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Old 11-08-2011, 09:15 AM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 6
jimgghh323 is on a distinguished road
Default http://www.bootsuk-online.com/ 奥匈帝国

是存在于1867年至1918年间的一个中欧共主邦联国家。当时的匈牙利王国与奥地利帝国组成“帝国议会所 代表的王国和领地以及匈牙利圣斯蒂芬的王冠领地”联盟,匈牙利国王与奥地利国王是同一个人。匈牙利对内享有 一定程度的立法、行政、司法、税收、海关等自治权,外交和国防等对外事务方面则与奥地利一样,统一由帝国中 央政府处理。奥匈帝国是匈牙利贵族与奥地利哈布斯堡王朝在争取维持原来的奥地利帝国时所达成的一个折衷解决 方法,http://www.bootsusa-outlet.com/ 背影
中文名称: 奥匈帝国 英文名称: Austro-Hungarian Empire 所属洲: 欧洲 政治体制: 君主制 主要民族: 日耳曼
开放分类: 匈牙利,奥地利,帝国,国家,奥匈帝国 “奥匈帝国”在汉英词典中的解释(来源:百度词典): 1. [History] Austro-Hungarian Empire; Austro-Hungarian Monarchy (1867-1918) 我来完善 “奥匈帝国”相关词条:

匈牙利人 20%   捷克人 13%   波兰人 10%   乌克兰人 8%   罗马尼亚人 6%   克罗地亚人 5%   斯洛伐克人 4%   塞尔维亚人 4%   斯洛文尼亚人 3%   意大利人 3%   在帝国的两个部分起支配作用的两个民族其实不占统治地位:在奥地利部分,日耳曼人人只占36%,而在匈 牙利部分,匈牙利人也不到半数。   捷克人、波兰人、乌克兰人、斯洛文尼亚人和意大利人都试图在奥地利部分获得更大的发言权,ray ban cats 氢,http://www.jordanheelsde.com。   同时在匈牙利部分,罗马尼亚人、斯洛伐克人、克罗地亚人和塞尔维亚人也向匈牙利人的统治挑战。罗马尼亚 人和塞尔维亚人还争取与新成立的罗马尼亚和塞尔维亚王国合并。   相对于在奥地利部分的德国统治者来说,匈牙利的统治者更不愿交出他们的权利。但1868年,在他们获得 自主权一年后,他们授予克罗地亚王国部分自主权。   奥匈帝国内争议最大的一个问题是语言的问题。哪些语言是官方语言或官用语言总是一个问题。少数民族总是 希望使用他们自己的语言以及教育他们自己的语言。比如1897年4月5日奥地利首相下令在波希米亚将捷克语 和德语作为同等的内部官方语言,结果受到整个帝国德国民族主义者的抨击。最后这位首相被解雇。1910年帝 国内的宗教  
简介领土构成行政区划建立政府结构民族关系1910年帝国内的宗教经济外交解体评价 简介  
来源:1910年12月31日的人口普查,刊于GeographischerAtlaszurVaterl andskundeanderösterreichischenMittelschulen。K .u.k.Hof-KartographischeAnstaltG.Freytag&Berndt,维也纳,1911年。经 济  在其存在的51年间,奥匈帝国的经济发展很快。技术的改进促进了工业化和城市化。在这51年里,资本 主义生产方式传播到整个帝国。旧的封建主义制度不断消失。维也纳附近、奥地利腹地、阿尔卑斯山麓和波希米亚 是经济发展的中心。19世纪末,匈牙利中心平原和喀尔巴阡山脉地区的经济发展也很快。   整个帝国内的经济发展速度相差相当大。总的来说西部的发展比东部高得多。20世纪初整个帝国的经济发展 速度都很高。从1870年到1913年,国家每人平均生产率每年约提高1.45%。与欧洲其它国家相比(英 国1.00%,法国1.06%,德国1.51%),这个发展速度是比较高的。但国家的经济发展总的来说还是 落后于其它国家,原因是它的起步比较晚。英国的数字约是奥匈帝国的三倍,德国是它的两倍。这个粗的比较还无 法体现帝国内部发展的不均衡性。   铁路在奥匈帝国普及很快。1841年奥匈帝国的前身奥地利帝国就已经从维也纳出发在西部建立了一个铁路 核心。此时政府认识到铁路的军事意义,因此开始在其建设上大量投资。布拉迪斯拉发、布达佩斯、布拉格、克拉 科夫、格拉茨、卢布尔雅那和威尼斯都被联入铁路网。到1854年为止整个帝国内的铁路网长度达2000千米 ,其中约60-70%为国有。由于1848年的革命和克里米亚战争帝国政府为解决其经济困难开始将其铁路出售给私人投资者 。   从1854年到1879年几乎所有的铁路建设都是由私人投资完成的。在奥地利部分铁路网延长了7952 千米,在匈牙利部分铁路网延长了5839千米。许多新的地区被连入铁路网,现有的铁路网被连接到一起。在此 之前奥匈帝国的主要运输工具是船运\,铁路网的发展使整个帝国的经济发展得以协调。   1879年后政府开始慢慢地重新将铁路网国有化。其主要原因是1870年代的经济萧条使私人企业对铁路 的投资减缓了,无法满足政府的要求。从1879年到1900年奥匈帝国修建了25000千米铁路,大多数是 补充已有的铁路网。在东部也建立了新的铁路。一些地区一直到此时才接通铁路。铁路网大大地降低了帝国内的运 输费用,为其内部经济打开了新的市场,prada women。外交  奥地利部分和匈牙利部分地区政府对中央政府的外交政策的态度也稍不相同。布达佩斯的政治家害怕帝 国的扩大会使得匈牙利人的比例和影响变小。不过,帝国政府与德国在1879年结成德奥同盟,对付俄罗斯的同 盟,则受到两个地区政府的欢迎,因为它们都将俄罗斯看作最大的军事威胁。   按1878年柏林条约奥匈帝国于1878年8月占领波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那。1908年10月它正式被并 入帝国。这块地方被作为双方共同管理地区,并被率属于财政部管理。为解决这个不正常的状况一些维也纳的政治 家考虑将这块地区与帝国南部的其它一些斯拉夫人占多数的地区合并为帝国的一个第三个地区。当地的克罗地亚人 可能较为亲近维也纳,而非布达佩斯。解体  在奥匈帝国领土上成立的新国家   
