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Old 05-07-2011, 01:26 PM   #1
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In an early on posting teaching how to: Attend to Patent Leather Kris asked to do some sort of follow up put up in clogs comfortable household leather. The subject:Do you compose a entry to be able to manage synthetic leather shoes (want resolve scuffs)? I always lay crossing my very own ankles and additionally this shoes massage vs one, scuffing the item from the, and i have no idea ways to fix it!
Thanks!In addition to suggestions a alternative...An in-depth plus black scuff cannot be completely reconditioned, nonetheless, you conserve your shoes so the look from it just isn't too dramatic. Any first off, you'll want to ensure you still have all the various tools you must have. These are:household leather solution; clear the white kind of cloth; the latest well-ventilated region;a location you possibly layered and even will likely not topic whether turns into a little grubby (do not attempt this specific about floor covering!); and additionally refinishing aerosol; and additionally leather preparer, in the event your refinishing squirt tells you're looking for 1.
And the following are a actions:Consideration 1: purchasing productsWhen you purchase that moist cloth purifier, be sure that it is befitting any leather your shoes are produced from. Least expensive performing a area examination on the unobtrusive portion of the shoes to ensure that it doesn't hurt an individual's shoes. Any time you opt for the polished self don't forget to take ones own shoes in hand to create have to suit it all towards the shades of this shoes. Just as before, I recommend an exceedingly small patch experiment on a discreet area of the shoes previous to with all the polished self.Detail 2: implementing an individual's workspaceWhen you aquire your home, develop the vicinity you intend to work with, being sure that you now have the variety of drop-sheet to catch some colour that might trickle. !Step 3: washing not to mention getting ready typically the shoes.Following your guidance to the moist cloth clean you may have purchased, really clean that list of shoes. Therefore fill out an application your leather preparer based on the particular instructional materials together with let them do it free of moisture.
Step 4: applying the refinishing apply.Every time they tend to be dry, hiding tape all the shoes aside from areas which might be abraded. Smoothly spew the vicinity while using the refinishing aerosol. You would need dozens layer, whereby allow very first core dry looking, now fill out an application the subsequent. Once you've done plus the refinishing spray seemingly arid, get rid of the overlaying record from the shoes and also gloss a shoes.
.If that scrape is actually at first glance and you also desire a more quickly treatment, you can attempt easily using some black-jack shoe become and even skin cream leatherette restorative.A lot of standard care and attention advice.In relation to more broad take care of tender synthetic leather, I would brought up into my put up about How to make sure you: watertight an individual's shoes which often usually high heels shoes, emulsions, essential oils, beeswax (that you will apply straight to shoes along with a cleanse, waterless, soft vibrant towel) are great for training plus basement waterproofing tender buckskin - consequently go to your nearby cobbler or department shop to receive some items to keep your heels hunting incredible. .I optimism that helps, Kris!As well as, whew! what long write-up! thanks perusing if you should caused it to be in this case with the stop! Hopefully it will help keep your shoes seeking amazing :)
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Old 05-07-2011, 01:42 PM   #2
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1.指甲表面有凸起的棱线,或是向下凹陷。中医认为“肝主筋”,指甲是“筋”的一部分,所以毒素在肝脏蓄积 时,指甲上会有明显的信号。

2.乳腺出现增生,经前乳腺的胀痛明显增加。乳腺属于肝经循行路线上的要塞,一旦肝经中有“毒”存在,乳腺 增生随即产生,尤其在经血即将排出时,会因气血的充盛而变得胀痛明显。

3.情绪容易抑郁。肝脏是体内调控情绪的脏器,一旦肝内的毒不能及时排出,阻塞气的运行,就会产生明显的不 良情绪.

