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11-08-2011, 03:58 AM
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南非的一个勇士用来杀死敌对部落的人所用,刀是用一千条毒蛇的毒液浇铸的,据说当时打造这把刀的工匠三个月 内全被毒死了,这把刀出世后被使用在了战场上,被这把刀刺伤的人,没有一个能医好,三天之内一定会死,而手 持这把刀出现在战场上的人,会被敌人称做死神。
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刀柄是一座诡异的雕像,一个反基督教徒曾用他杀害十九个基督教神父,后来将刀遗失了,但其中一个神父的弟弟 却在多年后拿着这把刀找到并且杀了他,但就在几个月后这把刀却出现在了另一件仇杀案中,而且后来的几宗仇杀 案件中所用的凶器都是这把刀,所以知道这把刀的人们都叫它复仇,据说它能自己找到有怨恨的人,并帮他杀掉仇 人,而仇恨也能让它的魔力更大!
外形比较像蛇,打造时被赋予了一双天使的翅膀。这把刀的下落也不明了。只是在十九世纪的欧洲与多起刺杀案件 有关,被杀的都是一些黑帮或恐怖组织的重要成员,当时被称为上帝的灵翼,可是后来一些基督教的神职人员也死 在了这把刀下,这把刀第诡异色彩也更浓重了,正所谓天使是它,魔鬼也是它!
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据说是日本江户时代,平家天皇的佩刀,平家武士集团战败后,天皇自杀时所用。而为胜方源家武士集团立下大功 的大将军村正得到此刀,但他在之后的几个月却寝食难安,据说他天天晚上看到小天皇的鬼魂来找他借刀,最后一 把火烧了自己的战船后切腹自尽.
十七世纪的血腥女伯爵给他起的这个名字,谁也不知道含义,但是她却用这把刀割开了上千名妙龄少女的喉咙,这 是一把渲染着血腥和咒怨的利刃,同时这把刀也充满着冰冷的气息,一把很呼吸的刀。无时无刻的向它的主人传递 着传递着嫉妒与贪婪的思想。女伯爵被杀死以后,这把刀也不知所踪。
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铁水熔化,剑顺利铸成。一雄一雌,取名干将莫邪,干将只将“干将”献给吴王。干将私藏“莫邪”的消息很快被 吴王知晓,武士将干将团团围住,干将束手就擒,他打开剑匣绝望地向里面问道:莫邪,我们怎样才能在一起?剑 忽从匣中跃出,化为一条清丽的白龙,飞腾而去,同时,干将也突然消失无踪。在干将消失的时候,吴王身边的“ 干将”剑也不知去向。而在千里之外的荒凉的贫城县,在一个叫延平津的大湖里突然出现了一条年轻的白龙。这条 白龙美丽而善良,为百姓呼风唤雨,荒凉的贫城县渐渐风调雨顺,五谷丰登,县城的名字也由贫城改为丰城。可是 ,当地人却时常发现,这条白龙几乎天天都在延平津的湖面张望,象在等待什么,有人还看到它的眼中常含着泪水 。
元代早期,一个元朝将领用这把刀西征,在攻到欧洲边界一个城市时,遇到欧洲人顽强的抵抗,经过三天三夜的强 攻后终将城攻下,那将领就下令将全城的儿童全部集中起来,在他们父母的眼前用这把刀强他们的头一个一个砍下 以示警告,据说有十几位母亲当时就哭死了,后来自杀的人数达到1400多人,这把刀带给他们带来了痛苦,他 们就以生命的形式来给那把刀下了诅咒。不久后那支攻城的军队在一次战役中全军覆没,无一幸免!
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11-08-2011, 03:58 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
Siguang (October 26, 1889 -1971 on April 29), a famous Chinese geologist, Hubei Huanggang Bay County who Huilongshan incense burner, Mongolian. First geomechanics. Academia Sinica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, after the famous deeds of Li Siguang was for the movie remake. Chinese name: Li Siguang Nationality: Chinese Ethnic: Mongolian Hometown: back to the Longshan County, Hubei Province, East China incense Bay Date of Birth: October 26, 1889 Date of death: April 29, 1971 Occupation: scholars, scientists, geologist School: University of Birmingham main achievements: China to get rid of Representative works: In July 1949 August 1951 Autumn 1958 Science Saves the Nation with Mao Zedong and Li Siguang Siguang discovery of Quaternary Geology mechanical field of earthquake prediction Siguang home to find famous historical footage related to the little-known side of the story Siguang scientists, musicians, people, outstanding About geologist Li Siguang (October 26, 1889 -1971 on April 29), Mongolian, Zizhong arch, formerly known as Li Zhongkui.