内莱塔尼亚的王国和领地包括:   波希米亚王国 (Königreich Böhmen)   达尔马提亚王国 (Königreich Dalmatien)   加里西亚-洛多梅里亚王国 (Königreich Galizien und Lodomerien)   奥地利公国(包括上奥地利和下奥地利) (Erzherzogtumen Österreich Österreich ob der Enns und unter der Enns)   布科维纳公国 (Herzogtum Bukowina)   卡林西亚公国 (Herzogtum Kärnten)   卡尼鄂拉公国 (Herzogtum Krain)   萨尔茨堡公国 (Herzogtum Salzburg)   西里西亚公国 (Herzogtum Ober- und Niederschlesien)   施蒂利亚公国 (Herzogtum Steiermark)   摩拉维亚侯国 (Markgrafschaft Mähren)   蒂罗尔和前阿尔卑斯地区 (Gefurstete Grafschaft Tirol und Land Vorarlberg)   滨海省份 (Österreichisches Kustenland)   外莱塔尼亚包括:   匈牙利王国 (Königreich Ungarn)   克罗地亚-斯拉沃尼亚王国 (Königreich Kroatien und Slawonien)   阜姆(里耶卡)自由市 (Stadt Fiume)   波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳 (Bosnien und Herzegowina)属于独立的帝国直辖省份,由匈牙利和奥地利共同管理。建立  1867年的折衷方 案   1867年2月建立奥匈帝国的折衷出于多种原因。在此之前,奥地利帝国是一个中央集权的统一帝国(18 04年-1867年)。但19世纪中叶以后,这个帝国被削弱了许多:1859年的意大利独立战争使它在意大 利的势力被削弱;1866年的普奥战争迫使它退出德意志邦联,同时匈牙利对维也纳的统治也非常不满。在帝国 的其它许多地区民族主义思想也不断加强。匈牙利对奥地利的统治不满出于多种原因,其中之一是奥地利在俄罗斯 帝国的支持下对1848年匈牙利革命的镇压。   为了保障奥地利皇帝在匈牙利的地位,弗朗茨.约瑟夫皇帝与匈牙利的贵族举行谈判,寻求一个可以使他们支 持他的折衷方案。一些政府官员劝告弗朗茨.约瑟夫与所有民族运动家谈判,来建立一个联邦国家。他们担心单独 与匈牙利贵族谈判会遭到其它民族更大的反对。但弗朗茨.约瑟夫无法忽视匈牙利贵族的势力,而这些贵族只肯接 受一个他们与奥地利传统贵族之间的二元体。当时,罗马尼亚和斯拉夫人等,亦曾要求参予政权,建立多元(七元 )政府,但基于奥地利和匈牙利贵族的反对,此方案被废除,http://www.bootsuk-online.com/,而奥匈二元帝国则正式建立。   匈牙利贵族尤其要求皇帝特地在匈牙利加冕为匈牙利国王来证明匈牙利在帝国内的特权。他们还要求在布达佩 斯设立一个有立法权的议会,这个议会设立的法律在历史上归属匈牙利王国的地区有效。这个议会的组成保证匈牙 利人(尤其是其贵族和市民阶层的精华)在其中占多数,而国内众多的罗马尼亚和斯拉夫人少数民族则基本上无权 。政府结构  奥匈帝国有三个不同的政府:匈牙利政府、奥地利政府和一个位于皇帝之下的中央政府。匈牙利和 奥地利各有各自的议会和自己的首相。皇帝的权利理论上是至高的,但实际上是有限的。皇帝的中央政府负责陆军 、海军、外交和对外贸易。   奥匈帝国内的一些地区如贾利希亚和克罗地亚享受特别地位,它们拥有特殊的政府形式。   两个地区的共同政府由一个共同部长会议组成,这个共同部长会议的成员包括三个部长(财政、军事和外交) ,两个地区的首相,一些大公和皇帝本人。每个议会派出一个代表团分别对共同部长会议的财政计划进行表决,这 样每个地区政府对共同政府的工作有一定的影响力。但最终共同政府的部长仅对皇帝负责,而皇帝本人有权对外交 和军事政策作最后决定。   两个地方政府与中央政府权力交叉往往导致摩擦和低效率。尤其军队在这方面受到阻碍。尽管军事是中央政府 的职权范围,但奥地利和匈牙利政府有“征兵、提供驻扎地、运输和补给,以及负责军队人员民事的和非军事事务 的责任”。因此每个地方政府对中央政府的决定有很犟的影响力,而每个地方政府都使用每一个机会来扩大它们自 己的权力。   两个地区之间奥地利部分占总人口的约57%以及主要经济资源。从1867年开始两个政府与中央政府之间 最大的争执是关于每个政府向中央政府交纳多少费用的问题。这个问题每十年进行一次协商,而每次协商都造成很 大的争议。尤其是从1900年代中开始(1906年4月)匈牙利的议会中民族主义者占多数和组织政府开始, 这个争议问题造成了一个持久性的宪法危机。1907年10月和1917年11月,这个问题在一个“始终如旧 ”的基础上暂时获得解决。民族关系  奥匈帝国民族组成   日耳曼人 24%
1918年夏,战事对同盟国越来越不利。虽然到目前为止奥匈帝国内的少数民族领导人一直对哈布斯堡皇帝保持 忠心,但此时他们不得不考虑他们自己的利益了。当协约国的胜利显而易见时,对他们来说也是脱离旧的帝国的时 刻,接受协约国所宣扬的民族主义是必走的路了。此时的奥匈帝国已经无法将这众多民族联合在一起了。其它成员 也对帝国丧失了信心:经济发展已经停止,新的经济发展的希望也消失了,战时许多战前在奥地利部分引入的开放 政策被取消,这使社会主义者非常气愤。在这些条件下极端民族主义者获得了许多支持者。1918年9月和10 月,一系列地区宣布独立。1918年11月3日奥匈帝国与协约国达成停火协议。   战争的结束也是奥匈帝国的终止。对战胜国来说,按照伍德鲁.威尔逊宣布的十四点计划奥匈帝国分裂为许多 民族国家是必然的事。值得注意的是分裂奥匈帝国并非协约国的战争目的,这个建议一直到战争后期才获得支持。 相反的,许多人认为奥匈帝国的分裂并不解决当地的民族问题,而只是使得这个地区更加不稳定。   10月28日捷克首先宣布独立,匈牙利其次。特兰西瓦尼亚大多数地区加入罗马尼亚,其中还包括了很多匈 牙利少数民族。南部的斯拉夫地区联合组成了后来的南斯拉夫。   战后战胜国承认这些新的边界,大大地改变了当地的政治地图。一系列条约保障这些边界的合法 性。   奥地利和匈牙利成为共和国,哈布斯堡王朝被永久驱逐。在匈牙利首先成立了一个匈牙利苏维埃共和国,但1 919年罗马尼亚入侵后保皇势力又开始抬头。1920年匈牙利恢复为一个王国,但没有国王。奥匈帝国的最后 一位皇帝卡尔一世企图占据这个王位没有成功(1921年3月至10月),他被放逐到葡萄牙属马德拉群岛,后 来在那里逝世。霍尔蒂.米克洛什成为执政者。   以下这些国家从奥匈帝国(有些是部分)产生:   奥地利   匈牙利   捷克斯洛伐克(现在分成捷克、斯洛伐克二国)   南斯拉夫(现在分成塞尔维亚、黑山、克罗地亚共和国、斯洛文尼亚共和国、马其顿共和国、波斯尼亚和黑塞 哥维纳共和国等国.)   波兰   此外罗马尼亚和意大利也获得部分奥匈帝国的土地。评价  这一帝国从建立伊始就困扰于国内的民族纠纷和 民族矛盾。奥匈帝国是一个多民族的君主国,尽管对于境内其他少数民族来说,匈牙利人在君主国内的地位仅次于 德意志人和奥地利人,但匈牙利人要求独立的愿望却最强烈,ray ban 2011 Security murder stabbed Taiwanese couple,这种情绪影响了其他民族,导致帝国内部民族起义此起彼伏,并最终爆发了萨拉热窝事件。1914年6月,奥 匈帝国在萨拉热窝举行军事演习,把塞尔维亚和门的内哥罗作为假想敌,激起塞尔维亚人民的不满;6月28日, 奥匈帝国皇储弗兰茨・费迪南公爵夫妇在萨市大街上被塞尔维亚民族主义者普林希普刺死,奥匈帝国借此向塞尔维 亚宣战,以德、奥、意“同盟国”为一方和以英、法、俄“协约国”为另一方的第一次世界大战爆发。奥军作战失 利,境内各民族纷纷独立,导致帝国崩溃;1918年11月11日,年轻的卡尔皇帝在帝国夏宫美泉宫的“中国 厅”内宣布退位,从而结束了绵延7个世纪的哈布斯堡王朝的君主统治。翌日,奥地利临时国民议会宣布奥地利共 和国诞生,这就是奥地利第一共和国。   