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herve leger,清纯风:用蓝+白的海军衫标准色打造清纯可人的风格最好不过了,
herve leger for sale。海军感的纯白色、条纹都是永不落伍的流行指标,配合自然柔和的纯棉质感,一身清爽的蓝白色T恤,搭配白色 短裙。
3,优雅风:作为优雅的小白领,搭配得当的条纹LOOK绝对有打破办公沉闷的神奇效果。混搭新手不妨先用纯 棉条纹衬衫试水,质地轻盈、色泽柔和、条纹细密的纯棉黑白、蓝白、红白条纹衬衫。
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BCBG was founded in 1985 over the custom made currently recognized as BCBG. Leroux. Leroux adopted his latest determine proper after he lost the rights to the Herves Leger name. Leroux pioneered the development from the "bandage" or "body-con (body-conscious)" dress, utilizing factors traditionally related with groundwork garments to create gowns that could mold and type the wearer's figure with its signature bandage-like strips.
Adam on Project Runway bandage dress
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