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11-08-2011, 09:17 AM
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 6
women australia ugg boots 七心海棠
简介毒药解毒方法小说情节程灵素毒药情花电视剧情节 简介毒药 “七心海棠”是《飞狐外传》中最神秘最让毒手药王弟子害怕的一种毒药,此毒药的生 长极为不易,不能浇水,要用酒浇之。 程灵素是毒手药王的小弟子,为人却好,心地也善良, women australia ugg boots, oakley active sunglasses 巴比伦城,她研制成功的“七心海棠”, ray ban lifestyle 4名男子醉酒调戏妇女打巡警获刑,隐藏在一根根的蜡烛中,点燃之后,发出的毒气既无臭味,又无烟雾,因此连使毒的大行家也堕其术中而不自觉 。解毒方法 解“七心铁棠”之毒的办法,还得用“七心海棠”的花粉。程灵素下毒将姜小铁毒倒,后来又将他 身上的毒质除去,其办法却好笑得很。 “七心海棠”之毒解法还不止这一种,姜铁山和薛鹊之毒,却只要放血就可以散去了。小说情节程灵素毒药 在小说《七夜雪》中七心海棠既是一剂毒药,同时也是一朵“情花”。 程灵素的毒药花样百出, ugg boots men 摩尔根,“赤蝎粉”是一种摸起来烫手的毒药。 后来程灵素对付田青文,又在田青文的铁锥上放了一些,哪知田青文铁锥甫入手,全身一跳,立即将铁锥抛在 地下,左手连连挥动,似乎那铁锥极其烫手一般。 最厉害的一次,是程灵素施计将“赤蝎粉”放在掌门人大会的玉龙杯上,破坏了福康安的掌门人 大会。 大智禅师等七人每人伸手取了一只玉龙杯。突然之间,七个人手上犹似碰到了烧得通红的烙铁,实在拿捏不住 , australia ugg boots men,一齐松手。乒乒乓乓一阵清脆的响声过去,七只玉杯同时在青砖地上砸得粉碎。
赤蝎粉中混上了七心海棠叶子的粉末,两种毒药的异味全失,毒性却更加厉害。 石万嗔是无嗔的师弟,一次和无嗔斗毒之际,石万嗔被“断肠草”熏瞎了双目。他逃往缅甸野人山中,以银蛛 丝逐步拔去“断肠草”的毒性,双眼虽得复明,能重见天日,目力却已大损。 苗人凤被“断肠草”毒瞎了双眼,胡斐请来了程灵素。程灵素手段和石万嗔相比,就高出了许多 : 程灵素提起金针,在苗人凤眼上“阳白穴”、眼旁“睛明穴”、眼下“承泣穴”三处穴道逐一刺过,用小刀在 “承泣穴”下割开少些皮肉,又换过一枚金针,刺在破孔之中, juicy couture outlet,她大拇指在针尾一控一放,针尾中便流出黑血来。原来这一枚金针中间是空的。眼见血流不止,黑血变紫,紫血 变红。胡斐虽是外行,也知毒液已然去尽,欢呼道:“好啦!”程灵素在七心海棠上采下四片叶子,捣得烂了,敷 在苗人凤眼上, australia ugg boots sale。 福康安之母嫌马春花出身不好,因而赐了一壶参汤给马春花喝。福安康明知母亲如此,也不加阻拦,马春花对 福安康的一片痴心,实在是太不值得了。 胡斐遇上了程灵素这个名医,时刻都能用得上,不但救了苗人凤,如无人阻挠,也可救得马春花,只可惜福安 康派人来追,程灵素无法安心治疗,结果马春花还是送了命。 程灵素的药物繁多,但烟在她的药物中的比重似乎特别的大。“七心海棠”是她的看家本领。 薛紫夜说:“七心海棠并不是无药可解……只是,世上的医生,大都不肯舍了自己性命。”情花 情花比七 心海棠还毒! 杀死程灵素的是碧蚕毒蛊、鹤顶红、孔雀胆吗? 不是,是“情”…… 程灵素对胡斐的情有多深 她可以为她死 死后还要护得爱人周全, 用七心海棠隐藏的蜡烛杀死了对头。 那蜡烛燃烧的时候, 涓滴而下的是不是她的泪水呢? 有半首诗可以送给程灵素: 相见时难别亦难,东风无力百花残。 春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干。 七心海棠对别人来说可能是毒花,对程灵素来说却是情花……电视剧情节
开放分类: 文学,植物,小说,金庸,飞狐外传 “七心海棠”相关词条:
七心海棠”是《飞狐外传》中最厉害的毒物,因叶子上有七心的图案而得名,需得用烈酒来浇灌方能 成活。 书中那个并不美丽但是灵气的女子程灵素,养成了一种名为“七心海棠”的天下第一毒物。毒物虽毒,但人心美的 透明。
《飞狐外传》中只有程灵素将七心海棠种活,并且她用七心海棠做的蜡烛毒死了慕容景岳和薛鹊,毒瞎了石万嗔的 双目,得报大仇,替师父清理了门户。七心海棠这种毒物无色无臭,无影无踪,再精明细心的人也防备不了,不知 不觉之间, nike jordan heels Man suspected to have been cut m,已是中毒而死。死者脸上始终带着微笑,似乎十分平安喜乐。七心海棠是从海外流传到中土来的。 七心海棠无色无味,其毒无比,防不胜防,杀人于无形。 这是金庸武侠小说里的一种花。七心海棠是种什么花? 毒花?情花? 七心海棠是程灵素的, 程灵素对胡斐千般爱恋,万种柔情, 可惜落花有意流水无情, 胡斐爱的却是袁紫衣。 胡斐也不是不知道程灵素心思,所以提出以兄妹相称。 程灵素那声大哥叫的有多难可想而知, 一声“大哥”把他们拉的狠近,又隔的狠远。 近的是从此以后可以名正言顺的在一起,省却狠多尴尬; 远的是名至于此,再难逾越。 胡斐可能是真就把程灵素当妹妹来看了, 但程灵素心里一直还唱着那只山歌:“小妹子待情郎――恩情深, 你莫负了妹子――一段情, 你见了她面时――要待她好, 你不见她面时――天天要十七八遍挂在心, cheap nike heels!” 后来胡斐身中碧蚕毒蛊、鹤顶红、孔雀胆三大巨毒, 程灵素舍命替他吸毒,人之将死,尽表心迹: “大哥,你和我都很可怜。 你心中喜欢袁姑娘, 那知道她却出家做了尼姑……我……我心中……” 又说道: “我师父说中了这三种剧毒,无药可治, 因为他只道世上没有一个医生,肯不要自己的性命来救活病人。 大哥,他不知我……我会待你这样……” 扩展阅读: 1
11-08-2011, 09:19 AM
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 211
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Reprinted from 7889681 at 10:01 on December 12, 2010 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
me this year, seventeen and eighteen,
time to get up every day from 12 noon into a 7 am, sleep time from early morning into a 23:00;
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work came into contact with all sorts of people;
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gradually hate bars, KTV, enjoy being close to nature, enjoy a healthy lifestyle;
me this year, seventeen and eighteen,
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me this year, seventeen and eighteen,
the bad times will not complain???