作为第一次世界大战的战败国之一,奥地利被剥夺了所属的非德语地区,在那里建立了匈牙利、捷克斯洛伐克 、南斯拉夫三个独立的国家,还有一部分加入了独立的波兰,同时,奥地利还失去了讲德语的南蒂罗尔,这一地区 后来被划归意大利;第一共和国时代的奥地利从一个世界大帝国变成了中欧的一个小国,面临着无法解决的困难, 奥地利与周边国家的边界被封锁,原料的进口和工业品的出口受到这些国家关税壁垒的阻碍,经济处于瘫痪状态; 30年代经济大萧条时期,国内政治动乱几乎导致内战,奥地利转向德国求援助,为纳粹德国兼并奥地利提供了借 口。1938年3月11日,德国法西斯以“维护奥地利秩序”为名,派兵进占奥地利,奥地利变成了德国的一个 省,ray ban cats,从地图上消失了17年之久;一年半以后,第二次世界大战爆发;战后,3月11日成为奥地利的国耻纪念日, 每年这一天,奥地利各界都举行各种形式的纪念活动,以提醒人们,前事不忘,后事之师。   战争期间,奥地利虽然是法西斯的受害者,但同时也扮演了纳粹德国的帮凶角色,成千上万的奥地利人对希特 勒的到来发自内心的欢呼,而且法西斯纳粹最残忍的刽子手中有许多有奥地利人,仅在奥地利就有65000名犹 太人惨遭杀害,战争后期,奥地利本土也成为战场,损失惨重。国内各大城市都被盟军的飞机炸成废墟,仅维也纳 就遭到53次轮番轰炸,不少珍贵的古典建筑毁于炮火。1945年3月,盟军占领了奥地利全境。 词条图册更多图册
奥匈帝国国徽、国旗(2张)奥匈帝国是1867年至1918年间的一个中欧的“二元君主国”( Dual-Monarchic Union)、“共主邦联国家”。在这段时间里,匈牙利王国与奥地利帝国组成联盟,这个联盟的全称是“帝国 议会所代表的王国和领地以及匈牙利圣史蒂芬的王冠领地”(德语:Die im Reichsrat vertretenen Königreiche und Länder und die Länder der heiligen ungarischen Stephanskrone)。在这情况下,匈牙利国王与奥地利皇帝均是同一个人(Franz・Josep h)。匈牙利对内享有一定程度地于立法、行政、司法、税收、海关等享有自治权;对外事务方面(外交和国防) 则与奥地利一样,统一由帝国中央政府处理。   1914年的奥匈帝国   官方语言 拉丁语、德语、马扎尔语   国教 天主教 首都 维也纳   最大城市 维也纳   居民1,675,000(1907年)   面积 680,887 km²(1907年)   人口 48,592,women nike heels online Prison inmates to imitate movie plot dig a hole in the e,000(1907年)   货币 莱茵盾、奥匈帝国克朗(从1892年开始)   国歌 上帝保佑吾皇弗朗茨   该国的国家格言是:Indivisibiliter ac Inseparabiliter(拉丁语,不离不弃)   奥匈帝国是匈牙利贵族与奥地利哈布斯堡王朝在争取维持原来的奥地利帝国时所达成的一个折中解决方法。有 各自的首府,奥地利首府在维也纳,匈牙利首府在布达佩斯。是当时仅次于俄罗斯帝国的欧洲第二大国,人口仅次 于俄罗斯帝国及德意志帝国,居于第三位。它是一个多民族国家,内政主要由组成它的十一个主要民族之间的商议 所决定。当时欧洲各地民族独立思想不断发展,虽然奥匈帝国在其成立期间不断有民族起义和其它纠纷,但在它所 存的约50年间整个国家的经济不断发展,国家实现了现代化,许多开明的改革得以施行。第一次世界大战后奥匈 帝国解体。   长期以来,奥地利和普鲁士为争夺德意志领导权一直在明争暗斗。在1866年的普奥战争中,奥地利战败, 被迫与普鲁士签订《布拉格和约》,解散德意志邦联,成立以普鲁士为首的北德意志联邦,为统一德国奠定了基础 ;普奥战争后,奥地利国力衰竭;1867年,air jordan heels women,奥地利政府更迭,匈牙利人要求自治,奥地利皇帝被迫妥协,同年12月允许匈牙利在哈布斯堡王朝统治下获得 自治,匈牙利与奥地利建立奥匈二元君主国,奥皇兼任匈牙利国王;奥地利和匈牙利各自有独立的立法机关,帝国 政府掌管外交、军事和财政。奥匈之间确定的贸易、税收和开支等协定每隔10年重订一次;奥匈帝国的版图包括 的里雅斯特、波希米亚、摩拉维亚、西里西亚、加里西来、克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚以及现在的匈牙利和奥地利,成 为欧洲第二大国。领土构成  
一般将奥匈帝国的领土分为两个部分:内莱塔尼亚(Cislethania)和外莱塔尼亚(Translet hania)。   狭义的内莱塔尼亚仅指莱塔河以西的部分,即奥地利,但广义的内莱塔尼亚还包括斯洛文尼亚、波希米亚、摩 拉维亚、加里西亚和达尔马提亚等地区。这部分被统称为“帝国议会所代表的王国与领地”。   外莱塔尼亚,即莱塔河以东的部分,也不只包括匈牙利,而且还包括斯洛伐克、特兰西瓦尼亚、克罗地亚。这 部分领土被统称为“圣史蒂芬的王冠领地”。圣史蒂芬一世是匈牙利的第一位基督教国王,他后来被尊为圣人。行 政区划  
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:18 AM   #2
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Reprinted from 41538641 at 03:22 on February 14, 2007 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Fantasy Star Aries: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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Gemini: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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Cancer: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆
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Love Tips: paranoid killer of love, do not get to the bottom where the other side last night.
Scorpio: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆
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Sagittarius: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆
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Love Tips: Your self-confidence the most attractive.