1889 年 October 26 was born in Hubei Province (now in Hubei Province back to the Longshan County, the wind group), a poor family. Siguang is a world famous scientist, geologist, educator and social activist, is the work of modern earth science and geological one of the founders and key leaders. Child he studied at the private school his father taught Zhuo Hou, 14 years old leave their parents alone came to apply for Higher Primary School in Wuchang. Reported in completing the list, he mistakenly selected as age, name column, write down the used After the founding of the PRC, Ren Changchun College of Geology and Mineral Provost and Dean. 1952 Siguang Institute of Geology, shape ups skechers, Chinese Academy of Sciences once again invited to return to work. Li Siguang for outstanding academic achievement in 1904 was selected to study in Japan. With its Chinese and Japanese nationalism by the anti-Manchu revolution thinking, as Sun Alliance led by the youngest member of the Sun Yat-sen Li Siguang appreciation ambition: . After the Wuchang Uprising, he was appointed to the Department of the Hubei Military Government Financial Services, and later elected as Industry Minister. Yuan came to power, the revolutionaries are marginalized, Li Siguang to leave the country again, to the University of Birmingham. 1918, received a master's degree Siguang determined to return effect. Way to understand after the October Revolution in Russia, but also specifically by way of Moscow. 1920 Department of Geology, Peking University professor Li Siguang as head of the department in 1928 and to the director of the Nanjing Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, after his election as President of the Geological Society of China. He led the annual rush of students and researchers in the field, hell and high water, footprints all over the country's mountains. He has several to go
Europe to give lectures, attend conferences and study of geological structure. July 1928 decided to form the National Government, National Wuhan University, the National School of Government (Ministry of Education) the appointment of Dean Cai Li Siguang as chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the construction of Wuhan University, and selected the new campus of Wuhan University (Wuhan university also Siguang location of the statue.) 1949 Fall imminent founding of new China, are being invited to serve as foreign Siguang CPPCC members. Get the news, he immediately prepared to do a return. At this time, a friend in London (Ling. Chan, his wife) called and told him that the KMT government in the Order of the British ambassador had received to a public statement that he refused to accept the position of CPPCC members, or about to be detained. Siguang decisive, came to France from London alone. Two weeks later, Ms. Li Xu Shubin received Siguang letter, said he had come to Basel, Switzerland and the German border. In Basel, the couple bought a ticket from Italy bound for Hong Kong in December 1949 set off the secret home. Back to the embrace of new China, Li Siguang is an important appointment, has served as Minister of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the National Branch of the CPPCC National Committee vice chairman and other staff. Although he advanced in age, are still fighting and nation-building in scientific research of the first line of China's geology, oil exploration and construction has made great contributions. August 1951 China Changchun College of Geology, Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Shandong University, Northeast University of Technology, Department of Physics, Department of Geology and Geological Institute of the Northeast merger (later renamed the Changchun College of Geology, Division of Earth Sciences, Jilin University now), Li Siguang as the first president. 1958 Siguang by any long-term employment, joined the Communist Party of China Zhang Jinfu introduced by a nation to become democrat communist fighters. 60 years later, Li Siguang getting worse due to excessive physical exertion, or with great enthusiasm and energy into earthquake prediction, forecasting and the use of geothermal and other work. April 29, 1971, Li Siguang illness, died at 82 years old. Siguang early memory of a good student who wrote this poem, but also for his life in a brilliant portrayal of geological science. Rugged Wuling Road, rude king from my tour. Hidden back to see the mountainous, surrounded by Xiang head. Situation suddenly change color, quotidian Monte Ca Mau. Shan Xi Fu lie and stone track Gengqian Qiu. Siguang greatest contribution was the creation of geological mechanics, and mechanical point of view of the phenomenon of crustal movement, exploration and mineral distribution of geological movement, the new features of Chinese structural system, analysis of the geological conditions in China shows that China's land must have oil. Theoretically overturn the conclusions of oil-poor China, China certainly has a good storage conditions. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, listened to the report in support of his views, and according to his proposal, in Plain, skechers shoes online, North China Plain began a large-scale survey of oil. In 1956, he personally presided over the oil exploration and survey work, in a very short time, has found the Daqing, Shengli, Dagang, north, Jianghan oilfields, the Chinese oil industry established immortal feats. From the late 50's to 60's, exploration departments have found the Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Shengli Oilfield, Huabei Oilfield and other large oil fields, the energy needed in nation-building, when the rolling oil run out. This will not only remove the
Siguang with family
Science Siguang in rural life saving nearly 14 years. From five to six years old, he taught in his father's private school in the school, but also helped his mother collect firewood, Tsuishine, mill, water pumping train hard life ... ... his spirit of hard struggle and stubborn character. After the Taiping revolutionary movement, the rise of westernization, Hubei run from a number of new schools to talk about the new school and unconventional. Siguang was deeply attracted to applying for him to go alone, with excellent results to be admitted. In the new school, he eagerly learn new knowledge, because each test is the first, was an official selection of students from the province, to the Japanese school boat. Li Siguang spent 7 years in Japan, where he attended the Chinese Alliance led by Sun Yat-sen. Siguang the second year after returning home, Revolution broke out, he took part in the defense of Hankou, Hubei Province as the new military government appointed the Ministry of Financial Services, he personally organized the transport dock workers and rickshaw pullers in arms, on the front. Subsequently, he was elected Minister of the Hubei Military Government Industry. Great great work just Siguang ready when the Revolution failed. His determined effort to concentrate on scientific and technological research, to the He went to study in the UK, first mining school, later to geology. He was praying for the day, clear and bright to see the political world, for the country's youth and blood. Student Life is not easy. In order to maintain the rising tuition, Li Siguang holidays to mine to work. 6 years at Birmingham University, he not only professional academic excellence and proficiency in English, has received a bachelor's degree and doctorate. After graduation, skechers outlet, he politely refused a mine hired, accepted the invitation of Cai Yuanpei return to the motherland, as a professor in the Department of Geology, Peking University.
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Mao Zedong and Li Siguang day in 1952, Mao Zedong better tomorrow, worked hard at home and abroad, inside and outside the event's busy schedule, during a meeting, met with Li Siguang. Day, Li Siguang back home, especially the spirit of spirits, and excitedly talked about the happiness of the interview situation: Mao Zedong burly. Ruddy, amiable, affable. Mao asked him: Mao Zedong and knowledgeable, so concerned about the development of geological science, even in geomechanics In either geological Minister Li Siguang period, Chairman Mao Zedong repeatedly geological work orders. In 1953, Mao Zedong pointed out that the Ministry of Geology of the party's Department of Geological Survey study. In 1956, Mao also pointed out: the Ministry of Geology Department of the underground reconnaissance situation, it's work they might, one horse out of the way, Kazuma can not forward, to advance a five-year plan.
