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Old 08-19-2011, 11:21 PM   #1
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Getting killed back to two members normally has a gentling influence. In this case -- well, the Boss claimed that Kratzi was specially prepared, a trap ready to be sprung. All Chitiratte need do was give the signal, and the duo would tear the mantis apart. A great tragedy. Of course, Chitiratte would be there, the alert hospital warden. He would quickly put arrows through Kratzi's brains ... but alas,Dre Beats Studio Ferrari RED Limited Edition Headphones, not in time to save the Two-Legs. The human dragged the meal cart awkwardly around root bushes toward Kratzi,复件 (16) air max1, her next patient. The duo came out of its burrow,复件 (27) air max2, speaking half-witted greetings that even Chitiratte could not understand. There were undertones though, a killing anger that edged its friendly mien. Of course,复件 (14) air max1, the mantis thing didn't notice. She stopped the cart, began filling food and water bowls, all the time grunting away at the twosome. In a moment, she would bend down to put the food on the ground.... For half an instant, Chitiratte considered shooting the mantis himself if Kratzi were not immediately successful. He could claim it was a tragic miss. He really didn't like the Two-Legs. The mantis creature was a menacing thing; it was so tall and moved so weirdly. By now he knew it was fragile compared to packs, but it was scary to think of a single animal so smart as this. He shelved the temptation even faster than he had thought it. No telling what price he might pay for that,sandals clearance sale, even if they believed his shot was an accident. No altruism today,复件 (80) air max2, thank you very much; Kratzi's jaws and claws would have to do. One of Kratzi's heads was looking in Chitiratte's general direction. Now the mantis picked up the bowls and turned from the meal cart -- "Hei, Johanna! How is it going?" Johanna looked up from the stew to see Peregrine Wickwrackscar walking along the edge of the hospital. He was moving to get as close as possible without invading the mind sounds of the patients. The guard who had stopped there a moment before retreated before his advance and stopped a few meters further on. "Pretty good," she called back. "You know the one on wheels? He actually ate some stew tonight." "Good. I've been thinking about him and the threesome on the other side of the hospital." "The wounded medic?" "Yes. What's left of Trellelak is all female, you know. I've been listening to mind sounds and --" Pilgrim's explanation was delivered in fluent Samnorsk, but it didn't make much sense to Johanna. Brood kenning had so many concepts without referents in human language that even Pilgrim couldn't make it clear. The only obvious part was that since Blacky was a male, there was a chance that he and the medic threesome might have pups early enough to bind the group. The rest was talk of "mood resonance" and "meshing weak points with strong". Pilgrim claimed to be an amateur at brood kenning, but it was interesting the way the docs -- and even Woodcarver sometimes -- deferred to him. In his travels he had been through a lot. His matchups seemed to "take" more often than anybody's. She waved him to silence. "Okay. We'll try it soon as I've fed everybody." Pilgrim cocked a head or two at the nearby hospital plots. "Something strange is going on. Can't quite 'put my finger on it', but ... all the fragments are watching you. Even more than usual. Do you feel it?" Johanna shrugged. "No." She knelt to set the water and stew bowls before the twosome patient. The pair had been vibrating with eagerness, though they had been quite polite in not interrupting. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed the hospital guard make a strange dipping motion with its two middle heads, and -- The blows were like two great fists smashing into her chest and face.
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