quietly watching us quietly listening to this very real and very hypocritical World ,,,
me this year, seventeen and eighteen,
obviously want to cry, still laughing.
obviously care about, but pretend it does not matter.
clearly wanted to leave, but said firmly to leave.
obviously very painful, but simply said he is very happy.
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was obviously very tired, but still ... ...
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suddenly felt felt uneasy, and see what all feel uncomfortable, and my heart Mende tears, trying desperately to find an exit.
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found that people do not understand their own side, facing the people around, I suddenly felt speechless.
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suddenly feel out of tune with the world, the things you have always insisted overnight beyond recognition.
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suddenly wanted to escape from the present life, want desperately to pack their luggage easy to stray.
you do not have the time?
someone suddenly said to you: I think you've changed. Then, he started with mixed feelings.
you do not have the time?
time you suddenly want to stop, so people who have and like the end of time.
you do not have the time?
vulnerable time in their own, like a man in hiding, do not want others to see their own wounds.
you do not have the time?
suddenly want to cry, but difficult passes cry.
you do not have the time?
the dead of night, I suddenly felt lonely in-depth bone marrow.
you do not have the time?
through the familiar corner, and saw the familiar silhouette, suddenly thought of a person's face.
you do not have the time?
lot to want to say clearly to himself, do not know how to express.
you do not have the time?
heart, an unknown fire, is looking for someone to vent, want to shout out loud.
you do not have the time?
feel that they in fact nothing, as if abandoned by the world.
you do not have the time?
obviously a lot of friends around them, but still feel lonely.
you do not have the time?
want to indulge themselves, want to thoroughly drunk once.
you do not have the time?
their dreams a lot, but powerless.
you do not have the time?
often find things to do, bored to a loss.
you do not have the time?
suddenly find yourself, you've lost.
you do not have the time?
heart pop up a
you do not have the time?
not see their future looks like, the future, confused at a loss.
you do not have the time?
found himself grew up overnight.
you do not have the time?
hear an old song, he suddenly thought of a person.
you do not have the time?
hope to find someone good love yourself, yearn for a sense of security.
you do not have the time?
Youkouwuxin others misunderstood his sentence, tears my heart was depressed.
you do not have the time?
often struggle in the memory, there are many in the past can not be relieved.
you do not have the time?
a vigorous desire to love and would like to do some crazy things.
you do not have the time?
desire to be understood, eager to care for others, desire a simple pleasure.
you do not have the time?
watched a little time goes by, they themselves are powerless.
... ...
familiar or unfamiliar to you if there are times like this, that you are helpless grown day by day.
grew up in frustration, there you have me.