Siguang and Chairman Mao Zedong
for the creation of geomechanics Siguang, Mao is also very seriously. In 1955, Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai in accordance with the instructions, to support the establishment of the Ministry of Geology Geomechanics Laboratory. Since then, in this laboratory, based on the progressive development of geological today have a special Institute of Mechanics. Mao Zedong is extremely concerned about China's oil prospects. As early as the beginning of the first five-year plan, one day, Mao Zedong met in a living room and met with Li Siguang. At that time, Zhou Enlai also present. Conversation between Mao Zedong and asked with concern how the Chinese vision of the natural oil like? Siguang early as 1932 to pay attention to this problem. Later, from 1935 to 1936, when he lectured in England, wrote a book He optimistic, very positive tone to answer Mao Zedong said, promising China's vision of the natural oil. He geomechanics based on decades of research, the new structural system of the Chinese point of view, to Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, the Chinese geological conditions of that vast areas of China, the natural reserves of oil should be rich. Plain, including the Bohai Bay, including the North China Plain, Jianghan and northern Gulf, as well as the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea sediments have economic value. deliberately put some ambiguity. Hearing this, Zhou said with a smile: We are optimistic about the geology of Ministers ah! Mao smiled happily and immediately made a survey on the conduct oil exploration in the strategic decision-making. According to Mao Zedong's strategic decision-making, the Ministry of Geology and brothers and departments together to launch a nationwide survey of strategic oil exploration. According to the geological theory of mechanics, who in some vast, the Cenozoic sedimentary basin, about 200 million square kilometers in area was within the different levels of oil census. played more than 3,000 drilling census, the total footage more than 120 meters. from a large number of geological data obtained to see, not only initially to find out the basic features of petroleum geology in China, but also confirmed that China has a wealth of natural oil resources. Later in the Daqing oil field injection large amounts of oil is the best example. geomechanics practice in looking for oil has withstood tests. Zedong in this matter has in mind. 1964, in the third National People's Congress session, a gay waiter found in the ranks of deputies Siguang, said to him: there. Siguang Mao did not think to find him, that waiter wrong place, quickly apologized: : 1964. One day, Mao Zedong once again met with Siguang. It was a meeting in the Huairen finish later, Mao Zedong, Li Siguang invited to watch the first performance in the Beijing Opera , while watching the show, while talking about the play is also about oil. When talking about the oil issue, Mao Zedong and the Ministry of Oil Ministry of Geology to find oil in terms of the contribution made by highly. Mao Zedong said, a credit them!
Siguang (film)
socialist construction of the older generation of scientists, in the care. February 6, 1964 at noon, Li Siguang received a phone call, saying that he immediately went to Zhongnanhai. Siguang After a hurried lunch on go to Zhongnanhai, the one at the door of his comrades took him into Mao's bedroom. Kezhen and Qian also went to the two comrades. Zedong asked them to sit on his bed and cordial conversation. they astronomy, Geology, and advanced science and many other important scientific issues of a conversation three or four hours. Siguang come back and tell his daughter, said: Have a thorough understanding of nature. In his bedroom, even in his bed, filled with a lot of classics and science books, skechers women, talking about where to readily turn there, talk about a wide range, many, brighter future. classes of 10,000 representatives.'s Central Committee in Beijing to participate in the interview, Li Siguang was among them. Zedong saw Siguang the podium and immediately took Lee's hand, affectionately called Recently, however, because the hall, hand walking in front of the audience to the meeting the comrades. Then, they left the podium together, into the lounge. family had seen on television being interviewed by this lens, just do not know that Mao and Li Siguang 讲了些什么. Siguang Gangdao Jia, the family would have Jizhe Wen Li Siguang. Siguang pleased to say that Chairman Mao and his talk in the lounge, then more than an hour. In this short span of an hour, Mao Zedong and Li Siguang about how many hundreds of millions of years to do - from the celestial origin, origin of the earth, talked about the origin of life, the question about the origin of the solar system. Mao Zedong said: I do not believe that Schmidt, I think Kant, Laplace's theory there is some truth . Mao Lee said he would like to see books written by Li Siguang, hope he find a few books to him, also invited Li Siguang home and abroad to help him collect some scientific data. Zedong said, I do not understand English, the best in Chinese information. sent in the past. After a careful selection, Li Siguang first information. To this end, he saw many foreign information. To save the time of Mao Zedong, so that he can consume less energy to need to see what can be seen, Li Siguang an information to determine their own order, the geology that in all the time School of view to include the Ministry of species, together with their comments, to clarify his point. He almost 1 year time to collect information, on this basis, a series of written 7 books. each completed one, Li Siguang to Comrade immediately called to the printing plant to the Secretary, with the characters typesetting, proofreading and then get it back in person. This book is printed after 7, known as comrades. Siguang and Geomechanics Geomechanics is Siguang founded, is a branch of geology. 1926 and 1928 John Doe, founder of geomechanics
Light published the main reason system type. In his speech, Li Siguang 1941 . geomechanics is a combination of mechanics and geology edge of science, which uses mechanical principle of tectonic and crustal movement and the cause of science. it from the geological structure of the phenomenon (structural features), analyzes the stress distribution and mechanics nature of the recourse to force the role, from the mode of action of force and thus recourse to crustal movement pattern, exploring the law and the origin of crustal movement. geomechanics that the structural elements, construction land and construction of the triple system is the basic concept of geological structures, for exploring movement of the crust has extremely important significance. It is recognized that the structural system, can be divided into three major types, namely latitudinal structural system, the structural system and twist to the structural system. These systems are mainly horizontal movement of the earth's crust (after and weft direction) caused by; and horizontal movement originated in the Earth's rotation rate changes. Siguang to automatically adjust the rotation speed of Earth's changing role as car valve hypothesis. teaching, watching and telling. a mountain, a valley, a pile of stones, a row of cracks, he left off. lack of school funding, he led the students to engage in construction from scratch, learning environment will pick up very good taste. in teaching at the same time , his research does not relax, his life's main contribution to the geology, paleontology dragonfly such as the identification of subjects, the discovery of Quaternary glaciers in China and founder of geomechanics are started during this period. In course of the study, he never had the ideas and doctrines for the bound, but in accordance with the laws of nature, to find people to understand and master has not been the truth. Therefore, he can continue to propose creative ideas and the courage to some old ideas challenge.
