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Old 11-08-2011, 09:12 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 6
jimgghh323 is on a distinguished road
Default air jordan heels 网页设计师

职业概述职能规划信息架构视觉设计前端制作用户交互就业职位工作内容网页设计师9条原则网页设计师常用软件 网页导航设计需注意的事项网页设计趋势1. 巨大的logo/标头(headers)2. 素描/手绘设计3. 肥厚的字体4. 活版印刷5. 单页布局6. 巨幅图片7. 改变视角8. 交互式/直观设计9. 弹出对话框10. 简约主义11. 大尺寸的底部12. 复古 职业概述  网页设计师就是为网站页面进行设计并制作的工作人员,他们即是专业的设计师,又是静态网站的开 发工程师;总的来说网页设计师是最辛苦的行业,不仅要懂页面的设计、规化、排版、HTML代码、FLASH 动画甚至还要多懂一些代码,必须是个全能人才,特别是现在从2008年以后,W3C的推进,对网页设计师的 标准也是越来越高,越来越精确;   平面设计师一向认为他们才是设计的正房。别的都是姨太太。实际上并非如此,平面设计是最基础且又非常简 单的设计工作,因为平面设计做不到细,做不到精;他们只在乎大局,颜色搭配好,主体看上去可以就行,如果你 观察一些平面设计师的作品,大概看上去很唯美,但是你要是把图放大或者更认真仔细的观察他们的作品,会发现 很多纰漏,这对于一个真正的网页设计师来说,作品中是很难找到像平面设计一样的问题;目前除了房地产行业之 外,一般平面设计师的薪水都在网页设计师之下,这个到许多公司都是可以考证的;虽然都是设计师,但平面设计 与网页设计又是两个不同的领域,平面设计在色彩领域方面相对要专业一些,women jordan heels online,这是他们工作职责的所在,因为他们必须把自己设计的作品拿去喷绘出来,张贴在各种公共场所;但不管怎么说 ,自己水平达不到标准,再好的行业、再好的工作都会抛弃你的,所以网页设计师们,今后你们要更加努力!特别 是一些刚毕业一两年的菜鸟连平面设计都不会,直接进入网页设计这个行业,就需要比任何人都要更加努力和学习 ;没有惊人的作品出来,证明你永远都是一个菜鸟网页设计师,甚至连网页设计师都称不上,还处在平面设计最基 础的阶段;我以前上班的某个公司,当时我的设计水平也就是一年多的经验,而公司做广告DM部的平面设计师已 经有多年的经验,可以说是资深平面设计,薪水拿的比我们要多一大半,由于公司经营问题,后来把他们调入我们 部门,给客户做网页设计,他们的平面设计作品那是一个超赞,可设计出的网页作品还不如一个从培训班出来的学 生;做了半个月由于压力大,全部自己申请辞职了;这就是区别;如果是专业的资深网页设计师做平面设计,那是 小意思,因为网页设计师已经兼任了平面设计;   许多所谓的网页设计师,连自己都以为做网页就是“网页排版”,其实并非如此,他们不是真正的或者说称职 的网页设计师。80%的公司招聘网页设计师的要求,几乎千篇一律地强调要如何熟练使用“网页三剑客”。事实 上“网页三剑客”本身就是个不负责任的称谓,当改成“网页三剑”才是。因为这些软件归根结底都只是工具而已 ,而剑客最起码是人。连两千多年前的秦始皇帝都知道剑术的最高境界是“手中无剑,心中也无剑”,而聪明的现 代人却硬是本末倒置,拿来一把“剑”非要称之为“剑客”,叫人笑掉大牙。   