11-08-2011, 09:20 AM
General of the Army
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 1,662
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Reprinted from 372786420 at 20:01 on June 20 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
have such a story: -
She is a crazy girl, every day pranks, bullying and the sea. The sea is a more honest boy, air max 90, the name of the primary good basketball. When playing in the sea, the girl grabbed the sea of clothes, standing next to the screaming All the people know that they are lovers, they are happy. They go out every day, skipping the movies to eat popcorn, shopping. Girls are always surprised to sea, sometimes in the side of the road looking for their buddies, to call the sea, and said; asked the girl had just been hit by a car. Nurse said no. Sea froze, sweat on his forehead down the flow drop by drop. Sea know fools. Just go and see the girls laughing in the doorway clutching his stomach. The sea came over, looked to surprise the girl. Sometimes, the girl looking for a quick gauze wrapped around his head, and then look for the red paint color on the brush in the gauze. Go to sea. Sea-saw, scared half to death. Quickly asked the girl how, and how. Fast distressed cry, feeling the girl, Crying and said; -
sea have had the girl playing the character used every day for her, hurt her, afraid she was subject to any bullying. Sea often said to the girl; In a holiday, the girls have been not at home. Back and rear, the girl changed. Girls do not playful, and not playing a, and the sea together, she would face a daze looking at the sea handsome. Spend ten minutes, and said; you go, then? Girls filled with endless tears of grief. Girls look a bit days, blink a few eyes, rubbed his hands. ######## a smile said; From the later, the girl never said a word love. The sense of fear to the sea, Nike air max shoes, the girl he always felt like if to leave him. -
that day, they play very happy bubble of the day in the playground, the girl will play this one, one will play it, tired of the sea, can the sea is still very happy because he loves the girl. As long as the girl happy, happiness is the greatest sea. However, in the eyes of the girl happy overall with depression. Dark, girl eating ice cream and sea to go on the way home. Sea do not talk, cheap air max shoes, only gnawing in the hands of ice cream, kicked the foot of the stone. They walked in silence, the girl suddenly said; Second thought before the sea and the girl and his joke. The sea and he believed the girl was joking, and then holding the girl said with a smile; Say out loud; Sea catch up, took the girl's hand, and said; boy! I love him! you are in me is a waste for me to cheat! ~ The girl ran away and disappeared in the wind. Put her place on the sea froze. Tonight, the sea did not go home, a night of drinking wine. Sea drunk, broken heart, and sleep, kept nagging at the girl. When the sea woke up, he thought everything was a nightmare yesterday. He thought the girl would be at his side, shouted at him to; Distressed mother looked at the sea, he said; mother touched her son's head. Sea, such as his mother gone, pick up the phone to the girl played in the past, but only heard the user off. Hai hit dozens of times, the result is the same. Went to the computer next to the sea, open their mail, to the girl sent a dozen e-mail. Girl sitting beside the computer, she saw the ocean sent her a message, girls will be afraid to look after the charge over his feelings. She deleted. Cried the girl ... ... she loves the sea. -
sea desperate. He picked up a salute to Shanghai. Shanghai is a developed, prosperous cities, there is no fresh air, no girl laugh ... ... to 5 days in Shanghai, which is week 5. Sea received a text message, no signature, and telephone. Only a string of numbers; 9,12,15, air max 2010,22,5,25,15,21. 5 nights each week, the sea will always receive the string of numbers, and continued for a year. 5, one week night, the sea was not received. Sea surprised that he had questioned the meaning of this string of numbers. But no results. In one night, the sea at the bar drunk, he was disoriented and asked the waiter; The number on the letter on the ah? Sea-see, he knew a girl hair. He immediately called to the girl, the girl's mother answered the phone, she told the sea, Sea silly, he did not believe my ears, when heard again the cries of the girl mother. Sea Tel has been in the hands fell to the ground. The sea was running fast, the girl he was going home, when asked once again emerged out of his mind the lovely girls laugh. Sea-cry, air max 90 sale, a cry, and he knelt on the ground,; called out the name of the girl, the boy stood up. He ran and ran to the girl's home. The sea rushed into the door, saw the girl's tomb like. Holding the tomb of the sea like, cried. He deeply regretted that he just leave, and he regretted how his people so stupid. Do not listen to the name of their own sea, air max sale, the girl's mother kneeling on the ground. A letter to the sea, and said;
trembling sea opened the envelope, slowly open the letter. Man's heart is in grave times by the fire destroyed; -
sea; -
there too right? Make new girlfriend yet? Remember, smart, not to be cheated ah. You must be ruthless now, in fact, if I am not heartless, which will come to you today's happiness? Mainly want to make him love someone happy, happy I do not want to hurt you hurt deeper. So ... ... also have to know it so early, I really should not be and you know it! -
Happy Birthday! -
9,12,15,22,5,25,15,21 ~ -
If the afterlife I will not, I hope we come to love ... ... -
... ... -
sea read, the letter clutched in hand, and ears are ringing the girl's laughter ... ...
Please read
reproduced Thank you! ! !
11-08-2011, 10:08 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
trachomatis (Trachoma) from Chlamydia trachomatis (chlamydia) the conjunctiva caused by a chronic infectious keratitis, a blinding eye disease. Because of its rough surface in the conjunctiva appearance, the shape of sand, shape up skechers, hence the name trachoma. Early conjunctival lesions of this disease process, such as infiltrating papillary, follicular hyperplasia, while corneal pannus; the late occurrence of the involvement of the conjunctiva scar, resulting in varus deformity of eyelid, skechers shoes online, increased damage to the cornea, can seriously affect vision or cause blindness.
