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Old 04-02-2011, 10:01 PM   #1
Commander In Chief
Join Date: Mar 2011
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sheila65 is on a distinguished road
Default A Beginner's Guide to Mac- Connecting to Wired and

In advance of we leave to look at browsing the online and implementing email with your Mac, we should get you coupled. Of course you could have cracked concern already, whereby feel free to transfer about the next post, but there are still features with Snow Leopard that one could use to enhance the good quality or performance of the computer, so they can extend ones battery lifestyle. There usually are two main kinds of Network connection that one could use along with your Mac, and which can be common at most brand new computers, a plug-in connection when using the Ethernet opening, or your wireless, or Wi-fi compatability connection when using the Airport Minute card. Networking solutions are controlled with the Network area of System Tastes. You can buy it around the third strip, just visit the icon to determine the choices for your wired along with wireless sites. To hook up to a wired network just plug inside the ethernet cable television,Android Technology Makes Your Communicating Device Amazing8, which will probably normally be received from either your modem as well as a router, into the actual port on your hard drive.
When you will be connected to some wired community your Ethernet opening will show to be connected in just System Tastes, and the actual dot will probably be green, as opposed to red. To hook up to a cell network you should turn ones Airport Minute card on. To achieve this you might select 'Turn Flight terminal On' with either the actual Networking area of System Tastes, or inside the drop decrease menu in which appears while you click the actual Airport icon around the top map-reading bar. The Flight terminal icon appears a quiche shaped wedge. When you have turned the actual Airport minute card on it is going to search regarding available cell networks, and immediately ask you if you need to join just one. To subscribe to a network you choose it with the list, after which you can enter your security password if it truly is required. Inside the Networking section you possibly can tick the actual checkbox beside the possibility 'Ask to help join brand new networks'. It will ensure that inside the absence of the preferred network the pc will offer alternative cell networks which can be in range that you simply have not powering before. You can develop a summary of preferred cell networks along with store the actual passwords regarding these networks so you don't really need to type that in each time you want to connect for the network. If you find yourself entering the actual password for the new community simply tick the actual checkbox in which says Spend less Password, and you may not be called for this password all over again. Under the actual Advanced tab of the Airport minute card in Process Preferences you can view a list with all the different networks that you simply have unspent, and eliminate them just to make sure. You could also drag the actual networks down and up to make a preferred checklist.
This is usually particularly useful when you've got more as compared to one cell network in your residence, office, as well as favourite coffees shop,Are Microsoft Exchange Servers Becoming a Thing of the Past-1, and you choose the computer for connecting to one which normally features a stronger mark, or with a printer powering it. If this kind of network appears especially other close by networks inside the list your pc will hook up to it simply by default. One remaining option that you simply have in handling networks with your Mac may be a location establishing. By default ones Location establishing is Semi-automatic or fully automatic. You incorporate the use of Location controls to identify which network you would want to join, enter almost any password as well as settings how the network necessitates, and cover other vents, such as being the Airport card that the Location is definitely an office whereby you just connect simply by ethernet. Commonly the Semi-automatic or fully automatic option is usually sufficient, but it is really good to keep yourself updated that you possibly can setup numerous locations regarding home along with office should you should. All cell cards as well as ports on your hard drive, such while your Flight terminal Card as well as Bluetooth adapter take in power. Of saving power along with extend ones battery life when utilizing a laptop you possibly can turn away from your Flight terminal Card, Bluetooth adapter, as well as dim ones screen.
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Old 04-02-2011, 10:11 PM   #2
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潘多拉是希腊神话中第一个尘世女子。普罗米修斯盗天火给人间后,主神宙斯为惩罚人类,命令神用黏土塑成一个 年轻美貌、虚伪狡诈的姑娘,取名“潘多拉”,意为“具有一切天赋的女人”。并给了她一个礼盒,然后将她许配 给普罗米修斯的弟弟埃庇米修斯(意为“后知”)。埃庇米修斯不顾禁忌地接过礼盒,潘多拉趁机打开它,于是各 种恶习、灾难和疾病立即从里面飞出来。盒子里只剩下唯一美好的东西:希望。但希望还没来得及飞出来,潘多拉 就将盒子永远地关上了。“潘多拉的盒子”被用来比喻造成灾害的根源。
达摩克利斯是希腊神话中暴君迪奥尼修斯的宠臣,他常说帝王多福,以取悦帝王。有一次,迪奥尼修斯让他坐在帝 王的宝座上,头顶上挂着一把仅用一根马鬃系着的利剑,以此告诉他,虽然身在宝座,利剑却随时可能掉下来,帝 王并不多福,而是时刻存在着忧患。人们常用这一典故来比喻随时可能发生的潜在危机。
缪斯是希腊神话中9位文艺和科学女神的通称。她们均为主神和记忆女神之女。她们以音乐和诗歌之神阿波罗为首 领,分别掌管着历史、悲剧、喜剧、抒情诗、舞蹈、史诗、爱情诗、颂歌和天文。古希腊的诗人、歌手都向缪斯呼 告,祈求灵感。后来,人们就常用“缪斯”来比喻文学、写作和灵感等。

