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Old 05-28-2011, 01:23 PM   #1
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  在世界文化古国中,只有中国的历史和传统没有中止,一个主要的起因,就是中华民族无比珍视本人的历史, 而其中的绝大多数人恰是通过无数次与祖先的心灵沟通,口耳相传地保留着对先人的记忆。例如,中华民族通过一 直的迁徙使疆域得到扩大,文化得到传布,人口得到繁殖。但不论迁到哪里,移民的后裔都会追根寻源。直到今天 ,山西洪洞大槐树、湖广麻城孝感乡、江西瓦屑坝、姑苏阊门外、南京杨柳巷等地仍是亿万移民后裔先人的圣地、 心中的根。这些移民进程,正史中很少提及,它们能传播至今,就是靠一次次清明节扫墓和祭奠,将祖先筚路蓝缕 的迁移、坚苦卓绝的开辟和种种嘉言懿行告知子孙后辈。这些记忆还跟着人口的迁徙,流传到现在,深深的植入他 们子孙昆裔的记忆当中。例如,我们家乡叶氏人家就是通过才获悉我们的祖上是从中原河南迁徙到福建,后又从福 建迁徙到广东与海南的。渔家按理春节后就能够外出,转场到广东伶仃岛一带功课,但上百年来他们始终恪守一条 不成文的规则:过完清明,祭祖后才开赴外埠。原因就在这。清明祭祖不仅是他们表达对逝去亲人的孝顺或缅怀, 也成了强固亲情,联络和团结族人的方式;成了沟通家族接洽不可或缺的重要纽带。然而,tk supra society。现在,清明节的扫墓和祭祀的形式我们村里仍旧遵守陈年的规矩没怎么变更,保存记忆和沟通心灵的功效没有怎 么淡化,倒是城镇里的清明却成为了一场形形色色的清明闹剧。清明节扫墓,我1963年开始给父亲(1982 加上母亲)扫墓扫了近50年,但我发明和感觉20世纪80年代以来,中国社会处于急剧转型期,经济发展很快 ,但文化建设没有同步发展,社会上有人文精力失踪的偏向。近多少年人们扫墓活动显明和以前不同 了。
  海南是个移民岛屿,是个多元文化地域。反应在清明祭祖作法上,各个县市也不尽相同。有些地方是冬至上坟 ,有的地方是清明上坟。情势上个别是清明节的那天,家族成员在长辈的率领下,在家里预先筹备祭祖用品:杀鸡 宰猪备鱼烧饭,完了先在家中简略祭拜一番后,全家族老少就一起上坟地了。先是从最早的辈分最高的开端扫墓, 顺次搞下去。中华民族又是一个无比世俗的民族,对钱财十分器重,往往在祭祖的运动中寄托了“福”“禄”、“ 寿”这样的极其世俗的价值观,而这就体现在了祭祖活动中的各种典礼上。祭拜的用品除了香烛就是一些纸钱“金 元财宝”。我从前因为在当地,父母亲去世后也埋葬在本地,shirt armani,清明烧的是这些,后来我把父母遗骸迁回故乡,就放在镇里的龙华公墓内,烧的也是这些。由于没有放在村里和 爷爷奶奶等家族成员在一起。这样一来,每年清明家中的堂弟们都一起陪着我给父母上坟。完了,我再倒回村里和 他们一起上坟。村里人清明也是烧这些。但公墓里“寓居”的都是城里人,他们的作法和村里就不雷同了。我两头 一看,差异倒是很大的。
  村里的作法始终不变。但城里人有钱就“烧包”----- 即,变味了,已经不复是传统的祭祖,而是一种夸耀。不但扫墓的人群空前宏大,毂击肩摩,而且作法上仿佛有悖 于过去。上坟烧的不单纯是纸钱,除了纸扎腕表、自行车、缝纫机“旧三大件”和电脑、轿车、别墅“新三大件” 外,纸私家医生、保安、高尔夫球场,dolce gabbana online store,甚至连纸“伟哥”、“保险套”也成为人们为先人准备的祭品,后人对先人的关心堪称无所不至。在某些地方, 人们甚至给先人准备了纸保镖、纸保姆、纸小姐和纸二奶。活的人用的货色都拿过来祭祀前人,而不少官员干部和 富家人家更是这些活动的带头人,挥霍极大,这些不文明景象影响极坏。过去扫墓,还能在坟前听到哭声,看到悲 凉气象,现在没有了,全部坟场人声喧闹,似乎是家族成员聚首,nike air max 1995。我看报纸上讲,更有甚者连狗死后也修了狗坟墓,清明节居然还有人给狗扫墓而且哭起狗来!宅兆修得越来越奢 华,做给活人看不说,连扫墓培土也勤得着手,出钱请农夫工扫除。这些光景是我以前几十年来未曾见过的。这个 时代提高了,然而,风尚真的变了,变得生疏起来。环境传染,精神环境更是重大污染。完蛋了。这个社会变异了 。这是今年清明给我最大的印象。
