所以风险也大。种植烟草不仅要育苗、施肥、浇水、采收,还要对采收回来的烟叶进行扎把、 烘烤。除此之外,让村民最觉得麻烦的是,每周都要对烟叶喷洒农药,特别是采收期,要每隔3天喷 洒一次。
  记者从嵩县烟草局拿到的一份材料显示:烟站为每亩烟田供应的“套餐”标准是20公斤复合肥、25公斤芝 麻饼肥等肥料和3次蚜虫、花粉病统防统治用药,并另外制定了一份套餐以外生产物资供应价格单。也就是说,农 民还需要从烟站购买这些专用的化肥、农药、地膜等生产物资。

  就在记者发稿前,陶庄村一位村民再次向记者反映:“村干部要求所有低保户去毁麦田,不去的话就取消低保 资格!”
  种了十几年烟叶,种烟为什么还要被强制呢?走访当地村民时,一提到种烟叶,很多村民直摇头 。
  然而,3月24日下午,陶庄村一位村民再次向记者反映:“中午,村干部来到我家,说如果今年我家不种烟 ,就取消我爸的低保资格!”(韩俊杰、张玉甫)

  国家明确规定,农民有按照自己的意愿种植的自由。但是,陶庄村的村干部为什么非要“逼农致富”,强制毁 掉农民的麦田呢?
  “收了小麦后他们还要继续种玉米,玉米虫害严重,花粉还到处飘,会影响到邻近的其他烟叶种植户。所以现 在要强制毁掉麦地,村委会做的没有错!”他的态度很肯定。

  嵩县九店乡政府向记者提供的一份材料显示:“烟叶生产规模化种植利于技术指导,利于烟农科学管理,上级 对规模化种植区的烟水、烟路、烟炕等基础设施建设给予大力扶持。县烟草部门、县烟办、乡党委、政府在烟叶生 产上想尽一切办法,调动广大群众的种烟积极性,规定哪个村发展500亩以上连片种植,就能得到每亩地20元 的补助,在烟叶收购结束后补助到村。”

  九店乡党委副书记、乡长高长伟告诉记者:“县里确实给乡里下达了7000亩种植面积的计划,乡里又根据 各行政村的烟叶种植历史和基础设施建设情况,给各行政村下了计划。不过这些计划都只是指导性意见,并不强制 实施,就算完不成也不会采取什么强制措施。”
  据陶庄村村民反映,3月16日、17日两天,有人开着三辆犁地用的车,闯进他们的麦田,将刚刚返青的麦 苗毁掉近200亩。而毁掉村民麦田的原因是:让村民种植烟叶,以完成县政府布置的7000亩烟叶种植面积的 指标,christian louboutin sandals

  陶庄村党支部书记张全江先向记者展示了他的一个“账本”:一亩地如果冬季种植小麦,可收入500元左右 ,夏季再种植玉米,可收入400多元,一年两季的收成加起来还不到1000元。而种植烟叶,正常情况下每亩 可收入2000元,除去化肥、农药、煤150元,一亩地可净赚1800多元。

  “如此来说,像六组每人还不到9分地,现在要拿来7分种烟草,村民们的口粮怎么办?”记者问。张全江解 释说:“村里肯定会结合各个组的实际,按照劳力情况、所分地的多少和现有已经留出的面积,来抽种烟叶的土地 。”

  “我家去年种了两亩6分地的烟,最后一共才卖了2500块钱,一亩地还不到1000块钱。”一位村民告 诉记者,去年他在斜坡地上种了4分地的红薯,红薯收购价格是1.1元/斤,最后卖了1100多元。