网页设计师从一开始,是互联网行业新的产物,是平面设计的延续或者说是平面设计的高层,打个比喻平面设 计就是叶问,而网页设计就是李小龙,想练就李小龙的截道拳就必须先练就咏春拳,可叶问虽然是李小龙的师傅, 李小龙在咏春的基础上又创造了截道拳,叶问打不过李小龙,死不服输,脸上没光,活了一辈子也算是一代宗师竟 然被自己的徒弟打败;看过李小龙传奇的都知道;网页设计师不仅要比平面设计师更懂得专业的设计还要向程序员 多学习代码;有时候他们还必须得搞点动画,比如FLASH、JS、CSS等。但可怜的是,平面设计师觉得他 们是在侮辱设计,这就是我刚才讲的那个小故事,平面设计师就是自欺欺人,懂行的是不敢乱说话的;与程序员相 比,除了不懂专业技术性的开发,就向往网页代码标准方面发展和学习;但对于动画设计师来说,网页设计师懂的 是基础,oakley sunglasses 成本加成定价法,毕竟玩的不是一个软件,可网页设计师一样牛,因为可以应用CSS和JS搭配直接很简单的做出FLASH的 动画效果,很不错的哦。不管怎么说,一个人要想成功,特别是网页设计师,一定要不断的努力学习,走出平面设 计师这个基础门槛,向程序和FLASH动画设计师学习;   因为作一名网页设计师需要学习的东西太多太多,有时候不一定具有一定的专业性,所以名字也有一大堆。什 么“网页设计”、“网页制作”,“网站开发”,“做网页的”,“做网站的”,“网站开发工程师”如此等等。 可如今W3C和微软IE及各个浏览器的推进,对网页设计师的要求越来越高,这就使得网页设计师们对设计和动 画及代码越来越专业、标准;如果你是菜鸟你就是平面设计+排版,说白了就你是个用table排版的;如果你 越来越专业,水平越来越标准,那你就是网站开发工程师,资深网页设计师,高领域的,薪水会比平面设计师多出 两倍以上,更接近于FLASH动画和程序软件开发工程师的薪水,如果你遇上这两个领域顶尖的专业师傅,你在 他们的面前又会被变成一个菜鸟,因为别人是专业代码,而你是专业设计兼代码排版;   网页设计应该有更多的思索在里面,每一个元素都是思索的产儿,而不是随意的点缀。当然,感性的爆发也必 不可少,因为她是艺术,是商业化了的艺术、技术化了的艺术。如果有客户认定网页设计是一件简单的不能再简单 的排版,那让他们去找打印部一分钟能敲出200个字的小女孩去做吧。因为,我们--要为网页设计师正名!职 能规划信息架构  这个属于策划型,一般门户网站需要,对产品策划和用户体验都需要有深入的了解,这个偏重 的是策划能力,要有良好的逻辑思维,主要的工作任务是:组织信息 规划栏目布局相关的工作,http://www.bootsusa-outlet.com/。视觉设计  这个理论上讲是属于艺术型,其实名曰商业艺术。2者还是不同的,对于网页设计来讲这块需求量 是非常大的,现在人们越来越重视美观,而且要求越来越高。不管是门户网站,还是企业网站,FLASH全站( 互动设计)这个角色的占有率是很大的。关于视觉这块先天性因素占的很多,天生的色彩感觉,air jordan heels,创意能力。还要有良好的艺术修养,入职后还要对商业有深刻理解,明白商业设计的核心原则,如何将你的个性 和商业目地完美结合是最重要的。主要的工作任务是:设计风格定位 图标UI界面设计。前端制作  说到这个职位,市场上逐渐增多。恩,这个属于纯技术型。最初级的就是切片和 制作HTML,不要小看这个,以为这个没什么技术含量,其实这个技术含量也是很高,要符合标准和各个游览器 的兼容也不是件很容易的事情,一般切片和制作HTML划入网页视觉设计师的范畴。应该属于附属职能,视觉设 计做到一定的级别,这个无需理会。具体根据公司的要求决定。