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Old 11-08-2011, 04:28 AM   #1
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Old 11-08-2011, 07:29 AM   #2
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  他们原本素不相识,一个是城口洪灾的灾民,一个是过路的外乡人。面对洪灾,他们想到的不是自己逃命,而 是携手救起20多人。


  7月29日这天,高温肆虐着城口县庙坝镇,已排险的堰塞湖水位并未完全退下,浑浊的水面上,仍能不时看 见漂着的动物尸体。堰塞湖边就是庙坝镇,人们在街上、家里,清理着散发出恶臭的淤泥―――除了 左天兵一家。

  那是个噩梦,是有记录以来,庙坝人遭受到的最严重的自然灾害―――70多万立方米的山体垮塌,泥石流将 下面的罗江河阻断,形成堰塞湖,4000居民紧急转移。

  随着灾民情绪逐渐稳定,两个人的名字逐渐被庙坝人记住。他们是―――庙坝镇石兴村17 组村民左天兵、开县天和乡白乐村村民梅农忠。

  那晚,他们冒着生命危险,在洪水中一共接力救起24名被困群众。左天兵还因救人造成肺部感染,住进医院 。

  首席记者 周立 实习生 吴小玉 摄影报道




  庙坝镇依罗江河而建。7月18日晚上11时许,睡梦中的左天兵被一阵闹声吵醒:“水来了, 快跑―――”

  43岁的左天兵,家在场镇下游路段。他冲出家门,发现整个场镇电力已中断,水已漫上门前的公路,四处都 是呼喊声。

  “家里当时有4个人,我老婆、18岁的女儿和一个熟人寄养在我家的5岁大的孩子。”左天兵转身叫醒家人 ,背起小的孩子就往外跑。

  水涨的速度很快,事后有关部门公布,当时涨水的速度是:每10分钟1米。当时,一家4口来不及拿任何东 西,赶紧向后山上的庙坝中学跑。





  当晚,梅农忠驾驶自己的长安小货车,满载一车防水涂料,从开县驱车前往城口县城,当晚夜宿庙坝加油站, 在车上过夜。这里,是场镇最低处。

  梅农忠被惊醒时,水已漫至车轮,他第一反应就是开车向上游跑,还好,车还能发动。就在这时,他听见暴风 雨中传来微弱的呼救声,一个老婆婆正在河中挣扎。

  梅农忠赶紧熄火下车,向老婆婆游去,好不容易抓住手,突然,一个浪头打来,老婆婆被洪水冲 走。





  “我刚才过来时,看到谢发楼家一个人都没出来。我需要木筏,左军,帮我到你家拿些电线来。”左军开了个 电器维修店,Zoom Lebron 5,左天兵想用电线绑住木材去救人。之前,他发现邻居谭张太的木材加工厂的木材全都浮出水面。

  电线很快找来,左天兵用电线绑住木材,做成一个木筏,又找来一个电筒衔在嘴里,向谢发楼家划去。谢家就 在他家隔壁,家里共7个人,其中4个是孩子。待他赶到时,这些人全被逼到3楼。


  往返两趟后,左天兵发现自己的一双小腿有些不听使唤了。他水性本不好,在冷水里一泡,担心自己可能会抽 筋。而扎木筏的杂木在水里泡久了开始下沉,人一站上去,木筏便在水下行驶,水没至大腿,而衔着电筒的嘴也由 发麻变为疼痛,再变为麻木。

  “我有些来不起了,谁愿意和我一起去救谢发楼,他一个人还在屋里。”左天兵忍不住在岸边大声问,没人应 声。

  左天兵心里有些发凉,只得再次独自驾了木筏下水。他突然发现,谢家旁边高压电线的铁塔上还趴了一个人, 水上升一点,Lebron Zoom Soldier 3,他就往上爬一点。左天兵看清了,这人叫王文周,也是镇上的居民。


