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Old 08-26-2011, 12:42 AM   #1
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Default editorial comment or what

Networked Markets Are Democratic, Structured Markets Are Republican
Today I was checking out Michelle's A Small Victory. There are threads on self-publishing that mutated into a dispute about trolls, who was a troll, and whether linking to Little Green Footballs was as "un-nuanced" as linking to "Democratic Underground."At one point a troll popped up and I had to blogroll him! The Troll Patrol. It's protected troll habitat, and of course I had to say that,Giubbotto Moncler, daring them to do their worst. and taunting them with my Trolls Unlimited Cafepress SectionAnd then I commented a couple of threads at Michelle's, making the point that she might wish to use cafepress to publish a book she's working on - and should probably have tee-shirts with the Best Bon Mots of the Day. To show that Zazzle.com was the way to go there, I posted this:Ok... now, is this trollery, shrewed marketing,louboutin chaussure pas cher, editorial comment or what?Well,louboutin, it's all of the above - and a new clue about the new networked economy.I've made the point before that money is in a way simply Representative of ideas in motion - just as are goods and services.Zazzle.com and Cafepress.com are two examples of new, consumer-creator driven media - the antithesis of top-down marketing models. They are viral,christian louboutin pas cher, marketed between friends and among interest groups and can be intensely topical. There's no investment barrier. I create artwork or write words, and I "sell" those images and words. The company merely puts the images on the chosen media, and they make their money on that.They are both making MORE money by realizing that they do not have to shape the tastes and opinions of their consumers. And as I stated in Jump on the Cluetrain - that means people are the new brands.Michelle is a brand. I am a brand. Tacitus and Dkos are brands.But the traditional brands - for peas and pajamas and politics - those are in deep, deep trouble.The vast uncommitted center in the upcoming election will not be voting for a republican or a democrat. They will be voting for either the George Bush brand or the John Kerry brand - neither of which bears a great resemblance to the traditional, bland and homogeneous image of their respective parties.And it's worth checking out how people are playing on those brands:Anti Bush activists are vitriolic.Pro Kerry can be summed up as "being praised with faint damns."Pro Bush is almost all anti-bush,louboutin pas cher, with a few genuine items that prove that those few that are for bush and are on Cafepress are somewhat conventional-minded,Moncler outlet, humor-impaired, or just plain freaky-nuts.I'm interpreting this as being simply that social conservatives view this sort of venue as sheer anarchist chaos with no focused central message.And it is an antiathoritarian venue for sure,Giubbotti