然后高级一点应用就是JS,AJAX……等,主 要的工作任务是:页面实现 优化)用户交互  网页可以笼统的比喻是,“基于 Internet(互联网)”比较高级的“平台传媒”,网页是网站架构的一部分,网站架构有它独有的复杂性 ,和技术性,和基于 Internet(互联网)的良好的扩展性,我个人定义为有“高级”、“中级”、“低级”之分,低级相对来 说只是简单的网页美工设计,动画设计,UI设计,中级相对来说是比较熟练的网页美工设计和动画设计,UI设 计,和一些样式优化,和脚本扩展,高级的相对来说是精通网页美工设计,动画设计,前台UI设计,样式脚本扩 展,和良好的用户交互技术。   “平台传媒”既没有传媒的广泛性,又有一定的广告的特性,特别是网页上的“平台传媒”,和 加有 web 通信的优势。   合格的网页设计技术人员必须要考虑与用户的交互,才能设计出高质量的网页。就业职位  网页设计师的就 业职位归结有网页设计师、网站美编、企业网站策划、网站管理、多媒体界面设计。工作内容  ⒈负责对网站整 体表现风格的定位,对用户视觉感受的整体把握;   ⒉进行网页的具体设计制作;   ⒊产品目录的平面设计;   ⒋各类活动的广告设计;   ⒌协助开发人员页面设计等工作。网页设计师9条原则  01 明确内容   如果你想成为一个网站设计者,并正想建一个网站的话,首先应该考虑网站的内容,包括网站功能和你的用户 需要什么。你的整个设计都应该围绕这些方面来进行。   02 抓住用户   如果用户不能够迅速地进入你的网站,或操作不便捷,网站设计就是失败的。不要让用户失望而转向你的对手 的网站。   03 优化内容   内容是核心。大约在两年以前,企业网站就像一本广告册子,更槽糕的是,网站使用了大量的图片,似乎要几 个世纪才能下载完。比如某网站在设计的某些方面是成功的,但是内容太贪乏,并且要花很长时间才能找到所要的 东西,因此不能算是一个成功的网站。   04 快速下载   没有什么比要花很长时间下载页面更槽糕的了。作为一条经验,一个标准的网页应不大于60K,通过56K 调制解调器加载花30秒的时间。有的设计者说网页加载应在15秒内。最好符合WEB标准化用css定位的网 站往往比表格定位要少很多代码。   05 网站升级   时刻注意网站的运行状况。性能很好的主机随着访问人数的增加,可能会运行缓慢。但是,如果你不想失去访 问者的话,一定要仔细计划好你的升级计划。   06 坚持基本原则   即使你不懂HTML语言,你只需购买一个有版权的所见即所得的网页设计工具,如Adobe PageMill 或 Microsoft FrontPage Express,当然现在则是Dreamweaver啦,就可以创建一个看起来很合理的网站。但是,在设计 时,这些软件包虽然不需要HTML,却使网站速度下降。为了成功地设计网站,你必须理解HTML是如何工作 的。大多数的网站设计者建议网络新手应从有关HTML的书中去寻找答案,用Notepad制作 网页。   07 学习HTML   用HTML设计网站,可以控制设计的整个过程。但是,如果你仅仅是网站设计的新手,你应该寻找一个允许 修改HTML的软件包。HomeSite4是一个很好的Web设计工具。在设计过程中,HomeSite4 能帮助你学习HTML。它还允许你切换到所见即所得的模式,以便你在把网站发送到Web之前,预览你的网站 。HTML编写过程中可以大段大段地删减,这是一特点。   08 用笔画一个网站的框架   圣人云:笔比剑更强大。在用计算机之前,用笔画一个网站的框架,显示出所有网页的相互关系。计划好你的 用户如何以最少的时间浏览你的网站。   09 “在计算机上永远也找不到好的方案”。