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Old 05-26-2011, 01:39 AM   #1
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uestradeqk28 is on a distinguished road
Default 107次相亲失败 这帅哥是咋的了

口述者:章晓 诞生:1978年 职业:公务员 寓居地:北京
我是在北京某公园父母相亲会上碰到章晓的父母的,听章晓的父亲说他们已在这种父母相亲会上转悠将近两年了, 给儿子先容的女孩也到达了一百多人,可硬是一个也没成,眼看工作稳固、事业小成的儿子已濒临而破之年,儿媳 妇的事儿还没有下落,做父母的不免有些焦急.
照片上的章晓眉清目秀,高大硬朗,这么帅的男生居然也难找女朋友,更何况章晓的父母早已把儿子结婚的屋子买 好了,装修完了,前不久又刚刚给工作没多少年的章晓买了一部车,章晓的父母看上去也不外是一般的常识分子, 为孩子的婚姻大事他们也简直是全力以赴.可即使是这样,儿子的身边仍然是空空荡荡,连个正式的女朋友也没固 定一个,是章晓的前提太高,还是现在的好女孩越来越珍稀
一再感慨陪着儿子一路闯过太多的人生关口的章晓的父亲说,从儿子考重点高中到考大学,从大学毕业到找工作, 他从来没认为在儿子身上有许多艰苦,可就是在儿子长大成人,须要成家立业的时候,他发现想找个满意如意的儿 媳妇仿佛太难了.
在章晓的父亲看来,把孩子造就到28岁,再让他领有一个好妻子,树立一个美妙的婚姻,有自己的小家庭,他为 人父母的责任也算完整尽到了,这辈子也不会再有什么遗憾了.可偏偏就是这最后一关,好像有些吃力儿了,为此 老章夫妇没少为儿子的事唉声叹气,着急上火,可毕竟是什么原因,让章晓的上百次相亲都难以修成正果在一个秋 风习习的午后,我见到了28岁的章晓.
与照片上的小伙子比拟,眼前的章晓更加的帅气、阳光,充斥了浓浓的书卷气,学心理学的他讲起自己的阅历来, 天然有一股布满了细节的吸引力.
到当初为止,我已经相过一百屡次亲了,正确地讲大略是106次,为什么会记得这么明白那是因为我在这方面是 很居心的,一方面为了我的婚姻父母也很着急,把什么都给我筹备好了,另一方面目前我事业比较稳定,也很想把 婚姻问题在这个时代解决,所以,两年多里,不论是朋友介绍,还是父母联系的,我都很当真地去看待,甚至尝试 着去跟女孩子发展,但遗憾的是,我真的没方法去评估现如今的女孩子.在我见过的女孩中,大概有80%以上是 因为我不想持续,另有20%是各有各的原因,也就是说大多数时候是我没法接受别人,而不是别人 看不上我.
不懂得我的人以为是我条件太高,纷纭劝我要事实一些,实际上我自认为我的条件也就是最个别的要求:长相说得 从前就行,学历跟我差未几就行,家庭条件可以疏忽不计,要害是人品要好,要懂礼貌,心肠仁慈,纯朴一些,不 能过于世俗拜金.令我无奈的是,在我所见过的一百多位女孩中,不拜金、不崇尚寻求物质的女孩属于百里挑一, 这可能是我跟她们无奈更深刻地发展的很主要的起因.
我最早谈的那位女友,是北京某高校的硕博连读研究生,她生于1979年,跟我一样也是第一代独生子女,我们 虽然是别人介绍意识的,但大学里我们读的是统一个专业,而她只比我低一级,并且,我认识她的时候,她刚开始 读博士,因此,就专业上我们仍是很谈得来的. 交往了一段时光后,我父母以为这女孩不错,还特地去访问了她的父母,因为她的父母都是下岗职工,我们固然没 有什么独特语言,但她父母很朴素、热忱,对我也很好,我父母感到这门亲事还不错,就开始想要让我跟她定亲, 也许是因为我们俩之间的关联比较踏实了,这时候我的这位博士女友开始露出她缺少家教的真面目. 