  人们都说,清明的风俗岂但不面临败落的运气,反而呈现了文明复归的趋势。这源于现代人的内心需要:人们 在典礼化的追思里,对前人怀念的感情有了恰当的表白方式,取得了心坎的均衡与安静;祭祖不仅是人们抒发对逝 去亲人的孝顺或悼念,也成了坚固亲情,联系跟团结族人的方法;人生无常,性命懦弱,咱们留念那些逝去的人们 ,也为了让活着的人更加安心。是这样吗?虽然清明是农耕时代的一个节气,固然清明起源于古代帝王将相“墓祭 ”之礼,但,我国封建君主政体连续达二千多年的漫长历史长河中,假如从三皇五帝算起,包括汉族和其它少数民 族树立的同一王朝和边境、处所政权与农夫起义中建元称帝的帝皇共有五百多人。如果算“正统”列入史册的也有 一百多人。(当初地面或地下有迹可寻,时代较为明白的帝王陵,包含有些王朝始祖天子所封的太上皇的陵墓共有 二百多处)。这些“祖宗”现存二百多座陈迹看散布三十一个省区、市,共有帝皇陵五十余座,简直都没人给他们 扫墓了。这些帝王的子孙到哪里去了?清明扫墓的只是庶民人家。我感到与其说是文化复归,不如说是封建科学与 古代人庞杂心理综合在一起后发生的一种时期的变异。
  困扰西方人的,是天然界的神秘,而困扰东方人的,是人间命运的变幻.印度人对延续生命比拟感兴致,而中 国事没有宗教的国家,国人不像印度人那么达观,寻求的是现什物质上的知足。因为这种现实物资的满意更加容易 转瞬即逝,权衡人生价值的尺度更加短期化和泡沫化,让人更轻易觉得人生的无常。人生无常,生命软弱,在生命 转瞬即逝的时候,我们纪念那些逝去的人们,是为了让活着的人更加安心。清明节俗的昌盛,看似宣传了中国传统 中的孝道伦理,强调了亲世间的情感联系,从一个特定的角度增进了社会上人文精神的建设和弘扬。不如说是高节 奏的现代社会里,人与人的关联非常缓和和复杂,奋斗频繁,事实生涯中的压力容易让人身心疲乏,所以人们更加 看重盼望祖先的保佑。我扫墓扫了几十年未曾中断,除了去年心境不好没回去以外,从963年开始扫墓扫到今年 ,年年新坟不断,也有一些是断子绝孙后每人上坟的。目击这所有,我的感叹相称多。我也是属于没有儿子的人。 依照我们家乡的习俗,女人是不能会娘家给自己的父母扫墓的。如果族中有断脉的,则由族中后人一并祭拜。今年 ,我就一个人回去,一个人自己去给父母上坟扫墓,我也没有告诉村里的堂弟们,谁我都不让追随去。我这次和姐 姐说了:我百年之后,不准备回来了。我逝世后预备火化,就把我的骨灰撒到大海里去吧。我毕生就是个游子。大 海就是我最后、最好的归宿。这,也算是我留在博客里的遗言了。(2011年清明·海南)
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Old 05-28-2011, 01:31 PM   #2
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Reprinted from 362687450 at 17:57 on December 18th, 2010 Read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Haotie reprint
1. A to buy cigarettes, tobacco 29 yuan, but he did not match with the clerk said: \
B to buy cigarettes, tobacco 29 yuan, he also did not match with the clerk said: \
This is the most simple psychological marginal effect. The first is: the owner think they make money in a commodity, and another did not make money. Making money feels index 1. The second: the owner that the two commodities are making money, make money index is 2. Of course, the second a psychological tendency. Similarly, also in the buy one get this kind of psychological tricks, customers do not pay that there is one thing to make, in fact, the marginal effect is psychological at play.
revelation: a way to change can often play an unexpected effect! usually a lot of things in a different way the result is different. Life on the road, improving mental models and ways of thinking are very important.