Siguang works
For example, from the 19th century, for there have been Germany, the United States, France, Sweden and other countries of mineral exploration geologists to China to study geology. But they are not discovered the phenomenon of China's glaciers. Thus, in geology, stone. He continued to study in the Datong basin, more and trust their own judgments, skechers tone ups, so he Geological Society of China, the third time in the plenary session on the proposed bold view of Quaternary glaciers exist in China. to the Council of Agriculture and Commerce Consultant, Swedish geologist Andersson contemptuous smile, be denied. to get people to accept the fact that he continued to find more glaciers. 10 years later, he not only obtained a large number of glaciers Lushan conclusions and that China is mainly Quaternary valley glaciers, and ice can be classified as three times. When Siguang of the academic point of view of geology in the country once again delivered a speech after the 1934 rise to the famous Lushan debate. In the old semifeudal and semicolonial China, Chinese scientists are inferior, there are a considerable number of foreign scholars are of racial discrimination with feelings of nationalism and to China. Therefore, despite the large number of facts before us, a few foreign scholars have not changed their views. 1936 , Li Siguang went to Huangshan study, wrote strike back marveled: 10 years after the book to be published. home to find Youtian 1927, Cai Li Siguang should be invited to leave Beijing south, presided over the preparatory work of the Institute of Geology. January 1928, establishment of the Institute of Geology, Li Siguang as a director. engage in geological research often exposed to food drink wind, conditions were very difficult. Moreover, less funding for the newly established institute, equipment missing, not even fixed the site. During the eight-year war, Li Siguang and his research suffered from the pain of rush was removed. then He smoked cigarettes do with toilet paper, wearing homespun clothes, and life was very hard, but he and his colleagues never gave up geological research. Because the hardships of life and work fatigue, and tuberculosis he was suffering from angina . early February 1948, Li Siguang depart from Shanghai to London to attend the 18th International Geological Society, his wife Xu Shubin also invited to attend. After the meeting, they lived in England for a year and three on the island, side recuperate, side observation the development of the current situation at home and abroad. Siguang investigation is far away in Europe to give lectures, but still concerned about the destiny of the motherland.
1949 year, he several times to the Academia Sinica Institute of Geology of Xu Jie (geologist After liberation, a former vice minister of Ministry of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), who wrote in support of their stick to Nanjing, against the relocation of Guangzhou, China Geological Sciences for the new cause of retained a team and equipment. early April 1949 to Guo as a Head of the Chinese delegation to Prague to attend the World Conference of the maintenance of peace. go aboard, Guo according to Zhou Enlai's instructions, with a letter to Li Siguang and asked him to return home early. saw you this letter signed by the lead Guo, Li Siguang very excited . The new China will stand in the east of the world can display their own skills, vision can be achieved. he actively running up and ready to return as soon as possible. However, due to the impact of World War II, from the British passenger ships to the Far East To book tickets a year ago, had to delay the return date. He nursed back side of the body, left side of the scientific research it after finishing. Siguang anxiously awaiting the departure date. One day, a friend in London to Siguang phoned to tell him, received the Order of the British Embassy in the KMT, to Siguang published a statement denying the People's Republic, and refused to accept the CPPCC National Committee to his appointment, otherwise there is the risk of being detained. matter is urgent, Li Siguang act decisively. He took from a small bag and quickly went to Plymouth Harbor, prepared through the English Channel from there, first to France. Plymouth Harbor, and more storms wide sea, the cargo of the remote channel, most people usually are not from here across the sea, which can avoid
Siguang stamps
KMT agents tracking. Before he left, he writes to Ambassador in London wrote a letter to Xu Shubin sent two days later. The next day, the KMT ambassador to Britain Hall really came for Siguang, Xu Shubin alert to come on, said Li Siguang study went out. Two days later, Xu Shubin left sent the Siguang letter writes: People's Republic of day I think for many years Nights like utopia. Central People's Government Administration Council I wholeheartedly support the government. I was elected as a member of the CPPCC National Committee, I think is a great honor. I have leave to return into office. He also advise the Ambassadors from the disastrous Kuomintang government, the embrace of the motherland at an early date back to the light ... ... Two weeks later, Xu Shubin Li Siguang received a letter that he had come to Basel, Switzerland and the German border, they immediately went to join. May 1950 6, Li Siguang finally to Beijing. This year his 60-year-old, but he felt that new life has just begun. the birth of new China, Li Siguang opened a new chapter in science. He mentioned any of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , geological and scientific co-chairs of the Minister. He carefully studied Mao's Pay attention to your thought reform, The geological work has made great achievements; 1958, skechers shape up shoes, he proudly joined the Communist Party of China. In the first days of the beginning of five-year plan, Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou asked Siguang to: China Natural Petroleum how this kind of vision? As early as 1915 to 1917, Mobil Oil, a drilling crew, facilities in the northern area of skin, playing the seven exploration wells, spent 300 million U.S. dollars, because harvest is not to gone. 1922, Stanford University Professor Black Widow Child to China Geological Survey, wrote
Siguang own land and Zhou Enlai
qualitative research structure, proposed in 1928: the question of state leaders: Starting from the Northeast China Plain, through the Bohai Bay to the North China Plain, and then south to the lakes region, you can do the job ... .... oil-bearing structure. June 1958, heard the good news: a large scale, high output of Daqing Oilfield has been proven. Geological team immediately transferred to the Ministry of the Bohai Bay and Yellow River alluvial plain. then, Dagang Oilfield, Shengli Oilfield, the other Youtian have been completed. Ministry of Geology and transferred to other plains, basins and shallow waters to continue the war. December 1964, Premier Zhou Enlai in the Third National People's Congress, building up the Daqing Oilfield, is based on original Chinese geological experts in oil exploration and geological theory found. ; pay attention to Yunnan Yiliang mark; pay attention to Songpan; pay attention to the Tangshan ... ... Along the way, have been Siguang true. that many scientists believe that earthquakes can not be forecast, Li Siguang categorically said the quake is forecast . Premier Zhou said: live, work, scholarship. Some presided over by him or his participation in the small meeting, often held in the home; any long-term employment, Liu Jingfan other person in charge of the former Ministry of Geology is also used to come home to report things, and thus the right hand door into that room for a larger living room, the actual function of both the conference room, surrounded by bookcases and the sofas in the middle is a long table and several chairs. Now, the window displays the side of the fourth quarter of glacial deposits in many geological specimens, and more for the year Siguang field investigation of the harvest. other furniture is left to that era, a texture of old leather sofa armrest is cracking, revealing the inside of the cotton. these sofa, or Li Siguang 1950 returned home, bought at the flea market cheap goods, it seems more distant years. the living room next door is the office, not yet restored to their original, but a large desk is Siguang used. office blackboard at one end a glass wall, then back to geological field operations team, reporting to Li Siguang when he often uses the blackboard to do some explaining, or arrangement, also by this board to teach science and technology personnel geomechanics, which is probably many years the habit coaching career. It is worth mentioning that the blackboard with the words approved repair , especially the violin. he was in Paris, written by a violin song, In nearly ten years after the centennial celebration of the party north, the first time that public performance. Sicong amended its market is the first statement of the violin music. Now that the first scores and Siguang often pull in foreign violin are on display at Memorial Hall. Siguang old age, life is simple but also very particular about the clothes and just, or even patch stack patch. Siguang death, staff
Siguang statue
looking for a few relics remain, After asking many also did not find anything decent things worth preserving. Siguang his wife was alive, this building small building only two of them live. They died, her daughter Li Lin, a move over. Li Lin May 31, 2002 passed away, her husband Zou Chenglu also ailing. a three academicians, have for the elephants. Forty years ago, Li Siguang home of the small building, Li Jianan outside the tree a thousand years of history of the ginkgo tree, and the Ming Dynasty eunuch Liu Jin, etc. historical figures of the tomb, are signs around the rather garish. Now skyscrapers, Li Siguang were caught in the residence, small building because of disrepair, the number looks a little old. Siguang saying - I was descendants, of course should learned all dedicated to my beloved country. - true scientific spirit is criticism and self-criticism from the right developed. The real scientific results, is to stand the true test of time. With this double protection, we can safely do without the trap of arrogance from the dig. - Scientific respect the facts, can not be arbitrarily made up reasons to be attached to a doctrine. - Science is the honest thing, it depends on many people September 14, 2009, he was named the 100 since the founding of New China, Chinese figures.