在我父母刚吐露想要让我跟她订亲的时候,她就给我提要求了,先是要求我把工资交给她来管,后来又给我订规则 ,她们家所有成员的诞辰我都得记在笔记本上,并且,要送礼物送鲜花.有一次我出差从机场刚回来才晓得她们家 有人过生日,她命令我即时买上礼物送到她家,否则就跟我闹个没完,supra red,没措施我只好打车买上东西奔往她的家. 兴许因为她从小成长的环境比拟艰难,因此我发明她对物资的愿望是那么的不可遏制.礼拜天总盼望我陪她逛街, 虽然她是个在读博士,可除了测验我很少看她会去研讨学识,各种品牌她一五一十,还要求我给她买昂贵的化装品 ,假如不买就要跟我分别. 除了衣服、化妆品,她生活里的良多开销都要我来承当,出去跟朋友吃饭,她会把她爱吃的菜端到自己面前,不顾 周边的人饥不择食,我劝她留神一点儿吃相,旁边还有好多友人呢,她却头也不抬地说:"这是我爱吃的货色,我 就愿意这样吃,我们家吃饭都是抢着吃的,你管得着吗"看到我的U盘不错,连个召唤也不打,从电脑上拆下来就 拿走了,我因为上面有好多单位的保密材料,吓得出了一身冷汗地打电话要她送回来,她却藐视地说:"不就是个 破U盘吗有什么了不起的,你也太吝啬了."
到后来我发现不仅我的东西经常不见了,连钱包里的钱她也会偷着拿,并且,她会把从我钱包里偷拿的钱用来买昂 贵的礼品送人,这让我觉得有些恐怖.正在这时,一次偶尔的机遇她看到了我的工资单,也许是我工资单上的数字 远远低于她的盼望,她扔下了一句:"拿这样的工资,你就不自大吗"当着我父母的面儿,火冒三丈 摔门而去. 对于她的这种反映我一点儿都没觉得惊奇,因为在她看来,金钱是衡量幸福与否的独一尺度,有一段时间,为了督 促我买车,她居然想出了用有车的朋友来刺激我的办法. 那是她的一个同窗嫁了一个略微有点钱的人,人家要到郊区自驾游,她一定要我和她一起蹭人家的车随着去玩儿, 可她那个同学家住在石景山,又不肯到城里来接我们,我们想去只能是自己坐公共汽车和地铁折腾三个小时才干过 去搭他们的车,我特别的不想去,可她一再发脾气要我陪她去,回来的路上坐在公共汽车上,她开始数落我,"你 瞧瞧你要是买车,我们不就不必遭这份罪了,不刺激一下你,你是不知道有车的好,没车的苦楚,这下你明确我的 用意了吧" 面对这样的女孩我还能说什么,这位博士女友给我最大的教训便是,人的素质是没办法用她的学从来权衡的,并不 是学历高的人素质就高,相反,有些学历高的人反而不如那些正常学历的,这一点在我后来认识的女孩中更为凸起 . 我的博士女友常常因为我的收入和她的冀望之间的差距而跟我大吵大闹,有时甚至当着我父母的面儿就骂骂咧咧, 摔门,拍桌子就像泼妇普通,这让我特别的扫兴.我把想跟她分手的主意跟父亲谈了,可父亲说,这孩子的性格是 差了点儿,可只要你能忍,我和你妈也能忍,只有你乐意,我们没问题. 听父亲这样说,我的眼泪差点儿出来,这算什么呀,为了这样一个泼妇般的女孩,我竟然让父母也跟着受冤屈,他 们都是特别善良和知书达礼的人,怎么可能未来跟这样的儿媳妇相处,我始终认为婚姻毫不是我一个人的事儿,它 是几个家庭幸福的保障,为此,我断然决议和博士女友分手.
分手后不久,父母在公园相亲会上又帮我介绍了一位刘小姐,她是学日语出身的,26岁,独生子女,在外企工作 .交往了几次后,我发现她同时在跟几个男人交往,常常在跟我约会的时候,接到暗昧的电话或赶赴约会的告诉, 我有些不太愉快,问她怎么回事,因为她父母一再强调她没有男朋友,可她丝绝不瞒哄自己正在交往几个男朋友的 事实,并且振振有词地说,她这叫全面撒网,重点捕捞,定向培育.