  “种烟投资大,收成低,扣除各种费用,一年忙下来挣不到什么钱!”张宜仁和记者算了一笔账,如果家里种 两亩烟,按较好的情况,总收入4000元。其中,化肥、农药需花费200元,煤需花费500元,工时费更是 没法计算,仅分级扎把、炕烟等加工工序就要用近70天。如果两个劳力干活,一年下来,每人每月就只有不到1 40元钱的收入。张宜仁不禁感慨:“种烟最孬孙,还不如出去捡破烂儿!”
  “让你种烟你就必须种烟!种其他的,他们给你拔了,uggs outlet!”一位村民气愤地说,“前年,村里有种玉米的,有人愣是带学校的小学生把已经齐腰高的玉米拔了个干净。” 说完这些,他不禁顾虑地回头看了看不远处的村委会大院。
  “我们村从1996年开始种烟,以后一直没有间断。2007年至2009年,全村卖烟每年总收入都在1 50万元左右。去年,受灾严重,{quite} prive christian louboutin 感情受挫欲报复社,500亩地的烟叶还卖了60万元呢。”他的言语之间流露着自豪。在他看来,让村民种烟,是造福群众的做法 。
  知情人士还透露,烟叶属于农特产品,需要缴纳烟叶农业特产税。在烟叶的收购环节,国家规定,20%的烟 叶农业特产税直接转归地方财政。该知情人士说:“由于种植烟叶的乡很少有企业,乡里的开支绝大部分来自烟叶 税收。每年县政府所收的烟叶农特税,会根据各地情况,按一定的比例下拨。这些钱,可能就是政府给村里发放的 每亩20元补助款的来源。”


  据知情人透露,到了烟叶采收的季节,running shoes new balance,国家给烟叶制定不同的标准,烟站收购时一般先分上部、中部、下部三个部位,再把各部位的烟叶分一等、二等 、三等。由于烟叶采收季节检验数量大,检验级别时由烟站说了算。
  嵩县烟草局一位工作人员介绍说,由于烟站设置在乡上,烟站同时受乡政府的领导,salvatore ferragamo handbag 网友争晒雷人校规:舞蹈系学生重一。一名曾在烟站工作过的知情人士告诉记者,每年国家对烟叶种植都有会有一定的生产物资供应。
  资料显示,河南是我国最大的烤烟产区,产量占全国的近1/3,嵩县是河南烟叶的重要种植区。该县从上世纪90年代就开始种植烟叶,张宜仁就是该县种植烟叶较早的农户 。

  部分村民反映说,今年村里每户每人都要征收7分地种植烟叶。对此,陶庄村党支书张全江说:“鉴于陶庄村 的种植传统和基础设施情况,今年乡里给陶庄村制定了1000亩的烟叶种植计划。现在村民自愿种植的面积还不 到500亩,加上这次毁掉的30来亩,还有近500亩的缺额。接下来还要继续抽地,标准是一人 5分地。”
  对于强制毁田的问题,陶庄村第六生产小组组长张记宝说,每年村里都专门划出了烟叶种植区,从去年7月开 始,村委会就不断向村民宣传,鼓励村民种烟,可很多村民还是种上了小麦。


  对于已经毁掉的麦田,村民们的愿望很简单。“我们也不要赔偿,karen millen dresses online,只想以后能够按我们自己的意愿种庄稼。”一位村民抽着烟说。
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Old 08-24-2011, 01:25 AM   #2
General of the Army
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Ue9eg9lrc1bh is on a distinguished road