网页设计师常用软件  Photoshop、Coreldraw、F lash、Fireworks、dreamweaver、其中photoshop主要是用来进行图像处理的 ,把渲出来的图通过PS使其更加具有真实感。网页导航设计需注意的事项  一、注意超链接颜色与单纯叙述文 字的颜色呈现   WWW的语言―HTML允许Webpage设计者特别标明单纯叙述文字与超链接的颜色,以便丰富Web page的色彩呈现。如果您的网站充满知识性的信息,欲传达给访问者,建议您将网页内的文字与超链接颜色, 设计成较干净素雅的色调,会较有利于阅读∶纯粹的叙述文字采用较暗、较深的颜色来呈现(如∶黑色、墨绿色、 暗褐色),超链接文字则以较鲜明抢眼的色彩来强调(如∶亮黄色、翠绿色、鲜橘色),至于探访过的超链接则采 用较低于原超链接亮度的颜色做呈现。   二、测试所有的超链接与导览按钮的真实可行性   Webpage上线之后,第一件该做的事,ray ban highstreet Nephew was stabbed a thief to catch a downtown onlookers who,是逐一测试每一页的每一个超链接与每一个导览按钮的真实可行性。彻底检验有没有失败的link无法链接到 该链接的Webpage,却反而冒出“FileNotFound”的错误讯号出来。这是一个负责任、够水准 的Webpage设计者对自己的作品应有的基本品质要求。   如果您果真有那么多的超链接必须提供给读者,不如将这些超链接以条列的方式,一笔一笔清楚地列在一选单 页或目录页上,既不妨碍走文的顺畅,又呈现一目了然的导览链接。   三、让超链接的字串长短适中且走文自然   抓住能传达主要讯息的字眼当做超链接的锚点(anchor),可有效地控制住超链接的字串长度,避免字 串过长(如∶整行、整句都是锚点字串)或过短(如∶仅一个字当做锚点),而不利于读者的阅读或 点取。   四、当导览按钮链接到目前此页时   各Webpage若重复使用同一组的导览按钮,无可避免地会产生某一导览按钮链接到目前此页的情形。为 达成界面设计的一致性,并没有绝对的必要性拿掉此导览按钮,但Webpage设计者可让此按钮不再具有超链 接的功能;或将此按钮的彩度、亮度降低(如∶深绿色变成淡绿色,亮红色变成暗红色),使读者可清楚地意识到 ∶这个暗设下来的导览按钮不再具有超链接的功能。网页设计趋势  对于追求无限创意和具实验探索精神的we b设计师来讲,趋势一说可能会显得有点可笑,如果每个设计师都遵循原有的趋势,那谁还去开创新趋势?没有了 新趋势,下一个轮回的时候,设计师们又去遵循什么趋势?   但不管你是否属于哪一类网页设计师,你却偏偏又不得不了解和跟随这些趋势。除非你只为你自己做网站,否 则如果你给客户的项目完全背离了主流的趋势,那要么就是黑马,要么就是客户觉得你无能,跟不上 趋势的节奏。   所以,随时关注着web网页设计趋势是每个设计师都应该做的事儿。1. 巨大的logo/标头(headers)  
网页设计师是指精通Photoshop,Corldraw,Frontpage,Dreamweaver等 多项网页设计工具的网页设计人员。网页设计师可以将平面设计中的审美观点套用到网站设计上面来(其区别是动 态网页的制作是平面设计不能达到的,它是一种审美方式的延伸)。 网页如门面,小到个人主页,大到大公司、大的政府部门以及国际组织等在网络上无不以网页作为自己的门面。当 点击到网站时,首先映入眼帘的是该网页的界面设计,如内容的介绍、按钮的摆放、文字的组合、色彩的应用、使 用的引导等等。这一切都是网页设计的范畴,都是网页设计师的工作。