  左天兵先是听到一声闷响,然后闻到一股刺鼻的柴油味,然后看到一个巨大的油罐从水里冒出来,是加油站的 油罐。油罐荡起一圈巨浪,木筏被打翻,左天兵掉进洪水里。

  “我以为我要死了,呛了很多水。”回忆起那一刻,左天兵至今心有余悸,“还好,我抓起了电筒,抓住了木 筏。迷糊中,我发现自己又浮到水面上。”左天兵不敢再站在木筏上,只能用手趴着木筏,向谢家游 去。


  左宜密很快找到爸爸,“他当时全身冰冷,一双腿和脸色都是乌的,我求他别去了,可他连回答我的力气都没 有。”




  “张医生一家还在屋头!”稍作休息后,左天兵又听见有人在叫。张洪村是庙坝镇卫生院医生,他家在临近河 边的公路旁。


  “这木筏不行,是杂木,一泡水浮力就减轻了。”看到散了架的木筏,左天兵又站起来,让人们赶快帮忙重新 扎木筏。这时,有人找来七八个大的饮用水桶和废旧内胎。


  19日凌晨3点过,左天兵用绳子将一个矿灯牢牢固定在自己头上,第二次询问:“谁愿意和我一起去?太远 了,我一个人不得行,恐怕去了就回不来了。”

  没人答话,Lebron Zoom Soldier IV,左天兵眼睛湿了。

  “求求你,不要去了,你一个人不行。万一你有个啥子,我们啷个办?”妻子袁胜群突然冲上来,拉住左天兵 不放。



  左天兵定住脚步,回头望着从人群后面挤上来的一个陌生男人,这个人就是刚才赶到这里的梅农 忠。









  “先把孩子递过来,木筏载不了恁多人。张医生,你下来,我们3个男人趴着轮胎,推着木筏过去。”左天兵 大声说。


  到岸边了,老人突然一晃,木筏险些翻了,梅农忠赶快伸手按住木筏,左手食指被木筏上的铁丝割破。两寸多 长的口子,骨头都露出来了,张洪村找到两块创可贴给他缠上。


  略作休息后,左天兵和梅农忠又出发了,张洪村家还有两人没救出来。而他们刚才救人时发现,旁边的楼顶上 ,还有十来人在呼救。

  木筏驶出不久,借着黎明的光亮,左天兵突然发现,浑浊的水里掺杂着红色。他一把从水中抓起梅农忠正在奋 力划水的左手,一看,创可贴已经没有了,伤口处,正在向外渗鲜血。




  见他不听,左天兵用牙齿从自己T恤上扯下一块布条,缠在梅农忠的伤口处。二人继续向前。天已大亮,营救 更方便了。



  梅农忠的伤口仍在流血,左天兵说什么也不肯让他再下水。这时,左天兵的侄儿左立正站出来,叔侄携手上了 木筏。

  直到早上7点过,水面上不再有呼救,左天兵才休息下来。这时,他已在水里泡了8个小时,和梅农忠等人一 共救出24人,Zoom Kobe 4





  洪水渐渐退去,人们开始回到家里清理淤泥,左天兵却病倒了。他在镇卫生院输了两天液,没起色,只得找人 借了600元钱,住进了县医院。



  “家家户户都在做清洁,除了我们家。”左天兵说,妻子身体一向不好,刚考上大学的女儿又赶到主城打工给 自己挣学费,他是家里唯一的劳力。夫妻俩这两年才添置的一些家电,现在也全毁了。看到妻子孤零零地坐在满是 淤泥的屋前哭泣,而周围的人都在冲洗房屋,这个汉子感到心酸。

  “……我救人不是图什么回报。”左天兵勉强笑着说。事情过了10多天,最让他觉得温暖的,就是结识了一 个比他小一岁的兄弟梅农忠;还有,他救起的王文周到医院看望过他。


  “是左天兵和那个开县人救我们出去的。”正在家做清洁的张洪村说,自己全家在心里感谢他们 。



  25日,梅农忠来到庙坝,他想看看车上的货还能不能救点出来,“8万多元的材料,还剩得到1万多块钱。 ”

