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Old 09-20-2011, 07:51 AM   #2
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 42
klmn522 is on a distinguished road
Question There's a bit of discussion of which weapon a healer should use

There's a bit of discussion of which weapon a healer should use. Here's what the best of my knowledge presents:
1)Gloves damage stops rising at the same rate per level as other weapons at some point. cheapes 9Dragons gold. Some users choose to switch to their primary weapon at this point to keep up the high damage.
2)Most Primary Weapons(Swords, Sabers, Wheels, Staffs, etc...) will do more maximum damage than Secondary Weapons, with the exception of Axes
3)Axes have the highest damage in the game but the least weapon balance, which means more external wounds
4)Gloves have the highest weapon balance, meaning very few external wounds.

I apologize for my lack of knowledge about daggers for you SF players. 9Dragons gold. I believe that a healer is best off using their secondary weapon for the sake of the smashes you learn. I do not know if Daggers damage ever evens out like Glove does, but I know Axe doesn't. I think only glove users should consider switching at some point. 9Dragons item. They may want to use the primary weapon for grinding at higher levels.

Note: I used to grind with my active, and only one smash, throwing in the charged smash every now and then as well. Now, I grind by alternating my two best smashes while still throwing the charged in every now and then. offer 9dragons guide. It's been much better and I don't think I need to switch from using gloves any more. selling 9Dragons golds. I'm quite happy now. Maybe you guys want to try this.
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