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Old 09-04-2011, 07:55 PM   #1
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Default To do the prestigious CAD chart , absence apt corn

classic CAD do chart, need to turn it
1. main of some commonly used commands, and understand the parameters of method,Puma Shoes Australia, also 20-40 command,
2. control frequently secondhand commands shortcuts because some bids can be understood.
3. learning by doing, I have been using cad for 2 years,Puma Future Cat Low, and some commands do not entirely understand it, and then outlook the message when learning.
4. tread along step control textbooks repeatedly to do, be sure to pay care to look behind and meditation
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CAD Shortcuts:

A circular
B to create a block
C round
D dimension style manager
E delete
F round angle
G group
H Hatch ; ; ;
I insert a block
L line
M mobile
O offset
P Pan
S stretching
W external block
V View dialog box
X decomposition
Z to display the Zoom
T multi-line text
mirror copy
MI AR array
RO rotation
SC ratio
LE Lead Manager
EX trim
ST extending
TR text style manager
DT single-line text
XL reference line
ML multi-line
PL polyline
POL polygon
REC rectangular
SPL spline
EL oval
CH chamfer features
BR interrupted
DI inquiries from
AREA area
ID properties match point coordinates
MASSPROP quality characteristics
LS menu shows the time
TIME Setting variable
LA layer
COLOR color
LT line management
LW breadth management
UN element management
TH thickness

TT temporary trailing points
FROM reference to the shift from temporary to capture
ENDP arc or line endpoint
MID capture the maximum recent arc, or the midpoint
INT lines, circles, arcs of intersection
APPINT the advent of the crossing of two objects
EXT line, arc, circle the extension line
CEN arc, the heart of the surround arc or circle
QUA quadrant point
TAN arc or a circle as point
PER restrict line, arc,Women Puma Speed Cat Big, circle of ponderous foot
PAR straight parallel lines
NOD capture point object
INS txt,Puma Football, stop , fashion, alternatively attributes of the insertion point
NEA A recent point of capture to establish the arbitrage
B block
C round
D dimension neatness director
E remove
F Rounded
G group
H Hatch
I insert a block
L line
M mobile
O offset
P Latin translation
S stretch
W external block
V View dialog box
X decomposition
Z to display the Zoom
T multi-line text
co copy
MI mirrored array

AR RO rotation
SC ratio
LE Lead Manager
EX trim
ST extending
TR style manager
DT text single line text
PO single point reference line
ML multi-line
PL polyline
POL polygon
REC rectangular
SPL spline
EL oval
CH features
CHA play chamfer
BR off
DI inquiries from
AREA area
ID properties match point coordinates
MASSPROP quality characteristics
LS list shows
TIME time set variable

COLOR color
LT line management
LW width management
UN unit treatment
TH thickness

DLI line marked
DAL alignment mark
DOR coordinate name
DDI diameter measurements
DAN angular dimension
QDIM quick dimension
DBA baseline apparent
DCO consecutive marked
LE lead marked
TOL tolerancing
DLE marked
DRA radius of the center mark
CAL calculator
Alt + N + Q quick
Alt + N + L line
Alt + N + G-aligned
Alt + N + O coordinates
Alt + N + R radius
Alt + N + D diameter
Alt + N + A perspective
Alt + N + B baseline
Alt + N + C continuous
Alt + N + E lead
Alt + N + T tolerance
Alt + N + M center
Alt + N + Q tilt
Alt + N + S style
Alt + N + V instead
Alt + N + U Update
F1: Get Help
F2: Mapping skylight and text window to achieve the switch
F3: controls to achieve the object automatically capture
F4: digitizer control
F5: Isometric aircraft switching
F6: Control coordinates on the status line display
F7: grid display mode control
F8: orthogonal mode control
F9: Grid Snap mode control
F10: polar mode control
F11: object tracking control
Ctrl + B: Grid Snap mode control (F9)
Ctrl + C: ambition select the objects to the clipboard on the
Ctrl + F: control are achieved automatically capture objects (f3)
Ctrl + G: grid display mode control (F7)
Ctrl + J: Repeat the previous step command
Ctrl + K: hyperlink
Ctrl + N: New graphics file
Ctrl + M: Open the Options dialog box
AA: Measuring area and circuit (area)
AL: alignment (aline)
AR: array (array)
AP: load * lsp-way system
AV: Open view dialog (dsviewer)
SE: automatically capture dialog box open on the phase
ST: Open the Font Settings dialog box (style)
SO: Draw two around the area (2d solid)
SP: spelling retarding (spell)
SC: scale (scale)
SN: Grid Snap mode (snap)
DT: text settings (dtext)
DI: measuring distance among 2 points
OI: Insert outside the period
Ctrl +1: Open the properties dialog
Ctrl +2: Open Image Explorer
Ctrl +6: Open the image file atom
Ctrl + O: Open the image file
Ctrl + P: Open the publish above that box
Ctrl + S: Save the document
Ctrl + U: polar mode control (F10)
Ctrl + v: Paste the contents of the clipboard
Ctrl + W: Object tracking control (F11)
Ctrl + X: Cut elected content
Ctrl + Y: Redo
Ctrl + Z: obliterate before the step of operating
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