  “临窗的位置,可以看见外面所有的风景。尤其是外面有棵云杉,无论晨昏,心情随着云杉轻轻摇曳。更可喜 的是那里有个鸟窝,一对鸟儿时常在那里卿卿我我,看着它们相亲相爱的样子,觉得生活真的何其美好。&hel lip;…鸟儿飞起落下间,把枯燥的时间轻轻地带走了……”— —这是主人最新一篇博客日志,写于2008年7月21日,题目就叫《窗外》。细腻的文字,传达出的是一种对 生活的感激与热爱。如果你不认识这篇文章的主人,你一定认为她是个生活无忧,经历轻浅的小女子——对未来正 充满了无尽的畅想。
  她叫马素琴,象山三中的一个语文老师。1998年毕业于宁波师范学院中文系本科,因为病,new balance running trainers,至今未婚。在她的博客里,她就叫“马素琴”,有时,也叫“小今”,或者“蜗牛”。
  而现在,她却躺在县人民医院住院部8楼40床的病榻上,床边贴着醒目的“禁食”两个字。从早到晚,输不 完的液,打不完的针。我去看她的时候,她的大姨,正在给她按摩腰背,她的母亲今天家里有急事,先去处理了。 她说,整天侧着打针,腰都麻了……她朝我笑,比两星期前见到的更瘦了。从上海 转到宁波,再转回象山——三个多月了,她粒米未进,其间连吃半个橘子都要呕吐。她告诉我,昨晚做梦了,梦见 吃着香甜的汤圆。看着她苍白的脸上绽放的微笑,我不由想起她在一篇文章里所写的:“我是个善良的人,总是希 望我身边的人快乐。所以我微笑,也让身边的人微笑。”“我找回了微笑,在心里,new balance ML574 shoes,也在脸上。”写这篇文章的时候,她知道自己的病已经复发了,并且正朝一个非常坏的趋势发展着。但她微笑着 ,让身边的人不因她的病情而有更多的担心。
  当然,她也有过美好的爱情。身材高挑,健康苗条的姑娘,是没有理由不吸引好小伙的,何况,她还拥有自己 喜欢的职业,mens new balance shoes。那时的一切,都是美丽的,天高云淡,鸟语花香,她正准备婚嫁,准备往很多女人走着的路上走的时候,她却知 道了自己的病,为了不拖累别人,她主动提出了分手。那时是2001年,她知道自己患的病叫“卵巢恶性肿瘤” ,习惯上,人们称这种病叫“卵巢癌”。
  起先,她以为是良性的,为了不让父母担心,她一个人偷偷上医院将囊肿切除了。父母育有三个孩子,她是长 女,她觉得不让父母担心是做子女尤其是做长女的责任。后来身体不舒服,去上海再检查的时候,却被告知是癌症 。于是,她就将卵巢切除了,还做了四次化疗。当然,这个时候不想让父母知道也不可能了。她相信生活是美好的 ,即使因为因切除卵巢注射药物而使身材变得臃肿走样,她仍然热情地拥抱着生活,new balance cw996 shoes,从来没觉得自己是个病人。在工作之余,读书,写作,活得乐观、向上,mens new balance 996。她这样写道:“人丑了,还不从质素上修饰内化自己,那对人对己就是一种伤害了。”
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Old 08-24-2011, 01:46 AM   #3
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oujoyha8l7 is on a distinguished road

\At this stage, many companies television advertising; However, many companies put in later, and did not achieve the desired effect. TV media in China today is entering a period of rapid development, satellite TV, cable TV, digital pay TV, television buildings, hospitals TV, mobile TV blowing all kinds of nouns. Enterprises are now facing the situation is an open, complex media environment of television advertising,ecco men shoes, how a city today with an average of thirty or forty channels of multi-channel era, accurate and efficient business ads placed in front of a big event. Choose the right media placement
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TV ads in the following points:

⊙ rationality
ads from 2004 - We all can feel in 2006, the situation has changed. Many of the companies disappeared, many companies hard, and why? These phenomena show that development of the industry has entered a cycle of 20 years, were to phase out, followed by the arrival of the industry is mature stage, the brand is about the era, each industry sector's intensive advertising brand advertising has reached the reasonableness of . ---- Intensive series of brand communication management tools, means of brand communication is intensive, that is, the effect of television media planning and the relationship between the main factors - advertising content, form, play length, frequency and broadcast advertising time, so that reasonable to put in; one carrier in advertising, content, form, play length, frequency and ad slots play no obvious strategy for the wrong circumstances, the higher the frequency the better ads, that is, advertising effectiveness and frequency of advertising is proportional to, obviously example is \But when the advertising carrier, content, form, play length, frequency and broadcast advertising time in the case of obvious errors, then the high frequency is difficult to shake the market's nerves sensitive point.
⊙ continuity
ads \A household electrical appliance enterprises spent six million put CCTV three months, the sales did not improve, stop the TV advertising! advertising and brand to the long-term, sustained investment in order to be effective, consumers make purchase decisions is not a short period of time , need to go through contacts - Note - cause - to understand - get - attitude change - the memory - the process of action, the consumer brand awareness and take the next step of action requires constant reminder ads.
⊙ put the channel dispersion night and other periods because of
low ratings, many companies specialize in sets of broadcast advertising to make the so-called set of broadcast channels is to waste time all together, packaging, sales to businesses, because the exposure appears to multi-frequency, length very short, cheap, wide coverage, there are many times the actual broadcast late at night or after a replay part; survey shows that 94.8% of people will not repeat there is no cultural or watch some quality of the brand column, so that Mistakes many companies into advertising! enterprises should concentrate its limited advertising money into a television channel, such as ANTA put a lot of sets of central 5 sets broadcast, adopted a \power is highly concentrated, high return on investment! broadcast a large number of repetitive units, so that ANTA brand in a very short time to become well-known brand sports shoes! and to the central 5 sets of shoes and apparel brand packaging become the most effective TV media, as well as Jinjiang shoes, apparel companies competing to invest heavily in advertising CCTV Channel 5,discount ecco shoes, and the emergence of a large number of well-known athletic footwear and apparel brand. (such as special step, Pick,ecco casual, seven wolves, rich bird, seven wolves, Ba Jin, Lee Lang, etc.).