Introduction to the clinical diagnosis of etiology of clinical pathology 1. Symptoms 2. Signs and differential diagnosis of trachoma which checks should be done? 1. Pathogen detection 2. Molecular biology treatment 1. Local administration 2. Systemic treatment 3. Surgical treatment of Chlamydia trachomatis Traditional Chinese Medicines against trachoma control and prevention of infertility caused by complications of trachoma blindness caused by trachoma ptosis ① ② entropion corneal opacity turned trichiasis ③ ④ ⑤ symblepharon substantive sicca ⑥ chronic dacryocystitis with the diseases easily confused with Chlamydia trachomatis Introduction to the English word comes from the Greek trachoma trachys, also said that the meaning of rough. Solutions
before the release of trachoma in China is the leading cause of blindness. After the liberation of the party and government concern, carried out on a wide range of prevention and treatment of trachoma, with the improvement of living standards, health conditions improved, the incidence of trachoma is now greatly reduced rate. From Beijing and Shanghai Shunyi County, Yunnan, and Shaanxi to the blind and low vision epidemiological survey (1988) results can be seen, the main reason most of these areas is a blinding cataract, glaucoma and other non-infectious diseases caused by. However, the survey in Yunnan Province, Yunnan province in the 18 million patients with bilateral blindness, cataracts account for the first one, about 8 million people; trachoma and its complications account for the first two, about 3 million people. Thus, trachoma causes of blindness in our country's important position in the still occupied can not be ignored. In addition, the disease in many developing countries in Asia and Africa is still the main reason of blindness. The typical clinical diagnosis of trachoma, the bed under the conjunctiva with papillary and follicular hyperplasia, corneal pannus, and conjunctival scars appear more likely diagnosis. Early diagnosis of trachoma are still some difficulties. Sometimes only a preliminary diagnosis of Under the 1979 Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Ophthalmology decision basis for the diagnosis of trachoma: ① the dome and upper tarsal conjunctival blood vessels Ministry of fuzzy congestion, hyperplasia or follicular papilla formation, or both. ② with a magnifying glass or the slit lamp examination showed corneal pannus. ③ Ministry on vault and / or appear on the conjunctiva scar. ④ conjunctival smears have trachoma inclusion bodies. In item 1, based on both one of the other three in the diagnosis of trachoma can be. Suspected trachoma by: the Ministry of the dome and canthus conjunctival congestion, a small amount of nipple (nipple to normal tissue) or follicular hyperplasia, and conjunctivitis have been the exclusion of other persons. Etiology of trachoma in the secretions can infect disease, early known. Von Prowazek 1907 Halberstaedter and optical microscopy and Giemsa staining, conjunctival epithelial cells in trachoma inclusion bodies found that the epithelial cells of the body in red blue and dark blue before the original particles together, the inclusion body with a matrix (matrix), just like coat surrounded mistakenly referred to as Tang Fei of China in 1954, Zhang F, Van and cooperation in examination and treatment, while a large number of patients taken to the monkey eyes with eye secretions of vaccination, while the mice inoculated with the secretions of trachoma pilot isolation and culture of the brain, but the results entirely negative . 1955 to switch to egg inoculation, and attention to the selection activity, without complications and without the drug treatment of trachoma cases, the use of streptomycin to kill the bacteria samples, and finally in 1956 the first successful isolation and culture. Trachoma in the world set off from this new wave of research. Since this bacterial pathogens through the filter, parasitic in the cells and the formation of inclusion bodies, it was considered to be a virus. Also identify the size, shape and general viruses, known as atypical or large viruses. After further research by scholars from various countries of molecular biology and its metabolism and so on, to prove that it has RNA and DNA, and certain enzymes, to the way binary fission reproduction, with the cell membrane and the wall and sensitive to other antibiotics, which do not comply with the virus should Some basic properties. With the G bacteria have a high degree of similarities. 1971 Storz and Page proposed a project of such a separate micro-organisms, called chlamydia. 1974's Chlamydia species, including species of Chlamydia trachomatis inclusion conjunctivitis and Chlamydia psittaci species. Published in 1989, the 10th edition of the manual, but also new entrants to Chlamydia pneumoniae species. Inclusion conjunctivitis Chlamydia trachomatis species is further divided into trachoma, lymphogranuloma and rat pneumonia three biological variants. Biological variants of which trachoma strains from the upper resistance is divided into A, B, Ba, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K and other immune-type 12, lymphogranuloma biological variation can be divided into L1 , L2 and L3 and other immune-type 3.