Moncler, because (with certain vague and tiny limitations),Louboutin chaussure pas cher, you can say whatever the hell you like on a Cafepress product, and benefit by it - or not. The market determines if anyone gives a damn about your "brand" of speech.As Papa Heinlein observed; "Money is the sincerest form of applause."About The AuthorBob King writes regularly for Graphictruth.com and Wall/Fire eZines. He can be reached by email at webcarve@graphictruth.com.



and more positive words.
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Old 08-26-2011, 12:58 AM   #2
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595822 2010年12月01日 08:44 浏览(loading...) 评论(0) 分类:为宝宝为家人
许多新妈妈都是照着育儿书上写的内容养育宝宝的,但宝宝可不完全照着书本上写的那样成长,碰到书里没讲过的 状态,你能敷衍吗?
  但宝宝的成长却不是照本宣科,书上的内容很难笼罩宝宝的一点一滴,也有很多事件是新妈妈始料不迭的。在 我边育儿边跟人交换教训的这几个月中,我就发现了好几个书上没写,但宝宝广泛都有的现象。
  没有宝宝的时候,我一直以为宝宝除了哭,其他时间会很宁静,等宝宝到了家才发明完整不是这么回事。全部 月子里,我都被宝宝发出的各种各样的声音包抄着,一会是“吭!吭!”,一会是相似鸟一样的尖啼声,一会是像 马一样的“咴咴”声,一会又是“哎?”的一声长啸,其大无比,不分日夜。最开始的几个晚上,我老是被吵得睡 不着觉。我以为只有我家的宝宝这样,后来一探听,原来刚生出来的小孩都是这样的,老人的话叫“挣长”,大略 的意思是说宝宝通过这样的“挣”,伸展筋骨长个。出了月子,这种情况就缓缓消散了。
  月子里的小孩除了吃就是睡,在他不吃奶的空隙,你尽可以把他单独放在卧室里干自己想干的事情,可第二个 月的孩子就再没有这么费心了。这个阶段的宝宝白天醒的时间长了,可又不会玩,不会和人交流,醒着的时间里, 就剩哭一件事可干。当初回想起这个月来,印象最深的就是抱着宝宝散步了。
  这时的宝宝还有个特点,就是抱着睡着了,一放下就醒,为了让她睡着、不哭,我曾经有一次持续抱了她一终 日,到了晚上,胳膊疼得已经抬不起来了。开端我认为是宝宝缺钙或者缺锌什么的,ナイキ エアフォース,依照别人的倡议补钙又补维生素d,但都杯水车薪。正在我束手无策的时候,宝宝进入第三个月,这弊病奇观般 地好了。问了多少个同月龄的宝宝的妈妈,都提到了这个特色,才总结出这是畸形景象。
  快满第3个月的时候,宝宝进入了一个成长加速期,原来每次吃一边乳房的奶就饱的宝宝突然吃空两个乳房还 意犹未尽,夜里也由一夜吃一次奶改为吃两次甚至三次。她吃得多了,大便却少了,底本一天一次,忽然间两三天 也不拉。我查了《斯波克育儿经》,上面提到吃母乳的宝宝到第三个月的时候,因为母乳好消化,可构成粪便的货 色少,大便会变得不频繁。然而,书上却没有提到宝宝会放臭屁。
  一个礼拜天,宝宝已经是第三天没大便了,她突然开始放极臭的屁,臭的水平比大人的一点不逊 色,ナイキ エアフォースワン,而且是一个接着一个,这可是我没有据说过的现象。
  问了几个人,有人疑惑是便秘,给我出了不少主张,我按照她们的说法给宝宝喂水,エアフォース1,用棉签蘸婴儿油刺激宝宝的肛门。这些举措除了令宝宝赌气地大哭以外,没有见到一点后果。我几乎猜忌宝宝是 生病了,差一点抱着她去病院。
  第二天早上,宝宝大便了,仍是稀稀软软的母乳便,不什么不正常。后来听我姨妈说,孩子到了这个月份,大 都会产生这样的情形,白叟管这叫“攒肚儿”,说是宝宝正贴膘呢。至于臭屁,那是几天的大便发生的废气罢了, 没有什么奇异的。一场虚惊就这样从前了。后来跟其余妈妈聊起“臭屁”事,本来她们的宝宝也都“ 臭屁”过。
  书上说,生完宝宝奶水会在两三天后到来,可没说会来多少。在月子的前半段,良多妈妈的奶水都很少,按有 的人的说法,是“只够宝宝漱口的”。 刚养宝宝的时候不知道,以为是自己奶不够,急得不行,家里的老人怕饿着宝宝,也都提议搭奶粉。想到书上说的 纯母乳豢养的主要性,我一咬牙顶住了。为了补充奶水的不足,就只能增添喂奶的次数,大半个月子,我简直时时 刻刻在喂奶。快出月子的时候,奶水突然汹涌地来了,再不必发愁宝宝不够吃了。
  奶水不够的情况不仅是在月子里有,到了快3个月的时候,又涌现了一次。本来只吃一边就能饱的宝宝,那阵 子两边都吃空了还意犹未尽;本来3个小时吃一次,这时她两个多小时就顶不住了,喂得我辛劳万分。这样的情形 大约持续了1个星期就消逝了,宝宝重又改回一次吃一边,3个小时吃一次了。后来在有的文章上发现,这是宝宝 的“生长加速期”,大概在宝宝出身后3天、3周、6周、3个月各会出现一次。
  过了3个半月,类似的情况又呈现了,但与上次不同的是,这次我显明感到我的奶水无以为继。一个“过来人 ”告知我,到3个多月的时候个别有一个“回奶期”,只有保持喂,几天之后就能恢复。
  以前曾听人提到过厌奶期的问题,但从不晓得那会是一种什么样的表示,到了3个多月,我自己终于休会到了 。这段时光,每次喂奶就像打仗,明明宝宝很饿了,可乳头一放进她的嘴里,她就号啕大哭,奋力挣 扎,再给,ナイキ エアフォース1,再哭。好不轻易吃上了,没吃几口,就突然吐出乳头哭上了。一直要等到她闹得筋疲力尽了,才干老诚实实地吃 。除了吃奶,她别的时候也显得很焦躁,经常使劲嚷嚷。
  开始以为是奶水不够了,冲了奶粉给她喝,她一口不喝;后来断定是穿得太多了热的,air force 1,改穿薄衣服,成果造成她拉稀。种种方式想遍用遍,怎么都不论用,愁得我都快陪她一起哭了。在我百思不得其 解的时候,突然有一天她一点事情也没有了。我在网上搜寻很久,发现一篇文章里提到了“厌奶期”,没说是什么 表现,只说这个阶段会连续一到两周,我家宝宝正好一周。
  书上说,宝宝到2个月会笑,2个半月会看自己的小手,nike air force 1,3个月会趴着仰头,3个多月能够翻身……但我家宝宝几乎没一项合乎的。我宽慰自己说宝宝是早产儿,长得会 比别人慢些,后来在网上和别的妈妈聊起,发现她们的宝宝也没有都按照书上的规律生长。最后我终于得出论断: 每个宝宝都有自己的生长法则,只要他健康、快活,什么都不用替他担忧。
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