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Old 08-13-2011, 06:30 PM   #1
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Default nike air max cheap 动车事变拷问央企垄断机制 装备采


  国家行政学院传授张孝德则对《经济参考报》记者表示,央企无穷制没有边际的扩张导致市场竞争的失效。比 方,铁路部门在采购设备的时候使用企业内部、同行内部的设备,这不利于市场化、彼此监督机制的形成。假如一 个垄断企业的所有产品都是内部采购,这种模式不能保障所采购产品是市场上最好的产品,采购前后对产品德量的 监控、监视是否按严厉的程序进行,都会受到质疑。当垄断遏制了竞争的时候就会导致产品的选用和市场监督降落 。
  28日,通号院对外公布《致“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故逝世伤者及家属的道 歉信》。当日下战书,通号院召开了新闻发布会,nike air max moto 8,该公司党委宣扬部部长田振辉在会上重复提及,作为参加建设单位之一对此事表示哀悼,并称都是技巧问题,所 有要等国务院事故调查结果。当记者问及是否有公开招标时,田振辉说“不太懂得,会按国家程序走”,当被问及 监督是否到位,田振辉说“监督部门应当履职”,nike air max cheap

  28日“7·23”甬温线特别重大铁路交通事故国务院调查组在温州召开全部会议。上海铁 路局局长安路生表示,根据初步控制的情形剖析,这起事故重要是因为温州南站信号设备在设计上存在重大缺点, 遭雷击产生故障后,导致本应显示为红灯的区间信号机过错进级显示为绿灯,信号装备由通号院设计,2009年 9月28日投入应用。

  “在中国,政企不分问题是一种‘痼疾’,虽讲了多年,但迄今很难说已经完整离 开,尤其在号称天然垄断行业更是如斯。有的迄今仍是‘政企合一’的体制,如铁路部 门。在国外,这些产业部门要么作为政府公司由政府依照公法系统来直接治理,要么政府依法对获得这些产业特许 经营权的私企业进行管制。然而在中国,这些产业部门(如本日之铁道部)的法律位置,毕竟是何?政也?企也? 亦政也,亦企也。”有名经济学家常修泽对《经济参考报》记者表示。

  公开资料显示,通号院成破于1953年,是中国铁路通信信号股份有限公司(以下简称“中国通号)下属全 资企业。而中国通号则是由通号集团作为主发动人发起设立的,通号集团目前是国资委直接监管的大型中心企业。 诡异的是,中国通号的官方网站当天也同时挂出了该报歉信,但随后即被删除。《经济参考报》记者当日屡次拨打 了通号集团消息发言人、党委工作部部长杨万智的电话,但接听其手机及座机的工作职员均表示杨部长正在忙,稍 后会有公开对外宣布的文件。截至发稿,记者仍未见到这份文件对外发布。
  实际上,铁道部、中国通号的情况仅仅是宏大的国有企业垄断中的一个小小的缩影。常修泽向记者供给的一份 数据显示,2006年,在中国垄断性行业固定资产投资中,铁路运输业的1966 .5亿元,有97.5%来自于国有控股,在其它包括邮政、烟草、城市公共交通、航空运输等行业,这个比例也 超过了80%。
  孟雁北认为,在这种情况下,这些本应经由充足竞争的产品固然形式意义上没有市场进入的阻碍,相对应的管 制办法相对较少,但在特定的进程旁边,竞争只是在名义档次上开展,本质意义上没有完成。实际上,如果是指定 性产品的话,会有十分多的指标,而如果是竞争性产品的话,竞争者之间会互相形成制约和监督,这样可能相对保 障产品的品质。(信号系统)作为竞争性产品却没有在实质意义上完成竞争,air max 95,从而导致了对其的管理和评估处于缺失的状况。