Generally speaking, most endemic blinding trachoma by the A, B, Ba, and C-type due to some type of role, said most of these groups by the prevalence of Chlamydia trachomatis; and D ~ K-type main cause genital urinary tract infection; such as urethritis, cervicitis, epididymitis, as well as inclusion conjunctivitis, so called eye - genitourinary Chlamydia group. China's Wang Ke in 1966, dry, Zhang F, and other toxins by mouse protection test, will be 10 years of isolation in different regions of the 46 species of Chlamydia trachomatis into Ⅰ, Ⅱ two Immunity, Ⅰ-type sample with TE-55, represented Type Ⅱ to TE-106 samples, represented by two types of ratio of 2:1. But Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and the two types of 15 species of Chlamydia trachomatis has been correspondence between the immune-type can not be sure. Tension, Zhang F, et al (1990) with the micro immunofluorescence test (Micro immunofluorescence Test) trachoma endemic areas in North China immunosensor for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, the results show that the prevalence of trachoma in North China to B-main, C-type sub- it. Chlamydia trachomatis can infect human conjunctiva, corneal epithelial cells. In its life cycle, biological phase two: the original body (elementary body) is the infection phase, the size of about 0.3μm, with a cell wall, can survive in the extracellular; the beginning of the body (initial body) also known as mesh body (reticulate body) is the propagation phase, large volume, about 0.8μm, no infection. After the original host cell invasion of the body in the cytoplasm before developing into the body, divided by two methods, the formation of progeny of the original body. Cytoplasm filled with the original release after the rupture of the body, free of the original body of re-invasion of normal epithelial cells, start a new cycle. Each cycle is approximately 48 hours. Chlamydia primary infection, the prognosis may leave scars. However, in endemic areas, poor sanitation, often repeated infections. Primary infection of the conjunctiva have been so sensitized C. trachomatis, Zai Yu Chlamydia trachomatis, then rise to delayed hypersensitivity. Trachoma in chronic disease process, often acute, and may be the performance of repeated infection. Many times repeated infection, adding to existing trachoma pannus and scar formation, hypertrophy or even tarsus deformation, causing entropion trichiasis, corneal opacity increased, damage eyesight and even blindness. In addition to repeated infection, combined with other bacterial infections, but also made it worse. Chlamydia trachomatis is only pathological invasion of conjunctiva and the fornix conjunctival epithelial cells, skechers shape up shoes, but the pathological changes caused by deep tissue is reached. First off the surface epithelial cells showed degeneration, and deep are the proliferation, with the course of development, epithelial cell hyperplasia very quickly, so that the cortex is no longer smooth, and the formation of the nipple. Nipple expansion in real terms, there are capillaries, lymphatic and lymphocytes. At the same time the conjunctiva diffuse subcutaneous infiltration of lymphocytes that occur the same time, Bureau of the limited aggregation, the formation of follicles. Central part of many lymphoid follicles mother cells, macrophages and reticular cells, compared with around a large number of small lymphocytes. Bear the progression of follicular degeneration and necrosis, followed by the formation of scar tissue hyperplasia. Tarsal also diffuse lymphocytic infiltration Erzhi hypertrophy, severe connective tissue proliferation, so that deformation. Corneal pannus are starting from the top of the limbus, corneal capillaries to the development of the central part of the cornea, accompanied by cell infiltration, beginning in the shallow, following the development of the cornea and deep below. Vertical Blind was like the beginning, and all severe cases of corneal invasion. Clinical incubation period is about 5 to 12 days. Usually of the eyes. Occurred in children adolescence. 1. Symptoms of more acute disease, patients have foreign body sensation, photophobia, tearing, a lot of mucus or mucus
secretions. After the acute symptoms subside a few weeks into the chronic phase, then you can only feel no discomfort or eye fatigue. If at this time to cure or heal, do not leave scars. However, in chronic disease process, in endemic areas, often repeated infection, the condition worse. Activity on corneal pannus, the irritation became significant vision loss. Often due to late sequelae, such as entropion, trichiasis, corneal ulcers and eye dryness, symptoms are more obvious, and seriously affect the vision, even blindness. 2. ⑴ acute signs of trachoma: showing symptoms of acute follicular conjunctivitis, eyelid swelling, conjunctival hyperemia height, papillary hyperplasia of conjunctiva due to rough up and down the Department of conjunctival fornix sounded follicles, associated with diffuse dermatitis and corneal swelling of preauricular lymph nodes large. Acute inflammation subsided after a few weeks, become chronic. ⑵ chronic trachoma: may, repeated infections, persistent course of several years to ten years. Although the extent of reducing congestion, but diffuse subcutaneous infiltration, hypertrophy of the conjunctiva was filthy, and the formation of a papillary and follicular hyperplasia (Figure 1), follicles vary in size, can show the glue-like, above the dome and the tarsal plate lesions significantly on the edge of the conjunctiva. The same disease can also be found under the conjunctiva and lower fornix conjunctiva, more seriously, invasion, and half folds. Corneal pannus: it is outside the normal limbal capillary network, across the limbus into the clear cornea, affecting vision, and the gradual development of the pupil, accompanied by cell infiltration and the development of a small shallow ulcer, the cornea can be formed after recovery facet. Cell infiltration in severe hypertrophy of the muscle samples can be formed pannus (pannus crassus). Figure 1 in the chronic process of follicular trachoma, the conjunctival lesions gradually replaced by connective tissue to form scar. First appeared