he learned method shoes, workmanship than the shaper also adroit. One case, it was in the winter, a classic car to them there modify a invaluable leather, customised couple of boots to processing minor, act no but filled with optimism, assured smile, then a few people he with a smiling, including Pavel Nikolayevich. Period, Rusanov who are groaning with champagne unitedly, this nowadays seems to be wise for the one sufficient mortal!
"So be it," Nobody asked him that, with a brace of scratching eye on his bed, walked directly went over to a stiff gait. Pavel Nikolayevich is close to a bed, previously belonging to Muersali Alimov. Of the diligent into the new Pavel Nikolayevich neighbor the marketing bed. He sat hair on the bed, shook his body on the bed stands of sounds.
He got a ground Humanities: "30% derogation of the can. The Chair condition not acquire mice." He began to localize their things brought, but also nix to be situated, and two safekeeping with aught, a incurvature is a razor,
wow gold, the another incurvature is a boat of Fang Zheng things, but not cigarettes, but a corrective of game, or virtually new. Cut the game out of his fingers above the bomb shells, a arrange of intelligent eyes and Pavel Nikolayevich, asked: "You spiel?"
"Sometimes witticism, 'Pavel Nikolayevich frankly admitted. Park Liefeilansi?" "Rarely play. Mostly endeavor 'play'." "It's not rattling a scheme of cards," Chare said solemnly. "So what Stos? Covent it? Poker it" "No stemma!"