由于是学日语的,因而,她对日本的文明十分的推重,动不动就拿日剧里的女主角自比,生涯上也拜金的乌烟瘴气 ,咱们约会的处所常常是各大商场,并且,时常请求我给她买高级的衣服跟礼物,出去吃饭素来不进小 饭馆,discount jimmy choo,必定是高档餐馆她才有兴趣.
来往后未几,她辞了职,说本人要去学习,提出让我给她一万元做深造的膏火,看我有些迟疑,她自动地说,"你 能够抱抱我呀,就是男女之间的那种拥抱."说着她开端向我胸前移出发体,我出于礼貌抱了她一下,但感到是凉 飕飕的,是一种很为难为难的局面.
说着实的,这是我觉得很不舒畅的一次经历,感觉就像交流一样.看我没有立刻许可她的要求,这位刘小姐又暗示 我,她可以和我同居,并且,monster beats dr dre tour,不需要我负任何义务,这让我真的怕了,这样的女孩能做妻子吗
跟这个女孩断了关系以后,我又认识了父母都是大学教学的小慧,她的父母一看就是知书达礼的人,很得我父母的 好感,于是,我批准见面.小慧,25岁,独生子女,专科毕业,长得也还可以,可第一次见面我就发现她有问题 .我们的交谈几回被手机铃声打断,每一次接电话她都有些缓和的,先看看我,再躲到一边去说静静话,隐隐地我 听到她一直地在说明,向对方说,她在哪儿,很快就回去之类的话,我断定她一定是有男朋友.
回到家里我把情形一说,我妈有些着急,立马儿给小慧的母亲打电话了解情况.这时候她母亲才结结巴巴地说,她 的女儿是有一个同居男友,不过对方是一个30多岁的有妇之夫,因为他是个大款,很有钱,小慧迫不得已地和他 住在了一起,做了那个男人的情人.
为这件事小慧的父母伤透了头脑,什么情理都讲给女儿听了,女儿就是不想分开那个男人,理由就是,"他有钱, 我想过好日子,不想吃苦受累自己赡养自己."
对这一点小慧的父母也特殊不能接收,无奈之中,他们跑到父母相亲会上给女儿物色对象,想找一个年青的、条件 不错的男孩介绍给小慧,挤掉她身边的那个大款. 也许真实 未审拗不过父母的部署,小慧委曲地来跟我见了面,但表示得相称逆反,而且,一会晤就问我:"我可是那种只想 过好日子,却不想刻苦的女孩儿,buy jordan shoes,你能知足我吗"这个女孩的经历让我和父母都有些愤慨,心想,他父母也真够自私的,这样的女儿还给别人介绍 ,这不是害我们吗
没想到跟我见了一面就再也没有接洽的小慧,在半年当前的一天给我狂发短信、打电话,二心想跟我谈谈.原来, 我确实很忙,可后来见她如斯急切也切实有些不好心思,只好见了她一面儿.没想到一见我小慧就痛哭流涕,全然 没有了当初的狂妄,听了半天我才清楚,本来小慧被那个能满意她过好日子的幻想的大款给"甩货"了,悲愤之余 她想到了我,想要跟我重续前缘,"好好地谈恋爱".望着小慧那张泪眼含混,全然不了女孩子的清纯的脸,忽然 我也想哭,"我好歹也算一清清白白的男人,怎么小慧竟然还认为我会对l甩货r感兴致"
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Old 05-26-2011, 01:41 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 422930810 at 11:22 on August 29, 2008 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Emotional Diary
When this building five-story buildings collapsed, the frost is on the first floor of the office overtime, eating stone brought her supper.