Aquarius: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ (main star of this month)
There are many changes this month
Aquarius, new events continue to occur will greatly change the state of your life. Career, will be granted another task or job, felt the new work environment. In particular, the team workers to meet new partners, will develop new relationships.
Romantically well, no lover of the bottle, carries a yearning for love, will spend more thought in this respect, and love will unconsciously germinate and grow. Had a partner who, this month the communication needs to be strengthened with the lover, lover or even lack of attention to friends, eat vinegar, if you do not know to where it is easy to double-Fang Xinsheng grudge.
Wealth should be noted that miserly, emotional consumption will make you into financial embarrassment. If the student-to carry all their belongings, then the day is not far away from the constraints of the. Although in good health, but whether it is exercise or diet still persistent in winter, especially water bottles want to lose weight, this point also to implement!
Love Tips: emotions are fragile, be careful to make good care of business.
Pisces: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Pisces will have a wedding this month comes in quick succession, so that you spontaneously give birth to Academic or career step by step, the way the situation looks good. And love, you are sentimental romantic mood Shoudaoqinlai, popular admiration of the opposite ######; have a partner who loves fire was warm, and you envy others Nong Nong me!
Love Tips: have too many good words, sweet talk the more the better!
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Old 11-08-2011, 09:26 AM   #3
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Reprinted from 421770111 at 04:39 on September 17, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
What are you trying to say? (you in the end say what?)
Don't be silly. (Do not nonsense.)
How strong are your glasses? (how many degrees you myopic?)
Just because. (no other reason.)
It isn't the way I hoped it would be. (This is not the way I hoped.)
You will never guess. (you'll never guess not to.)
No one could do anything about it. (all this know what flawless.)
I saw something deeply disturbing. (feel that something was wrong.)
Money is a good servant but a bad master. (to do the masters of money, Mo money to do slave.)
I am not available. (I was busy)
Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand. (brain knowledge is more important than money in the hand)
Never say die.it 's a piece of cake. Do not be discouraged, it is just a piece of cake.
Don't worry.you 'll get use to it soon. Do not worry, soon you get used to it.
I konw how you feel. I know how you feel.
You win some.you lose some. victory or defeat is standard issue.
Don't bury your head in the sand. Do not escapism.
I didn't expect you to such a good job. I did not think you are doing so well.
You are coming alone well. you do, quite well.
She is well-build. Her body is awesome.
You look neat and fresh. You look very pure.