4.偏头痛,脸部的两侧长痘痘,还会出现痛经。脸部两侧以及小腹,是肝经和它的搭档胆经的“一亩三分地”, 一旦肝的排毒不畅快,自己的后院就会先着火。


1.吃青色的食物。按中医五行理论,青色的食物可以通达肝气,起到很好的疏肝、解郁、缓解情绪作用,属于帮 助肝脏排毒的食物。中医专家推荐青色的橘子或柠檬,连皮做成青橘果汁或是青柠檬水,直接饮用就 好。

2.枸杞提升肝脏的耐受性。除了排毒之外,还应该提升肝脏抵抗毒素的能力。这种食物首推枸杞,它具有很好的 保护肝脏的作用,可以提升肝脏对毒素的耐受性。食用时以咀嚼着吃最好,每天吃一小把。

3.按压肝脏排毒要穴。这是指太冲穴,位置在足背第一、二跖骨结合部之前的凹陷中。用拇指按揉3~5分钟, 感觉轻微酸胀即可。不要用太大的力气,两只**替按压。

4.眼泪排毒法。相较于从不哭泣的男人,女人寿命更长,这不能不说和眼泪有关系。中医早已有了这个认识,而 且也被西方医学所证实。作为排泄液的泪液,同汗液和尿液一样,里面确实有一些对身体有害的生化毒素。所以, 难受时、委屈时、压抑时就干脆哭出来吧。对于那些“乐天派”,周末的午后看一部悲情的电影,让泪水随着情节 流淌也是一种主动排毒方式。


01:00~02:00 排毒期,此时肝脏为排除毒素而活动旺盛,应让身体进入睡眠状态,让肝脏得以完成代谢废物。 肝的排毒,注意网吧座位上的危害!!是朋友的就看,而且要转啊,需在熟睡中进行,所以在这个时间段应该熟睡,不要熬夜,此时不睡觉的话,你的肝脏就会因此很累,久而久之 肯定会受损,所以你一定要注意要保证夜间充足的睡眠。


1.舌头溃疡。中医认为舌和心脏的关系最为密切,所以溃疡长在舌头上,通常认为是心脏有内火,或是 火毒。

2.额头长痘。额头是心脏管辖的一个属地,心火旺盛成为火毒时,这个属地也会沸腾,于是此起彼伏地出现很多 痘痘。


4.胸闷或刺痛。心脏内出现瘀血也是一种毒素,就像是在公路上堵车,轻一些的是胸闷,重一些的则会出现刺痛 。

1.吃苦排毒。首推莲子芯,它味苦,可以发散心火,虽然有寒性,但不会损伤人体的阳气,所以一向被认为是最 好的化解心脏热毒的食物。可以用莲子芯泡茶,不妨再加些竹叶或生甘草,能增强莲子芯的排毒作用 。

2.按压心脏排毒要穴。这是指少府穴,A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 ,位置在手掌心,第4、5掌骨之间,握拳时小指与无名指指端之间。按压这个穴位不妨用些力,左 右手交替。

3.绿豆利尿排毒。绿豆可以通过利尿、清热的办法,来化解并排出心脏的毒素,但吃绿豆时要用液体的形式,例 如绿豆浆或绿豆汤,绿豆糕的效果会差一些。


中午11~13点是心脏最强的时间,可以吃些保心、助排毒的食物,例如茯苓、坚果、黄豆、黑芝麻、小枣、莲 子等,丰盛大餐!


2.白带过多。脾主管体内排湿,如果湿气过多,超出了脾的能力,就会出现体内湿气过盛,白带增多是其中的一 个体现。

3.脂肪堆积。脂肪在中医里另有一个名字:痰湿,是由于脾的消化功能不佳,不能及时把垃圾毒素排出体外而产 生的。有效的减肥必须围绕恢复脾胃正常代谢痰湿的主题来做,否则就会反弹。

4.口气明显,唇周长痘或溃疡。口唇周围都属于脾,当脾中的毒素无法排出体外,蓄积的毒素就要找机会从这些 地方爆发出来。


1.吃酸助脾脏排毒。例如乌梅、醋,这是用来化解食物中毒素的最佳食品,可以增强肠胃的消化功能,使食物中 的毒素在最短的时间内排出体外。同时酸味食物还具有健脾的功效,可以很好地起到“抗毒食品”的 功效。