11-08-2011, 03:59 AM
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,448
Siguang (October 26, 1889 -1971 on April 29), a famous Chinese geologist, Hubei Huanggang Bay County who Huilongshan incense burner, Mongolian. First geomechanics. Academia Sinica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, after the famous deeds of Li Siguang was for the movie remake. Chinese name: Li Siguang Nationality: Chinese Ethnic: Mongolian Hometown: back to the Longshan County, Hubei Province, East China incense Bay Date of Birth: October 26, 1889 Date of death: April 29, 1971 Occupation: scholars, scientists, geologist School: University of Birmingham main achievements: China to get rid of Representative works: In July 1949 August 1951 Autumn 1958 Science Saves the Nation with Mao Zedong and Li Siguang Siguang discovery of Quaternary Geology mechanical field of earthquake prediction Siguang home to find famous historical footage related to the little-known side of the story Siguang scientists, musicians, people, outstanding About geologist Li Siguang (October 26, 1889 -1971 on April 29), Mongolian, Zizhong arch, formerly known as Li Zhongkui.
1889 年 October 26 was born in Hubei Province (now in Hubei Province back to the Longshan County, the wind group), a poor family. Siguang is a world famous scientist, geologist, educator and social activist, is the work of modern earth science and geological one of the founders and key leaders. Child he studied at the private school his father taught Zhuo Hou, 14 years old leave their parents alone came to apply for Higher Primary School in Wuchang. Reported in completing the list, he mistakenly selected as age, name column, write down the used After the founding of the PRC, Ren Changchun College of Geology and Mineral Provost and Dean. 1952 Siguang Institute of Geology, shape ups skechers, Chinese Academy of Sciences once again invited to return to work. Li Siguang for outstanding academic achievement in 1904 was selected to study in Japan. With its Chinese and Japanese nationalism by the anti-Manchu revolution thinking, as Sun Alliance led by the youngest member of the Sun Yat-sen Li Siguang appreciation ambition: . After the Wuchang Uprising, he was appointed to the Department of the Hubei Military Government Financial Services, and later elected as Industry Minister. Yuan came to power, the revolutionaries are marginalized, Li Siguang to leave the country again, to the University of Birmingham. 1918, received a master's degree Siguang determined to return effect. Way to understand after the October Revolution in Russia, but also specifically by way of Moscow. 1920 Department of Geology, Peking University professor Li Siguang as head of the department in 1928 and to the director of the Nanjing Institute of Geology, Academia Sinica, after his election as President of the Geological Society of China. He led the annual rush of students and researchers in the field, hell and high water, footprints all over the country's mountains. He has several to go
Europe to give lectures, attend conferences and study of geological structure. July 1928 decided to form the National Government, National Wuhan University, the National School of Government (Ministry of Education) the appointment of Dean Cai Li Siguang as chairman of the Preparatory Committee for the construction of Wuhan University, and selected the new campus of Wuhan University (Wuhan university also Siguang location of the statue.) 1949 Fall imminent founding of new China, are being invited to serve as foreign Siguang CPPCC members. Get the news, he immediately prepared to do a return. At this time, a friend in London (Ling. Chan, his wife) called and told him that the KMT government in the Order of the British ambassador had received to a public statement that he refused to accept the position of CPPCC members, or about to be detained. Siguang decisive, came to France from London alone. Two weeks later, Ms. Li Xu Shubin received Siguang letter, said he had come to Basel, Switzerland and the German border. In Basel, the couple bought a ticket from Italy bound for Hong Kong in December 1949 set off the secret home. Back to the embrace of new China, Li Siguang is an important appointment, has served as Minister of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the National Branch of the CPPCC National Committee vice chairman and other staff. Although he advanced in age, are still fighting and nation-building in scientific research of the first line of China's geology, oil exploration and construction has made great contributions. August 1951 China Changchun College of Geology, Department of Geology and Mineral Resources of Shandong University, Northeast University of Technology, Department of Physics, Department of Geology and Geological Institute of the Northeast merger (later renamed the Changchun College of Geology, Division of Earth Sciences, Jilin University now), Li Siguang as the first president. 1958 Siguang by any long-term employment, joined the Communist Party of China Zhang Jinfu introduced by a nation to become democrat communist fighters. 60 years later, Li Siguang getting worse due to excessive physical exertion, or with great enthusiasm and energy into earthquake prediction, forecasting and the use of geothermal and other work. April 29, 1971, Li Siguang illness, died at 82 years old. Siguang early memory of a good student who wrote this poem, but also for his life in a brilliant portrayal of geological science. Rugged Wuling Road, rude king from my tour. Hidden back to see the mountainous, surrounded by Xiang head. Situation suddenly change color, quotidian Monte Ca Mau. Shan Xi Fu lie and stone track Gengqian Qiu. Siguang greatest contribution was the creation of geological mechanics, and mechanical point of view of the phenomenon of crustal movement, exploration and mineral distribution of geological movement, the new features of Chinese structural system, analysis of the geological conditions in China shows that China's land must have oil. Theoretically overturn the conclusions of oil-poor China, China certainly has a good storage conditions. Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, listened to the report in support of his views, and according to his proposal, in Plain, skechers shoes online, North China Plain began a large-scale survey of oil. In 1956, he personally presided over the oil exploration and survey work, in a very short time, has found the Daqing, Shengli, Dagang, north, Jianghan oilfields, the Chinese oil industry established immortal feats. From the late 50's to 60's, exploration departments have found the Daqing Oilfield, Dagang Oilfield, Shengli Oilfield, Huabei Oilfield and other large oil fields, the energy needed in nation-building, when the rolling oil run out. This will not only remove the
