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Old 07-27-2011, 10:16 AM   #1
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Default 6 More Laundry Tips and Tricks Every Girl Should K

Product Information (Clockwise from top): Novelty Laundry Bags – Bed, Bath & Beyond,Wholesale Colorado Rockies Hats, Ruffle Laundry Bag – Urban Outfitters,Cheap San Diego Padres Hats, Merci Laundry Bag – Deck My Dorm, Groovy Laundry Bag – Target, Pop-Up Hampers – Bed, Bath & Beyond, Cotton Laundry Bag – Bed, Bath & Beyond,Cheap Christian Louboutin, Real Simple Wash Bags – Bed,Arizona Diamondbacks Hats sale, Bath & Beyond
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“Be sure to wash your clothes in cold water; this will prevent stretching. And if you air dry them, do not hang them from a clothes line. Get some broad hangers to prevent bumps or just lay them out on a flat surface” – Kareem
After all of your great feedback (and tips of your own) on last week’s article,new era hats, Laundry Tips & Tricks Every Girl Should Know, I decided I’d do a second installment,Wholesale Tampa Bay Rays Hats! In addition to asking a few laundry questions, you guys also wanted some advice on laundry baskets and the best detergents.
You guys had a ton of great tips and requests last week, hopefully this week’s post is just as helpful,Cheap Oakland Athletics Hats! Have you tried any of the above products? Is there a certain type of laundry hamper that you prefer? As stylish students,cheap Pittsburgh.Pirates Hats, we all want to take care of our clothing – let us know your own tips, tricks and recommendations for laundry day must-haves by leaving a comment!
Laundry Tips from CF Readers,Cheap Fox Racing Hats!
None of us want to sacrifice our unique style by toting a bland laundry bag through the dorms. Luckily, stores like Bed Bath & Beyond and Target have a huge selection of hampers – and there’s sure to be something for everyone. Although wicker baskets are stylish, most dorms don’t have the floor space to devote to a non-collapsible basket. (They’re also a huge pain to lug to the laundry room.)
“Another tip: invest in a small fold-able drying rack. I don’t dry most of my clothes. Prevents shrinkage and pilling. And, when I’m done doing laundry, I fold it up and slide it under my futon, out of the way” – Rin
You can protect your delicates by laundering them in small wash bags, prevent shrinking by air drying clothes on a drying rack, and even combat pilling with a fabric shaver. The best part? All of these laundry aids are affordable and come in compact versions so they won’t take up too much space in your room!
The solution? Laundry bags! Whether it’s plain canvas or collapsible nylon, being able to store a laundry bag when it isn’t being used will give you more room in your apartment. We also love pop-up hampers that double as laundry bags!
Everyone knows that a laundry bag and detergent are the essentials you need to wash your clothes, but there are a few other tools that will make your life a whole lot easier (and protect your clothes!).
What do You Think?
Must-Haves for Laundry Day
Product Information: Deluxe Fabric Shaver – Target, Over-The-Door Drying Rack – Bed, Bath & Beyond, Coin Purse – Forever 21, Mini Steam Iron – Amazon, Tabletop Ironing Board – Bed, Bath & Beyond, Sweater Drying Rack – Bed, Bath & Beyond,Colorado Rockies Hats, Real Simple Intimate Wash Bags – Bed,Kate Moss Harpers Bazaar UK May 2011, Bath & Beyond, Aromatherapeutic Lavender Laundry Products – Bed, Bath & Beyond
In my three and a half years at school, I’ve run into every possible laundry problem – from coin machines and leaking detergent to ripped hampers, so I feel pretty qualified to give you guys some advice on avoiding the same mistakes I made,Cheap San Francisco Giants Hats!
“Another tip for keeping colors from bleeding is to get those Shout color sheets. Most of the time I don’t have enough whites for a load so I wash my colors with my light clothes and one of those little sheets and I’ve never had any color transfer,cheap Chicago Cubs Hats!” – Karen
The first post in this series got so many amazing comments, including quite a few great laundry tips. Therefore,Washington Nationals Hats sale, I wanted to share some of the best ones here in this post, in case you guys missed ‘em.