in the lower tarsal conjunctiva of the sulcus, horizontal white stripes, and then gradually showed a net, to be dissipated with active disease, the lesions all become white smooth conjunctival scarring (Figure 2). Figure 2 Chlamydia trachomatis in the course and prognosis of hypertrophic scar, whether due to repeated infection with the severity of infection is different. Light or non-recurrent infection, several months may be more, thin scar on the skin or conjunctiva left no scar. Recurrent infections in critically ill patients, the course may be lingering for several years to ten years, chronic disease species, and repeated by other bacterial infections were often has acute infection. Finally, extensive end mark are no longer infectious, but there are severe complications and sequelae, often to vision loss and even blindness. In order to combat trachoma and research needs of the clinical stage of trachoma, a lot of ways. Of Ophthalmology in 1979, the Second National Academic Council for discussion, the re-developed stage of trachoma: Ⅰ period - the period: the active stage, and follicular papillae coexist, the fornix conjunctiva vague, corneal blood vessels shade. Phase Ⅱ - catagen: Since most of scar began to become a scar. Residual activity of only a few lesions to date. Stage Ⅲ - Full Results mark of: active lesions completely disappeared, replaced by scar, non-infectious. Also developed a classification criteria: active disease (papillary and follicular) account for the number on the conjunctiva of the total area, divided into mild (+), (++), heavy (+++) in the secondary. 1 / 3 of an area below for the (+), accounting for 1 / 3 to 2 / 3 of the total for the (++), 2 / 3 or more for the (+++)。 And corneal pannus confirmed the classification of law: The cornea is divided into four equal portions, pannus invasion on the 1 / 4 less than those of (+), up to 1 / 4 to 1 / 2 to 1 for the (++), / 3 3 / 4 of those for the (+++), more than 3 / 4 of those for the (++++)( Figure 3). Figure 3 sand corneal pannus corneal pannus
1. The normal blood vessels do not invade the cornea transparent 2. Pannus (+) 3. Pannus (+ +) 4. Pannus (+++) 5. pannus (++++) more general international law who is MacCallan phases: Ⅰ period - the early invasion: conjunctiva and fornix conjunctival congestion hypertrophy, particularly the top, may have the early follicular and early corneal pannus . Phase Ⅱ - active: the activity of significant lesions, the papillary, follicular and corneal pannus. Stage Ⅲ - scar Early: Stage Ⅱ with China. Stage Ⅳ - Full Results mark of: with the first stage Ⅲ in China. Differential Diagnosis 1. Conjunctival follicular disease (conjunctival folliculosis) is common in children, are all sides, no symptoms. Follicles more common in the Ministry under the dome under the conjunctiva. Follicles small, uniform size similar to the translucent, state clearly that the normal conjunctiva between follicles, no congestion, no corneal pannus, no scar formation. Follicular trachoma and more common in the dome on the conjunctiva Department, turbid, of varying sizes, arranged in irregular, and symptoms such as conjunctival hyperemia and hypertrophy. 2. Chronic follicular conjunctivitis (chronic follicular conjunctivitis) is common in school-age children and adolescents, are all sides, particle bacilli (B.granulosis) might be its cause. Morning often discharge, eye discomfort. Prevalent in the dome and the follicle under the conjunctiva under the uniform size, arranged in neat rows; conjunctival hyperemia though, but not hypertrophy; 1 to 2 years after the self-healing without scar formation; no corneal pannus. 3. Vernal conjunctivitis (vernal conjunctivitis) disease is seasonal, the main symptoms are irritation, tearing. Palpebral papillae on the large and flat and hard, no lesion on the dome of the Ministry, easy to identify. Secretion seen in smear eosinophilia. 4. Inclusion conjunctivitis (inclusion conjunctivitis) adult and neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis in the conjunctival scraping the film are visible inclusion bodies, the same shape and trachoma inclusion bodies, it is difficult, respectively. But the inclusion of acute conjunctivitis begin with the beginning, the Ministry of follicular dome and the next are the following as the conjunctiva, no corneal pannus, a few months to 1 year to heal, does not form a scar, with trachoma identify. Trachoma should do what check? 1. Pathogen detection (1) smear detection of Chlamydia inclusion bodies: In recent years there have been reports Papanicolaon staining with Chlamydia trachomatis inclusion, sensitivity 83%, the method is simple, is the most commonly used screening methods can be used for high-risk population screening. (2) cell culture: that is the gold standard for detection of Chlamydia trachomatis, but time-consuming and requires certain equipment, technical conditions, is difficult as clinical routine testing methods. 2. Molecular biology methods or in situ hybridization detection of cervical Chlamydia trachomatis in rectal biopsy specimens of DNA. Can also be detected by PCR can significantly improve the detection sensitivity, and can be used to identify the species and serotype, can be used for diagnosis, therapeutic evaluation and epidemiological research, the detection rate is higher than other methods (Table 1). Also reported using hot start polymerase chain reaction (hot start PCR, HSPCR), can significantly reduce non-specific amplification to reduce false positive reaction. Once treatment of trachoma should be treated. Topical treatment options, common eye drops 0.05% to 0.1% of rifampicin, 10% to 30% sodium sulfacetamide sulfanilamide, 0.1% phthalocyanine butylamine, etc., 3 to 4 times per day, 1 night with eye ointment such as tetracycline eye ointment 0.5%, 0.5% chlortetracycline eye ointment and so on. Systemic administration due to excessive drug use and drug for a long time, prone to side effects, it is rarely used. Surgical therapy can be used sometimes. The higher number of severe follicular trachoma, cuttlebone available friction law and press rod treatment, the operation should pay attention to disinfection, the friction means not too heavy, must not damage the cornea, severe and widespread disease, the friction can be phased in stages . This method only play a supporting role, still with drug treatment. Trachoma serious complications, such as trachoma ptosis, entropion trichiasis, eyelid adhesions, surgical correction can be taken. In severe cases, corneal pannus corneal blood vessels may consider the purposes of electric cautery. TCM treatment of the disease, when the inside and outside of, mild to local point-based medicine, intensive, subject to eyedropper, the wish to meet within the rule, to wind-dispersing heat, promoting blood circulation network as the basic governance law. Scrapping Sand
