Residence - Events - Birthdays - Deaths - Years -
Background Feeds Accidentally
2006 Occasion - Dick Cheney accidentally shoots companion inside a hunting accident
2000 Death - Renato Di Paolo, method actor, accidentally strangled himself while taking part in Judas onstage, dies at 22
1999 Occasion - During a bombing run more than Belgrade,
Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 Activation Key, NATO accidentally bombs the Chinese embassy, killing 4 which launches huge protests all through China
1995 Event - Employee accidentally cuts electrial wires at Newark Airport
1994 Celebration - U.S. F-15 accidentally shoots two U.S. helicopters down above Iraq, 26 die
1993 Death - Brandon Lee,
Windows 7 Home Basic Activation Key, U.S. actor (Crow)son of Bruce Lee, accidentally shot at 28
1992 Function - Guy accidentally backs in A's Jose Canseco's $225,000 Lamborghini
1991 Function - AT&T workers in Newark accidentally snap a cable
1990 Celebration - Bus accidentally touches high voltage wire in Karagpur India; 21 die
1984 Death - Jon-Erik Hexum, accidentally shoots himself on set of "Cover Up" at 27
1984 Death - Christopher Wilder,
Office Professional Plus 2010 Product Key, FBI's "most wanted gentleman," accidentally kills self
1983 Occasion - Although warming up before 5th inning Yankee Dave Winfield accidentally kills a seagull
1973 Celebration - Nixon's personal sec, Rose Mary Woods, tells a federal court she accidentally caused portion of 18 -minute gap in a key Watergate tape
1969 Celebration - Mick Jagger accidentally shot whilst filming "Ned Kelly"
1968 Function - Duck hunter accidentally shoots endangered whooping crane in Texas
1954 Death - Werner Bischof, Swiss photographer, dies accidentally at 38
1953 Function - American B-47 accidentally drops a nuclear bomb on South Carolina,
Microsoft Office Professional 2007 Product Key, the bomb doesn't go off due to 6 safety catches
1950 Occasion - U.S. Mustangs accidentally bombs British on Hill 282 Korea, 17 killed
1943 Occasion - U.S. bombers accidentally strike Enschede, Netherlands, causing 151 deaths
1849 Celebration - M Jolly-Bellin discovers dry-cleaning, he accidentally upset lamp containing turpentine and oil on his clothing and sees cleaning effect
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