飞出页面(splash pages)已经非常过时了。为了给访问者造成难以忘怀的印象,目前流行趋势将会是巨大的logo或者不相 上下大小的标头。这种类型的标头会占据整 个屏幕,但是只有一个重要的短信息在上面。访问者不需要点击任何东西,只要把鼠标向下滑动。访问的人现在普 遍患有点击恐惧(由于多年来的缺乏指导)。所以 大幅的标头就像飞出页面一样,但是它不会强迫你的用户点击任何东西。   中心思想:巨大的标头将会使你的访问者记住你的网站,http://www.bootsuk-online.com/。2. 素描/手绘设计  手绘设计并不是真正全新的一种潮流,但我们知道它仍然站在网页设计的前沿。很多设计师欣赏这种 风格,但又怯于创作此类作品仅仅由于“我不会真正地手 绘”的态度。如果你去看那些最流行的手绘风格网站(相对于其他趋势风格的网站,手绘设计的网站不多),你会 注意到大多数同行不会绘画。这些设计不是要送往 艺术博物馆的,它们只是传递一种异想天开的想法,并模糊冷冰冰的网络和人与人的互动――因特网的终极目标, 之间的界限。如果你会涂鸦,你就可以创作素描/ 手绘风格的网页设计。   素描在目前会变得更加强大,尽管不是网页设计的主要焦点。它将会以新颖的和令人兴奋的方式被用于个性标 准的页面文案(web copy)。   中心思想:素描在合作设计中会变成一个基本的组成部分。3. 肥厚的字体  尽管在传统媒体中出现已经超过200年了,肥厚的字体在网页设计上的应用还算比较新的。要得 到肥厚字体的可视化定义,就想想古老的狂野西部的海报 “渴望”。那些醒目的字母就是肥厚的字体。肥厚字体普遍是大写字母,air jordan shoes 文化名人洪晃被外交部诉至法院要求腾房(图),醒目并令人印象深刻。许多设计师以前避开肥厚字体不用,是因为以前标志和标头都比较小 和比较简朴的缘故。和巨大的标头一起组合之后,肥厚的字体将会吸引浏览者的注意。   中心思想:肥厚字体来大胆的表现自己。4. 活版印刷  活版印刷是最难掌握的的潮流趋势之一,这就是它在目前依然保持新鲜的原因。出于大家对可用性的 呼吁,网页设计师不敢使用新起的和各式各样的字 体,timberland boots shop 装修工假冒僧人骗取10万余元。把不同大小尺寸的字体混合在一起这个想法是完全不可想象的。可以探索,扭曲,模压字体来达到你的目的。如 果位置得当,一个利用了活版印刷作为它主要涉 及元素的网页会比一个超载了大量图片的相同网站有趣的多。   中心思想:活版印刷是新发展的,但是它会将继续成为网页设计的一部分。5. 单页布局  单页布局将会驱使你去把不必要的信息删除。目前这个潮流将会抛弃那些古怪的导航,并使之影响国 变得更加小(this trend will move away from the quirky navigation and become more minimal in its approach.)。可以这类风格的网页想成商业名片。这些网站将会更像一站式商店,在那里有你和你在各 式各样网站上的作品(比如你的博客和你在各种社 会化媒体上巢穴)。   中心思想:单页布局将会有较多个人文件和较少的团体合作。6. 巨幅图片  与巨大logo/标头header很接近,oakley active sunglasses,所以大幅画面也做着同样的事。它创造了难忘的视觉冲击。不像上文巨大logo所示的那样,巨 幅图片不是网 站品牌的一部分。相反,访问者不是因为内容而是因为奇大无比的图片尺寸吸引进入你的网站的。目前网页设计师 们会发现,在他们的设计中使用起这些 巨大的表现方式来表达网站的风格,将会更加的舒适惬意。   中心思想:巨幅图片会被用作吸引游客进入你的网站。7. 改变视角  就像我们以前讨论过的一样,桌面视角已经重复到令人发腻了,2010年将会看到一个更加贴切实 际的视角,可能会有一个移动的侧视的天线(there may also be a move toward side-shot aerial.)   中心思想:2010年网页设计会出现不同的视角8. 交互式/直观设计  flash动画会有更好的发展。以前,你访问网站,你一定会点进一些令人厌烦的动画界面。现在 动画会轻松、专业的多。尽管一些设计师更愿意选择 jquery制作表格和弹出式窗口,但动画在设计界仍然占有一席之地,特别是在表现细节方面。动画在互动上 仍然有所欠缺。目前网页设计师将会在动 画的补救元素方面改进。现在普遍的浏览者对互联网了解得更多更深了,设计师会也将会也会创造出比以前更直观 性一点的网站。   中心思想:交互式设计会重新流行9. 弹出对话框  弹出对话框这个趋势现在正如火如荼地被使用,事实上目前就会到处可见。弹出对话框就像弹出式 窗口的一个更加老练的长兄,――流畅、美观、潮流。弹出对话框更容易设计和使用使它成为那些为可用性担心的 设计师的完美解决方法。   中心思想:目前设计中弹出对话框将会继续流行10. 简约主义  请忽视学校极少网页的网站。目前网页会继续以大片空白和醒目的排版、出人意料的颜色方案为特点 。不是所有的简约网站都同意黑和白的简单性概念。尽管简约主义本质上是温和的,但是它也展示鲜艳的颜色。简 约主义不是冷酷的,它是温暖的,开门见山的。   中心思想:简约主义将会大胆的用于排版。11. 大尺寸的底部  也许大尺寸的底部已经到处都是了,但是目前你会发现它们甚至会更夸张。未来的底部会减少事 先考虑的因素,成为设计的主要部分。底部将会寻求詹这些特征:包含随机的信息的脚本,比如不同的社会媒体的 更新、每日调查、和flickr等。   中心思想:大尺寸的底部将会以较少重要的信息,较多个人信息为特点。12. 复古  复古设计会成为风尚,流行起来。虽然很多设计的团体钦佩复古的网页设计,但如果没有留下"已复原( undone)"的印象就很难完全掌握这种风格。 复古的关键是被它的风格和潜在的趣味性所启发。目前如果设计师找到新的使复古老艺术荣耀起来的方式,复古设 计将会扩大使用的范围。   中心思想:复古是一种新潮。 开放分类: 平面设计,设计,广告设计,网页设计,就业指导 我来完善 “网页设计师”相关词条:
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:14 AM   #2
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138570 2010 年 10 月 18 日 16:39 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary

1, do not spoil me. I am well aware that everything that I do not deserve what I am asking, I really just crying endlessly in the test you.
the kids go to kindergarten age, most of the time, his request for reasonable,coach women shoes, there is always a few of the. Sometimes parents deliberately provocative in order to test the bottom line. Parents if the compromise, the child will take a yard. Rejected and restriction, one meaning of love.
2, do not be afraid to be fair for me attitude, this hand, I feel secure.
children and their parents, like others, just the attitude, the children know they do a good deed will get praise, made a mistake to criticism, the rules standing there, why can not know what is, and my heart there will be security sense.
3, do not give me bad habits, the young at the moment, I have to rely on you to judge and culture.
habits decide character,coach sunglasses, character, destiny, good habit to rely on the child's parents from an early age.
4, Do not make me feel like I was small than the actual, it only makes me more than I pretend to an actual age of the Shayang.
not sound like a child, the child's mind is not polluted with secular adults elusive innocence and wisdom.
5, if possible, try not to in front of people that get me wrong, I feel humiliated, and then against you, your private reminder, the effect will be better.
children have self-esteem,

6, do not let a mistake I think is guilty of a crime, it would undermine the hope of my life.
we adults are constantly making mistakes, it is easy to find reasons to forgive yourself, forgive the child should do, let the children learn from their mistakes, those mistakes and grow,coach sunglasses outlet, not mistakes on the child Programme on-line to criticize.
7, when I say I'm definitely not hate you, I hate that you add to those pressures on me.
a fit of anger, then do not bear grudges, the key is not to let things develop to the extent of the child Koubuzeyan.
8, do not over-protect me, afraid I can not accept some of the Many a time I needed to learn through painful experience.
children are over-protected children grow up, life is difficult there own ideas. Gradually independent of the parents the child is the duty of the parents.