You have a beautiful personality. you are very good temperament.
You flatter me immensely. I'm flattered friends.
You should be slow to judge others. You should not free to comment on others.
I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake. If any errors, please forgive
It was most careless ofme. I was too careless.
It was quite by accident. is really unexpected.
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I like you the way you were. I like you used to be.
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Do you have anyone in mind? you have a sweetheart?
How long have you known her? How long have you known her?
It was love at frist sight. love at first sight
I'd bettle hit the books. I want to review homework friends.
a piece of one's mind. outspoken
He gave me a piece of mind,burberry handbags, cat and dog life incompatible living
The husband and his wife are always quarrelling, and they are leading a cat and dog life. The couple always quarrel with each other mutually exclusive.
a dog's life down and out life
The man lived a dog's life. The people living down and out.
A to Z from start to finish
I know that from A to Z. I know it.
above somebody deep
Well, this sort of talk is above me. I do not know what your talking about.
all ears in rapt attention,
When you tell Mary some gossip, she is all ears. with Mary about the grapevine, she will listen to carefully.
all the more better,paul smith sale, increasingly
You'll be all the better for a holiday. on a vacation, you will be more beneficial.
all dressed up dressed neatly
She is all dressed up and nowhere to go. She was neatly dressed the whole place to show off.
all in all in general; the most precious things
The daughter is all in all to him. His daughter is priceless.
all out to make every effort
They went all out. they screwed it up.
all over all over; whole body, everywhere
Glad, it is all over. this all over, good.
I'm wet all over. I felt all wet.
all set ready
He is all set for an early morning start. He has to do all the preparations for the morning of departure.
all you have to do need to do is
All you have to do is to calm yourself down and wait for the good news. you need to do is stop and other good news.
as easy as falling of a log / as easy as snapping your fingers / as easy as ABC easy as pie
To me, a good story teller,burberry bags, it would be as easy as falling of a log.
For me, a story is not picked easily.
as busy as a bee very busy
Mum is always as busy as a bee in the moring. Mom busy every morning.
at one's fingertips well known
How to get at that little island is at his fingertips. He knows how to get to the island.
at one's wit's end shoot one
Don't ask him.It is also at his wit's end. Do not ask him, he did not know.
big shot big shot, tycoon
He is a big shot in our little town.
black sheep black sheep, black sheep
Every family has a black sheep. Every family has its cupboard.
black and blue black and blue
The thief was caught of red-handed and beaten black and blue. the thief was caught on the spot and was beaten black and blue piece.
black and white black and white
The proof is in black and white and the murderer has no any excuses. the evidence is conclusive, the murderer no longer anything to say.
blind alley blind alley
You are heading into a blind alley. You are a dead end.
blow hot and cold swing
This guy seemed to have no own idea.He always blew hot and cold. This guy seem to be advocating, always wavering.
blow one's own trumpet to boast
Don't blow your own tumpet.Let us see what on earth you can do. Do not boast, let us look at what you can do in the end.
born with a silver in one's mouth born with a silver spoon
He is born with a silver in one's mouth. He is a silver spoon.
bland new new
a bland new coat of new clothes
break the ice to break the silence
The couple hadn't spoken to each other for a week.They were both waiting for the other one to break the ice. The couple has not talked to the one week. They are all waiting for the other before her.
by a blow an inadvertent blow
He is beaten to the ground by a blow. he was shot into the ground.
can't stand it any longer can no longer tolerate the
I can't stand it any longer, I quit. I can not stand, I go.
carry something too far gone too far
You are carrying your joke too far. you joke too far.
castle in the sky mirage
You plan is nearly a castle in the sky. Your plan is simply fantasy.
cats got one's tongue speechless
chain smoker Lao Yanqiang
come up with have come up with
Let me come up with some ideas. Let me think.
come easily easily
Languages ​​come easily to some people. Some people can easily master the language.
cup of tea like
Movies are not my cup of tea. I do not like to watch movies.
cut it out stop, shut
Cut it out! I can't stand you any longer.
call it a day longer to do so, to stop (an activity)
Let us call it a day, stop. This day is enough work, shutdown now! dark horse dark horse
Nobody considered that John would win the game.He was a dark horse in the final.
dear John letter Dear John letter
Jack received a dear John letter from his girlfriend because he had broken her heart .
do somone good to someone good
Having some moring exercises does you good.
Do you get me? you know what I mean?
doesn't count this is not
It doesn't count this time,mulberry bag, try again.
doesn't make sense do not know; not make any sense
The sentence you made doesn't make any sense to me.
down and out down and out
Being down and out, he couldn't support his family.
drive at the intention, desire
What's he driving at? his intention?
drop in occasionally to visit
I dropped him in on my way to the hospital.
drop me a line to write to me
On arriving the University, please drop me a line.
early The early bird who
An early bird catchs worms. Gain an advantage
easy come easy go come and go
eat my words back foreword apology
I said something bad to my mum.Although I want to eat my words back, it didn't work , for I had hurt my mum's feeling.
face the music face the difficult
He knew he'd never get away with it so he decided to face the music and give himself up to the police. he knows he can not escape, it was decided to do things a person when one person - surrendered to the police.
face up to face up to something
You must learn to face up to your responsibilities.
fed up tired of
I am rather fed up with your complaints.
feel free to do something Do not restrict
Please feel free to make suggestions.
few and far between few, rare
Human beings are few and far between in this zone.
French leave French leave
give me a headache headache
The naughty boy gave me a headache.
give me a hand help me
go Dutch AA system
God bless you God bless you
God bless you with your examinations.