  28日,有关部分颁布了“7·23”甬温线特殊重大铁路交通事变的初步调查成果,北京全 路通信信号研讨设计院(以下简称“通号院”)和中国铁路通信信号集团公司(以下简称“通号集团”)登时成为 众矢之的。然而,多位接收《经济参考报》记者采访的专家以为,这起事件背地所反应的,实际上是央企政企不分 ,对工业链构成垄断、在小范畴内调配好处,进而损失市场竞争的广泛事实。
  而据媒体报道,中国通号旗下全资子公司沈阳铁路信号有限义务公司(原沈阳铁路信号工厂)、天津铁路信号 有限责任公司(原天津铁路信号工厂)等企业底本皆属于铁道部下属企业。恰是在这种情况下,铁道部、通号集团 以及一系列波及高铁产业的公司有着千头万绪的接洽。
  “利用型的产品都应该交给市场,不应该被央企垄断起来。当初须要对央企现有的经营产品链条进行从新思考 ,央企是不是在经营这个产品的产业链中形成垄断,这个产业链中是不是有些行业应该放给市场,让民营企业让市 场竞争企业参与,而不是独自的一家来垄断。”张孝德说。记者吴黎华 实习记者张彬周煌

  垄断会导致市场竞争失灵,而破除垄断的最好方式就是引入竞争,air jordan 24。陈剑认为,最主要的一点是要改革,攻破这种垄断,创造前提让民营企业进入。虽然《国务院对于激励和领导民 间投资健康发展的若干看法》(简称“新36条”)已经出台一年多,但是有些行业民营企业还是很难进入。另外 ,要对国有企业在市场经济中的定位进行普遍探讨形成共鸣。

  “垄断最大的迫害就是会让竞争机制失效。”孟雁北表示,市场机制要起到资源配置的作用,会极大地激发发 明性,推进社会出产力发展,christian louboutin shop Pass the South China Sea,从法律层面来看,垄断就是打消和制约竞争的行动,一旦垄断的话,竞争就会被限度和排除,市场配置资源的功 效就会生效,全部社会的效力就会大打折扣。中国经济体制改造研究会副会长陈剑则对《经济参考报》表示,垄断 导致效率低下,导致资源挥霍,导致资源闲置,导致两极分化,并易繁殖腐朽。
  公然资料显示,通号集团原附属铁道部,2000年该集团与铁道部脱钩,划拨为国资委管辖。由于其与铁道 部的历史渊源颇深,再加上身为央企,随同着中国高铁的迅猛发展,通号集团的业务也急剧扩大。其网站公布的材 料显示,cheap christian louboutin Master of Workplace Violence in wo,通号集团先后实现了武广高速、京津城际等多个重点工程的通信信号系统集成工程,目前正在加入京沪、哈大等 高铁建设。

  甬温线的监控系统由创业板上市公司世纪瑞尔提供。其2010年12月3日公布的《招股动向书》显示,2 010年1至9月,该公司的前5大客户中,buy nike air max,就分辨包括了通号集团和通号院。“2000年以来,全国新建、改建主要干线有80%以上装置有本公司的行 车平安监控系统软件产品。”世纪瑞尔表示。另外,Wind资料还显示,在现任董事会成员中,世纪瑞尔的董事 尉剑刚曾担负过铁道部通信信号总公司的软件核心工程师。

  2008年5月,通号集团与中铁电气化局集团作为结合体,与沿海铁路浙江有限公司签署了新建甬温线的工 程合同,合同价钱约为5亿元。依据合同,通号集团负责“通讯信号专业”。在拿下体系集成的合同之后,通号集 团开端对工程进行分拆招标,中标单位包含佳讯飞鸿、世纪瑞尔以及通号团体旗下的卡斯柯信号有限公司、通号院 等十多少家公司。

  “它实际上是一个体系内的交易或者是一个绝对关闭的交易圈。”中国人民大学法学院副教学孟雁北对《经济 参考报》记者表现,(信号系统)这种产品自身并不是一个指定性的产品,而是一个竞争性的产品。信号系统是一 个竞争性的范畴和竞争性的产品,它在情势意思上有竞争,但在实际意义上不竞争。它造成了一个利益圈,所有的 利益在一个特定的圈子里来分配,这种分配可能是因为政策性原因、长期的历史原因或者是利益的一 致性造成的。