ads put the data of the number, price, covering several different channels, also make some enterprises to enter the television advertising errors, ignoring the running of the time, seconds each play costs, cost per thousand, cost per rating point, the total rating points, share and other data in response to a certain extent, the value of the media, not only attach importance to some of the surface data, which is the amount of the inspection, more qualitative study to focus on media, such as the media's image, product features; business audience consistent with the part the audience, part of the reputation, loyalty, in part the influence of the audience and so on. If the groom Chinour launch in 2006 CCTV > part, is because the product features and columns do not match, a crushing defeat; Newman sponsored in 2006 > obtained great success.
⊙ seasonal advertising
many companies only in the advertising sales season, the off-season to a complete stop. everyone knows, the brand and the formation of consumer purchase behavior is a long-established, to continue to convey to consumers information on companies and brands! even the off-season, do not stop the publicity, so you can take the mental resources of the media and consumers, better weaken the strength of competing products. Procter & Gamble do very representative! P & G has never stopped advertising, season and step up publicity efforts to improve the exposure frequency, a decrease of the off-season running, but does not stop, just reduce the frequency of it, always in front of consumers appear, will not let consumers strangeness, and increase their impression of the consumer! It is like falling in love, boyfriend girlfriend, three roses, is a full effect to her, and still am one, at noon a night, an effect Okay?
⊙ corporate advertising strategy
regional general two types: one is intended to expand the situation in the sales business, one is intended to squat in a number of regional stability market and continue to shape the brand of the enterprise. using sets of radio or television media sponsor and corporate product features and columns columns of character, you can play to the sales promotion and branding effect. to TV ads and ads feature hard to participate in TV programs News of the soft way. television advertising should be a double appeal, advertising feature films to portray the theme of corporate branding, brand development company focused on the many promotional advantages. to the provincial market as the target area, the brand sets of broadcast delivery, the demands of rational corporate brand; to advertising as a secondary feature films, focused on strengthening the brand in the consumers mind the purpose of the brand image.
⊙ television media selection and excellent contrast

Chamber of advertising services for the customer , concerned about the effect of advertising customers and will be the premise of advertising for the following points
put before the media planning (for the customer's media placement plans to provide data to support)
Market Analysis (competitive analysis, opportunities, market analysis, target population analysis)
media analysis and monitoring (air effect, mass, length,ecco golf shoes, frequency, time report: the target audience analysis, attitude of the media, advertising reach, brand recall and)

media name, media time, length, frequency, investment broadcast time period, are very important business advertising options and television media options affect the corporate brand image and market expansion. enterprises in the ads should be put before the analysis, calculate the cost of each player and play contrast, choose the most cost-effective TV media placement programs. If a corporate price per play 200 yuan, 20 times a day play sets broadcast, if the number is 50% of the broadcast and other garbage in the middle of the night part time or replay of the broadcast, it is equal to the actual player prices up 50%, is equivalent to the number of broadcast reduced by 50%, such as late-night replay of garbage time and the arrival rate is very low column itself, at times not consistent with the actual broadcast advertising effectiveness.