9, Do not care about my little pain. Sometimes, I just want to get your attention only.
children instinctively use pretending to arouse the attention of their parents (some of my wife in this way will cause her husband's attention.) This happens,coach purses, to review their child's attention is too little, too little time to spend with their children.
10, not nagging me, or I'll dumb.
want obedient children, adults to speak. Whining is not to speak.
11, do not promise to me in a hurry. Remember, when you can not keep his promise, I will be sad, would underestimate the importance of your future promise.
true to its word, this way, parents teach children to listen to the most effective means, but most parents can not do, so most kids do not listen.
12 .- I'm not able to explain things very clearly, although sometimes I look very smart.
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my family the most typical,coach sneakers, and see him struggling to explain one thing, I listened attentively to the surface, the heart has long roll Xiaofan.

13,coach bags, Do not expect me to be honest, I can easily fear and lies.
preschool children not to lie too seriously, to find the reason he lied to solve the underlying problem.

14, please do not in principle, staccato-discipline, do not continue. This makes me wonder, then lost trust in you.
children a good memory yet, and parents of children capricious whim, buried in the child no longer believe in my heart the seeds of their parents.
15, when I asked you a question,该放就放 - Qzone日志, please do not turn me or reject me. Otherwise, I will eventually stop you to ask questions, and turn it to another place to seek answers.
and children this is the starting point for establishing communication channels, do not destroy it. If the child is asked questions they do not understand, to be honest and tell them you do not know, you will find the answer to check the book and then tell him.
16, I am afraid, do not think I am silly, very funny. If you try to understand, we will find that I was more terror.
child's fear is real, many adults seem to be afraid of some other very funny things. To be recognized by the child's feeling, as much as possible to resolve his fear and let the child know that Mom and Dad will protect him.
17, do not say or imply to me, you will always be correct, impeccable. When I found you is not the case when, for how I will be a big blow.
good parents are not perfect, but people who know how to love children.

18, do not apologize to me that there is no dignity. An honest apology makes me closer to you, more respect for you, feel more warm.
willing to apologize to the parents of the child and the child will be able to establish an equal and harmonious parent-child relationship.

19, do not forget to try my favorite person, not by you informed of the results.
let go and allow children to experience it, your child discover the truth will arouse the enthusiasm to explore the world.

20, do not forget I'll soon grow up with me for you to grow is not easy thing, but please try it.
really a process of raising a child growing up with their children,对于封闭QQ图标的网站(征集) - Qzone日记, parents can not stand still, keep up the pace of the child,股市高手的操盘心得,值得好好看看 - Qzone日志, and children will have good communication, and ultimately also the mother and children to become (the parent) the relationship between friend and .
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:27 AM   #3
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134387 2008 年 11 月 14 日 15:03 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
As long as There is also a Japanese in China,coach sunglasses outlet, I do not get married
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As for the state, the oath and the mountains shall perish. Long live the Chinese nation!
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:39 AM   #4
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141483 2008 年 07 月 12 日 00:18 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (4) Category: Personal Diary
transfer Posts: women, in fact, marry you will regret it

married to rich men, fresh fish, out of a car, Luxury villas, silk clothing Lai clothing, beads around Wai Tsui, subtle fragrance filled the air, this day should be very good, right? However, a man takes time and effort to make money, not material wealth man rich businessman, was busy entertaining the rich and powerful. Businessman's head is full of interest, calculated daily inputs and outputs, the lack of warmth. Many years ago, has long been seen through the Jiangzhou Sima nature of this man - a materialistic leave.