  调查组组长、国度保险监管总局局长骆琳则强调,调查不放过任何一个环节、细节,也毫不躲避宽大国民和社 会舆论关怀和热议的任何一个问题。要通过对各方面的当真深刻调查,确保事实起因彻底考察明白,确保调查论断 迷信谨严,salvatore ferragamo sales 利比亚反对派称获科威特1.,经得起历史测验。要切实做好调查工作,严正认真彻底查清,依法依规给遇难家眷跟全社会一个交 代。
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Old 08-13-2011, 06:48 PM   #2
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 00:13 on March 8, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Audio Digital

the data sheet completely hidden part of the contents of the cell do not want visitors to access, had it hidden.
1. selected to hide the contents of the cell (area), the implementation of \\
2. and then switch to the \
3. the implementation of the \
after this set after the contents of the cell is no longer shown, is to use Excel's features can not be allowed to clear the sky.
Tip: \
eight, so in English and Chinese input method appeared
intelligent editing table, some cells to enter the English, and some cells to enter the Chinese input method is not convenient to switch again, why not set and let intelligent input method to adjust it?
selected range of cells to enter the Chinese, the implementation of \tab, press the \After the election
range of cells that need to input Chinese characters in any cell, Chinese input method (IME list, the first a Chinese input method) automatically open, elected in the other cell,Bikinis 2010, Chinese input method automatically closed.
nine, so that \
1. the implementation of the \
2. In the \then click \
3. If you need to enter this text in the future, simply enter \
ten, a custom function in Excel, although the rich
Excel function, but it does not meet all our needs. We can customize a function to perform certain operations. Here, we define a calculated from the trapezoid area function:
1. The implementation of the \
2. In the window, execute \
3. the right of the \defined function to complete.
can later use the built-in function is the same as using a custom function.
Tip: Use the above methods defined in the corresponding function is usually only used in the workbook.
XI header following pictures
lining added to the background sheet is lining in the entire worksheet below,cheap bikinis, can not only lined the first in the table below it?
1. execute \�� Background Worksheet \
2. while holding down the Ctrl key, right in the picture without lining cells (area) in drag, and select those cells (area).
3. Click \After this setting later, leaving the cell lining on the picture below, and the selected cell (area) not lining the picture below (in fact, is the picture to be \
Tip? lining the image below in the cell does not support printing.
second,cheap bikini, with a hyphen \get it (it is assumed that the B, C, D columns into one column.)
1. in the D column, insert two empty columns (E, F series), and then enter the formula in cell D1: = B1 & C1 & D1.
2. D1 cells again selected, use the \
3. Select the E series, the implementation of \, press the \
4. the B, C, D, E column deleted, completion of the merger work.
Tip: Complete the steps from 1,2 combined effect has been achieved, but at this time if you delete B, C, D series, the formula error. And thus should be carried out step 3,ed hardy bikinis, the formula is converted to the same \

Performance of Students often
friend asked, \For this consideration, I give here a simple method used to achieve the function.
stored in student achievement is assumed here Sheet1 worksheet range of cells A1 to G64, which act title 1, 2 acts subject name.
1. Switch to Sheet2 worksheet, select cell A1, enter the formula: = IF (MOD (ROW (), 3) = 0, \, sheet1! A��, INDEX (sheet1! $ A: $ G, INT (((ROW () +4) / 3) +1), COLUMN ())))��
2. once again select the cell A1 , with the \> At this point, the basic shape results section, the following simple modified look.
3. adjust the row height and column width, the same selected range of cells A1 to G2 (No. 1 student achievement bar area), according to \\The following operation).
4. also selected range of cells A1 to G3, click on the \To add a border all the results section.
press the \What more appropriate function. Excel \box input requirements (such as \related help files, you can quickly determine the required function.
fifth, while viewing a different worksheet in the multiple cells of data
Sometimes we edit a worksheet (Sheet1), it is necessary View other work sheet (Sheet2, Sheet3 ... ...) the contents of a cell, you can use Excel's \\.
later, no matter in which the worksheet, simply open the \> In previous versions of Excel 2002 for the operation of a range of cells is too much trouble to add a border, Excel 2002 which features a new development.
Click the \pull button, pop-up in the subsequent drop-down list, choose \drop-down button, select a border style, and then in the range of cells you need to add drag and drop the frame, you can quickly draw the corresponding range of cells on the border.
Tip: �� If you draw the wrong frame, does not matter, on the toolbar select \Color \