God knows God knows
Got it? understand?
green thumbs / fingers gardening skills
hands are full very busy
have a ball brave
have had it enough
I have had it with all your excuses. I'm tired of you excuse.
hold water hold water
Non of his arguements seem to hold water.
in every sense of word in the sense that
It's a lie in every sense of word. This is not deduction of a lie does not discount.
keep an eye on alert
kill time kill time
lazy bones lazybones
Get up lazy bones!
leave it to me let me come
leave me alone Leave me alone
like father like son like father, like
like it or not whether you like it or not
make a fool of oneself to fool someone
make a big money make big money
make both ends need balance
We have to cut our expenses to make both ends need.
make waves splash; trouble
His achievement made waves in his country.
make yourself at home yourself at home
no good no good
Bad mam comes to no good.
no kidding do not joke
none of your bussiness is not none of your business
not really is not ... ...
old hand veteran
He is an old hand at stealing.
old story same old
I am tired of it, same old story.
on one's word of honor to a person's honor
on occasion from time to time
of one's own accord voluntarily
packed like sardins crowded
During the holidays, people in the trains are packed like sardins.
pass away died
pay the price to pay for
You are playing with the fire and you must pay the poice one day.
put up with tolerate
I cann't put up with your rudeness any more; leave my room.
red-letter day important or memorable day
red tape red tape
red carpet red carpet
run into occasional
I ran into an old friend in the shop yesterday.
run out of exhaustion, lack of
Quick, quick, we are running out of time.
show up to show off
small potatos little
so what? then how about it?
stand up for stand
suit one's taste on a person's appetite
sunday dress clothes, the best ten
sure thing sure thing
take one's time enjoy playing
Take your time and enjoy it.
take the words out of one's mouth, then tell someone to put
that's it is
that is really something wonderful
there is nothing I can do what I not do
there you go this way please
there is nothing wrong with me I'm fine
under the table dead underground, secretly
under the weather ill
what's going on how the
what a man more courageous people, ah
walking dictionary walking dictionary
what is up How have you been
Hi, I haven't seen you for a long time, what's up?
world class class

tag standard American English money to black
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Old 11-08-2011, 10:04 AM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
g3sh7sf0mf is on a distinguished road

Martial arts village
martial arts village, including under the jurisdiction of Cangzhou City, County and City. The history of the people to oppose the feudal exploitation and exploitation, Cangzhou civil Wufeng Yi Sheng. After the founding of the People's Republic China, Cangzhou Martial Arts to rehabilitation and development.
history of regional specialties Heze geographical scale of Dengfeng, Henan Province Introduction Results martial arts martial arts martial arts history of the scale of Hebei Cangzhou Martial Arts category About the National List of martial arts village of Heze, Shandong Heze Location (Zip Code: 274000 Telephone Area Code: 0530) is located southwest of Shandong Province, and Jiangsu, Henan and Anhui provinces bordering, at latitude 34 ° 39 〃 - 35 ° 53 〃, longitude 114 ° 48' - 116 ° 24 '. Jurisdiction Mudan District, Yuncheng, Juan City, Cao County, Dingtao, Cheng Wu, Shan County, Juye, Dongming eight counties and one district and a provincial economic development zone in 2007, population 8,876,000, an area of ​​12,239 square kilometers. History Heze has a long history and profound culture. Called as Another name: Chinese Peony City, Caozhou. According to legend, Yao, Shun and Yu, the famous clan, tribal leaders have activities in the region, the history of the famous military strategist Sun Bin, agronomists victory, economists Liu Yan, a large number of saints promotion Atsuko writer, were born here , Shang Tang, Yi Yin Sanchaoyuanlao period, Within the tower still retains WF, Yao King, Chi mound, Chen Wang Tai, Lake and, hometown of Sun Bin, Qin-dong, Song Jiang Native Place, more than 100 historical sites. Peony is a famous city, Shuhuazhixiang, the hometown of opera and martial arts village. Known as the Regional specialty cakes Caozhou Geng, peony scale history of martial arts center for the Central Plains Caozhou, Heze City, people have always Chongwen martial, talented people, in the Qing imperial knight 2, Wu Jinshi than 30 people. Boxing martial arts such as the spread of Plum Flower, Hong Quan, monkey boxing, Shaolin boxing, tai chi, etc. as many as 39. Before the liberation of most of Heze County has a Martial Arts Hall. After the founding of the fine traditional martial arts have been promoting, especially since the reform and opening up, the city's rapid development has been the cause of martial arts, martial arts organizations, associations more and more. According to incomplete statistics, by country, the collective to do, the public office to help, collective and individual Liaison Office, and other forms of personal self-management, set up with all kinds of martial arts and society 1828, of which more than a hundred students in the martial arts schools 36, compared Song Jiang Wushu Institute influential, Caozhou martial arts, martial arts schools,shape up skechers, Dongming enrollment in more than one thousand. One County, Yuncheng City, Juye, Mudan District, juancheng other five counties named by the National Sports Commission as the Excellent martial arts at the Museum (the school); people martial arts activities throughout the urban and rural areas, the city has 80% of the township, 40% of administrative villages to carry out a martial arts fitness activities, the city has more than 30 million people participate in martial arts, young and old martial arts are everywhere. In recent years, martial arts (school) education level gradually increased, the emergence of talents in batches. Heze out from the more influential martial arts, martial arts sports stars with all-around national champion Zhang Yuping, modern Chinese scholar Chen Chao Wu, weightlifting and basketball player Marvin master Mu Tiezhu so wide. Song Jiang Wushu Institute in particular, Yuncheng martial dance There has won first place in the World Junior Championships Fei Xue. About Dengfeng City, Henan Dengfeng in Henan Province is located in the Midwest, Zhongyue Songshan Mountain, the city throughout the east to west, 56 km north-south width of 35.5 kilometers, with a total area of ​​1220 square kilometers, of