To commemorate Nike SB ‘s partnership with the Museum of Contemporary Art
cheap nike air force one Â*( MoCA ) in Los Angeles, Nike SB is auctioning off a set of limited-edition Nike SB Blazers, designed by Lance Mountain and each
nike air force ones featuring his trademark Doughboy image. There are three colorways, all with a black base, with the individual models having different colored Swooshes and accents. Limited to 24 pairs (8 of each color), and also limited to three sizes: size 9 (blue Swoosh), 10 (green
air force 1 shoes Swoosh) and 11 (red Swoosh). The shoes will be auctioned off at a special silent auction at the MOCA store on July 28 th , while there several pairs already up for
Dunk sb shoe Online Supplier - Nike “Tifny Dunk SB Tribute†Blazer ... bid on eBay . More pictures of these rare shoes after the jump.