2. A little boy, one day my mother took him to the grocery store to buy something, the boss see this lovely child to open a can of candy to a little boy put up their own candy. But the boy did not take any action. After the invitation several times, the boss personally take a lot of candy into his pocket. At home, the mother asked the boy curiously, why not have their own candy, but to grab the boss catch it? Very wonderful little boy replied: \a lot more than I get! \Everything does not rely on their own strength and learn to depend on others in a timely manner, is a humble, but also a smart.

3. Linklater leading U.S. host a one day visit to the children, asked him: \the pilot of the aircraft! \who tie belt, and then I hung up and jump out of my parachute. \Unexpectedly, two lines and then the child's tears welling, this makes Linklater found the heart of the child's compassion is far from beyond description. Linklater said he then asked: Why would you do? \of art. \two were living in the adjacent hill temple. It has a river between two mountains, so the two boys down at the same time every day carrying water to the stream, the passage of time in order for it and become good friends. time each day fetching water and so unconsciously has been for five years. suddenly one day the monks left the mountain did not water down the right side of the mountain monk thought: \\he thought to himself: \\It is also not to drink like a month. He was curious to ask: \\\even how much. Now I finally dug well, I do not have to water down, I can have more time to practice I like Tai Chi. \fight but the young man, they are still have water to drink, but also very relaxing to drink.

5. There were two people similar to the mountains to find exquisite stone, a back of a full basket, B The basket is only one he thought was the most beautiful stones. A laugh B: \\rock!
revelation: There are many things in life, memorable, sometimes you should learn to give up.

6. There is a toothpaste factory, product quality, beautifully packaged, loved by customers , turnover increased for 10 consecutive years, the annual growth rate of 10% to 20%. can be the first 11 years, performance slows down, so after two years. senior manager of the company held meetings to discuss countermeasures. meeting, the president promised wrote: Who can come up with a solution, so that growth of the company's performance, rewarded 10 million. a young manager stood up and handed a note, president, president and after reading, immediately signed a 10 million check to the the manager. looked at the note reads: The opening of toothpaste now expanded 1 mm. consumers out of the same length every morning, toothpaste, expand the l-mm openings, each with a 1 mm more than consumers width of the toothpaste, the daily consumption to how much more,puma sneakers! company immediately change the packaging. the first 14 years, the company's turnover increased by 32%.
revelation: changing the face of life, we often used the past way of thinking. In fact, if you expand the diameter of 1 mm heart, you will see the change in life has its positive side, full of opportunities and challenges

7. a turkey and a cow chat turkey said: I wish I could fly to top of the tree, but I have the courage. cow said: Why do some of my cattle do not eat them very nutritious. turkey to eat a little cow dung and found that it really gave it enough power to fly the first twig, the next day, after eating some more dung, fly to the second twig, two weeks later, the turkey flew proudly top of the tree, but soon, a farmer saw it, quickly shoot it down from the tree.
revelation: Niu-shih Wan let you reach the top, but can not let you stay there.

8. crow standing tree on, doing nothing all day,puma running shoes, the rabbit saw the crow, and asked: I like you, are not doing anything all day? Crow said: Of course, what not? So, the rabbit began to open space under a tree to rest, Suddenly, a fox appeared, jumped up and caught it rabbits, and swallowed it.
revelation: If you want to stand and do nothing, then you must stand very high, very high.

9. a bird flying south for the winter. It was cold, almost frozen bird. Then, fly to a large space, after a cow there, in a pile of cow dung in a small Bird's body, frozen bird lying on the dunghill, and I'm warm,puma shoe, gradually recovered, it is warm and comfortable lying down, and soon began to sing, a passing wildcat hear voices, see a What, follow the voice, wildcats quickly found lying on the dunghill of the bird, pull it out and ate.
revelation: not everyone to dung upon your people are your enemy. also Each of you is not from the dunghill lire people are your friends, and, when you're lying on the dunghill, better keep your mouth shut.

10. Once there was two hungry people has been a gift of the elderly: a fishing rod and a huge basket of fresh fish. Among them, a person to a basket of fish, a fishing rod to another person, so they parted ways the. get the fish put up one place to fire to cook with firewood from the fish, and he devoured, there is no product out of the meaty fish, suddenly, even the fish soup which he ate his shirt, and soon, He will starve to death next to the empty creel. Another person is carrying a fishing rod continue to go hungry,puma racing shoes, hard step by step walk to the beach, but when he saw not far from the patch of blue oceans , his body also finished the last bit of energy, he can only helplessly world with endless regret doing nothing. there are two hungry people, they also received a gift of the elderly rod and a basket of fish. just they did not go our separate ways, but agreeing on common to find the sea, They only cook a fish each time they travel through the distant, came to the beach, then on the two days of fishing began a few years later They built a house, with their respective families, children, have their own fishing boats built, and lived a happy and peaceful life.
revelation: only the immediate interests of a person, will eventually get the joy is short-lived Discovery; one goal will be high, but we must face the reality of life. Only when the ideal and reality combine it be possible to become a successful person. Sometimes, a simple truth, but enough to give meaningful life Inspiration.