斯芬克斯是希腊神话中以隐谜害人的怪物,埃及最大的胡夫金字塔前的狮身人面怪兽就是他。他给俄狄浦斯出的问 题是:什么东西早晨用四只脚走路,qq团购,中午用两只脚走路,傍晚用三只脚走路?俄狄浦斯回答:是人。在生命的早晨,他是个孩子,用两条腿和两只手 爬行;到了生命的中午,他变成壮年,只用两条腿走路;到了生命的傍晚,他年老体衰,必须借助拐杖走路,所以 被称为三只脚。俄狄浦斯答对了。斯芬克斯羞愧坠崖而死。“斯芬克斯之谜”常被用来比喻复杂、神秘、难以理解 的问题。
皮格马利翁是希腊神话中的塞浦路斯国王。他憎恨女性,决定永不结婚。他用神奇的技艺雕刻了一座美丽的象牙女 像,并爱上了她。他像对待自己的妻子那样抚爱她,装扮她,并向神乞求让她成为自己的妻子。爱神阿芙洛狄忒被 他打动,赐予雕像生命,并让他们结为夫妻。“皮格马利翁效应”后来被用在教育心理学上,也称“期待效应”或 “罗森塔尔效应”,比喻教师对学生的期待不同,对他们施加的方法不同,学生受到的影响也不一样。
犹大是《圣经》中耶稣基督的亲信子弟12门徒之一。耶稣传布新道虽然受到了百姓的拥护,却引起犹太教长老司 祭们的仇恨。他们用30个银币收买了犹大,要他帮助辨认出耶稣。他们到客马尼园抓耶稣时,犹大假装请安,拥 抱和亲吻耶稣。耶稣随即被捕,后被钉死在十字架上。人们用“犹大的亲吻”比喻可耻的叛卖行为。

出自《圣经》。上帝对人类所犯下的罪孽非常忧伤,决定用洪水消灭人类。诺亚是个正直的人,上帝吩咐他造船避 灾。经过40个昼夜的洪水,除诺亚一家和部分动物外,其他生物都被洪水吞没。后被用来比喻灾难中的避难所或 救星。
出自《圣经》。上帝在东方的一片富饶的平原上开辟了一个园子,里面有果树和各种飞禽走兽。上帝让亚当看守园 子。为排解他的寂寞,上帝从亚当的身上取出一根肋骨,造成一个女人――夏娃来陪伴他。他们过着无忧无虑的日 子。人们用伊甸园比喻人间的乐园。
出自《圣经》。亚当和夏娃住在伊甸园中,上帝允许他们食用园中的果实,唯独“知善恶树”上的果实不能吃。狡 猾的蛇引诱他们吃了禁果,从此他们懂得了善恶,辨别出真假,而且产生了羞耻之心。上帝因此将他们逐出伊甸园 。禁果比喻被禁止得到而又渴望得到的东西。
是一种西洋游戏,将许多长方形的骨牌竖立排列成行,轻轻推倒第1张牌时,其余骨牌将依次纷纷倒下。用于比喻 时,“多米诺骨牌效应”常指一系列的连锁反应,即“牵一发而动全身”。
出自19世纪法国诗人、文艺批评家圣佩韦・查理・奥古斯丁的书函《致维尔曼》。奥古斯丁批评同时代的法国作 家维尼作品中的悲观消极情绪,主张作家从庸俗的资产阶级现实中超脱出来,进入一种主观幻想的艺术天地――象 牙之塔。“象牙塔”被用来比喻与世隔绝的梦幻境地。
1815年,在比利时的滑铁卢,拿破仑率领法军与英国、普鲁士联军展开激战,法军惨败。随后,拿破仑以退位 结束了其政治生涯。“滑铁卢”被用来比喻惨痛的失败。
西方传说,鳄鱼捕到猎物时,一边贪婪地吞噬,一边假惺惺地流泪。喻指虚假的眼泪,伪装的同情。又被引申为一 面伤害别人,一面装出悲天悯人的阴险狡诈之徒。
是美国的绰号,产生于1812年美英战争时期。纽约州一位诚实能干的肉类包装商被人们亲切地称为“山姆大叔 ”。他担任纽约州和新泽西州的军需检验员,负责在供应军队的牛肉桶和酒桶上打戳。人们发现该厂的牛肉桶上都 盖有E.A―U.S.标记。本来,E.A是一个军火承包商的名字,U.S是美国的缩写。碰巧山姆大叔(Un cle Sam)的缩写与美国的缩写(U.S.)相同,人们就管美国叫“山姆大叔”。美国人把“山姆大叔”诚实可靠 、吃苦耐劳以及爱国主义精神视为自己民族的骄傲和共有的品质。1961年,美国国会正式承认“山姆大叔”为 美国的民族象征。


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