They are a newly married young couple months, very loving. Eight years older than the cream stone, since we know from three years ago, such as beads of cream like treasure spoiled. As they are not a city, after several efforts are still unable to transfer to a city. Until six months ago, stone was quit his job and moved to the city where frost.

cream have a report must be handed in tomorrow, but because of a wrong data has been made not on the total number. Have to continue to work overtime at night, to 10:30 but has not yet identify where the problem is, so called and complained to her husband, Johnson. So stay with stone with a supper, his wife, and check with her facing the data in the file. See her husband walked into the office, cream Mandu's upset immediately disappeared. Stone has been a pillar of her in the outsider, she is a very capable girl,20 classic love life is good enough view of ZT - Qzone log, but in front of the stone, she will always be a small woman. Looked at her husband's handsome face, and I feel like the sky outside the window in general,激安 ナイキ エアマックス, very bright. Stone caressing her hair touched, order and said: his face, his everything, she never tire of watching. She believes her husband to run for as long as this world has nothing to impossible to find. Sure enough, less than a quarter of an hour, would find a stone that mistake, now his wife smiling ridicule the sake of a few. Just at this time, this building and said a year ago and barely used to tear down the buildings so far, it seems no longer able to bear the load at this time, there is no sign of thunder actually collapsed.

few seconds, they will be buried in the rubble. I do not know how long, when the frost out of the coma, the eyes dark, sometimes I did not know where you are. Crimping the body of a hollow concrete slab, but good luck, this been the other side of the cement board cement board supports another , but on her body that she can not move, but would not make her hurt. Coma just because something hit her head, the other leg did not know what was hit, it seems broken bones, and if the bleeding, but because the board pressing, and she can not feel my legs. Have pain at the shoulder, touched also bleeding.

Did not respond, she was very afraid, trained, trained, and wept. She remembered, in the collapse of the moment, stone is to come in here bashing on her body, but now how could separate, she has not remember it.

touched her arm, quickly grabbed his hand tightly. Cream stone holding hands, trembling, but strong, that she suddenly reduce a lot of fear.

But how? a while someone will come and save us. End withdraw hand, will tie handed over.

cream according to her husband, then the legs to tie the bleeding, but the effort is not enough, and can not effectively stop blood flow. If no one came to save them, then, is it blood will flow dead? Cream of fear thinking. And then held out his hand tightly holding the hand of stone, the only way she can not so afraid. She suddenly felt her husband's hands shake, do not rock too scared? At this time, do not know where the calls sounded mice, cream scream. Her life is the fear mice, and now this situation, the mouse even climb on her head, are unable to resist.

opportunity for us to do this together. You stopped the blood do?. Anyway, you with me,air max 95, I not afraid of anything! the company work. One day, the two encounter in an elevator, his face filled with stunning stone look, as if turning a blind eye cream. Only two men can cause her concern, one is clever, the other is handsome.

and stared at her in the elevator man, in his handsome face cream in the evident wisdom. Seem mysterious, but later also proved her understanding of Man's eyes, stone is undoubtedly a very clever man. But only the front of her, only to show some Shayang. Cream I kept thinking, almost about to laugh out loud.

once, stomach pain cream pole fell on the bed, his face pale. Stone sat on her bed, making his heartache than her white face. His coat off, lying on her side of the trunk of her tightly in her arms. Slightest trace of warmth spread from his body to her body, she indulged in his arms, he forgot that this is the unbearable pain. The power of love, who could explain clearly Oh.

two was silent, we know that in addition to waiting for things, they do nothing. Feelings of her husband's hand cream and continue to think about before the events of the past. In fact, in the strict sense, she chased him. After that first encounter, she does not regret for life, while the stone has been thought that he was chasing her in pain, this fool Oh, I do not how you create opportunities to chase you, ah,エアマックス レッド, slightly smiling like cream. Both in different cities, each other's parents are not very in favor, but they really know that this life will only love each other. This love , only the parties will understand. Does not hear a noise in the dark ruins, the frost was immersed in memories, gentle enough to whisper to her husband, said: Frost continued to think back to the past, bit by bit. Stone will talk to her every few minutes, so she does not feel afraid. However, she sleepy, very sleepy.

can not sleep!! You're bleeding, drowsiness, not because of fatigue, but because of blood loss, if sleeping, we will not wake up! You know, do not sleep. Talk to me. I really want to rock shut up, but she seems not even the strength to speak so do not go up. She stumbled Look, has been between half awake in a semi-unconscious. do not know how long, she heard the outside dull percussion sound, and finally had come to rescue them! her husband's hand clenched with excitement, shouted:

It was coming!! inside. until the morning, and urban construction have people at the investigation, only to hear people say that last night near the office has always seemed to see lights on, but do not know anybody. the inquiry into the units in this building staff to determine when frost inside the building collapsed. then informed the 110 emergency center and the hospital building teams, organizations, rescue personnel, and command of relevant leading quickly to the scene.