which 56 million mu of cultivated land, jurisdiction over the town of 1 6 6 Industrial Township District 3 offices, mainly mountainous and hilly terrain, is a temperate continental climate, the city's total population of 65 million. Dengfeng City, the provincial achievement historical and cultural city, is the famous Dengfeng City, China's world record was selected the first City Council candidate for the World Wushu world record, setting a new world. Songshan Zhongyue scale martial arts, historic and natural landscape resurgence advantageous, forest landscape splendor and gorgeous, rich and varied cultural landscape. Songshan is the heritage of the town, the existing state-level cultural relics protection unit 13, the provincial and municipal levels of 13 8, 123 county or city level, more than 6,700 pieces of cultural relics treasures. With Zen Buddhism Shaolin Temple, the largest Taoist Five Sacred Mountains resort Zhongyue Miao, one of China's four Academy Songyang Academy; a world-famous astronomical science building, the oldest observatory of astronomical observation; with China's most ancient stone palace Que Han III. Songshan Mountain is the hometown of martial arts, Shaolin martial arts set the culmination of North and South factions and into the essence of home inside and outside the boxing, after tempered, exercises many and profound. Currently, the size of the Songshan area more than 50 martial arts, martial arts students in school up to 2 million people, have been held for the Seventh China International Shaolin Wushu Festival in Zhengzhou. Songshan World unique geological structure, Swire Pacific, the ancient Paleozoic, Mesozoic, the period of geological evolution of the five new sites co-exist, that the Songshan Shaolin Temple Shaolin kung fu originated Megatron universal, unique in the international martial arts world. At present, the Shaolin won the first national scenic 5A class tourist attractions. About Cangzhou, Hebei Cangzhou Martial Arts, is deeply rooted; Cangzhou EDITORIAL, famous Octagon; Cangzhou Martial Arts, throughout China, Yuanshe Asia, Europe, America, Africa countries and regions. Cangzhou

Cangzhou People's martial arts history, from ancient times to honest, upright, industrious, courageous known. Due to the geographical, historical relationship, and the powerful force of the wind, long years, known as According to historical records contained in Cangzhou Martial Arts, Xing Yu Ming, Qing Sheng, to the Qianlong reign, martial arts town has become, to the late Qing Dynasty, make a sound Young overseas. Cangzhou this The history of the people to oppose the feudal exploitation and exploitation, Cangzhou civil Wufeng Yi Sheng. After the founding of the PRC, Cangzhou Martial Arts to rehabilitation and development. Since ancient times to the Qing Yan, multi-generation dynasty capital at Youyan, Cangzhou is Jifu powerhouse for ages battleground. According to historical records set since Duke Huan of two years (664) Yanshan Rong Huan aid since the Korean War generations have repeatedly occurred in the Cangzhou area. Frequently the war, people were trampled, people's livelihood was hard, so the skills required to master the offensive and defensive combat survival can only save themselves. Cangzhou, the ancient Ancient Cangzhou, a radius of over a hundred years along the Bohai Sea, are in reed marshes wasteland, sparsely populated, both made with the land forces committed, but also by Rebel houses became good. Qing, some by the capture of the Rebel court, seeking Cangzhou the custom of the people powerful weapons in order to shield hi its body. He and other incognito, disguised monk ranger, communication arts for a living. Cangzhou, located in the Normal times, many people half grain bran food. Heavily year, vagrancy and begging, selling female children who do not vend fresh. Folk song goes: People may not survive, must resist, resist it certainly martial arts thing. Qianlong one's strength to defend the countryside, although not to bury the top of the heel-shirt, Tsang Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal Zongchuan environment, Beijing Ji, JD thoroughfares running north and south. Cangzhou, Botou, MO state, the river, the Xian flood and drought are the hub of North and South, as Beijing,skechers women, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan flow of goods or merchandise shall pass through distribution centers, also the official hub wealthy Zoubiao Therefore, Cangzhou Biaoxing, hotels, shipping and other industries flourished. Competition between different industries, will be based on the martial grip strength. Later on, Department of Cangzhou multi-ethnic region. Due to historical reasons, Chinese and Manchu, Mongolian, Hui and other ethnic minorities have occurred divide and misunderstanding, but the unpleasant things, and gradually harmony. Displeasure between nations and promoting the development of martial arts; national harmony, and mutual exchange of skills, but also to promote the development of martial arts. Tang Jian examination system, multi-generational continuity. To the next medium-term, Jianwu Provincial Examination, Wu will try the system, the Qing dynasty, twenty seven (1901) Caixing abolished. Wu Ming Branch, also promote the development of Cangzhou Martial Arts. Wu lifts at this time, more than 1,800 people into the Roth. Republic of seven years (1918), Zhili warlord Cao Kun as the expansion of its forces, in Cang recruited dozens of warriors to their camp to teach martial arts or military service. This, on the role in promoting the development of Cangzhou Martial Arts. Republic of seventeen years (1928), Cang Ji National Army Army General Zhang Jiang curator of the Central Martial Arts, Royal advocated physical sea, strong kind of salvation, Cangzhou admission or post-graduate who taught hundreds of people. Meanwhile, the provincial, county, or public education, the founding of Museum Art Museum, promote martial arts, Changzhou martial arts people always pay attention to internal and external communication. To those who Cang Shou Yi, warm hospitality. There are a lot of people travel around the country north and south, or set Escort, or any personal bodyguard, or private Christians, or into the Military Shouyi, or put to find friends of science and technology division, or to participate in the contest arena. Huo Qing emperor Diange Aixinjueluo Pu Yi was appointed as martial; Wang Zhengyi, Tan Reform sonic booms to help the capital; Wang Ziping repeated wins in the ring on foreign Hercules; Ma Feng map, Ma Ying Figure Traditional Arts in the five northwestern provinces, districts; Tong deposit, Tong Zhongyi, Zhang Zhankui, Sun Bo, Yang