Siguang with family
Science Siguang in rural life saving nearly 14 years. From five to six years old, he taught in his father's private school in the school, but also helped his mother collect firewood, Tsuishine, mill, water pumping train hard life ... ... his spirit of hard struggle and stubborn character. After the Taiping revolutionary movement, the rise of westernization, Hubei run from a number of new schools to talk about the new school and unconventional. Siguang was deeply attracted to applying for him to go alone, with excellent results to be admitted. In the new school, he eagerly learn new knowledge, because each test is the first, was an official selection of students from the province, to the Japanese school boat. Li Siguang spent 7 years in Japan, where he attended the Chinese Alliance led by Sun Yat-sen. Siguang the second year after returning home, Revolution broke out, he took part in the defense of Hankou, Hubei Province as the new military government appointed the Ministry of Financial Services, he personally organized the transport dock workers and rickshaw pullers in arms, on the front. Subsequently, he was elected Minister of the Hubei Military Government Industry. Great great work just Siguang ready when the Revolution failed. His determined effort to concentrate on scientific and technological research, to the He went to study in the UK, first mining school, later to geology. He was praying for the day, clear and bright to see the political world, for the country's youth and blood. Student Life is not easy. In order to maintain the rising tuition, Li Siguang holidays to mine to work. 6 years at Birmingham University, he not only professional academic excellence and proficiency in English, has received a bachelor's degree and doctorate. After graduation, skechers outlet, he politely refused a mine hired, accepted the invitation of Cai Yuanpei return to the motherland, as a professor in the Department of Geology, Peking University.
Siguang wax
Mao Zedong and Li Siguang day in 1952, Mao Zedong better tomorrow, worked hard at home and abroad, inside and outside the event's busy schedule, during a meeting, met with Li Siguang. Day, Li Siguang back home, especially the spirit of spirits, and excitedly talked about the happiness of the interview situation: Mao Zedong burly. Ruddy, amiable, affable. Mao asked him: Mao Zedong and knowledgeable, so concerned about the development of geological science, even in geomechanics In either geological Minister Li Siguang period, Chairman Mao Zedong repeatedly geological work orders. In 1953, Mao Zedong pointed out that the Ministry of Geology of the party's Department of Geological Survey study. In 1956, Mao also pointed out: the Ministry of Geology Department of the underground reconnaissance situation, it's work they might, one horse out of the way, Kazuma can not forward, to advance a five-year plan.
Siguang and Chairman Mao Zedong
for the creation of geomechanics Siguang, Mao is also very seriously. In 1955, Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai in accordance with the instructions, to support the establishment of the Ministry of Geology Geomechanics Laboratory. Since then, in this laboratory, based on the progressive development of geological today have a special Institute of Mechanics. Mao Zedong is extremely concerned about China's oil prospects. As early as the beginning of the first five-year plan, one day, Mao Zedong met in a living room and met with Li Siguang. At that time, Zhou Enlai also present. Conversation between Mao Zedong and asked with concern how the Chinese vision of the natural oil like? Siguang early as 1932 to pay attention to this problem. Later, from 1935 to 1936, when he lectured in England, wrote a book He optimistic, very positive tone to answer Mao Zedong said, promising China's vision of the natural oil. He geomechanics based on decades of research, the new structural system of the Chinese point of view, to Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, the Chinese geological conditions of that vast areas of China, the natural reserves of oil should be rich. Plain, including the Bohai Bay, including the North China Plain, Jianghan and northern Gulf, as well as the Yellow Sea, East China Sea and South China Sea sediments have economic value. deliberately put some ambiguity. Hearing this, Zhou said with a smile: We are optimistic about the geology of Ministers ah! Mao smiled happily and immediately made a survey on the conduct oil exploration in the strategic decision-making. According to Mao Zedong's strategic decision-making, the Ministry of Geology and brothers and departments together to launch a nationwide survey of strategic oil exploration. According to the geological theory of mechanics, who in some vast, the Cenozoic sedimentary basin, about 200 million square kilometers in area was within the different levels of oil census. played more than 3,000 drilling census, the total footage more than 120 meters. from a large number of geological data obtained to see, not only initially to find out the basic features of petroleum geology in China, but also confirmed that China has a wealth of natural oil resources. Later in the Daqing oil field injection large amounts of oil is the best example. geomechanics practice in looking for oil has withstood tests. Zedong in this matter has in mind. 1964, in the third National People's Congress session, a gay waiter found in the ranks of deputies Siguang, said to him: there. Siguang Mao did not think to find him, that waiter wrong place, quickly apologized: : 1964. One day, Mao Zedong once again met with Siguang. It was a meeting in the Huairen finish later, Mao Zedong, Li Siguang invited to watch the first performance in the Beijing Opera , while watching the show, while talking about the play is also about oil. When talking about the oil issue, Mao Zedong and the Ministry of Oil Ministry of Geology to find oil in terms of the contribution made by highly. Mao Zedong said, a credit them!