man's mind is powerful relationship with the measure and who every day near, and who was much the lack of tenderness. Rich men often do not have time, women will be left out side. Marry such a man a woman, equal to marry TV, married beauty salon, to endure long spiritual emptiness, it takes a surface gorgeous, bitter heart Who knows?

married guy,coach sunglasses, obviously suicidal. Even if the guy determined to love no one, regardless of whether other women also could not stand the love offering. Long handsome guy, Aventure to the quick, fast call you cut not the killing must not, in spring, then your marriage, you become a farce Changba me play.

marry the man of leisure, accompanied by every day, something he rarely, a good memory, your birthday, your wedding anniversary or even your mother's birthday, he will remember every detail. His home on time every day, but also a good cook and willing to accompany you shopping, it will educate children. You live every day surrounded by his should be no regrets, right? No, this man is often limited capacity, not a lot of money, you have to painstakingly work hard with him in order to obtain a subsistence living. To see another woman pampered, over forty still face Jiao Mei, slender fingers, and you young, have rough skin, the hand deformation, it will not be reconciled - how people can marry a married a scrap metal?

sweet married man would say, you'll have extra comfortable, this smart but cautious man, to find the woman's beauty. You change a hair style, a piece of clothing, even for a brand of lipstick, he will discover, and immediately praise. He will compliment your ingenuity to clear the ear lobe, praise you round the ankles, you will enjoy this feeling of being intoxicated - because some of the United States failed to find your own. However, you should be clear about, this man is also very good at finding other women besides you beauty. Sweet talk that he would listen to many women, you do not even know that you are the first of several people who heard his sweet talk. This man is dangerous, believe it will put up a few on the outside surface of Ne, man, you can rest assured though, he loyal to you, no Janus-faced, beautiful women on the side definitely looked straight ahead and pass. However, this man is often terribly slow, you change a pair of new shoes a week, and he did not find; you ask him painted pink, light purple nail polish, nail polish good or good, he usually bewildered. This lack of taste to marry a man, you will feel the beauty of the female sterile.

which man is better to marry? Less likely to scolding his blind eyes? A good woman must marry, marry well, even in the lucky escape from the Fortress Besieged, also fell by the body - unless it is Nicole. Kidman.

married to wit,coach sneakers, how do you say this? First to succeed underappreciated genius is divided into two types. The former leader has a variety of Xu, Yu, their love and marriage are a hit, but the results do not quite wonderful. Too charming combination of Beauty, will Zhefu. Underappreciated genius was better not to marry, married with the condemnation of God is with him no eyes, bad people in power, bad luck. Underappreciated by all shares grievances,Ha ha ha ha ha!, complaining of long, deep, dark and the people also. Do not call me looking for examples,coach sunglasses outlet, because they have buried a brutal life.

professionals like a good marriage, such as lawyers doctors,The highest retention rates helmets - Qzone log, whatever happens after marriage, there are people who escort. The quality of these people more generally does not occur scholar met soldiers clearly reasoned tragedy. But they are usually very busy, middle of the night to visit patients, but not people leave, and may not be romantic, there is a strict occupational disease, a person trapped in your marriage cry.

married to teachers,coach wallet, they hardly have opportunities for advancement, do not give you a surprise. The work is from the lower grades to higher grades to climb and then straight down, again and again, never tired. Their advantage is that each woman will have three months to do the family man, and free tutor my child to do.

you might say,coach shoes, to marry both money AND time, both in life and there are faithful men, certainly not regret it. Is the case, but the world is not so perfect man. Even if we do not deserve - because we are not perfect themselves. Therefore, marry are sorry, we can only stay in a worldly marriage, no one can escape - because we are all flawed people. This is really frustrating, but it is life. Who may not marry no regrets. Do not regret, but regret even more terrible than Xingyingxiangdiao.

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when you were born, you were crying and everyone around with a smile; you are passing away,coach women shoes, you're smiling and everyone around crying! All reincarnation,Why men like women not to drink! - Qzone log!!!! We are all in reincarnation!!!
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