company is doing the advertising strategy to conduct a comprehensive analysis, do not blindly believe that the advertising company's proposal, from the enterprise product features, positioning, market conditions starting to develop advertising strategies, from CCTV to the provincial TV channels and then to the provincial land Numerous television prefecture, located in different television transmission of different regions have different transmission values, how to focus on the development of corporate marketing choice to determine television media placement,ecco shoes outlet, you need to start business in many ways, on television media scientific assessment of the performance, and ultimately find their own communication carriers.
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Old 08-24-2011, 01:47 AM   #4
Posts: n/a

In the silence of space ,ecco shoes store
reminding us of scenes of yesterday were
gap years as swamp
trapped in
Yat been dead fireworks do

loss ; ; unpredictable life
changing the world as
; ; Wang Chuan earth
; ; your breath thinking
Past is dead whom
; life and for whom into the cycle of

; ;
floated through the sky ; ; life elegy
; ; a final music
frequently in the soul back
Fine ; ; ; ; ; ; tears

Italian contingent surplus ; ; ; ; ; was flying side by side
; ; ; ; ; today across every sea
are a safe distance from
; ; ; ; ; are hypocritical mutual affection
; ; ; ; ; ; even lonely face of the computer

boiled waterBeautiful days are always too short
Time no match for any mood
; ; ; ; ; close the sea only to see a confused
; ; ; ; ; ; the original too close to the two people
but will more and more strange

always find a safe distance
; ; ; ; ; ; to enjoy each other
; ; ; ; ; ; another blessing

; ; ; ; ; I was standing shouting distance away
heartApart from fatigue
more happy
more happy
moment to smile on your face shine
Huan Xin never let sublimation

your penI will spread my wings
flights of fantasy
; ; ; ; ; ;. . . . . .
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Old 08-24-2011, 01:47 AM   #5
Posts: n/a

Gantt chart (Gantt Chart) by Henry Gantt developed in 1910, he passed a bar graph to show the project, progress, and other time-related progress of the inherent relationship between the system of progress over time. Among them, the horizontal axis represents time, vertical axis activity (project).
lines indicated on the plans for the entire period and the actual completion of activities. Gantt chart to visually show that the task of planning when, and actual progress in comparison with the program requirements. Managers to understand this can be very convenient for each task (project) which is left to be done, and evaluation work is ahead of or behind, or will normal. In addition,ecco sale, there is a simple Gantt chart, eye-catching and easy to prepare and so on.
Therefore, Gantt chart for project management is an ideal control tool. Gantt chart of meanings: the form of graphical or tabular display activities; is now a common way to show progress; structure should include the duration of the actual calendar days, and weekends and holidays do not count in progress within. The following simple example that uses a Gantt chart: time in months that in the diagram below, the main activities listed in the chart on the left from top to bottom. Plans need to identify which activities include the publication number, the order of these activities, as well as the duration of each activity.
time line box sequence of activities that plan, said gaps in the activities of the status of actual progress. Gantt chart as a control tool to help managers find the actual progress of the deviation from the plan.
In this case, in addition to the print galley proofs,ecco usa, other activities are completed as planned. Gantt chart of advantages: a graphical overview, general technology,ecco golf shoes, easy to understand; small and medium projects are usually not more than 30 activities; a professional software support, without fear of complex calculations and analysis.
limitations of Gantt: Gantt chart in fact only partially reflect the project management triple constraints (time,ecco casual, cost and scope),ecco boots, because it focuses on process management (time); software deficiencies. Although project management software can be described by the inherent relationship between project activities,ecco men shoes, but if the relationship too much, and caught numerous chart Gantt chart will increase the difficulty of reading; in order not to shift the reader's attention, but best avoided grid.
In addition, individual Gantt chart of the usual schedule we used two different task expression.
individual Gantt allows the user to intuitively know what tasks to do at what time, and the timetable to provide a more accurate time data.
In addition, users can also schedule tasks directly in the process of updating.
method of making a Gantt chart, a special software such as Ganttproject, Gantt Designer, and Microsoft Project and so on. Of course, you can also manually draw in Microsoft Excel. These Mifeng will be introduced in the next.
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