Siguang (film)
socialist construction of the older generation of scientists, in the care. February 6, 1964 at noon, Li Siguang received a phone call, saying that he immediately went to Zhongnanhai. Siguang After a hurried lunch on go to Zhongnanhai, the one at the door of his comrades took him into Mao's bedroom. Kezhen and Qian also went to the two comrades. Zedong asked them to sit on his bed and cordial conversation. they astronomy, Geology, and advanced science and many other important scientific issues of a conversation three or four hours. Siguang come back and tell his daughter, said: Have a thorough understanding of nature. In his bedroom, even in his bed, filled with a lot of classics and science books, skechers women, talking about where to readily turn there, talk about a wide range, many, brighter future. classes of 10,000 representatives.'s Central Committee in Beijing to participate in the interview, Li Siguang was among them. Zedong saw Siguang the podium and immediately took Lee's hand, affectionately called Recently, however, because the hall, hand walking in front of the audience to the meeting the comrades. Then, they left the podium together, into the lounge. family had seen on television being interviewed by this lens, just do not know that Mao and Li Siguang 讲了些什么. Siguang Gangdao Jia, the family would have Jizhe Wen Li Siguang. Siguang pleased to say that Chairman Mao and his talk in the lounge, then more than an hour. In this short span of an hour, Mao Zedong and Li Siguang about how many hundreds of millions of years to do - from the celestial origin, origin of the earth, talked about the origin of life, the question about the origin of the solar system. Mao Zedong said: I do not believe that Schmidt, I think Kant, Laplace's theory there is some truth . Mao Lee said he would like to see books written by Li Siguang, hope he find a few books to him, also invited Li Siguang home and abroad to help him collect some scientific data. Zedong said, I do not understand English, the best in Chinese information. sent in the past. After a careful selection, Li Siguang first information. To this end, he saw many foreign information. To save the time of Mao Zedong, so that he can consume less energy to need to see what can be seen, Li Siguang an information to determine their own order, the geology that in all the time School of view to include the Ministry of species, together with their comments, to clarify his point. He almost 1 year time to collect information, on this basis, a series of written 7 books. each completed one, Li Siguang to Comrade immediately called to the printing plant to the Secretary, with the characters typesetting, proofreading and then get it back in person. This book is printed after 7, known as comrades. Siguang and Geomechanics Geomechanics is Siguang founded, is a branch of geology. 1926 and 1928 John Doe, founder of geomechanics
Light published the main reason system type. In his speech, Li Siguang 1941 . geomechanics is a combination of mechanics and geology edge of science, which uses mechanical principle of tectonic and crustal movement and the cause of science. it from the geological structure of the phenomenon (structural features), analyzes the stress distribution and mechanics nature of the recourse to force the role, from the mode of action of force and thus recourse to crustal movement pattern, exploring the law and the origin of crustal movement. geomechanics that the structural elements, construction land and construction of the triple system is the basic concept of geological structures, for exploring movement of the crust has extremely important significance. It is recognized that the structural system, can be divided into three major types, namely latitudinal structural system, the structural system and twist to the structural system. These systems are mainly horizontal movement of the earth's crust (after and weft direction) caused by; and horizontal movement originated in the Earth's rotation rate changes. Siguang to automatically adjust the rotation speed of Earth's changing role as car valve hypothesis. teaching, watching and telling. a mountain, a valley, a pile of stones, a row of cracks, he left off. lack of school funding, he led the students to engage in construction from scratch, learning environment will pick up very good taste. in teaching at the same time , his research does not relax, his life's main contribution to the geology, paleontology dragonfly such as the identification of subjects, the discovery of Quaternary glaciers in China and founder of geomechanics are started during this period. In course of the study, he never had the ideas and doctrines for the bound, but in accordance with the laws of nature, to find people to understand and master has not been the truth. Therefore, he can continue to propose creative ideas and the courage to some old ideas challenge.
Siguang works
For example, from the 19th century, for there have been Germany, the United States, France, Sweden and other countries of mineral exploration geologists to China to study geology. But they are not discovered the phenomenon of China's glaciers. Thus, in geology, stone. He continued to study in the Datong basin, more and trust their own judgments, skechers tone ups, so he Geological Society of China, the third time in the plenary session on the proposed bold view of Quaternary glaciers exist in China. to the Council of Agriculture and Commerce Consultant, Swedish geologist Andersson contemptuous smile, be denied. to get people to accept the fact that he continued to find more glaciers. 10 years later, he not only obtained a large number of glaciers Lushan conclusions and that China is mainly Quaternary valley glaciers, and ice can be classified as three times. When Siguang of the academic point of view of geology in the country once again delivered a speech after the 1934 rise to the famous Lushan debate. In the old semifeudal and semicolonial China, Chinese scientists are inferior, there are a considerable number of foreign scholars are of racial discrimination with feelings of nationalism and to China. Therefore, despite the large number of facts before us, a few foreign scholars have not changed their views. 1936 , Li Siguang went to Huangshan study, wrote strike back marveled: 10 years after the book to be published. home to find Youtian 1927, Cai Li Siguang should be invited to leave Beijing south, presided over the preparatory work of the Institute of Geology. January 1928, establishment of the Institute of Geology, Li Siguang as a director. engage in geological research often exposed to food drink wind, conditions were very difficult. Moreover, less funding for the newly established institute, equipment missing, not even fixed the site. During the eight-year war, Li Siguang and his research suffered from the pain of rush was removed. then He smoked cigarettes do with toilet paper, wearing homespun clothes, and life was very hard, but he and his colleagues never gave up geological research. Because the hardships of life and work fatigue, and tuberculosis he was suffering from angina . early February 1948, Li Siguang depart from Shanghai to London to attend the 18th International Geological Society, his wife Xu Shubin also invited to attend. After the meeting, they lived in England for a year and three on the island, side recuperate, side observation the development of the current situation at home and abroad. Siguang investigation is far away in Europe to give lectures, but still concerned about the destiny of the motherland.