2.按压脾脏排毒要穴。这是指商丘穴,位置在内踝前商丘穴下方的凹陷中,用手指按揉该穴位,保持酸重感即可 ,每次3分钟左右,两**替做。



餐后是最容易产生毒素的时刻,食物如果不能及时的消化或是吸收,毒素就会积累很多。除了饭后走一走,因为甘 味健脾,还可以在吃完饭1小时吃1个水果,帮助健脾、排毒。


1.皮肤呈锈色,晦暗。中医认为肺管理全身的皮肤,皮肤是否润泽、白皙,都要依靠肺的功能良好。当肺中毒素 比较多时,毒素会随着肺的作用沉积到皮肤上,使肤色看起来没有光泽。

2.便秘。中医认为,肺脏和大肠是一套系统,当上面肺脏有毒素时,下面肠道内也会有不正常淤积,就出现了便 秘。

3.多愁善感,容易悲伤。毒素在肺,会干扰肺内的气血运行,使得肺脏不能正常舒畅胸中的闷气,被压抑得多愁 善感起来。

1.萝卜是肺脏的排毒食品。在中医眼中,大肠和肺的关系最密切,肺排出毒素程度取决于大肠是否通畅,萝卜能 帮助大肠排泄宿便,生吃或拌成凉菜都可以。

2.百合提高肺脏抗毒能力。肺脏向来不喜欢燥气,在燥的情况下,容易导致积累毒素。蘑菇、百合有很好的养肺 滋阴的功效,可以帮肺脏抗击毒素,食用时加工时间不要过长,否则百合中的汁液会减少,防毒效果 要大打折扣。
3.按压肺脏排毒要穴。有利肺脏的穴位是合谷穴,位置在手背上,第1、2掌骨间,当第2掌骨桡侧的中点处, 可以用拇指和食指捏住这个部位,用力按压。

4.排汗解毒。肺管理皮肤,所以痛痛快快地出一身汗,让汗液带走体内的毒素,会让我们的肺清爽起来。除了运 动以外,出汗的方法还可以是热水浴,浴前水中加一些生姜和薄荷精油,使汗液分泌得更畅快,排出身体深处的毒 素。

5.深呼吸。每次呼吸时,肺内都有残余的废气无法排出,这些废气相对于那些新鲜、富含氧气的空气来讲,也是 一种毒素。只需几个深呼吸,就能减少体内废气的残留。

肺脏最强的时间是早7点~9点,此时最好能够通过运动排毒。在肺最有力的时候进行慢跑等有氧运动,能强健肺 排出毒素的功能。


1.月经量少,或经期短,颜色暗。月经的产生和消失,都是肾功能是否旺盛的表现,如果肾脏中有很多毒素,经 血就会减少。



4.容易疲倦。身体内的毒素消耗了肾的能量,肾脏提供的能量减少,于是出现体倦,神疲思睡,四肢无 力。


1.肾脏排毒食品:冬瓜。冬瓜富含汁液,进入人体后,会刺激肾脏增加尿液,排出体内的毒素。食用时可用冬瓜 煲汤或清炒,味道尽量淡一些。

2.肾脏抗毒食品:山药。山药虽然可以同时滋补很多脏器,但最终还是以补肾为主,经常吃山药可以增强肾脏的 排毒功能。拔丝山药是很好的一种食用方法,用焦糖“炮制”过的山药,补肾抗毒的功效会相应增强 。

3.按压肝脏排毒要穴:涌泉穴。这是人体最低的穴位,如果人体是一幢大楼,这个穴位就是排污下水管道的出口 ,经常按揉它,排毒效果明显。涌泉穴位置在足底的前1/3处(计算时不包括足趾),这个穴位比较敏感,不要用太大的力度,稍有感觉即可,以边按边揉为佳,持续5分 钟左右即可。


肾脏最适合排毒的时间是早晨5~7点,身体经过一夜的修复,到了早晨毒素都聚集在肾脏,所以早晨起来最好喝 一杯白水,冲刷一下肾脏,将毒素排出体外.
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