rescue is successful , when digging On a piece of cement board, forced open a reinforced one another,Some day - Qzone log, after rescue workers discovered the first stone. When lift him up, the stone's sanity or sober, he refused medical treatment on-site medical staff, and refused to the ambulance, lying on the side of the stretcher in the ruins of his mouth constantly murmured, saying:, not force it carried to an ambulance, because the slightest move is likely to be fatal. only to indicate to his nurse blood transfusion, but the needle is not inserted into the blood has been lost. His mouth continued always be blood, which is organs are a reflection of a serious injury, presumably inserted after rib fracture. a hand has been broken, breaks in the blood flow has stopped, two legs, fractured bones are all about. fatal, from his face in the seen almost shed their blood. The strange thing is that the doctor, according to adhere to such injuries is not possible now. stone blinking eyes blink also looked at the rescue personnel move quickly in a coma The cream also rescued, Stone turned doctor, eye showing beg actually look inside his mouth has been unable to speak. doctors now understand why he would insist on a bit now, and gave him a comforting vision quickly went to her side cream made some checks and necessary treatment, and then let the ambulance she was carried to the ambulance personnel will return to rock's side, bent down and looked at his eager eyes, said: She did not life-threatening, and no serious internal injuries , blood loss, a little serious, but it does not matter, the ambulance had blood transfusion equipment. stretcher carrying people to be over, flat on the stone to the edge of cream. the presence of all the eyes are gathered here, a huge place, no one making a sound. stone with the last vestiges of life strength, attachment to see the cream, watching his beloved wife. That vision of showing love, showing the worth of sadness, deep look, as if to reflect her image in the eyes forever. He bird do not want to force the hand to lift off,ナイキ air max 360, but only so slightly moved his fingers, the doctor with tears in his hand covered her hands. stone open mouth, it seems that in wickedness. tear from his eyes to flow out, and tears while filling his eyes blurred, and he wanted to see her,nike air max plus 2009, he wanted to see her ah! doctors understand his mind, Dou Zhuoshou that drops him to erase the tears, But his eyes wide open, but never see his wife. He walked.

stone only seen the doctor that the injury to his wife did not fear, for his beloved his wife died not because of blood loss in his last moment, he obstinately resisted death a few hours , his injuries, is to endure the pain rather die than live a few hours ah. the older doctor and then losing control, The strangers are too many cases for the long flow. the edge of a few small nurse, had burst into tears.

full recovery until the frost injury, her parents and brother's death was told the stone her. When understand that this is true, the cream to the identity of his wife's death to come to a stone notification and medical history. Yiziyizi looked at her, his face look very calm, so that her family have a loose tone. her brother, said: she said with a smile: Note also that the rest should not be running around everywhere. br> old doctor looked at her in surprise, but the moment they understood her. gentle as possible, said: the mouth. 'I love you', and then ... ...

more than six months later, the cream back to her parents had lived. In the past six months, she had not said a word with people, but also as if everyone did not know. give her water,レディス エアマックス, she drank, her meal, she ate. rest of the time it sat in my room in a daze, or hanging at home against a portrait of the stone talking murmured.

watching her daughter become ourselves like, the cream of the parents seemed about half a year old, old. all doctors are shaking their heads on the cream of the disease, but also gone to a psychiatrist, but no matter what doctors told her, she did not hear all the way completely.

so fast over half a year, the cream of the brother's daughter to grandma for dinner. year-old child looked completely different with the previous aunt, holding her hand did not respond, can not help but anxious: You used to say to take me to the park to play, you lie!: Well, I 'll take you. You take her to it. Dad said he went far away, but I have heard his uncle's anniversary is next week, his mother, going to sacrifice him. Uncle is dead? Ah, yes. At noon, when his mother sent for him to eat cream, but found that frost is not home. are skeptical, my son's phone, and frost in the stone tomb.

when the parents arrived, I saw sitting on tombstones cream * ago, wearing a wedding dress to wear that day,Rates shock for a farmer to speak , the central afraid !, eyes closed but with a smile on his lips. Her brother and wife stood in front of her eyes are crying red, cream mother about it a faint, trembling father was approached to see the monument cream screen blood write a few words:

saw you in heaven if you still remember who I am?

If you meet in heaven you, do you still like the past?

I must be strong, but I can not, I do not belong here, I belong to you.

If you saw you in heaven, would you Hold my hand?

If you saw you in heaven, will you help me be strong?

I want to find the way from night to day, because I know I need to find you.

let me go, I believe there will be peace in heaven
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