1949 year, he several times to the Academia Sinica Institute of Geology of Xu Jie (geologist After liberation, a former vice minister of Ministry of Geology, Chinese Academy of Sciences), who wrote in support of their stick to Nanjing, against the relocation of Guangzhou, China Geological Sciences for the new cause of retained a team and equipment. early April 1949 to Guo as a Head of the Chinese delegation to Prague to attend the World Conference of the maintenance of peace. go aboard, Guo according to Zhou Enlai's instructions, with a letter to Li Siguang and asked him to return home early. saw you this letter signed by the lead Guo, Li Siguang very excited . The new China will stand in the east of the world can display their own skills, vision can be achieved. he actively running up and ready to return as soon as possible. However, due to the impact of World War II, from the British passenger ships to the Far East To book tickets a year ago, had to delay the return date. He nursed back side of the body, left side of the scientific research it after finishing. Siguang anxiously awaiting the departure date. One day, a friend in London to Siguang phoned to tell him, received the Order of the British Embassy in the KMT, to Siguang published a statement denying the People's Republic, and refused to accept the CPPCC National Committee to his appointment, otherwise there is the risk of being detained. matter is urgent, Li Siguang act decisively. He took from a small bag and quickly went to Plymouth Harbor, prepared through the English Channel from there, first to France. Plymouth Harbor, and more storms wide sea, the cargo of the remote channel, most people usually are not from here across the sea, which can avoid
Siguang stamps
KMT agents tracking. Before he left, he writes to Ambassador in London wrote a letter to Xu Shubin sent two days later. The next day, the KMT ambassador to Britain Hall really came for Siguang, Xu Shubin alert to come on, said Li Siguang study went out. Two days later, Xu Shubin left sent the Siguang letter writes: People's Republic of day I think for many years Nights like utopia. Central People's Government Administration Council I wholeheartedly support the government. I was elected as a member of the CPPCC National Committee, I think is a great honor. I have leave to return into office. He also advise the Ambassadors from the disastrous Kuomintang government, the embrace of the motherland at an early date back to the light ... ... Two weeks later, Xu Shubin Li Siguang received a letter that he had come to Basel, Switzerland and the German border, they immediately went to join. May 1950 6, Li Siguang finally to Beijing. This year his 60-year-old, but he felt that new life has just begun. the birth of new China, Li Siguang opened a new chapter in science. He mentioned any of the Chinese Academy of Sciences , geological and scientific co-chairs of the Minister. He carefully studied Mao's Pay attention to your thought reform, The geological work has made great achievements; 1958, skechers shape up shoes, he proudly joined the Communist Party of China. In the first days of the beginning of five-year plan, Chairman Mao, Premier Zhou asked Siguang to: China Natural Petroleum how this kind of vision? As early as 1915 to 1917, Mobil Oil, a drilling crew, facilities in the northern area of skin, playing the seven exploration wells, spent 300 million U.S. dollars, because harvest is not to gone. 1922, Stanford University Professor Black Widow Child to China Geological Survey, wrote
Siguang own land and Zhou Enlai
qualitative research structure, proposed in 1928: the question of state leaders: Starting from the Northeast China Plain, through the Bohai Bay to the North China Plain, and then south to the lakes region, you can do the job ... .... oil-bearing structure. June 1958, heard the good news: a large scale, high output of Daqing Oilfield has been proven. Geological team immediately transferred to the Ministry of the Bohai Bay and Yellow River alluvial plain. then, Dagang Oilfield, Shengli Oilfield, the other Youtian have been completed. Ministry of Geology and transferred to other plains, basins and shallow waters to continue the war. December 1964, Premier Zhou Enlai in the Third National People's Congress, building up the Daqing Oilfield, is based on original Chinese geological experts in oil exploration and geological theory found. ; pay attention to Yunnan Yiliang mark; pay attention to Songpan; pay attention to the Tangshan ... ... Along the way, have been Siguang true. that many scientists believe that earthquakes can not be forecast, Li Siguang categorically said the quake is forecast . Premier Zhou said: live, work, scholarship. Some presided over by him or his participation in the small meeting, often held in the home; any long-term employment, Liu Jingfan other person in charge of the former Ministry of Geology is also used to come home to report things, and thus the right hand door into that room for a larger living room, the actual function of both the conference room, surrounded by bookcases and the sofas in the middle is a long table and several chairs. Now, the window displays the side of the fourth quarter of glacial deposits in many geological specimens, and more for the year Siguang field investigation of the harvest. other furniture is left to that era, a texture of old leather sofa armrest is cracking, revealing the inside of the cotton. these sofa, or Li Siguang 1950 returned home, bought at the flea market cheap goods, it seems more distant years. the living room next door is the office, not yet restored to their original, but a large desk is Siguang used. office blackboard at one end a glass wall, then back to geological field operations team, reporting to Li Siguang when he often uses the blackboard to do some explaining, or arrangement, also by this board to teach science and technology personnel geomechanics, which is probably many years the habit coaching career. It is worth mentioning that the blackboard with the words approved repair , especially the violin. he was in Paris, written by a violin song, In nearly ten years after the centennial celebration of the party north, the first time that public performance. Sicong amended its market is the first statement of the violin music. Now that the first scores and Siguang often pull in foreign violin are on display at Memorial Hall. Siguang old age, life is simple but also very particular about the clothes and just, or even patch stack patch. Siguang death, staff
Siguang statue
looking for a few relics remain, After asking many also did not find anything decent things worth preserving. Siguang his wife was alive, this building small building only two of them live. They died, her daughter Li Lin, a move over. Li Lin May 31, 2002 passed away, her husband Zou Chenglu also ailing. a three academicians, have for the elephants. Forty years ago, Li Siguang home of the small building, Li Jianan outside the tree a thousand years of history of the ginkgo tree, and the Ming Dynasty eunuch Liu Jin, etc. historical figures of the tomb, are signs around the rather garish. Now skyscrapers, Li Siguang were caught in the residence, small building because of disrepair, the number looks a little old. Siguang saying - I was descendants, of course should learned all dedicated to my beloved country. - true scientific spirit is criticism and self-criticism from the right developed. The real scientific results, is to stand the true test of time. With this double protection, we can safely do without the trap of arrogance from the dig. - Scientific respect the facts, can not be arbitrarily made up reasons to be attached to a doctrine. - Science is the honest thing, it depends on many people September 14, 2009, he was named the 100 since the founding of New China, Chinese figures.
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