charitable, Liu Shan, Zhang Diankui, Wu Xiufeng, LU Zhen-Duo, Jia Yaoting no less than tens of thousands of apprentices, etc., throughout the ten provinces and cities. Meanwhile, around the martial art can learn the essence of martial arts to enrich Cangzhou. Thus, Cangzhou boxing martial arts category and the independent arts richness, armed, and many boxing mechanical routine, after refining, improvement, innovation, unique features Cangzhou. October 1, 1949, the People's Republic was born. Chinese Communist Party and People's Government, as the Chinese martial arts for the outstanding national cultural heritage, into the national sport, Cangzhou Martial Arts be revived. Since November 1953, Tianjin National Assembly after the national form of sports performance, Wang Ziping, Tong yi, Wang went to Beijing to show the sound and so elected to the group, in Zhongnanhai as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, Chen Yi, He Long and other state leaders, performances, by a high evaluation. In 1956, Chairman Mao Zedong met. In 1960, Wang Ziping and his daughter Wang Jurong with Premier Zhou Enlai led the state delegation to visit Myanmar. Meanwhile, the Cangzhou Wushu athletes at all levels in the Cangzhou Wushu competitions and provincial and national Wushu competitions many many awards, the revival of the Cangzhou Martial Arts are a huge driving force. 1966-1976, at the moment. After the Third Plenary Session of the CPC in 1979, Cangzhou Martial Arts once again revitalized. , The city and county have established Wushu Association, establish, restore and enrich the Amateur Sports School Basketball team, with leadership and coaching staff, adding martial arts training facilities. Some schools set up martial arts class, martial arts choreography speaking, private martial arts, society, are springing up rapidly flourish. At the same time, city and county annual martial arts competition, encourage the advanced, and expand communication and exchange. In 1983, the full consolidation of the traditional martial arts excavation work, a good harvest. Thus, to inherit and carry forward the traditional martial arts, the state provides routines to spread widely. Cangzhou Wushu athletes to participate in provincial and national competitions, many top of the list, and some elected to the provincial and national martial arts organizations or institutions of higher learning. Cangzhou martial arts people, and some martial arts organizations as the provincial and national leadership positions, and some by wushu professors or senior coach. Territory in Cangzhou, martial arts are hundreds of thousands, Cangzhou, Cangzhou Martial Arts Martial Arts class, has always been known as With the implementation of reform and opening up policy, Cangzhou Martial Arts, more and more not only loved by the people, has become increasingly subject to international attention. In China, Cang Ji was invited to give lectures and martial arts go Shouyi Tsang sent to those who study and apprenticeship, involving more than 20 countries and regions. Cangzhou Branch and independent boxing martial arts, firearms, in addition to those lost, the total 50 species, there is octupole, Mi Zong, skill, Dynasty, through arms, Pi Gua, Tang boxing, mantis, Kunlun, Tiger, Taiping, eight palm, to lie, Qingping Sword, kun wu sword, Chuang Wang knife, stick madness, Jiro, Miao knife, Yan Qing, Xing Yi, stamp feet, to turn the child, Shaolin, ambush, Hua Quan, Mian Zhang, short boxing, overcast pistols, guns Yang, Tai Chi, Bagua across the country. Cangzhou Martial Arts, circulation of deep branch of the Japanese fan, but also in continuous improvement or innovation, although it is a category, and each branch of the amount of different routines, the number of boxing moves different armed movements, the exercise speed varies. But at the same gate, its style features remain unchanged. List of National Wushu village the first 01, 02, Nankai District, Tianjin, Cangzhou City, Hebei Province, Yongnian City, Nangong 03, Baotou City, Inner Mongolia, 04, 05 Zhaoyuan County in Heilongjiang Province, the Shanghai Hongkou District, Huangpu District 06, Pei County in Jiangsu Province,shape up shoes, Taicang City, 07, Bozhou City, Anhui Province, 08 Dangshan County, Fujian Province Shishi City, Wing Tai County, Changle County, Quanzhou City Licheng County 09, Yichun City of Jiangxi Province, camphor City 10, Heze City, Shandong Province, Yuncheng 11, Dengfeng County, Henan Province, Wen County, Yu Chau County, Huaiyang County 12, Hanyang County, Hubei Province, 13, East County in Hunan Province, Xinhua County 14, Canton County of Guangdong Province, 15, Xinxing County, Guangxi Autonomous Region 16 Guiping County, Sichuan Province, Jiangbei County, Xuanhan, Jiajiang County 17, 18, Anlong County, Guizhou Province, Gansu Province, the second batch of 01 Wushan County, Liaoning Province, Shenyang City, Tanglin area, 02 Heishan County, Shaanxi Province, Xi'an Lianhu, Jingyang 03, Shenzhou City, Hebei Province, ANALYSIS, Handan peak mining 04, Boshan in Shandong Province, Dongming County,skechers shape up shoes, one county, Taierzhuang area, Laizhou City, 05, 06, Huangyan District, Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province, Shanxi Province Taigu 07, Danjiangkou City of Hubei Province,skechers shoes online, 08 Wuxue City, Sichuan Province city of River Law, 09 Jiang Xiu City, Yunnan Province, Kaiyuan, old City 10, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia, Hongshan Qu 11, 12 Gangu County of Gansu Province, Jiangxi Province Jishui, Leping County 13, 14, Lengshuijiang City of Hunan Province, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, the third batch of 01 Xianyou City, Henan Province, Yima City, Xiayi 02, Tengzhou City, Shandong Province, Zaozhuang City Xuecheng, giant field County, 03, Qingshan District, Wuhan Hubei Province,shape ups skechers, Huangpi District, Huangmei 04, Guangfeng 05, 06 Liuyang City, Hunan, Sichuan Emeishan City 07, 08 Fengjie County of Chongqing Municipality, Shanxi Hongdong County, Wen-Shui County 09, Xiqing District, Hexi district, Hongqiao District 10, 11, Daming County, Hebei Province, Jiangsu Province Gaochun 12, 13, Qingpu District of Shanghai, Yiwu City, Zhejiang Province, Pingyang County 14, County of Fujian Province with 15, Jianchang County, Liaoning Province, 16, Nan Guan District Changchun, Jilin, Huadian entries Atlas Atlas more extended reading: 1
General Administration of Sport Wushu Administrative Center, the Chinese Wushu Association
world record of China Association of the world's most http://shijiejilu.org.cn/_d269817320.htm
Open Category: martial arts, traditional
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