seventh, the control input text given the length of the cell
Can you imagine when you enter the four digits of the cell was filled with a digit, or enter text in the cell Enter the number you have the time, Excel will automatically determine, instant analysis and pop-up warning, then be nice ah! To achieve this function, the Excel, is also not difficult.
example, we register the cursor to a \Therefore, we can click the \In the \Then in the \We then come to \and \
Obviously, when someone entered the cell is not a four-digit time, Excel will display a warning dialog box pops up telling you wrong reasons, and until you enter the correct \to continue recording. Amazing? In fact, in Excel's \, why not given a free hand, their design of a test standard, so you do Excel show distinctive luster.
eighth, a group of more than fill the form of fixed cells
we know that each time you open Excel, the software is always turned on by default multiple sheets. In addition to this we can see that Excel has a strong capacity leaflet form, more suitable for multiple interrelated tables coordination. To coordinate the association, of course, first need to sync input. Therefore, in many cases, will need more than the same time in the same table cell, enter the same content.
So how do a group edit of tables? First we click the first worksheet tab name \is not associated with the form, you can hold down the Ctrl key to click.) At this point, we see the name of the title bar of Excel, a \The need to enter more than one cell in the table of contents casually write something, we find that \
But just sync input is not enough. For example, we need multiple forms of data in the same position change the format of the uniform how to do? First, we have to change the data format of the first table, and then click the \The sub-menu, select \At this time, Excel will pop up \
nineteenth and change the text of the case
in Excel, the form processing and data computing support for the most powerful formula is not, nor is the database,sinful bikini, but the function. Do not think that Excel, the function only for numbers, in fact, as long as the content is written into the table, Excel has a special function to edit it. Such as changing the text of the case.
in Excel 2002, provide at least three of the text case conversion function. They are: \into \For example, a table in cells A1 enter lower case \Similarly, if we enter the cell A3 \
twenty, extract specific characters in a string
In addition to direct input, from an existing cell to extract the contents of a specific character input, is absolutely a way to save time and save trouble, especially for some style especially similar information, such as staff lists, place of origin and other information.
quickly if we want to extract the cells from A4 title, it is best to use \characters \Of course, if you want to extract the name, then, will have to use the \In another case, we do not start from the left and right ends, but directly extracted from the data center a few characters. For example, we want to extract the cells from A5 \Means: in the A5 cell extract after the first 4 characters of the two characters, that is, 4 and 5 words.
the twenty-first, into the base ordinal number words to English words into ordinal base is a more complex problem. Because it does not a very fixed pattern: Most of the figures are used into ordinal \st \Moreover, \Therefore, it seems very complicated to implement. In fact, as long as we sort out ideas, find the function, just write a formula that can be easily converted. Do not believe, see: \, 2,3,}, CHOOSE (RIGHT (A2), \is \\
XXII, filled with special symbols and financial dealings with the median
people know, when filling in the book there is a convention of \, or in the amount of data preceded by \digits) \16-LEN (A2))) \(A3))) & A3 \) & A4 & REPT (\\requirements.
xxiii, create text in addition to repeatedly enter the histogram
outside, \principle is very simple, it is the intelligent use of special symbols repeated, according to a specified cell showing the results of the comparative effectiveness of different lengths.
example, we first make an annual balance sheet, and then \\font \also drag the fill handle to the G14. We see that a function does not use Excel charts have been right in front of the histogram in plain text, convenient and intuitive, simple and clear.
round, calculate the total number of words in a cell
Sometimes, we may have the character of a cell in the number of interested need to calculate the total number of words in the cell. To solve this problem, in addition to using the \function to remove spaces. For example cell A1 now enter a \LEN (TRIM (A1))-LEN (SUBSTITUTE (TRIM (A1 ),\use \The number of characters.
XXV, the euro conversion
This is a new tool in Excel 2002. If you choose to install the Excel 2002 is the default, then it may not be in the \find it. However, we can first select the \> After we again open the \currency conversion \display more professional, we can also click on the Excel toolbar, the \
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