Since the sulfonamides and antibiotics, the trachoma for treatment dramatically. Experimental studies have shown that rifampicin, tetracycline, chlortetracycline, oxytetracycline, erythromycin, sulfonamides and chloramphenicol and so on Chlamydia trachomatis was inhibited. 1. Local administration of rifampicin or 0.5%, 0.1% chlortetracycline or tetracycline eye drops, eye drops 3 to 6 times a day, is better. But after such a water-soluble drugs, the gradual failure of a few weeks, to be reconstituted. If you made eye ointment or suspension can be stored longer. 10% to 30% of the sulfonamides sulfacetamide sodium and 0.25% to 0.5% chloramphenicol eye drops easy to store, the effect is also good. Continuing the preceding drug treatment usually takes 1 to 3 months. Intermittent drug therapy that can line 3 to 5 days later, stopping 2 to 4 weeks, further treatment, the effect is also good, skechers tone ups, easy to adhere to, and still for most of the residual scar nipple node hyperplasia corrosion, promoting knot mark. 2. Systemic treatment of acute or severe trachoma, in addition to local drops with drugs, sulfa preparations and other adults can be taken orally. 7 to 10 days for taking a course of treatment, 1 week withdrawal may be taken. Take 2 to 4 courses, should pay attention to side effects. 3. Surgical treatment of severe papillary hyperplasia, feasible drugs friction, stick to dip a cotton swab or cuttlebone octopus or tetracycline sulfa dip stick, friction palpebral and fornix conjunctiva. Follicles underwent more pressing operation, under local anesthesia in order to round-shaped forceps to burst follicle and discharge its contents, while combination therapy to promote healing. Sequelae, such as canceling a small number of trichiasis eye surgery possible electrolysis, entropion trichiasis, the need to make surgical correction. Chinese Herbs】 【trachoma heat dampness syndrome. 【Method】 San Delicate spleen and dampness. 【Name】 addition Fengqing spleen party drink. 【Composition】 dried tangerine peel 10 grams, 10 grams of forsythia, wind 8 grams, 10 grams of Zhimu, Yuen Ming powder (blunt) 12 grams, 10 grams of skullcap, Scrophulariaceae 10 grams, 10 grams of berberine, Nepeta 6 grams, rhubarb 10 grams, 10 grams of Campanulaceae, Rehmanniae 10 grams. 【Usage】 Shuijianbi day one, served on the 2nd to prevent Chlamydia trachomatis eye secretions often attached to the patient, any contact with the secretions of the situation, can cause trachoma transmitted infection. Therefore, we should strengthen publicity and education, the eye of knowledge to the masses control, and implement prevention-oriented approach. Develop good hygiene habits. Rouyan not hand towels, handkerchiefs to wash, dry; nurseries, schools, factories and other collective units should be sub-sub-basin wash towels or water, the treatment of active trachoma patients should strengthen the barber shop, bathroom, hotel and other service industries health management, and strict towels, wash basin and other disinfection systems, and pay attention to clean water sources. Control of the World Health Organization trachoma (WHO) made effective control of the four elements of the trachoma SAFE strategy. SAFE composed of four English words first, S = Surgery surgery, A = Antibiotics Antibiotics, F = Facial Cleanliness cleansing, E = Environmental improvements to improve the environment. Details are as follows: S surgical correction of trichiasis of trachoma: The double-tarsal varus rotation friction corneal surgery to flip out trichiasis prevent the eyelashes rubbing the cornea and thus lead to further loss of vision, which is effective to prevent trachoma Blind's A antibiotic treatment of active trachoma infected people: regular screening and treatment of patients with active trachoma is very important, 1% of cases of active trachoma painted eyes tetracycline eye ointment twice a day, medication for six weeks. F wash and clean the eye: increase the number of face to keep the face clean and to be effective in prevention and treatment of trachoma, while special attention to hand towels and basins, to prevent the spread of trachoma between micro-organisms. E improvement of the environment (water and sanitation) to eliminate trachoma: Improved water supply, sanitation and living conditions (including waste disposal, elimination of flies, separate sleeping area and ventilation), can prevent trachoma, which is to control the sand in the eyes requires long-term of the most difficult task. [1] against infertility caused by Chlamydia trachomatis is the number of people mistakenly think that sand blown into the eyes of the cause. In fact, as the infection Chlamydia trachomatis is caused by a chronic inflammation of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye. This not only caused by Chlamydia trachomatis, can also lead to female infertility. Female infertility, especially tubal infertility, its causes are many, however, really began to infertility as a result of chlamydial infection to understand, this is only recent thing. