Thread: Malheur
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Old 09-15-2011, 01:44 PM   #1
Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 16
mali1074 is on a distinguished road
Default Malheur

In a small town in the rugged foothills of France,shoe, there was a girl whom they called Malheur. Her parents where both peasants and unrespected. Throughout her life, she was mainly known as "The Farmer's Daughter" or "The Stupid One." She wanted to be so much more than a peasant, so she ran away from her pitiful life. She ran and never looked back.
The rain poured over her face as she walked silently on the road. Her itchy clothes were like an extra layer of skin as she splattered through the mud and dirty puddles. She had only brought three slices of bread and some water. She had no supplies left now, or any idea of where she was. Quietly cursing her stupidity she looked on in the distance.
The rain had almost hid it, but she had spotted it. The house looked empty and uninhabited, but it was still shelter. Slopping through the puddles, Malheur walked gravely along. She cautiously approached it and stopped. She looked up into the cold rain and to the sky. There were threatening clouds overhead and suddenly the sky lit up as a strike of lightning bolted down. Malheur ran to the porch and knocked in the door.
She stood and listened while the rain began to pour harder as if there was no tomorrow. Then,Fear That Gives Men Wings,nike zoom soldier iii, very faintly, as if a mouse was scurrying on the floor boards, she heard footsteps. The door creaked open to reveal a brightly lit home. A gust of warm but musty air came to Malheur's face and she stepped back. A little boy's rosy face appeared and he smiled. Malheur smiled faintly, still weak from little food and rest.
There were more footsteps as a women came to the door. Her skirts swayed towards the door, getting the hem soaked. The very thin women stepped back, recruiting the child into her arms.
"Can I help you?" she asked meekly. Malheur stepped forward and the women with the child stepped backwards.
"Please,Tutto," began Malheur, "May I have something to eat and lodging?" The women nodded and retreated back inside. Malheur walked in wearily and her eyes feasted upon what was inside.
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