“I never use fabric softener on things that pill… it makes a huge difference! Some detergents have fabric softener in them, so I’m careful to not use them either” - Leah
Hopefully these two articles will help you get the most out of your clothing and make sure that your favorite items last for years. There’s nothing worse than your favorite top getting ruined in the wash,Monster Energy Hats, but luckily most laundry accidents are preventable. With tips from the CF community (and an adorable laundry hamper),DC shoes hats, laundry day can be a day that you actually look forward to!
7 Stylish Laundry Hampers to Make Laundry More Enjoyable
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Old 07-27-2011, 10:17 AM   #2
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

随着中国的快速发展, 西方越来越迫切的要求中国立刻民主化, 甚至有西方学者和战略家认为奥运会应该是个契机和期限, 在这个期限以内中国必须实现西方式的民主.
  民主制度的建立和完善是中国人自己的事情, 事实上中国人目前最迫切的要求是提高生活水平, 解决买房难,看病难,上学难问题, 以及抑制高企的物价, 对立刻实现全民普选和三权分立之类的西方式民主并不那么热衷. 那么为什么西方人在这一点上反倒比中国人还急迫呢?
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  西方式民主的核心是民主制度的资本化. 也就是说:谁有钱谁就控制了媒体有发言权,谁有钱谁就控制了政府有行政权,谁有钱谁就控制了军队有治安权。 总之,skechers women, 资本最多的拥有最大的民主.
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  西方所希望的中国民主化,就是我说的中国民主制度资本化,中国的一切,从经济命脉到媒体到政府到军队都 被西方资本所牢牢掌握,这样才方便他们控制中国,避免中国的发展影响他们的世界霸权,避免中国的发展使得世 界的资源与利润分配朝向不利于他们的方向发展,skechers tone ups
  事实上,skechers shoes online, 中国老百姓所希望的民主化,跟西方所希望的中国的民主化是有天壤之别的。中国老百姓所希望的民主化,毋庸置 疑,肯定是为中国老百姓自己服务的,是为中国的生存和稳定服务的,当涉及到资源和利润冲突的时候,肯定是把 中国,或者说中国老百姓自己的利益放在首位的。那么如果与西方发生争执,可以想象这样的民主制度会与西方发 生怎样的冲突。
  实际上,这次藏独闹事背后所展现的中西方冲突,所出现的中国老百姓与西方资本的冲突就映射了中国自己的 民主与西方民主之间的冲突,结果是中国老百姓这样的自发的民主举动被西方称为法西斯。为什么呢?因为中国人 从下到上都展现了一种坚决要与西方主宰世界的意图斗争到底的意志,在西方看来就是全体中国人从上到下铁了心 的要威胁他们建立的世界秩序,shape ups skechers,在他们看来,这不是法西斯又是什么呢?
  在西方的潜意识中,只有西方人才是文明人,只有西方人才配享有民主,民主是西方的专利, 其他国家只有同意本国的事情由西方人民做主,这才叫民主,shape up shoes。其他国家想独自裁决自己的事情,成长为取代西方的更强大的文明,甚至反过来做西方人的主, 是西方不能接受的,这叫做独裁。所以说,中国真正的民主化,肯定是与西方冲突的,肯定是不会被西方承认是民 主的。说穿了,西方所说的中国民主化,就是中国事务由西方民众主宰化,这才叫真正的‘民‘’主‘。苏东巨变 以后, 美国还要继续对前苏联加盟共和国实行颜色革命, 因为颜色革命之前, 这些共和国不肯听命于美国. 俄罗斯建立了全民普选的民主制度了美国仍然否认俄罗斯是民主国家, 因为俄罗斯人不愿意让西方民主来做自己的主子, 而要与北约抗衡, 为本民族争取利益,skechers shape up shoes, 在美国看来就是拒绝'民''主'.
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