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was noticed long ago people and Gonococci infection is the cause of tubal infertility. When entering the 90's, along with the Chlamydia trachomatis diagnostic technology continues to progress, found the causes of infertility began in a certain proportion of infertility patients. Has been proved that the origin of reproductive infectious diseases cervical canal can spread to the abdominal cavity, the fallopian tube lumen, the umbrella side and peripheral disease, caused by adhesions, resulting in delivery of the pick up eggs and adversely affect the function of egg, and then prevent pregnancy. The survey found that about 10% of outpatient gynecology to detect Chlamydia trachomatis. Moreover, the younger age group the incidence of high incidence with the increase of the number of ######ual partners increased. Especially in adolescent girls, the antigen detection rate is quite high. Not because of child-bearing age are at, and after pregnancy and childbirth would have serious effects. Chlamydia trachomatis infection can be manifested as symptoms of lower abdominal pain and painful intercourse. If at this time in drug treatment, the infection can be cured, and thus make possible complications of tubal damage ---- nipped in the bud. Thus, infertility in women did not find other reasons for infertility, they should first think whether the infected Chlamydia trachomatis, and Chlamydia trachomatis antigen test done. Further examination also included hysterosalpingography, tubal patency can be judged, and with or without adhesions. When unable to determine tubal patency, it can be laparoscopy, skechers shape ups, while adhesions following laparoscopic dissection, which has become an important treatment. Blindness caused by Chlamydia trachomatis had, if not actively treated, unchecked, serious complications can occur, and some may cause vision loss and even blindness. 1) entropion trichiasis. Hypertrophy with severe trachoma as tarsus deformation, curled inward eyelid, eyelashes also will fall within the (inverted eyelashes), the same as the brush to brush in the brush to the cornea, the corneal epithelial damage over time, often secondary bacterial or viral infection, corneal ulcer formation, followed by corneal opacity occurs, spot shade, or even white, commonly known as 2) corneal pannus. Trachoma in violation of the conjunctiva, while the upper edge of the cornea is often involved. Edema can occur, point-like infiltration, and rows of superficial corneal neovascularization, severe cases can spread to the entire cornea, vision has been severely damaged. 3) Dry eye, symblepharon. Suffering from trachoma, due to conjunctival scarring round, the Ministry of the eyelid lacrimal gland and conjunctival goblet cells (mucus) destroyed, reduced or no tears, tears, corneal drying, and some ulcers, conjunctival rough, severe skin shape , cover the entire cornea, eye movements restricted, decreased vision, even blindness. ① complications of trachoma trachoma ptosis can occur early stages of infection, inability to lift the upper eyelid was sleepy-like. Trachoma is caused by the early infiltration, congestion, edema, weight gain, and Miller, leaving the upper eyelid's muscle due to the violation. Miller's late is because muscle is damaged, scar formation, skechers shoes, loss of contractility from permanent ptosis. ② entropion trichiasis very common, due to scar contraction and tarsal conjunctiva bending deformities, eyelid to turn inward, resulting in the growth of eyelashes or trichiasis backward side of the cornea, the stimulation of the cornea caused discomfort. ③ cornea is commonly known as corneal opacity, black eye, severe corneal pannus and corneal entropion trichiasis friction that corneal ulcer, corneal opacity white, decreased vision. ④ symblepharon fornix conjunctiva scar contraction due to reduced or even completely disappear, especially below the fornix was significantly lower eyelid when the traction when the eyeball between the eyelid and conjunctiva shows a vertical fold, that is the sign.
⑤ substantive sicca broad statement because the conjunctiva scar, so that cup cells and lacrimal gland secretion, vice destruction of the lacrimal gland tubes are blocked, resulting in the conjunctiva can not be wet, and will gradually dry conjunctiva keratinized epithelium, manifested as dryness, itching and discomfort. ⑥ chronic dacryocystitis trachomatis mucosal lesions involving the lacrimal duct, nasolacrimal duct stenosis or occlusion occurred, leading to chronic dacryocystitis, showing tears, pus, or squeeze a lot of pus Ministry nasion overflow. The diseases easily confused with trachoma 1, conjunctival follicles disease (conjunctival folliculosis) is common in children, are all sides, no symptoms. Follicles more common in the Ministry under the dome under the conjunctiva. Follicles small, uniform size similar to the translucent, state clearly that the normal conjunctiva between follicles, no congestion, no corneal pannus, no scar formation. Follicular trachoma and more common in the dome on the conjunctiva Department, turbid, of varying sizes, arranged in irregular, and symptoms such as conjunctival hyperemia and hypertrophy. 2, chronic follicular conjunctivitis (chronic follicular conjunctivitis) is common in school-age children and adolescents, are all sides, particle bacilli (B.granulosis) might be its cause. Morning often discharge, eye discomfort. Prevalent in the dome and the follicle under the conjunctiva under the uniform size, arranged in neat rows; conjunctival hyperemia though, but not hypertrophy; 1 to 2 years after the self-healing without scar formation; no corneal pannus. 3, vernal conjunctivitis (vernal conjunctivitis) disease is seasonal, the main symptom is itching. Palpebral papillae on the large and flat and hard, no lesion on the dome of the Ministry, easy to identify. Secretion seen in smear eosinophilia. 4, inclusion conjunctivitis (inclusion conjunctivitis) adult and neonatal inclusion conjunctivitis in the conjunctival scraping the film are visible inclusion bodies, the same shape and trachoma inclusion bodies, it is difficult, respectively. But the inclusion of acute conjunctivitis begin with the beginning, the Ministry of follicular dome and the next are the following as the conjunctiva, no corneal pannus, a few months to 1 year to heal, does not form a scar, with trachoma identify. [2] for more entries Atlas Atlas Reference 1
how to control trachoma
2 What diseases easily confused with trachoma
Further reading: 1
How to prevent trachoma? http://yk.hemas.cn/jiemo/shayan/55.html
knowledge of prevention and treatment of trachoma: http://www.jiankang3.com/a/129/337 Open Category: health, disease, medicine, ophthalmology, trachoma,
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