  那天,他找人将那些可以继续使用的货转运到500多米外的公路边,五六个人收了他600元钱,其中有3 人是他曾经救过的。而他的车无法再开动,Kobe Zoom V,他找了几天都没找到修理工。

  “我帮你找熟人,别的不说,至少不会乱收你的钱。”29日,左天兵终于帮梅农忠找到修理工 。

  “从今以后,你就是我的兄弟!一个素不相识的外乡人,能冲到第一线,不顾自己的生命去救人,哪个做得到 ?你这个兄弟,我一辈子都认。”再次见到梅农忠,左天兵紧紧握着他的手说。

  梅农忠话不多,他反复说一句话,“是男人,当时就会站出来。大哥,你是真汉子,我敬佩你。 ”

  “当时你们有没有顾虑?”面对记者的询问,两兄弟只是说,下水前什么都没想,因为担心自己“想多了,顾 虑太多,也许就不敢下水了”。
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Old 11-08-2011, 12:52 PM   #3
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▲ CDC staff in the evening sampling food.
Hunan Food Square has closed down. Most of the people were taken to hospital
appeared stomach pain, vomiting and diarrhea symptoms, serious but also dizziness, cramps.

Mak Wai Fong Jing Bao intern reporter Xushi Lei / Wen Lai plow / map

the night before, about 30 people eating in the Caopu Gordon Square, a restaurant called friends and relatives to participate in the full moon feast suspect due to the consumption of rotten food, resulting in dizziness, vomiting, palpitation, abdominal pain and other symptoms. Yesterday,アディダスのスニーカー, the reporter went to Hunan food Square investigation, found that the restaurant has been closed. Currently, the health sector has been involved in the investigation.
30 people eat moon wine hospitalized

This restaurant, but can not think of such unpleasant things happen. delicious, and will continue to ensure the service is very attentive.
memories, according to Sun, about 7:30 last night, he entertained more than 140 friends and relatives in Hunan food Square to celebrate for the children, a total of 13 placed around the banquet. That evening, a total of 20 dishes point, because the meal is very slow,アディダス カントリー, one after the first guests to leave. When, on the east slope of 13 pork dishes, many relatives and friends reflect the taste of meat is wrong, obviously smell the odor. The next Mei Cai Kou Rou, there are also not new problems. 8:30 about 30 relatives and friends will be there eating symptoms and was gradually taken Renkang Hospital, Department of City People's Hospital.
of suspected food poisoning

1 pm yesterday, the reporter in the Department of City People's Hospital on the second floor of the emergency department, more than met the doctor who was sent last night. Zou, according to the situation described heavy day at 9 am, he just out of the door will feel uncomfortable, then fainted on the spot was taken to hospital. Mr Chow said that after treatment, the body has been largely restored, but still a sense of abdominal discomfort.
is an intravenous drip Sun aunt, another family and friends, and because of eating the food of Hunan food Square discomfort, Mei Cai Kou Rou elbows with the taste of the existence of a stink. still a sense of dizziness,アディダススーパースター, chest tightness, palpitation, and generalized weakness. Sun aunt told reporters that the situation seriously, convulsions, vomiting phenomenon. 10 am yesterday, she once again came to the hospital injection treatment.
the incident,アディダス スニーカー, the restaurant has been closed

Subsequently, the reporter went to the Hunan restaurant food Square, the restaurant at the edge of Caopu gold rice Avenue intersection,adidas スニーカー, the reporter saw that the restaurant has ceased operation , restaurants, close the door,
press down the stairs to the 2nd floor of the restaurant, about 200 square meters of restaurant table 15 are placed on the ground a few piled disorderly red carpet, the huge restaurant was only one guy children in the guard, the reporter approached the small group of children asked why the restaurant to cease operation, where the boss, the guy said Erque do not know anything.
sampling of the health sector

reporter has learned that night of the incident, Luohu District, arising from either the health sector to Hunan Restaurant sampled, but also to the hospital for observation with those who conducted a survey of .
sampling the health sector in Hunan Restaurant, also initially suspected a problem with the quality of food, specific test results will take some time to come.
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