11. Confucius, a student in the porridge, we found that dirty things to fall into the pot. He quickly put it out with a spoon, is when you want it drained, suddenly thought, a rice porridge are hard to come ah. So put it to eat. happened to Confucius went into the kitchen, thought he was stealing, he taught the students who is responsible for cooking. After explanation, we suddenly realized. Confucius is a pity, said: \\affect confidence. So to find out the truth, not easily believe rumors, hard to establish the cause will not be destroyed.

12. there was the third time Beijing exam scholar, living in a regular live in the store. test two days before he made three dreams, the first dream is the dream of their own kinds of cabbage in the wall, the second dream is a rainy day, he was also wearing a bamboo hat umbrella,puma speed cat, dream is the third dream together with the beloved cousin lying, but Beikaozhebei. These three dreams seem profound meaning, the scholar went to a fortune the next day dream and quickly. fortune of hearing this, burst thigh, said: \home. Think about it, growing vegetables is not high on the wall futile it? Wearing hats umbrellas not bother it? Lying on a bed with his cousin, but back to back, not the game is it? \\I would think, you're going to stay. Think about it, the wall is not high vegetable species? Umbrella hats that you wear is not the be prepared for it? Back to back in bed with your cousin, not that you should stand up to the time it? \not the same. thoughts determine our lives, what kind of idea what kind of future there.

13. One day the zoo administrators have found that kangaroos come out from the cage, and then met to discuss and consistent the height of the cage that is too low. so they decided to the height of the cage from increasing the height of ten meters to twenty meters. the results the next day they went outside to find the kangaroo, so they decided to then a high degree of heightened to thirty meters actually did not expect the next day all went outside and saw kangaroos, so much tension administrators decided to lamb, the height of the cage, increasing the height of hundred meters. One day a giraffe and a few kangaroos in their chat, \\\\into a hotel, they want a room. front waiter replied: \\night on the streets? So this kind of waiter led to a room for the elderly, said: \\lived in the house loan you one night - I wish you a pleasant journey! \You will get in return. \Look, there are a one-way ticket to New York and a brief postscript to hire him to do another job. He flew to New York, by letter of the mark in the line came to a place, looked up and saw a Hotel stands resplendent in his eyes. It turned out that night a few months ago, he has received hundreds of millions of assets is a rich man and his wife. rich for the waiter bought a large hotel, confident that he will operate manage the hotel. This is the world's first manager Hilton famous legend.

15. there was a master of playing before the show, and his disciples told him loose shoelace. Master nods his thanks, knelt down carefully is good. until disciple turns around, and squatted down to loosen the laces. have an observer to see all this,puma ferrari, did not understand: \\? \more opportunity to teach him to perform, you can say the next time ah. \Eagle, he brought home the Young Eagles, and raised in the coops. only with the Young Eagles and chickens pecking, frolic and rest. It thought it was a chicken. The eagle grew up, full-fledged, the master want it trained falcons, but the day and chicken mixed together, it has become exactly the same, and chicken, there is no desire to fly out. the owner tried various ways, all to no avail, and finally take it to the Peak on a throw it out. this hawk like a stone, until fall, it is hard to beat panic among the wings, it is so, it finally flew!
revelation: hone Summoned power.

17. After the rain, a spider have been hard to the wall climbing fragmented network, due to damp walls, it climbed to a certain height, it will fall to it again and again upward climbing, and falling again and again ... ... the first person to see, he sighed to himself: \Busy and no income. \. the third person to see, he was immediately the spirit of the spider keep on fighting and moved. As a result, he became strong and determined.
revelation: the mentality of success can be found everywhere in the success of those forces.

18. an old man on a train traveling at high speed, careless just bought the new shoes out the window one, feel sorry for the people around, only to the elderly immediately put the second shoe has dropped down from the window. This move even more surprised. the old men explained: \\. examiners asked them: \\\\\, passers-by encounter a river; see a woman trying to cross the river, but not before. old monk will take the initiative back from the woman wading through the river, and then put down women, and the young monk continued on our way. the little monk could not help muttering all the way: how the master a? How dare a woman back across the river? all the way to go, all the way to finally help, and said: Master, you Fanjie it? how the back of the woman? old monk sighed and said: I have already put down, you still can not let go !
Revelation: The gentleman is open always sad; broad-minded, cheerful thought, failing to get affordable, fit, to always maintain a healthy attitude.

21. a visiting professor of psychology at the asylum, status of understanding of the lives of a madman. the day, feel that these people crazy, acting unexpectedly, can be considered an eye-opener. can not think of preparing to return, he found himself under the tires had been lost. \it! \When skipping over a madman, and his mouth singing songs of joy unknown. He found the ailing professor, stopped and asked what had happened. professors not care him, but out of courtesy, or tell him. madman laughed: \\\\it might still laughing his fool. man blankly, doing things smarter, especially in China, a good man after all, a gesture.

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